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Movie One Piece Live Action

Rein Avara

aka Ēsu Taichou
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Aug 23, 2010
Reaction score
Lemme get up and start watching
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Let's have our own little reviews :)

EpisodeRatingLikesDislikesAdditional Comments
1: Romance Dawn/10
2: The Man in The Straw hat/10
3: Tell no Tales/10
4: The Pirates are coming/10
5: Eat at baratie/10
6: The Chef and the Chore boy/10
7: The girl with the Sawfish Tattoo/10
8: Worst in the East/10
Overall rating
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Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jun 7, 2009
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Why should he care about the corporation?
He's saying what he likes and dislikes, it's up to the corporation to give the fans what they want.

I don't care about the corporation. I am the customer and I care about my tastes. The live action didn't suit my tastes, which are subjective I concede, and I decided not to watch any further. Nothing will change my opinion about the live action especially as this isn't the first attempt at making a live action out of manga and it just rarely works.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
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United States

I don't care about the corporation. I am the customer and I care about my tastes. The live action didn't suit my tastes, which are subjective I concede, and I decided not to watch any further. Nothing will change my opinion about the live action especially as this isn't the first attempt at making a live action out of manga and it just rarely works.
Because what you describe was Rings of Power. A One Piece that isn't One Piece. And see how well that turn out.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Why should he care about the corporation?
He's saying what he likes and dislikes, it's up to the corporation to give the fans what they want.
Guess what, THE CORPORATION did give the FANS (old and new) what they want. Except, you weren't part of it. That is all. And it is fine. That is how the world works. The corporation will always attempt to do what is profitable. And this time, they won. They cater to the FANS, just not you.
--- Double Post Merged, ---

btw, I could careless if you don't enjoy it at this point. I am just saying your Ring of Power pitch had already been try and fail.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jun 7, 2009
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Because what you describe was Rings of Power. A One Piece that isn't One Piece. And see how well that turn out.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Guess what, THE CORPORATION did give the FANS (old and new) what they want. Except, you weren't part of it. That is all. And it is fine. That is how the world works. The corporation will always attempt to do what is profitable. And this time, they won. They cater to the FANS, just not you.
--- Double Post Merged, ---

btw, I could careless if you don't enjoy it at this point. I am just saying your Ring of Power pitch had already been try and fail.
If it is my opinion and I am voicing it, I am not sure I fully understand why you are defending it this much since this is a very subjective debate by nature.

I couldn't care less if volume sales increased as a result of this, again this is not my cup of tea and that's that. I don't have to shape my opinions based on what others think of it

Hannibal Psyche

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 11, 2011
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If it is my opinion and I am voicing it, I am not sure I fully understand why you are defending it this much since this is a very subjective debate by nature.

I couldn't care less if volume sales increased as a result of this, again this is not my cup of tea and that's that. I don't have to shape my opinions based on what others think of it
He gets so mad if anyone criticises the live, it's absurd, lol.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Guess what, THE CORPORATION did give the FANS (old and new) what they want. Except, you weren't part of it. That is all. And it is fine. That is how the world works. The corporation will always attempt to do what is profitable. And this time, they won. They cater to the FANS, just not you.
Wrong buddy.
I am a fan, and I am allowed to voice my gripe with the show. You seem to have a problem with anyone criticising the live which is stupid. Criticism can help the series improve and bring in those who dislike the show to actually watch/follow the series.

Of course they will do what is profitable, and if they can produce something of low quality and people are happy to accept it, then they will, and that's what the live is to me., low quality cringe.
And as I have said before, for those who enjoy the show, great.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jan 5, 2012
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Guess what, THE CORPORATION did give the FANS (old and new) what they want. Except, you weren't part of it. That is all. And it is fine. That is how the world works. The corporation will always attempt to do what is profitable. And this time, they won. They cater to the FANS, just not you.
Naaah. One Piece is an almost 30 year old Manga series, needles to say its fans differ drastically from one generation to the next.
What can be said is that this did not beat Wednesday. Succesful, yes, the big bang through media that some people credit it as? No.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
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United States
Naaah. One Piece is an almost 30 year old Manga series, needles to say its fans differ drastically from one generation to the next.
What can be said is that this did not beat Wednesday. Succesful, yes, the big bang through media that some people credit it as? No.
So if you are not as successful as Elon Musk, then you McNuss is a loser? Since you are not as fast as Usain Bolt. Then McNuss, you are a loser slowpoke? Since you are not Pele, then you are but a cripple? Is that the logic here for many who post here. At least you point out that it is some sort of success.

