Battle - Gon vs Uvogin | MangaHelpers

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Battle Gon vs Uvogin


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Apr 2, 2010
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who do you guys think would win?

Young Gon vs Uvogin
Transformed Gon vs Uvogin
Janken vs Big Bang


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
At the moment in a fight between normal current gon and uvogin I would think gon would lose in literally all regards including rock vs big bang. Uvogin was a high level nen user with advanced nen and huge nen volumes. Gon has apparently mid level volumes of nen thanks to bisk however his actual control over it is as far as we can tell amateur. Uvogin's own ko should by all intents and purposes be much stronger and faster to charge because of this.

Transformed gon in an entirely different deal. Huge amounts of nen, relatively fast charging, a body in its physical max and prime.... I think he would have an easy victory against uvo taking in consideration his victory against pitou was somewhat easy. They would have a purely physical fight and this would seem to be aspects in which gon would be superior in that state.


Pink Warrior
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Nov 11, 2006
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I would say post-GI Gon vs. Uvo, Gon would not stand a chance.

Then, transformed Gon would be pretty much put him on the same footing as Uvo, therefore, 50-50. It would just have to be a matter of who uses his brains more. Given their personalities though, Gon and Uvo share the same qualities when it comes to battle strategies, I guess. So I would really not have any clue as to who could win this fight.


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Apr 11, 2012
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Hong Kong
Uvo is somewhat hampered by the fact that he doesn't really have a hatsu. I wonder if jajanken could be used effectively against Uvo though, considering its long charge up time.

I think Uvo isn't put in a good light because of his fight against Kurapica which, imo, was a bit of an ass-pull. How Kurapica was able to compete with Uvo in terms of reflexes, movement and so on is beyond me - remember Gon barely being able to react to Bomber coming at him.

Overall though i'd prob. pick Gon. He's the talented one and since BBI is just a normal charged up punch, Gon could replicate it too with Gyo. So long as he's careful not to open himself up to attack charging up janken he should be fine.

non-enlightenment Gon would get thoroughly destroyed.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Feb 28, 2009
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United States
lol Transform Gon will Crush him.
The Guy literally Destroyed Pitou who is Stronger than Both Hisoka and Illumi.
Pitou made Gon,Kite,Killua shit their pants when they felt his Aura.

Is you were to put Pitou against kurapika. Kurapika wouldnt even dare to move against him.

Transformed Gon is in the same class as Netero.
And we know that Netero will literally Crush all the spiders besides the Captain together.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 23, 2012
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Fire Nation
^Pitou is not Uvo.

There is no one to say Pitou is stronger than Illumi and Hisoka (though personally, I believe she is...SHE...SHE.....she).

Kurapika doesn't have anything to do with this.

Netero can't take out the Spiders combined.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Sep 2, 2011
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United States
Netero can take out several hundred guys of the Spider tier because there's clearly no one in the Spider tier that is remotely as fast as him. He'd basically hit a guy and possibly kill him and then just retreat and then repeat this as many times as he needs, just as how he defeated all the fodder Ants even though it's implied he can't actually fight all the Ants at once (would be way too tiring to fight so many Aura capable opponents at once). Just because Netero is honorable doesn't mean he doesn't know how to use strategy, and besides there's no reason for him to stand his ground fighting 13 guys at the same time. The only way you can possibly deal with that is if you somehow trapped Netero so he can't retreat but good luck with that.

Transformed Gon is probably as strong as Netero is during his prime. He is so fast that not even Pitou can react to his normal speed. Keep in mind that Netero's speed is nothing special except for the moment he uses his Hatsu, and Pitou can still barely see him during his Hatsu too but Pitou have no idea where Gon went when he tried to attack him, so Gon is possibly faster than even Netero's hatsu and he's certainly faster when both are in normal state, not to mention Netero only gets boost to his hand speed, not movement or anything else. His damage is also off the scale, since a single kick has Pitou coughing up blood. This puts his damage at more than 10000 AP range (10K AP is one reasonably strong punch from Yupi, and no way Yupi can do that much damage to Pitou in one hit) which is an amount no human even has a chance to possibly withstand head on. When you're faster and stronger than any human being there's no way you can possibly lose. If he fought Ubogin, it'd literally be over the moment Gon landed a single punch as his punch can do seriously damage to Pitou, who shrugged off Netero's Hatsu quite effortlessly.


