Discussion - Oración Seis | MangaHelpers

Discussion Oración Seis


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Dec 30, 2015
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This thread is going to be all about the Oración Seis. As we know, the Oración Seis left the Balam Alliance and joined Crime Sorciere, a guild by Jellal. In this thread we can discuss the fate, characters and power level of the Oración Seis.

These are the members with their magic from the Oración Seis:

1. Macbeth, also known as Midnight.

Reflector: The ability to reflect, distort and twist all manners of objects.

source: http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Midnight

2. Erik, also known as Cobra.

Poison Dragon Slayer Magic: The ability to produce poison from his body and to consume the one produced from external sources to heal and strengthen himself, which, as a result, grants him immunity from poison.

source: http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Cobra

3. Sorano, also known as Angel.

Angel Magic: The ability to summon angels, each of which are capable of inflicting different kinds of damage.

source: http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Angel

4. Sawyer, also known as Racer.

Slowing Magic: The ability to change the way its targets perceive time, and thus making it appear for them that the caster is moving around at unholy speed, allowing him to attack freely before they get a chance to counter.

source: http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Racer

5. Richard, also known as Hoteye.

Earth Magic: The ability to manipulate earth.
Heaven's Eye: The ability to see over long distances and even through solid objects.

source: http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Hoteye

This are the active members from the Oración Seis. Their former leader, Brain, is deceased.

My power ranking of the Oración Seis:
1). Midnight
2). Cobra
3). Hoteye
4). Racer
5). Angel

Some questions for this thread:
- Do you think the Oración Seis will play a large role in the Alvarez Arc?
- Which member do you like the most?
- Which magic from the Oración Seis do you like the most?
- How strong do you think they are?
- What will be their fate?
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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 28, 2015
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My power ranking of the Oración Seis:
1). Midnight
2). Cobra
3). Racer
4). Hoteye
5). Angel
1) Midnight
2) Richard/Cobra
3) Cobra/Richard
4) Sawyer
5) Sorano

- Do you think the Oración Seis will play a large role in the Alvarez Arc?
It depends I expect for Jellal ( and Meldy probably < support ) to face Zeref because that is main purpose of them been in CS to start with.
Will OS help them out as well i don't know i can see Macbeth magic can be very useful against Zeref ( if his magic can do that ) but also can see them as a supportive role in fights against Alvarez soldiers or some of them ( Cobra/Macbeth ) aid someone else in they struggle against spriggan

- Which member do you like the most?
I think it would be Cobra i'm getting from him that vibe of Gajeel in phantom lord ( bad boy :D ) also even if he looks that he doesn't give a shit about anything he still have his own dreams and he don't abandon the people he associate with.( he returns to Lahar after Dragons attacks just to free other OS members )

- Which magic from the Oración Seis do you like the most?
Macbeth magic is the one i would pick up i would love to just stand in the middle of fight and don't care about fight :D
Or cast Nightmare on some Random folks and watch they reactions :teehee

- How strong do you think they are?
Dunno i would put each one of them something around the strongest mages from side guilds ( of course they magic in certain situations may make them much more useful in certain situations ) they current power depends on what Hiro is planning for them in the future fights

- What will be their fate?
As i aways saying since we should get " Happy ending " i want every character that have harsh past to get it and make they dreams ( if they have one ) be fulfilled at the end of the series.
However as i post somewhere before i can see Cobra ( Acnologia target ) and Macbeth dying at some point ( Macbeth because of his dream to find to peaceful and quiet place to sleep in this world :P)


Ring Your Bell (In The Silence)
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Aug 23, 2015
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The original idea of Crime Sorciere came from Jellal or Ultear?

My power ranking of the Oración Seis:
1). Midnight
2). Cobra
3). Racer
4). Hoteye
5). Angel
I would put Richard above Sawyer. Him facing and giving Macbeth a not bad fight back in Nirvana arc impressed me, though in the end Macbeth defeated him.

- Do you think the Oración Seis will play a large role in the Alvarez Arc?
Of course they will. They are definitely a big help for north front.

- Which member do you like the most?
Richard Buchanan. He is so wise, pacifist, comical, and refreshing. Richard-Jura brotp is one of my favorite brotps :D It's just too bad that there is no more of the brotp moments after Nirvana arc.

- Which magic from the Oración Seis do you like the most?
Sawyer's slowing magic and Richard's earth magic. Also, I like Erik's hearing ability.