I already list the ranking of multiple rating website.
Let said all you folks are part of the 3.6% that either didn't watch it or really hate it and rated it at 3.6%. 91.8% rated it as a 7 or higher. I am using the rotten 6 or higher right now for IMDB. Yes there are people that spam 10 out of 10, even though it may not be a 10 out of 10 for them. But that just meant they are a part of that 91.8%. And many of that 91.8% are new people.

I hate when politicians said the American people are behind it. And when they are republican, democrat, libertarian, green, whatever. And talk about whatever policies. The same thing with FANS. Why are we focus on the 5.2% that grading it a 4 or lower. And said that is the measure of FANS not getting what they want? Why are the 5.2% are the fans, and not the 91.8%. What the F are fans now? I have been reading since 1999. Through two different continent. I guess I grading the show 7.5. I am not a fan.

Where do you think it isn't as successful as Wednesday came from if not my post. If not my post point out that it isn't matter that it is number 1 in most countries in the world where Netflix have less subscribers in? Look through my post, I actual use numbers and datas to point that out. Using views, and hour views, and subscriber numbers. Only to have that food throwing back up at my face with less logics. You think I am that delusional. When I am the one that point out that it is no Wednesday when the number first came out for the first week. Like 1.5 to 2 weeks ago? And what else is not as successful as Wednesday on Netflix, ,guess what every other f shows is not successful as Wednesday. Maybe outside of squid Game. What a stupid bar that is, so if Manga don't sell as much as One Piece then they are loser bin.

I even have a post response to somebody about EXTREME statements. When people are not I dislike it because this or that. Or this could have been better. But all these EXTREME statement that this is the WORST of blah of blah blah. And I wonder if you guys all living under a rock. Or like just watch 2 tv shows a year, One Piece and some really really crappy tv show.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

If it is my opinion and I am voicing it, I am not sure I fully understand why you are defending it this much since this is a very subjective debate by nature.

I couldn't care less if volume sales increased as a result of this, again this is not my cup of tea and that's that. I don't have to shape my opinions based on what others think of it
Is this not a forum, you assert an idea. And said, the studio "SHOULD." That implied something OUGHT to be, and I VOICED my idea why it is OUGHT not to be. That particular idea isn't good. And now we falling back to. Hey I want a safebox to voice my idea unchallenge. And that is fine. You already said your piece, and you already said it is your opinion, and neither of us under no illusion that it is but an opinion. Why are you criticizing my opinion on your opinion in the lowest kinda level. It isn't like hey weix's opinion is bad because of x or x. But rather hey why voice my opinion at all. Zehahaha, don't post on a public forum if you don't want to go unchallenge. Don't said so passionately and strongly about a very extreme proposition, if you don't want it is challenge.

Zehahaha, you are courageous to share your opinion online. It is a hard thing to do at time. Even I share not as thought out idea from time to time. And other people will explain why my opinion suck. At least you are better than people who have similar idea but too afraid to post it for whatever reason. That is why people who in a bubble (I am also in a bubble for some issue), when on a public forum like Jubilee said the most outrageous thing as they thought it is a mainstream popular opinion. Then they got backlash. Everyone have blindspots like that. And I always think about what my blindspot is.

Don't response to me. Right now I am not really responding to you Zehahaha, I am responding to ANYONE who have this idea. And trust me, there are probably more people having this opinion. So I may as well addressed it on a PUBLIC forum so people with this issue can see it. You don't have to read it past this point.

And it is an extreme idea. For Tomorrow studio to buy the production right, and then produce a watered down version. How do I know it is Watered down because you said it the ONE PIECE WORLD is so extreme and silly to produce. And that you like realistic like LORD OF THE RINGS. So you want a version that is watered down even more than what had produced. And keep the theme of adventure, and friendship. There are plenty of shows like that. CHeck out this canadian show, See they ain't have to waste million of dollar to buy the right to One PIECE. And then called it what One Piece side story? Two Piece? And use different characters?