Spider Yokai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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Uvo would win of course but I wonder if Rock is not stronger than BBI. Saying that Transformed Gon is in Netero league is underestimating him. Pitou said he has the level of Meruem and Netero is not in Meruem's league, even his strongest attack didn't really affect him. It means Gon is at least stronger than him and personally I think he was stronger. Before the Rose explosion, Meruem was just a HtH fighter, his ability was not really useful in fighting. He could have damaged Gon but I don't see how he could have won this, transformed Gon is physically stronger than Meruem because he is an Enhancer and also because his kick made Pitou bleed, even Meruem tail whip(with killing intent) didn't hurt her like that. With Jajanken combination he could have been way more dangerous too. I don't think super Gon was equal to Netero either, it's said he used all his potential and Gon is a genius among geniuses but it's debatable.

The three major factors in a Nen battle are:
1-Your aura volume.
2-The quality of your Hatsu( with conditions etc).
3-Your aura control( which is refined with basic training).

Aura volume is basically your strength and Netero is not in the in the same league as the RG, Colt confirmed this. But he can compete Pitou because his Hatsu is way better, a fight against Pitou would be similar to his fight against Meruem except Pitou is not as durable, physically strong and fast as Meruem, she can also heal herself, Meruem can't do that and with Doctor Blythe she won't be slapped like Meruem. In a fight between those 2, Pitou is more likely to win, she can charge forward like Meruem and in case she is hurt she could keep her distance and heal herself, and she is more than capable to take a Zero because she survived Gon's Rock( who is way stronger than Netero, that Rock attack was the strongest attack used by an human so far, and she can fight even when killed).

A fight with Pouf would be even more complicated because of Beelzebub and his scales. And I don't see Netero win against Yupi, seriously.
I think Netero couldn't beat the RG but he is more likely to win Pitou among those 3( he would lose though), if Meruem had a better Hatsu their fight would have been even more one-sided.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
I don't think rock could hold a candle to BBI for a number of reasons. Both techniques are essentially the same thing, they are simply fists charged with nen. As such the comparison is pretty straight forward. Each punch can have only as much strength as the entire force of their ken to begin with. I don't think there is anything even vaguely reasonable about the possibility of gon being even somewhat close in this regard to uvo. Uvo was a high level nen user with huge amounts of experience, there is no way gon is even close to him. Then there is physical strength which is important to enhancers. Uvo is a full grown man with a powerful body. As good as gon might be I don't think he comes close to uvo in this department. Then there would be that hatsu boost we know. Gon gets a power boost which makes his rock stronger than his entire ken due to how hatsu generally work. The issue here is that there is no reason for uvo to not have something like this himself. More so, uvo was implied in the manga to be quite invested in his big bang impact and taking in consideration the years of experience he has with it and his overall better control of nen I would think uvi should have at least a stronger boost than gon does. There is no scenario in which kid gon's rock holds a candle to the big bang impact.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Sep 2, 2011
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United States
I said transformed Gon is in the same league as Netero in his prime, with the assumption that Netero is still only at 50% of his prime. If you double Netero's attack power he could definitely put on some threat against Meryem.

Meryem has no Hatsu because he has no need for them. He most certainly can invent one any time he felt like like Pitou did. He doesn't do that because his role in life is to rule not to fight. Fighting is merely a form of entertainment like Gungi, and he's probably entertained less by fighting (because he's way too strong) than Gungi. I guess it's possible if someone push him hard enough he'd actually need to develop and use Hatsus but we'll never know.

At any rate if you're talking about Transformed Gon with a time limit like the manga, Meryem would win easily because he's not going to die in the short time Gon can stay in that kind of state. If Gon has no time limit, it'd appear Trasnformed Gon does have higher damage output than Meryem simply because Meryem has no Hatsus. But keep in mind Pitou and Pufu are both extremely protective of Meryem and are likely to overestimate a threat's harm to Meryem. Pitou versus Transformed Gon would've been a double KO if Killua didn't show up on time (I think it's not reasonable to expect someone without their head can still attack you). I don't think Pitou can do the same to Meryem (ignoring the fact that he would never even fight back). As powerful as Transformed Gon was, he's still basically even agaisnt a Royal Guard in a 1on1 fight to the death.

