Shirou Emiya (Parallel Earth) Fate/kaleid Liner PRISMA ILLYA | - | Son Hak Akatsuki no Yona |
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Shirou Emiya (Parallel Earth) Fate/kaleid Liner PRISMA ILLYA | - | Son Hak Akatsuki no Yona |
Well everyone is ititled to their own opinion so I guess I’ll support Hak while you support Shirou.Sorry Farfy
I can't but vote for Shirou.
#Shirou for the win
That being said I in no way saying Hak is bad.
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You can. Choose Shirou-kun.Both are so good you can't chose one.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
I did thatYou can. Choose Shirou-kun.
I can't but vote for Shirou.
#Shirou for the win
Love it !!Heeeeere we go, to the reasonable ones ò.ó '-'
Pardon my french @.@
Also, this is an AMA \o/ Bring me your questions or disagreements and I shall reply o/
(about Hak tho, rs)
Hah, sneaky Erin-chi, you came out like... your dad (yeah, totally) xPthats greaaaat, too bad you didnt posted in earlier i would have galdly used it for Levi vs marian