Who ask for this? Is this for Fans? I can predicted that the 91.8% ain't gonna like it. It doesn't really use any plot of the original story. That probably for the best. Because if they do use a watered down plot. Or boy, videos would be published and nit pit this whatever show to bit, especially it is an inferior version. And that is a lot of water. Imitating what already work (which is plagiarizing from Oda is what this Netflix show did) is better than start from scratch. Oda ain't gonna write this new one. So someone else need to write it. And god forbid none of these writers gonna be as good as Oda.

So who would this potential show be for? The 91.8% that tune in for what they think of as One Piece? The 5.2% that hate One Piece because One Piece is not One Piece enough. Why would that 5.2% like this even less of a One Piece show.

Fans sometimes don't even know what they want. Who know, had someone pitch the idea of Wednesday to people, ain't these ten to hundred of millions that like it, would even think it is a good idea pre execution.
--- Double Post Merged, ---

I am a fan, and I am allowed to voice my gripe with the show. You seem to have a problem with anyone criticising the live which is stupid. Criticism can help the series improve and bring in those who dislike the show to actually watch/follow the series.
Look at my posts on the show. 25% of it the posts that review the episodes are negative. I give very specific things just like all people here have. Heck that is what the survey I posted for. Many don't like certain changes. And you know what funny the PRODUCERS look at that shit. THey ain't go here, looking Hannibal nobody Psyche's post or weixiaobao F nobody's posts on here.

If I said Hannibal, you are cringe. You are weak. You are whinny, annoying. You are stupid. Would that improve you with those advice to change? And please, be honest. That ain't your goal. If the show got cancel. You did be happier. Zehahaha for example said the show shouldn't be made. Because it is anime/manga, and there shouldn't be any anime live action. And to be honest, it is a decent opinion that PLENTY of videos out on youtube that can explain that opinions better. But how do you improve on, "shouldn't be made." And how do "shouldn't be made" bring in any fans.. Or even you Hannibal Psyche. And why do season 2 even need to cater to you, who already write off 1. Guess what One Piece lose people too. Rewind back 15 years ago. One Piece art is the worst, it is too childish. Too goddam long. Why the F do people like childish cringe. Why would Oda cater to these people? They either got with the program or read something else. His manga already the most successful out there. And the changes would fundamentally changed One Piece. Draw more like Bleach? Dial down the silliness? So those kind of criticisms are garbage because it doesn't give room for any realistic changes. Any why cater for non fans, and let the people read it for what it is, out to dry. But you know what the Netflix did bring in some of these people for the One Piece franchise.
--- Double Post Merged, ---


Seemed like people misunderstood me here, when I said the show give FANS what they want, you are just not one of them. I meant, the world isn't an all or nothing. You can't never cater to 100% of the people.

3.1% of Lord of the Rings raters grade it as 4 or lower. They are fans. But the movie delivered for FANS (92.8%), except the 3.1% are not one of them.

4.9% graded Endgame a 4 or lower. Endgame delivered to FANS (88.3%), except 4.9% are not them.

2.5% graded the Shining a 4 or lower. The Shining delivered to FANS (90.6%), the 2.5% is just not them. And guess who including in the 2.5%, Stephen King the author of the Shining hate the movie. But by pure number you can't use the 2.5% as saying the movie is not delivered to FANS. Nor can you use the 2.5% as the reason for why it shouldn't be made.

The tendency here is using FANS, when it is in the minority as opposed to the majority who held different opinions.
--- Double Post Merged, ---

Wrong buddy.
You are wrong!!!!!!! Your statement is give fans what they want. So between these 2 statements. Which is closer to the reality. By the way, if I said a human have five fingers on each hands, I am not saying there are no human having 6 fingers on their hand. Nor am I saying, a person with 6 fingers on their hand are indeed not human.

