Sign of Dragons- Ch 1-6 | MangaHelpers

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Sign of Dragons- Ch 1-6


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
United States
Sign of Dragons
The history
I started this fiction about 4yrs ago in 7th grade, it was an English Project (Made your own comic book). That was the first time I wrote the story of a boy (my age back then 13 yr. old) wanting to go to another world. I wrote the first six chapters for the project and draw the 1st chapter of "the Magic World" (later renamed as Sign of Dragons). This story was very much influenced by manga that I have read since I was younger (Doreamon, Dragon Ball, Yugio, One Piece, Yaiba, Dragon Quest, and many others longforgotten tittles). Over the course of 4 years, I didn't wrote much more but rather thinking ahead of how the story will going. I also revised the original 6 chapters into 2 chapters with heavily edits (since the original sound very childish, and lack of creativity (4yrs ago I don't know much english, only know english for about 6 years now)). I then continued to write the next 4 chapters, and my only reader was my chinese friend. I then lost motivation and didn't write any more. So the six chapters so far split into 2 parts: first 3 chapters are part 1 "Norm?", the other 3 chapter are part 2 "The Forest".

Anyway, I decided to continued writing future chapters but first I got to edit all 6 of the chapters I got so far (three are done). But then I am not sure how many more would I write, since if no one will read them then it pretty pointless to write.

The unique thing about this fiction is that I'm not finished with it so if any readers or non readers got any ideas for my fiction I could incorporate it into my story (and upcourse give the proper credits to whom ever the ideas belong to). So it kinda like a fan manga, made by fan, for fan.

Well right now in my next two parts of "Sign of Dragons", I am thinking of incorporate Gold Knight, Raine_Joybringer, White Silver, and Liqiud (all are Manga Helper members) into the story.

Maybe it can even be a manga someday X) , my hope is too high I know.

I hope you enjoyed reading the chapters that I got right now.

chapter 1- Norm?
chapter 1: edit by Raine_Joybringer :) (thanx you so much)
chapter 1- version 2- edit by "Liqiud" and "Tsayan" (Thanx, I guess, LOL, thanx again!!!)
*credit for c1
*Baran- is a character from Dragon Quest- Dais' adventure. So, he belong to the author Riku Sanjo and artist Koji Inada. But the character from my story a bit differently, however, it was somewhat base of Baran from DQ.

here is link for more info on Dragon Quest- Dais' adventure

chapter 2- Showdown in the Gym (unedit)
*Credits for C2
*Saccron, the Dark Clown- was an original character, however I kinda combined Buggy the Clown from One Piece and Joker from Batman plus those hyenas from the Lion King.

chapter 3- An Expected Arrival (unedit)
*Credits for C3
*Genkai- is obviously the name I stolen from the woman(Genkai) from YuYu Hakusho (but this Genkai is a man)

but the Genkai in my story is more like the guy from Avatar: The Last Airbender

*Poron- is the white boy, I was talking about in c3, he is a character from Dragon Quest- Emblem of Roto, so he belonged to the author Chiaki Kawamata and Junji Koyanagi and artist Kamui Fujiwara. Poron in my story is not the same as the one from DQ. But he was surely base of Poron from DQ.

here is a link

chapter 4- Dreams (unedited)
*Credits for C4
*Wormy- is based of Dratini from Pokemon. And Dratini is belonged to Satoshi Tajiri.

to see more info on dratini- and its creator Satoshi Tajiri


chapter 5- Mother

chapter 6- Storms

c7- United and Separation------------------finished brainstorming, need to be write
c8- The Joybringer----------------------------finished brainstorming, need to be write
c9- To the Temple----------------------------finished brainstorming, need to be write
c10- White Silver and Gold Knight---------finished brainstorming, need to be write
c11- Warning---------------------------------not yet finished with brainstorming....

And if you have any bright ideas (good or decent). Can you please let me borrow it for my fiction. (I will sure included you in the credit)

Feel free to critized how bad a writer I am or just a plain pat in a back. Any comments, or accually reading this, or even come here to view this thread is pretty much appreciated.

Thanx in adv!!!!

Latest News!