- How strong do you think they are?
I was always seeing them as strong as most FT's powerhouses like Gray, Erza, and Mirajane. I think their level is around them.

- What will be their fate?
They will be definitely a big help for north front. Erik will meet Kinana. Sorano will meet Yukino. Richard will meet Wally. Also, is it just me or does Sawyer have crush on Sorano? :D


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 28, 2015
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The original idea of Crime Sorciere came from Jellal or Ultear?
Considering that Ultear ( with little help from Meldy ) release (:P) Jellal from prison it would be something she was planning to do Jellal just have similar opinion ( He want somehow to repay world for his sins as well :P) on this so he comes along with these two.

But at the end i think that Jellal and Ultear are both the founders of CS ( 50/50 share :D) after Jellal get out of the prison Ultear tells him whole story and that Zeref is alive and then these two have decided to erase dark from this world to one never end up like them.
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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Dec 28, 2015
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They only reason the Oracion Seis are cool is because of Cobra.

Also Cobra > Midnight. Better speed, reaction speed, CQC skills and has his Sound magic hax, which always has him a step ahead of the opponent.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 9, 2016
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Nice thread!

My power ranking of the Oración Seis:
1) Midnight (pushed Jellal to hurt his eyes to escape his nightmare, which leads me to think his illusory powers are extremely good and only have one counter: Erza (or anyone who "doesn't see"). He's the Itachi of Fairy Tail.)
2) Cobra (extremely skilled in martial arts, top notch reaction speed due to his hearing ability, deadly)
3) Hoteye (his magic is similar to Jura's, although the quality and quantity of his MP is not on Jura's scale)
4) Racer (if he's as fast as in the anime filler, not many characters could counter his speed. Probably Halphas/Sitri Mirajane, current Natsu, Jellal or Laxus; maybe Erza)
5) Angel (not sure how powerful she is after losing her celestial spirit magic. She shouldn't be that dangerous)

- Do you think the Oración Seis will play a large role in the Alvarez Arc?
Not a "large role", but they'll be a valuable war asset. Irene considered them "a guest", whereas the Pegasi and the Tigers were just one other guest. What does Irene mean by guest? The fact that Saber and Pegasus were together when they fought her? or the fact that Saber+Pegasus together are on about the same league as O6? If the second, then O6 is on the same league or above two of the most powerful guilds in Ishgar. Therefore, yes, I think they'll play a role.

- Which member do you like the most?
Midnight seems interesting, design wise. I like Cobra the most, and Racer the least, design wise. Personality wise, I like the calm-hearted Hoteye, his story was very melancholic.

- Which magic from the Oración Seis do you like the most?
None of them have a magic I personally like over other magics. I think Midnight's is interesting, since it's unusual to see "genjutsu" in Fairy Tail and it's proven to be as deadly as it is in Naruto. Cobra's hearing ability is interesting, but I think is overvalued, in the sense that he can dodge seemingly any attack. Even if he can predict an attack, if his reaction speed is not enough, he shouldn't be able to avoid getting hit. But he does. Which puts his reaction speed on an extremely high level in which he is probably not.
Racer's magic is boring. At first they wanted us to believe he was not fast, he could slow down anything in some radius. But then they kind of forgot about that and they made him fast again (I'm talking about the anime filler). Not a too interesting magic: an extremely underpowered version of Dimaria's magic.
Hoteye's magic is... well, ok. And Angel's, I personally don't like.

- How strong do you think they are?
In the spoiler you'll see how I'd rank them among spriggans and Ishgar magues:
Top tiers (Could likely fight equally against mid-tier spriggans, probably not against highs 1vs1)
1. IDKM Natsu
2. Glidartz (MIA, but should be like this)
3. Hyberion / Grown-up Chelia
High tiers (Could put up a fight and even beat low-to-mid-tier spriggans, 1vs1)
3. Jellal
4. Laxus
5. Wolfheim
6. Warrod
Mid-to-high tiers, Wizard Saint level (Could probably put up a fight to low-tier spriggans, probably not beat them)
7. Makarov
8. Jura
9. Erza
10. Kagura
11. DS Gray
12. Mirajane / Minerva / Midnight
13. Base Natsu / Orga
Mid tiers (Could individually hold their own against spriggans for seconds or even minutes, not beat them)
14. Gajeel / Cobra
15. Rogue / Hoteye
16. Sting
17. Lyon / Gray / Racer
18. DF Wendy / Juvia
19. Freed / Meredy / Angel
20. Phanter Lily
Low tiers (Not much they can do against spriggans, unless they team up, and even then…)
21. Elfman
22. Lucy / Base Chelia
23. Bickslow / Evergreen / Yukino
24. Blue Pegasus (every single member should be around this level)
25. Cana
26. Macao / Wakaba
27. Max
28. Base Wendy
29. Mest
30. Levy / Lisanna
31. Alzack / Bisca
32. Carla / Laki
33. Nab, Warren, Jet, Droy, Romeo, Vijeeter, etc.