1) The netflix show FAILED to give the fans what they want
2) The netflix show Gave fans what they want

I used IMDB percentage as a standard. So what ratio are you looking at? 85%, 90%, 95%, 99%. You can't really achieve 100%. Even within the usa, there are hundred of thousand, or perhaps even a million of people+ who hate America. What shows or movies gave the FANS what they want? On imdb, no BIG show have 100%. Can I use the 1 to 5% that dislike a show and said hey, the movie/tv show didn't give the fans what they want?

Number two, since you d***riding so hard. Tell me the true. Would you pay for a netflix subscription to watch a show that named One Piece without any One Piece characters. The world is dial down to near Lord of the Ring level of realism. And written by some rando Netflix writer.

1) Yes
2) No

Number three, in your opinion, that most or at least the same percentage that like the Netflix show would like this show or even turn in to watch this show.

1) Yes
2) No

I am calibrating your sense of reality and to see if I should unmute you or not.
--- Double Post Merged, ---

To be honest, based on the daily ranking, I thought it would fall to number 2 or number 3 this week. But it still retain number 1 for the 3rd. Based on the current trend, I won't hold number 1 next week. Unless there is no heavy hitter coming out, and what came out this week fall off much much faster. Gonna do quantitative analysis at some point.
--- Double Post Merged, ---

Day rate (mil view/day)w1w2w3---
Wednesday: Season 110.59.0-14%5.9-34%NewFull
Stranger Things 410.55.3-50%2.5-52%ReturningPartial
Witcher s026.33.2-49%1.8-44%ReturningFull
Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story5.93.6-39%1.9-48%ReturningFull
The Night Agent: Season 15.23.8-27%2.3-40%NewFull
One Piece s014.62.8-40%1.4-48%NewFull
Outer Banks: Season 34.51.6-63%0.7-55%ReturningFull
Witcher s033.82.0-48%1.0-51%ReturningPartial
FUBAR: Season 13.11.8-43%0.8-52%NewFull
Umbrella Academy c033.11.6-50%0.8-50%ReturningFull
The Diplomat: Season 12.21.4-34%0.7-53%NewFull

Netflix created so so so so so so many shows. And many many shows had high budget. Here are some that were number 1 for multiple weeks. Also they didn't release data for many years. And even the years that they did release data, they changed the way they did it. I standardized the data. Due to some shows had more runtime than other. Some had more days within the first week of release. Wednesday is just a freak of a show. And also due to the expansion of Netflix into many countries. Plus possible restriction in some of those countries. It made it easy for newer show to break record of older shows in term of being number 1 in the most countries.

Stranger Things season 4 probably would have beat Wednesday. If not for the VERY VERY SMART decision to split season 4 into 2 parters. That encourage so much rewatches, and also people probably keep their account for 2 months before churning. Stranger Things, all 4 seasons, dominated the top 10 charts for MONTHS. However due to the split, some folks may have waited until the 2nd part came out to binge.

Overall not bad, by pure number, it seemed like Outer Banks s03 beat One Piece. But when you standardized for runtime and per day, it ended up losing to One Piece. And One Piece able to limited its decline rate. But to be fair Outer Bank and Night Agent are way way cheaper to make. And probably financially better for Netflix.
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Feb 13, 2011
Reaction score
Maybe out of topic, but is Stranger Things worth watching?

Hannibal Psyche

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 11, 2011
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You are wrong!!!!!!! Your statement is give fans what they want.
Cry me a river, as far as I am concerned, the live is pure shit. The acting is so egregious, lol.
You have issues respecting people's opinions, I don't care what others think of it, to me, it's trash. Post as much irrelevant statistics bud.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Maybe out of topic, but is Stranger Things worth watching?
I enjoyed the first 2 seasons, but haven't really followed since then.


Pirate King in the North
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Scavenger Hunter Supreme
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
Been enjoying watching non-fans react to the live-action, really shows that if you don't have the manga/anime to compare it to, you still walk away from the live-action having understood the core and the spirit of the story. I don't think the live-action improved on the original story in any way, but it's enough to give people a glimpse of One Piece, and I've seen lots of people say they wanna start the manga or anime thanks to it.

What I'm curious about is if anyone has seen anyone who reacts to or reviews the manga/anime now AFTER watching the live-action, so you can get that reverse experience of our own? Would love to see what ppl think of the original - much more in-depth - version after already liking the "distilled version".