---Update- credit for chapter 1-6 is done
---YIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKE, so many people reading, I like so happy.....
---YIIIIIKE- some one change the thread name for me thanx whoever it wasssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-As always thanks for reading and supports.
-Bax want to be in the fiction, don't know when he gonna be in but that is possibility.... YIKKKKKE
---Now that we finished arc 2 "the Forest" we will be move on to arc 3 with chapter 7.... YIPPPY

Before you read, I did post this fiction in another forum, but cause no one replied in two days, i got too nervous and take it off that forum. Alot of people said it was good enough to entertain them a few minutes or two, and some (a ten years old girl) said it was boring. But nonetheless, I modify it and hope it will change people opinions. Please gave me some comments on what I should do or edit.
-This story should be similar to Dragon Quest, (and is influenced by all the manga and story i came to know)
-Baran (the name of a dragon commander in Dragon Quest- Dais Adventure, and the last name Armstrong came from FMA)

ENJOY! (hopefully :darn)

version 1- edit by Raine_Joybringer
info- informal style
Sign of Dragons
Chapter 1: Norm?

Time travel, a world of ninja, a place where there is no limit, endless sky and land, a world of sea, where men free to do whatever they want, undiscovered territories, dark pit of space, and dreams free to form.

So many places, so many worlds, only limited to one’s imagination.

I, too, want to go to all those places; I, too, long for untold adventures.

Yes, longing desire only breeds pain when one realizes it is no more than just a mere dream.

By now, your impression of me must be nothing more than a dark and depressed kid, right? A kid who watches too much television and doesn’t have an eye out for reality?

You’d be partly correct.


De name, as all call me, is Zach- short for Zachary Vandel. But don’t you think Zaku is a much cooler name? And if you do, I think so too.

You may consider me wise for thirteen years old, and many do. But I don’t care ‘bout it. They say they think I am a whiner- a good for nothing whiner. But who can blame them? They are not me, and cannot see the world as I see it.

Yup, my life is too normal and too dull. And obviously, I hate it. It didn’t seem right, that everything is exactly as it is supposed to be days after days. What I want most, simply, is a life of adventures, full of hardships, and unknowns. And that is, my friend, my romantic dream.


Monday is my favorite day of the week after Sunday, Saturday, and all other days of the week. It means school again. That is one of life’s routines that I cannot avoid but have to make the best out of it.

Another normal morning- the garbage truck had done it again and woke me up at the right time without failing. And another normal breakfast with cereal and milk. Yeaaaah, I pretend and say I enjoy it, but my face tells a different story.

The bus comes, I get in, and yada yada yada, and all that good stuff I’m not afraid to lose. First is period, math: the least boring subject in school. It turns out to be normal, not a surprise. Second period, reading: the teacher’s lip is constantly moving yet I cannot hear her. I was too busy in my own world thinking about fire; it’s one of those random things without a reason.

EEEEEE! EEEEEEEEEEEE! EEEEEEEEEEEE! Noises woke me up from my slumber; sounds like the fire alarm went off, but one couldn’t be too sure. To my amazement, no one bothered to move. Then I realized it- nothing was moving, not even the slightest of sounds of breathing could be heard.

I began to panic. They, my classmates, were not moving. They were just like a paused movie.

This could not be happening! This is not normal! I was speechless, motionless, and to think was all I could do. Is this a dream? Or, is this a nightmare? Couldn’t be!

But this is for real, my instinct told me so.

Could be a punishment to me from above? I had blamed them for my existence... I tried to find a possible explanation, but the more I thought, the more questions arrived.

But then a noise came to my rescue. I stood up and began to run like crazy toward the formless noise. Faster and faster, my heart beat. I ran and ran as though my life was at its end. At last, I reached my destination- the gym. No one was there, not a soul nor even a beast.

The room was full of empty space surrounded by four gigantic walls. Nothing is the best word to describe it. I was about to turn around disappointed when I heard a new sound somewhat different from the last two. A cracking, breaking, crumbling sound made its presence known throughout the room. I turned around just in time to see a scene that is not normal- a scene that is significant.

From out of nowhere, the very space in front of me, ten feet in diameter, altered. The space in the room was like a full blown balloon that, for a moment of mischief, looked like it was poked by someone. The air from the inside rushed out as the outside rushed in. A black hole began to take form. It changed to become more of a perfectly spherical shape every half a second. And there I was, staring at it without a blinking an eye. For me, this was a very magnificent thing in a while.

The hole stopped growing and thirty seconds later, noises began to echo the whole room, footsteps.

I regained my senses, and was quickly on my guard. I was ready to whatever was coming out of that hole. As the moment came, the sounds of footsteps became clearer and clearer.

“Well! Well! Not a bad trip, don’t you think Heck?” commented a huge middle-aged man who dressed in what looked like an antique set of armor from the Middle Ages. The thing that very noticeable about him was his sharp looking eyes. His short black hair looked uncleaned for months and refused to lie down.

“Not bad,” replied (presumably) Heck who was still in the hole.