As you can see, all of them are mid tiers for me, below the likes of Jura or Erza, but above the likes of Elfman or Lucy.

- What will be their fate?
They'll contribute to Ishgar's victory by maybe eliminating one Spriggan. They may help FT somehow.
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Dec 30, 2015
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I would put Richard above Sawyer. Him facing and giving Macbeth a not bad fight back in Nirvana arc impressed me, though in the end Macbeth defeated him.
I was doubting about these two. Richard is without a doubt a very powerful mage thanks to his Earth Magic. His Heaven's Eye will bring him in a major advantage once he faces an opponent who tries to hide, as well. I've put Sawyer above him since his Slowing Magic could give him a higher chance to land an attack or kill someone. But yeah, in the end his magic could be countered pretty easy. You're right that I should switch Richard with Sawyer.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Feb 11, 2015
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I'm seriously confused about what's going on in the North and who the Oracion Seis are going to fight. At first, the North seemed to have an insufficient amount of people to fend of the three Spriggans (Irene, Rahkeid and Bradman) and now the Oracion Seis and Acnologia appeared. Ideally, I want the Oracion Seis to take down Rahkeid but I'm afraid that that honour will be given to Mirajane, while the Oracion Seis are left to fight Irene's subordinates...

Rain Cloud

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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jan 23, 2016
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United States

1. Midnight
2. Cobra
<power gap>
3. Hoteye
4. Sawyer
<power gap>
5. Angel

Do you think the Oración Seis will play a large role in the Alvarez Arc?
To face Haine and Juliette, perhaps. But then Sabertooth and Oracion seis would by vying for 2 subordinates.

- Which member do you like the most?
Richard - he is actually a good guy.

- Which magic from the Oración Seis do you like the most?
Racers ability to slow down sense of time in a space.
- How strong do you think they are?
If Laxus, Gajeel, Mira & co. could catch up to a 7 year gap in 3 months, they're probably all around Etherious Tartarus character level, maybe a bit more at best.
- What will be their fate?
Probably defeated easily. Sabertooth was already defeated easily, so if they're in the same area, it's more likely that OS will take the bigger hit and ST will scoop up the save.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jun 7, 2016
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United States
They only reason the Oracion Seis are cool is because of Cobra.

Also Cobra > Midnight. Better speed, reaction speed, CQC skills and has his Sound magic hax, which always has him a step ahead of the opponent.
That is exactly why I like Oracion Seis. I love this bad ass Cobra and he is my second favorite character in the series and he is just gotten stronger especially with the motion sickness that he now has.


The Emperor Who Rules the World
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 31, 2015
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Do you think the Oración Seis will play a large role in the Alvarez Arc?
Surely.Especially in the fight against Zeref.

- Which member do you like the most?
Erik and Macbeth.

- Which magic from the Oración Seis do you like the most?
Sound Magic of Erik.

- How strong do you think they are?
They are probably on the level of GMG Jura.They may be stronger depending upon feats.Macbeth is the strongest among them followed by Erik.Though Erik has potential to surpass Macbeth as he is a Dragon Slayer.

- What will be their fate?
Some of the should survive.Though one or two may die like Solano or Erik.Richard should survive.But how many of them will survive depends upon Hiro.


Ring Your Bell (In The Silence)
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Aug 23, 2015
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I wonder if Richard's "Heaven's Eye" can see through even Jacob's Stealth? Also if Jura comes back (because Warrod probably heard Zera's telepathy), he can team up with Richard and do Unison Raid. That'd be cool!
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Dec 30, 2015
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I wonder if Richard's "Heaven's Eye" can see through even Jacob's Stealth? Also if Jura comes back (because Warrod probably heard Zera's telepathy), he can team up with Richard and do Unison Raid.
He should be if we go by manga facts. Since it's stated that Heaven's Eye gives Hoteye the ability to see literally through everything (even magic) he should be able to deal with Stealth. Heaven's Eye is pretty OP that way.