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Feb 13, 2011
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Jamie Lee Curtis on Instagram. :D


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
I don't love curtis as kureha but if an actress like her is willing to take a paycut for the part I feel like netflix can't say no.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 16, 2009
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Its very sad to see that this thread is now overrun by haters, spreading hate.
I mean you voiced your opinion and thats fine.
There is no need to argue with people who actually enjoyed this show.
Or do you think youre on a crusade or something?

Let me tell you something.

I was very sceptical at first of course, but on the other hand i knew that Oda was greatly involved and when i saw the first trailer i thought "damn that looks not too bad" this and the fact that they used all the voice actors they used on the anime (german) - except for the ones that sadly passed away - made me very interested.
My wife never wanted to watch one piece, but i told her about how much i was interested in watching the live action.
So i got her to watch it with me.
And even she thought it was actually good to watch.
Not as bad ir cringy as she anticipated.
Lets say overall she was positively impressed.

And i was too.
It wasnt a 10/10 but to be honest what is?

It obviously has its flaws and shortcommings... changes were necessary but for real tho?
Some changes were awesome.
What we got was great.

I would give it probably a 7.5/10

Some scenes were great, i enjoyed the Strawhats interacting soo much.
Some scenes were lackluster, like Usops backstory, now Kaya is all alone?
Just to give an example here.

Trust me the show would score higher if it werent for theese shortcommings.

But from the things they changed that i actually enjoyed. Oh boy.

Buggy was awesome, cant wait to see more of him.
Sham as a Housemaid, dayum. Liked that smug when she stole Zoros Sword.
Mihawk destroying Don Kriegs Fleet, so cold man.
Usopp at the Bar, had to laugh.
Sanji flirting with Nami and the Strawhats reaction.

Overall the Cast is great.

What the show needs is more time.
The show wouldve greatly improved with 2 more episodes in Season 1.

But its very obviously clear that they need to change and cut things.
Its necessary because they just cant make a show which is running for 25 years into a 25 season live action. Lets see where this goes.

I know the adaptation isnt 100% faithful to the Anime.
But thats why its called adaptation, they had to adapt to make it more believable with real persons.
You cant translate anime tropes 1-1 to real life.
Because thats where the real cringe starts.

Lets see a real human act like Luffy and get Big wide eyes or mouth everytime he eats.
Not gonna happen. Shouldnt happen.
Thats okay.

The one piece live action is very entertaining and thats all it ever needed to be.
You can enjoy it, you can dislike it.
Just dont try to fight other peoples opinion.


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
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Marineford? But do you have any idea how long it will take them to get there?
Either end of Season 2 or start of Season 3


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
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yes let's assume automatically it'll take forever to get through those arc as if we didn't get through at least three in one season


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伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Mar 7, 2015
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Either end of Season 2 or start of Season 3
Yes sure.....

There is no need to argue with people who actually enjoyed this show.
I personally wonder how anyone can like a show in which the main actor has a face that makes you want to slap him, but tastes are tastes I guess


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Fire Nation
I personally wonder how anyone can like a show in which the main actor has a face that makes you want to slap him, but tastes are tastes I guess
You just described manga luffy...


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 16, 2009
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I personally wonder how anyone can like a show in which the main actor has a face that makes you want to slap him, but tastes are tastes I guess
You can slap Mobkey D. Luffy all you want, it doesnt hurt him... hes made out of rubber after all
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

You just described manga luffy...



Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 30, 2022
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United States
im 6 episodes into this show. it kind of sucks. one of the biggest problems is the acting for luffy sucks, out of all the characters, the main character is the worst and cringe.... disappointing. I understand luffy is supposed to be joyful and silly or whatever, but it doesn't go well in live action. zoro is alright, but definitely could be better, i hear he has fake deep voice syndrome or whatever. garp and mihawk suck lol. nami and usopp are pretty good though. I don't know how to explain it, but the environments always feel off, especially Kaya's house, it felt like they were trying to give it a horror vibe. I would give this a 3/10.

Lord Rayleigh

Intl Translator
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Aug 20, 2008
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They have been announcing the cast for new season 2. What do you think of it?