“Heck” finally showed up- he was not a human, for he didn’t look like one. His long tail, ears, horns, neck and fangs were enough to show his un-humanlike shape. He looked like a dragon from a myth, kinda like half of a Western dragon poorly pasted on the other Eastern half of a dragon. His size was not enormous, just as tall as a grown man’s thigh and as long, from head to tail, as the great lizard, the Komodo dragon.

They finally noticed me. They looked very casual and very much at ease for they must have known something that I did not.

“So it appears that you are Zachary Vandel, are you not?” asked the man.

“What .. do you want?” I asked in a rather weak voice.

“My name is Baran Armstrong and I’ve come to take you away,” he replied.


“To the place that you are supposed to be.”

“A place... I’m supposed to be at…?”

Happiness was in my voice. Finally! Someone is finally here to take me out of this world! It was too good to be real.

“It is your destiny.”

Out of nowhere...

“Heh! …He! ..Hoey! You are going nowhere. Nowhere! Nowhere... nowhere, I tell ya! Nowhere, for you shall remain here as DEAD! Dead... dead bodies. That is, that is, after all what master wanted.”

To be continued
Late 2002-2003
Edit: Early 2005
Edit by Raine_Joybringer 10/29/2006
3rd draft: Friday, October 20th 2006
12: 41 PM

version 2- edit by "Liqiud" and "Tsayan"
info- grammatic style
Sign of Dragons
Page 1: Norm?

Time travel, a world of ninja, a place where there is no limit, endless sky and land, a world of sea, a place where men are free to do whatever they want, undiscovered territories, the dark pits of space, and dreams free to form.

So many places, so many worlds, all only limited to one’s imagination.

I, too, want to go to all those places; I, too, long for untold adventures.

Yes, longing desire only breeds pain when one realizes it is no more than just a mere dream.

By now, your impression of me must be nothing more than a dark and depressed kid, right? A kid who watches too much television and doesn’t have an eye out for reality?

You’d be partly correct.


De name, as all call me, is Zach--short for Zachary Vandel. But don’t you think Zaku is a much cooler name? If you do, I think so too.

You may consider me wise for thirteen years old, and many do. But I don’t care ‘bout it. They say they think I am a whiner--a good for nothing whiner. But who can blame them? They are not me, and cannot see the world as I see it.

Yup, my life is too normal and too dull. And obviously, I hate it. It didn’t seem right, that everything is exactly as it is supposed to be day after day. What I want most, simply, is a life of adventures full of hardships and unknowns. And that, my friend, is my romantic dream.


Monday is my favorite day after Sunday, Saturday, and all other days of the week. It means school again. That is one of life’s routines that I cannot avoid but have to make the best of.

Another normal morning--the garbage truck has done it again and woke me up at the right time without fail. And another normal breakfast with cereal and milk. Yeaaaah, I pretend and say I enjoy it, but my face tells a different story.

The bus comes, I get in, and yada yada yada, and all that good stuff I’m not afraid to lose. First is period, math: the least boring subject in school. It turns out to be normal, not a surprise. Second period, reading: the teacher’s lips are constantly moving, yet I cannot hear her. I am too busy in my own world thinking about fire; it’s one of those random things without a reason.

EEEEEEEEEK! EEEEEEEEEEEEK! EEEEEEEEEEEEK! The shrill noises wake me up from my slumber, sounding like the fire alarm going off, but I can’t be too sure. To my amazement, no one bothered to move. Then I realized it- nothing was moving, not even the slightest of sounds of breathing could be heard. Th..this isn't right.

I began to panic. They, my classmates, were not moving. They were just like a paused movie.

This could not be happening! This is not normal! I was speechless, motionless, and to think was all I could do. Is this a dream? Or, is this a nightmare? Thsi can't be a nightmare! - It's too real!

But this, this is for real; yeah, my instincts are saying it is.

Could this be a punishment for me from above? I have always blamed them for my existence, maybe they are pissed... I tried to find a possible explanation, but the more I thought, the more questions arrived.

But then a noise came to my rescue. I stood up and began to run, eyes closed, a cold sweat begining to form, This.. Running, is all I can do, run toward the formless noise. Faster and faster, my heart pulsing. I ran and ran as though my life was at its end. At last, I reached my destination -- the gym. No one was there, not a soul nor even a beast.

The room was full of empty space surrounded by four gigantic walls. Nothing is the best word to describe it. I was about to turn around, disappointed, when I heard a new sound somewhat different from the last two. A crackling, breaking, crumbling sound made it's presence known throughout the room. I turned around just in time to see a scene that is not normal -- a scene that is.. weird, that is.. significant.

From out of nowhere, the very space in front of me, ten feet in diameter, altered. The space in the room was like a full blown balloon that, for a moment of oddity, looked like it was poked by someone. The air from the inside rushed out as the outside rushed in. A small black hole began to take form. It changed to become more of a perfectly spherical shape every one split second intervals. And there I was, staring at it without blinking an eye. For me, this was a very magnificent thing.

The hole stopped growing, and thirty seconds later, noises began to echo throughout the whole room, footsteps.

I regained my senses, and was quickly on my guard. I was ready for whatever was coming out of that hole. As the moment came, the sounds of footsteps became clearer and clearer.

“Well! Well! Not a bad trip, don’t you think Heck?” commented a huge middle-aged man who dressed in what looked like an antique set of armor from the Middle Ages. The thing that was most noticeable about him was his sharp-looking eyes. His short black hair looked as though it had not been cleaned for months and refused to lie down.

“Not bad,” replied (presumably) Heck who was still in the hole.

“Heck” finally showed up; he was not a human, and he didn’t look like one. His long tail, ears, horns, neck and fangs were enough to show his un-humanlike shape. He looked like a dragon from a myth, kinda like half of a Western dragon poorly pasted on the other Eastern half of a dragon. His size was not enormous, just as tall as a grown man’s thigh and as long, from head to tail, as the great lizard, the Komodo dragon.

They both noticed me a few moments later. Looking very casual and very much at ease for they must have known something that was unbeknownsted.

“So it appears that you are Zachary Vandel, are you not?” asked the man.

“What ... do you want?” I asked in a rather weak voice.

“My name is Baran Armstrog, and I’ve come to take you away to a place you are needed.” he replied.


“To a far land that requires your help.”

“A land... Wait.. My help…?!?”

Happiness was in my voice. Finally! Someone is finally here to take me out of this world! It was too good to be real.

Out of the darkness came a crackling voice...

“Ehehehehe! …Eheheheheha ..Ehahaha....EEHAHAHAHAHA! You are going nowhere. Nowhere! Nowhere... nowhere, I tell ya! Nowhere, for you shall remain here as DEAD! Dead... dead bodies. That is, that is, after all what master wanted.”

Next chapter "The battle in the Gym"
The norm just became not normal
Strangers appear one by one, what are their intention
And who is that freak appear at the end of chapter 1
Who know so read chapter 2 when it come out k. :amuse


MH Senpai
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Dec 15, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Fanfic chapter 1 by movingstone

I think that with a bit of work, you could make something really good out of this. You just need to work a little on your grammar and spelling. But I love your use of description. :)

You know, since this is an original fiction, you could post it up on this site:

It's like, but for original work. Hopefully you'll be able to get more feedback on there too! :D


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
United States
Re: Fanfic chapter 1 by movingstone

Yeah, I got my first comment :eyeroll :eyeroll :eyeroll :eyeroll, Yeah.
Oh, If you have TIME then can you edit my story (grammar and stuff)
And I try to write a story (the grammar and spelling) is like that of The adventure of Huckleberry Finn but it is too difficult.
You may see the grammar being mess up but b/c this is a first person poin of view that is why the thinking may not be in perfect grammar. k :)
You, Raine_Joybringer, are the most awesome person in the world at this moment for me.
Like your name you bring me joy.

I will post my original chapters 2-6 before I edit them soon

And again thanks and I think I should add you in my buddy list, YIke! cheers.

Last edited:


MH Senpai
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Dec 15, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Fanfic chapter 1 by movingstone

Okay, here's my attempt at editing for you. I put it into to third person, as you seem to switch back and forth between it sometimes and it can confuse the reader. Anyway, I hope this is okay. I'm not sure if I can continue editing the rest of your work because I'm busy, but this will at least give you an idea of what you should be aiming for :)

Sign of Dragons
Chapter 1: Norm?

Time travel, a world of ninja, a place where there is no limit, endless sky and land, a world of sea, where men free to do whatever they want, undiscovered territories, dark pit of space, and dreams free to form.

So many places, so many worlds, only limited to one’s imagination.

I, too, want to go to all those places; I, too, long for untold adventures.

Yes, longing desire only breeds pain when one realizes it is no more than just a mere dream.

By now, your impression of me must be nothing more than a dark and depressed kid, right? A kid who watches too much television and doesn’t have an eye out for reality?

You’d be partly correct.


De name, as all call me, is Zach- short for Zachary Vandel. But don’t you think Zaku is a much cooler name? And if you do, I think so too.

You may consider me wise for thirteen years old, and many do. But I don’t care ‘bout it. They say they think I am a whiner- a good for nothing whiner. But who can blame them? They are not me, and cannot see the world as I see it.

Yup, my life is too normal and too dull. And obviously, I hate it. It didn’t seem right, that everything is exactly as it is supposed to be days after days. What I want most, simply, is a life of adventures, full of hardships, and unknowns. And that is, my friend, my romantic dream.


Monday is my favorite day of the week after Sunday, Saturday, and all other days of the week. It means school again. That is one of life’s routines that I cannot avoid but have to make the best out of it.

Another normal morning- the garbage truck had done it again and woke me up at the right time without failing. And another normal breakfast with cereal and milk. Yeaaaah, I pretend and say I enjoy it, but my face tells a different story.

The bus comes, I get in, and yada yada yada, and all that good stuff I’m not afraid to lose. First is period, math: the least boring subject in school. It turns out to be normal, not a surprise. Second period, reading: the teacher’s lip is constantly moving yet I cannot hear her. I was too busy in my own world thinking about fire; it’s one of those random things without a reason.

EEEEEE! EEEEEEEEEEEE! EEEEEEEEEEEE! Noises woke me up from my slumber; sounds like the fire alarm went off, but one couldn’t be too sure. To my amazement, no one bothered to move. Then I realized it- nothing was moving, not even the slightest of sounds of breathing could be heard.

I began to panic. They, my classmates, were not moving. They were just like a paused movie.

This could not be happening! This is not normal! I was speechless, motionless, and to think was all I could do. Is this a dream? Or, is this a nightmare? Couldn’t be!

But this is for real, my instinct told me so.

Could be a punishment to me from above? I had blamed them for my existence... I tried to find a possible explanation, but the more I thought, the more questions arrived.

But then a noise came to my rescue. I stood up and began to run like crazy toward the formless noise. Faster and faster, my heart beat. I ran and ran as though my life was at its end. At last, I reached my destination- the gym. No one was there, not a soul nor even a beast.

The room was full of empty space surrounded by four gigantic walls. Nothing is the best word to describe it. I was about to turn around disappointed when I heard a new sound somewhat different from the last two. A cracking, breaking, crumbling sound made its presence known throughout the room. I turned around just in time to see a scene that is not normal- a scene that is significant.

From out of nowhere, the very space in front of me, ten feet in diameter, altered. The space in the room was like a full blown balloon that, for a moment of mischief, looked like it was poked by someone. The air from the inside rushed out as the outside rushed in. A black hole began to take form. It changed to become more of a perfectly spherical shape every half a second. And there I was, staring at it without a blinking an eye. For me, this was a very magnificent thing in a while.

The hole stopped growing and thirty seconds later, noises began to echo the whole room, footsteps.

I regained my senses, and was quickly on my guard. I was ready to whatever was coming out of that hole. As the moment came, the sounds of footsteps became clearer and clearer.

“Well! Well! Not a bad trip, don’t you think Heck?” commented a huge middle-aged man who dressed in what looked like an antique set of armor from the Middle Ages. The thing that very noticeable about him was his sharp looking eyes. His short black hair looked uncleaned for months and refused to lie down.

“Not bad,” replied (presumably) Heck who was still in the hole.

“Heck” finally showed up- he was not a human, for he didn’t look like one. His long tail, ears, horns, neck and fangs were enough to show his un-humanlike shape. He looked like a dragon from a myth, kinda like half of a Western dragon poorly pasted on the other Eastern half of a dragon. His size was not enormous, just as tall as a grown man’s thigh and as long, from head to tail, as the great lizard, the Komodo dragon.

They finally noticed me. They looked very casual and very much at ease for they must have known something that I did not.

“So it appears that you are Zachary Vandel, are you not?” asked the man.

“What .. do you want?” I asked in a rather weak voice.

“My name is Baran Armstrong and I’ve come to take you away,” he replied.


“To the place that you are supposed to be.”

“A place... I’m supposed to be at…?”

Happiness was in my voice. Finally! Someone is finally here to take me out of this world! It was too good to be real.

“It is your destiny.”

Out of nowhere...

“Heh! …He! ..Hoey! You are going nowhere. Nowhere! Nowhere... nowhere, I tell ya! Nowhere, for you shall remain here as DEAD! Dead... dead bodies. That is, that is, after all what master wanted.”


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
United States
Re: Fanfic chapter 1 by movingstone

I will use this as a standard to edit the rest. =)


MH Senpai
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Dec 15, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Fanfic chapter 1 by movingstone

^_^ Glad I could help.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
United States
Re: Fanfic chapter 1 by movingstone

Well been quite a long time since, eventhough I said I will post the last 4 chapters up. But I can find the motivation, with work and hw and all. Anyway I will updated the next 4 chapters tommorow, I think. I am not even going to edit them. Since I dunno how to edit them.

So thanx for Raine_Joybringer, the only one reading my story (I guess one is enough to keep me going), thanx alot for the editting too.

Have you read chapter 2? Just wonder.

Oh- yeah I post your edit up top and give you the proper credit at first post!!!
We need to keep manga scrapbooks alive eventhough the weekly manga comments move the other places. especially the main attraction White Silver and karaku's one piece comments and GK's naruto comments.

Yay!!!!!!!!! I am a Senior Member, how many more post I need to made until a Hero member?

You need 500 posts for that ~ bax

Thanks for the ans.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
United States
Movingstone's off. original fic thread which no one care :bored

Sign of Dragons
The history
I started this fiction about 4yrs ago in 7th grade, it was an English Project (Made your own comic book). That was the first time I wrote the story of a boy (my age back then 13 yr. old) wanting to go to another world. I wrote the first six chapters for the project and draw the 1st chapter of "the Magic World" (later renamed as Sign of Dragons). This story was very much influenced by manga that I have read since I was younger (Doreamon, Dragon Ball, Yugio, One Piece, Yaiba, Dragon Quest, and many others longforgotten tittles). Over the course of 4 years, I didn't wrote much more but rather thinking ahead of how the story will going. I also revised the original 6 chapters into 2 chapters with heavily edits (since the original sound very childish, and lack of creativity (4yrs ago I don't know much english, only know english for about 6 years now)). I then continued to write the next 4 chapters, and my only reader was my chinese friend. I then lost motivation and didn't write any more. So the six chapters so far split into 2 parts: first 3 chapters are part 1 "Norm?", the other 3 chapter are part 2 "Hapiness".

Anyway, I decided to continued writing future chapters but first I got to edit all 6 of the chapters I got so far (three are done). But then I am not sure how many more would I write, since if no one will read them then it pretty pointless to write.

The unique thing about this fiction is that I'm not finished with it so if any readers or non readers got any ideas for my fiction I could incorporate it into my story (and upcourse give the proper credits to whom ever the ideas belong to). So it kinda like a fan manga, made by fan, for fan.

Well right now in my next two parts of "Sign of Dragons", I am thinking of incorporate Gold Knight, Raine_Joybringer, White Silver, and Liqiud (all are Manga Helper members) into the story.

Maybe it can even be a manga someday X) , my hope is too high I know.

I hope you enjoyed reading the chapters that I got right now.

chapter 1- Norm?
chapter 1: edit by Raine_Joybringer :) (thanx you so much)
chapter 1- version 2- edit by "Liqiud" and "Tsayan" (Thanx, I guess, LOL, thanx again!!!)
*credit for c1
*Baran- is a character from Dragon Quest- Dais' adventure. So, he belong to the author Riku Sanjo and artist Koji Inada. But the character from my story a bit differently, however, it was somewhat base of Baran from DQ.

here is link for more info on Dragon Quest- Dais' adventure

chapter 2- Showdown in the Gym (unedit)
*Credits for C2
*Saccron, the Dark Clown- was an original character, however I kinda combined Buggy the Clown from One Piece and Joker from Batman plus those hyenas from the Lion King.

chapter 3- An Expected Arrival (unedit)
*Credits for C3
*Genkai- is obviously the name I stolen from the woman(Genkai) from YuYu Hakusho (but this Genkai is a man)

but the Genkai in my story is more like the guy from Avatar: The Last Airbender

*Poron- is the white boy, I was talking about in c3, he is a character from Dragon Quest- Emblem of Roto, so he belonged to the author Chiaki Kawamata and Junji Koyanagi and artist Kamui Fujiwara. Poron in my story is not the same as the one from DQ. But he was surely base of Poron from DQ.

here is a link

chapter 4- Dreams (unedited)
*Credits for C4
*Wormy- is based of Dratini from Pokemon. And Dratini is belonged to Satoshi Tajiri.

to see more info on dratini- and its creator Satoshi Tajiri

c5- Mother-------------------------------------finished writing, need to be type
c6- Happiness---------------------------------finished writing, need to be type
c7- United and Separation------------------finished brainstorming, need to be write
c8- The Joybringer----------------------------finished brainstorming, need to be write
c9- To the Temple----------------------------finished brainstorming, need to be write
c10- White Silver and Gold Knight---------finished brainstorming, need to be write
c11- Warning---------------------------------not yet finished with brainstorming....

And if you have any bright ideas (good or decent). Can you please let me borrow it for my fiction. (I will sure included you in the credit)

Feel free to critized how bad a writer I am or just a plain pat in a back. Any comments, or accually reading this, or even come here to view this thread is pretty much appreciated.

Thanx in adv!!!!

Latest News!

-If you got a better poem than the one I got in chapter 3 then I could replace it, in which the credit go to the one that find it and the one that wrote it (no credit go to me).
---Update- credit for chapter 1-4 is done
---Chapter 4 is done, so done with Part One of Sign of Dragons which is "Norm?" and started on the next part "Hapiness."
---Chapter 5??? Maybe over the weekend.....???
---YIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKE, so many people reading, I like so happy.....
---Since you guys know that my story only have written two parts so far, so I think the next part would be "Gold Knight and White Silver Arc." I have the story in mind but haven't acually start to write yet...
---YIIIIIKE- some one change the thread name for me thanx whoever it wasssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-As always thanks for reading and supports.
-Bax want to be in the fiction, don't know when he gonna be in but that is possibility.... YIKKKKKE


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Aug 20, 2006
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Re: Movingstone's off. original fic thread which no one care :bored

it's rather interesting


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
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United States
Re: Movingstone's off. original fic thread which no one care :bored

Mugen said:
it's rather interesting
wow, you sure are fast
Thanx so much for reading.....


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Aug 20, 2006
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Re: Movingstone's off. original fic thread which no one care :bored

no problem i'll tell others


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
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United States
Re: Movingstone's off. original fic thread which no one care :bored

Mugen said:
no problem i'll tell others
Thanx man..
Next chapter will be tomorrow!


MH Senpai
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Dec 15, 2005
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Re: Fanfic chapter 1 by movingstone

Oh! Yes, I read it :) Nice action scenes!

Yes, this place does need a bit of livening up... but I'm not quite sure how to get people into it. Hm... :/


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
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United States
Re: Fanfic chapter 1 by movingstone

Raine_Joybringer said:
Oh! Yes, I read it :) Nice action scenes!

Yes, this place does need a bit of livening up... but I'm not quite sure how to get people into it. Hm... :/
Yike, I post chapter 3, you can read it when you have time, excluded time to study, rest, eating,.......... (anyway reading can't count as rest, can't it)

---I gonna read your Naruto fanfic, soon (wow, it look so long) (the Nibi one pretty good so far)

--about getting people here just put the link in your sig maybe. Ask those people who post a lot to put the link in their sig or so.

c3 here

I just thought of these characters for future chapters
-Raine the Joybringer, a female assinator
-Gold Knight, White Silver, Iron Grip, Steel Heart, and Black Blade are the 5 captains of Aquarius Kingdom (mention in chapter 3)


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
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United States
Sign of Dragons- Chapter 2- Showdown in the Gym

For other chapters click here:

Sign of Dragons
Chapter 2: Showdown in the Gym

Human are so predictable. In the edge of life and death, they hang on to life. Why? Ha, I guess it is just our nature that we try to live; or someone will be sad, very sad, in agony pain if one eventually die.

Out of nowhere.

“He! Hey! Dead you will be. Go to bed little babies and NEVER wake up!”

A silly yet creepy man voice came from somewhere up singing. That man, half hidden in the shadowy ceiling, smiled.

“How are you able to follow us here?” Baran asked in rather a disgusted voice.

“So master was right. You guys are up to something naughty. Master summoned me here to exterminate you insects.” replied the man

“He underestimated us again, sending someone as weak and noisy as you to carry out such an important task. He hurts my feeling.” Heck also joined in.

“UNDERESTIMATED me already. FOOL! I’m major Saccron one of the five great commanders of the fearsome fiend army.” Saccron angrily roared.

“Major Saccron of the fiend army? The Dark Clown?”

“Gravel! Gavel! Baran Armstrong, the Dragon Warrior. Yes, I am Dark Clown, the most fearsome and handsome commander of the fiend.” Saccron happily replied. He is as happy as quickly as he was angry. Saccron revealed himself. His face was hidden under some kind of clown mask or heavily make up. No! His face under no mask; that is his real face. He smiled with his fat red lips, twisted and cruel.

“You should know real well that you along cannot beat me. What are you up to? Clown.”

“I’m not stupid, Baran. Me going against a member of the guardians, the most famous one of all, is unthinkable. What if I am not alone! …. Come shadows, come darkness, shrouded, shrouded, thickening fears, come out, come out, come out and dance with me on the battle field.”

After that gruesome speech, the chill ran down through my spine. And darkness spreading across the four gigantic walls. Black is the color, black is the supposed to be orange and yellow gym. Blacks are the basketball hoops. Blacks are all.

But from a closer look, these are not just random black shadows with no shape. Blackish humanoid figures spread out across the ceiling and walls. And now, even the floor. What was I doing, standing there and gazing in amazement? This is not normal.

Why won’t I run away? This is not me, the former me would be long gone by now. And why not? I ran away before plenty of times, even from a bumblebee with, of course, a stinging needle. But these are no bumblebees, these are shadowy creatures, or monsters from another world. All too weird, but I can’t run away. I won’t run away or else I will lost my only chance to leave this world. Finally with enough courage, I screamed.


They stopped, and all the attention fixed on me. Saccron, finally, noticed I.

“So this is the chosen one. Heh! I thought he could be a bit taller. Pipsqueak, if you don’t want to die, YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE SHOUTED AT ME LIKE THAT,” and then he paused for a few seconds, “Shadow troopers killed that brat.”

He have just finished the word “BRAT,” the floor crumbled. Shadowy creatures emerged from every possible surface. First went the head, the body soon followed, and then the rest of their limbs.

My legs began to shake; the rest of my body began to sweat. Someone is going to killed me. No other life is more exciting than this.


Baran shouted, “I will protect you.”

“You do no such thing,” the clown smiled, “You got to deal with me first”

Before I realized, the battle had already began. Dark Clown jumped down from the ceiling. As he jumped, he muttered some words. Between his two hand, a sickle formed. “Die! Baran”

With lightning reaction, Baran drew out his sword, “Bjeng!” the two weapons collided. Ray of spark spited out.

Baran’s sword is so magnificent. The blade is long, shiny, very very sharp, and somewhat flexible. The handle made of silver and shaped like a head of a dragon.

While I stared blankly at the sword, one of the shadow creatures struck me from behind. It hit my head. And down I went, collided to the ground.


Heck fought his way toward me.

“DRAGON FIRE!” “FLUUNG” He spited out a great flame and busted the shadowy creatures. “ARRRRGGG” they moaned in agony just a few seconds before they blasted into oblivion.

Another shadowy creature emerged from the ground behind Heck.

“BEHIND YOU!” but I was too late. It knock Heck to the ground, and five others body slammed him.

I was helpless. Another one came on to me, raised his huge shadowy arms and about to slammed it real hard again my fragile body. This is it. All my memories lash out before my mind…. How I wish none of this had happen. My mind’s getting darker and darker’ until, I heard someone’s crying. And her face flash out before my eyes, such a caring gentle mother. I WANT TO LIVE.

“CATCH!” It happened so quickly. I caught it and swung it hard. My eye still closed. My ears still deaf, and there are lights everywhere.

“ARRRGGG” I opened my eyes just in time to see the creature disappearing and revealed that scene. Dark Clown swung his sickle. And blood everywhere. Baran was in pain. But where’s his sword. Something cold was in my hand. I threw it, as hard as I could. He caught it swung it at the Dark Clown. The clown jumped backward quickly and dodged it.

“Fuu.” Thanks Gosh that was too close. I let my guard down again and paid for it dearly. A kick to my left abdominal, and I fly off in the air for a few seconds just so I could collided down to the floor again. Happened too fast. Too fast to feel pain. And now my whole body, like out of battery. The creature came at me again. His leg was raised up high. This is it. I think I going to die. But I WANT TO LIVE.

Something is happening. I am being suck into. “Fooooom.” Everything went blank. There are no shadowy creatures. There is no Heck the dragon. There is no clown. There is no Baran. Everything went blank.

To be continued
Edit Saturday, October 28, 2006

Next chapter
Chapter 3 "An Expected Arrival"
What happened to the battle?
Will Heck and Baran will be OK?
Is Zach gonna died?
what the heck is "An expected arrival" even meant?

You find out in chapter 3. Have fun reading.

Please comments even if it negative!


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
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United States
Sign of Dragons- Chapter 3- An Expected Arrival

For other chapters click here:

Sign of Dragons
Chapter 3: An Expected Arrival

“Once he had served his purpose,
He will began his timely sleep.
Only to waken by the desperate of time,
When evil had resurrected,
And men’s hearts no longer at ease ,
Thundering rampage of destruction had yet again started.
Only then and only then,
When Southern sky is crowed with feathers wings
And Western horizon is clear of bothersome clouds
With the fullest of moon on the fifth day of the fifth month of the twentieth year,
He awake from his slumber, and fulfill his prophecy.”
91-101, Sacred Book

Jing Temple, Trung Quoc (meaning the Middle Kingdom (in Vietnamese) = China)
May 5, 1850
1:00 PM

Chiang, Trung Quoc, a peaceful village near the East coast, everything is quite normal here compare to the rest of the world, literally for nearly twenty years. No one here knew about the return of the Dark Lord nor the destruction caused by his rampaged army across the globe. