Mob Psycho 100 Genre: Comedy, Supernatural Author: ONE Summary Kagamaya Shigeo alias Mob is a real Psychic. Despite his power he is rather a looser and has no friend or hobby. Discover his adventure in this other hilarious comedy by the same author as Onepunch Man.
My thought : Before Murata redraw Onepunch Man, it was already extremely popular online despite a sketchy art that a lot of people will probably dislike. That was because One comedies are really funny so I'm happy that another one of his title has been picked. First chapter that introduces fake psychic Reigen Arataka makes it a perfect start.
I guess IM so used to One Punch Man that it was hard to do this art, though thats probably an unfair comparison since that is One and someone else, while this is just One alone. Could a talented artists adapt this?
Well I'm not sure it is necessary since this is mainly a gag manga. A lot of them don't have super art level (and that is general to all comics, strip artists don't draw the same as super hero comic)
---------- Post added December 09, 2013 at 12:21 AM ---------- Previous post was December 06, 2013 at 04:57 PM ----------
My mistake it seems it is a bit more serious than I expected first
ONE is really great story writer. He's taking a typical concepts adding something magical and makes really funny and epic manga. I really love this one, I didn't read original OnePunch-man so I can't compare it to that but I have read Makai no Ossan and I like this one way more than than Ossan. Reigen is my favourite character, gags with him are just so hilarious. The best moment so far was Mob joining Body Improvement Club (this guys are also great!), I laughed so hard in this moment.
So now the question is if our MC will fight this guy (forgot his name). Body Improvent Club will probably fail.. or.. I don't know with ONE we can see everything but I want them to lose cause it would be really nice to see Mob fighting him. Also this pictures at the end with stats of everyone from Body Improvent Club! Especially the guy with practically no eyebrows and too much forehead space
Since it was already popular in Japan (just like how Onepunch-man was popular before Murata's remake) there are quite the number of bishonen-y fanart to be found of it anyway. I used to get so confused searching for Onepunch-man fanart because I'd be seeing Mob Psycho 100 too, like they were grouped together (most probably fans read both). From what I've seen people like shipping the main character with his teacher.
I'm glad people are starting to translate it, I've always wanted to know what it's about.
Also this pictures at the end with stats of everyone from Body Improvent Club! Especially the guy with practically no eyebrows and too much forehead space
Yup, anabantid aren't my speciality either, so now only president Musashi stats are left.
FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! It's so easy to manipulate my emotions, I hate this guy already (his name?). I really want to see Mob giving him a proper lesson.
Yes that was funny. Especially since he is particularly annoying. But what made me the most laugh in this chapter were the percentages.
I guess Dimple was not really completely exorcised. After all those chapters with him, I started to get used to him
And even if I understand that Mob is immune to psychic attacks, being crushed through a wall should affect him don't you think ?
Yes that was funny. Especially since he is particularly annoying. But what made me the most laugh in this chapter were the percentages.
I guess Dimple was not really completely exorcised. After all those chapters with him, I started to get used to him
And even if I understand that Mob is immune to psychic attacks, being crushed through a wall should affect him don't you think ?
I was also thinking the same, maybe he had his psychic barrier switched on and now when this guy.. Teru! attacked him he switched it off? Or his barrier is easy to penetrate for normal guys to penetrate? Hole but it's not a really important matter.
This guy is so irritating! But he shined with his Teru Baldness 0%.
It's an interesting story, the characters are all kind of crazy and unique but it's unexpectedly wise in some parts.. Haha
These everyday updates are like what I look forward to in the morning, always there when I wake up. Bless the scanalators.
A lot of people get put off by the art, I think even though One's art is scribbly and stuff. He makes it interesting, because of the different gestures and expressions. It really fits what the story is about. It's better than art out there which is clean but dull in my opinion.
This One has a narration style which is very simple and puts a lot of speeches to draw more, that technique is used to draw less. Funny thing is an author who enjoys doing work.
Interesting atm.
---------- Post added December 24, 2013 at 10:01 AM ---------- Previous post was December 22, 2013 at 05:25 PM ----------
The leader guy of the body improvement club is garness made chivalry
Made it up to 24, I like the brother kageyama r more though, entertaining and enjoyable plot and his wanting to help mob out and such and even protect him a bit. Hope he continues to get good involvement and actual powers.
Mob really hyped me, Wig-kun and Dimple are good characters to be with. The Claw's fortress is giving a good fight and some problems to the last two. The older bro doesn't matter to me, though.
Gotta say, the ending is curious to say the least, it´s funny that we got to see Mob do a bunch of cool stuff for a long while and at the moment he awakens his ???% personality (before he had just awakened ???% for like 2 short times), the manga ends, the previous results of the God Dimple fight and the huge Brocolli were good, Dimple paid the karma price, after realizing he needed a follow-up to his goal, Tsubomi´s, type of person, was really highlighted at the end, she´s selfish and carefree and can be quite a thorn but we didnt get to see she really showcasing that personality straight up towards mob in a conversation
Mogami arc, was probably the best arc in the whole series, Mob being actually vulnerable and needing serious outside help to save himself (more than one, in fact), more the fact that Mogami made him go ???% afterwards, was great, hands down Mogami was the best villain and counterfoil for mob there could ever be in the manga, I feel the rest didnt come much close to him, the Claw boss and Dimple just didnt feel as much of a threat, even if they on a physical power demonstration stand point, could probably surpass Mogami at the late stages in the manga, but even so Mogami was smarter in going in for psychological warfare.
Gotta say, the ending is curious to say the least, it´s funny that we got to see Mob do a bunch of cool stuff for a long while and at the moment he awakens his ???% personality (before he had just awakened ???% for like 2 short times), the manga ends, the previous results of the God Dimple fight and the huge Brocolli were good, Dimple paid the karma price, after realizing he needed a follow-up to his goal, Tsubomi´s, type of person, was really highlighted at the end, she´s selfish and carefree and can be quite a thorn but we didnt get to see she really showcasing that personality straight up towards mob in a conversation
Mogami arc, was probably the best arc in the whole series, Mob being actually vulnerable and needing serious outside help to save himself (more than one, in fact), more the fact that Mogami made him go ???% afterwards, was great, hands down Mogami was the best villain and counterfoil for mob there could ever be in the manga, I feel the rest didnt come much close to him, the Claw boss and Dimple just didnt feel as much of a threat, even if they on a physical power demonstration stand point, could probably surpass Mogami at the late stages in the manga, but even so Mogami was smarter in going in for psychological warfare.
The president stuff, huh? I must say my fav is with this guy that appears at the end, i don't recall his name but for sure it excited me, the flow of powers as first foe to Mob felt really good and nice to read.
I think this is my first time seeing the ???%, because it makes sense that Bom appears to save Mob's integrity.
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