Netero's knockback effect is a bit absurd because the only way you can knockback a person standing on the ground any significant distance is if you're stronger than the opponent and there's no way this is true. The reason he can knock Pitou back was beacuse Pitou was in the air and has nothing to absorb the impact, so then it just becomes a question whether Netero can knock a human level weight object a long distance, and obviously that's trivial. But as long as Pitou or any RG level opponent is standing on the ground you'd have to overcome their physical strength to knock them back. I can only surmise that Meryem allowed him to get knocked as part of his handicap because the fight would literally be over in one frame if this isn't true. To attack Netero all you'd do is slowly walk up to where he is and whenever he attacks, you just take it and hit back with an area effect attack in the general direction. If you do get close enough just grapple him and it's over. Remember Netero's footspeed is not faster than that of Royal Guard. It's only his hand speed is faster. Of course this strategy only works because RGs can shrug off Netero's attacks easily (they probably take some damage but clearly nothing significant). Now would Pitou use this strategy? That's impossible to tell but in general the RGs have been shown to have extremely good tactics.

For Ubogin, Rock should be stronger than Big Bang just because Rock has a telltale sign and time to charge. But this overlooks the fact that Ubogin is significantly physically stronger to begin with. Again people tend to forget that Gon really isn't big on training, while Ubogin seems to spend all his time working on how to make himself stronger. Gon has a stronger (and riskier) Hatsu, but Ubogin has spent way more time training himself physically. Not counting the plot-induced suddenly influx of power, I'd say Ubogin's cumulative power is still higher just because Gon actually does very little training of any kind.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Fire Nation
I still don't think rock has a fixed time to charge. Why should we assume the time it takes for charging is a self imposed condition rather than the result of gon's massive inexperience when it comes to nen?The telltale sign perhaps does have an effect.

As for gon not being big on training, I also don't think that is true. Just look at his scissor between the greed island arc and the time he used it against the chimera ants, its quite a difference. I don't think gon neglects his training when he is alone although it is true that he fares better when he has more guidance.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Sep 2, 2011
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United States
It still takes time for him to charge Rock even when he's transformed when his power is clearly off the scale relative to any human character. He decided to have a charge time because he's inexperienced anyway so he might as well make that a restriction so it's got to be stronger than a move that doesn't have a charge time (Big Bang seems to come out pretty much instantly). However people need to stop thinking 'more restriction = better'. If Gon isn't the main character he's likely to have died while charigng up a Rock because he's quite vulnerable during this phase, so just because his move is more powerful doesn't mean it's better. Yes I know that doesn't work in the fight against Knuckles when he did a Paper and a Rock back to back but I assume that's just his main character bailout since in that particular sequence he pretty much completely ignored all his restrictions (no warning, no charge time) and yet delivered the same amount of power.

Gon is shown to be easily distracted by other stuff. Ubogin, on the other hand, is said to be a man whose goal in life is to be able to punch as hard as a missile. He's clearly very dedicated to that goal and I'd imagine he spends all his time honing his strength. If aura is suddenly removed from the world of HXH, Ubogin could easily be top 5 in terms of physical strength. Not that he'd be top 5 overall in fight prowess, but there's really no reason to believe even someone like Netero could beat him in say an arm wrestling match if both agreed to not use aura. Now aura does tend to trump the physical, but Ubogin does have a rather large lead in training. Gon gets your standard 'only need 3 days to train what other needs 3 years' deal like most Shonen heroes, but I don't think you can use that if you've to compare the two objectively. Otherwise you might as well say Gon wins because he's the main character.


中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jun 1, 2013
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rock is a hatsu bbi is a ko. hatsu wins everytime


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 23, 2012
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Fire Nation
No offense to the people who thinks like that, but the concept of Gon's Rock being stronger than BBI is laughable at best. Uvogin's ordinary punches are more deadlier than all of Gon's three Hatsu. Uvogin is a tremendously more powerful version of Gon, with more experience and smarts to boot.


中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jun 1, 2013
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No offense but its the thruth... Remember when bisky was training gon in greed island? She was using ko agaisnt him and he learned to defend it by ken and ryu. That ko was probably close to the big bang impact. Why ? Uvogin used bbi against kurapika and just broke his arm... Then uvogin said that an enhancer using ken could take no damage from bbi but all other nen users would take damage.

Now gon's rock can give damage to any nen user disregarding type as it is a hatsu and not a simple basic technique like uvogin's



Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 23, 2012
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Fire Nation
First off, let's clear something up. Any release of your Aura is considered Hatsu. Even something as simple as Palm using her Aura on a cup of teas is considered Hatsu as Gon told her to put it off. Rock and BBI are absolutely identical. BBI is simply used by a stronger Nen user. Also, Uvogin never said anything like that. He said it's impossible for anyone aside from Enhancers to block even his simplest attacks. He never said Enhancers can block his BBI. Kurapika in ET uses 100% Enhancement which is why he didn't get obliterated. Comparing Bisky's Ko to Uvogin's Ko is like comparing a lizard to a dragon.

Look, I mean no offense at all, but you literally don't know anything about this series. You get too many mixed up ideas. Are you knew to HxH ?


中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jun 1, 2013
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Well to say that compare bisky to uvogin is to compare a lizard to a dragon the new around here should be you... Bisky 50 years of nen user uvogin 10 years at much...

I would say uvogin is an ant compared to an elephant if put against bisky.

Overall the ryodan aren't that strong and uvo is probably the weakest as it's being said several times that he and nobunaga could be easily replaced as their abilities are just average and easily found...

And gon's rock is a hatsu and uvogin bbi is not. Go find the hunter guide if in doub...

And hatsu is one of the 4 principles. Hatsu is not any aura attack... Or aura release... Say that to the poor zushi who couldn't handle hatsu...


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 23, 2012
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Fire Nation
See ? You're definitely knew here. You literally have no idea what you're saying.

First off, Bisky begun training when she was 17 so she has a 40 years experience as a Nen user. Age doesn't matter for shit. Gon is 12-13, but his Ko is several times stronger than...let's say Genthru's Ko. Why ? Because he's an Enhancer.

You changed the subject because you knew you were wrong and now talk about the Ryodan.

YOU should look it up. Gon's Rock is a Ko. Stop saying things randomly, please god, stop.

Look here, just her releasing her Aura on a cup is considered Hatsu. I told you, you have no idea on this manga at all. And don't even dare tell me it's a mistranslation.


中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jun 1, 2013
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You proved nothing... So ren is any release of aura? Zetsu is any withrawal of aura? Hatsu is any release of aura? Gyo is any concentration of aura? ken is any accumulation of aura? Wrong...

Your link only proves that palm was using hatsu... The same hatsu gon was tautgh by wing. And the same hatsu zushi couldn't do... Anything else than that? Nope... Even gon agrees with me. He could say hey stop releasing your aura but he says hey stop your hatsu.

That point is for me ;)

---------- Post added at 07:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:29 PM ----------

See... Different color and shape than a ko :)

---------- Post added at 07:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:34 PM ----------

Also uvogin hit with his 100% bbi at kurapika and he just broke an arm... Gon hit knuckle using ken and knuckle was defeated and slept for several hours....

Knuckle is way stronger than kurapika and he is using ken... Kurapika was not using ken... Any smart person can see the difference in power

---------- Post added at 07:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:37 PM ----------

In the japanese forums at least everyone knows it for sure ;)... I shouldn't loose my time with people who don't understand manga


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 23, 2012
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Fire Nation
Wing releasing his Aura on the wall was also said to be a Hatsu. The fact that Gon said stop your Hatsu shows that Hatsu is any release of Aura. There is also a different color here, your point ? Dude, colors don't matter for shit. It's just anime effects. I know that Rock is a Hatsu. Hatsu is any release of Aura meant to have a certain function. And once again, you don't know this manga for shit. When Gon asked Wing on how to create a Hatsu, he directed him to "show everything at once." Which is to focus all his Aura in his fist, thus, creating Rock. Biscuit later confirmed that this act is called "Ko." For god sake, will you have me explain the whole manga for you ?

Link me a page saying that Knuckle is stronger than Kurapika. Any smart person can see that Kurapika uses 100% Enhancement. Just Read here and learn about this manga.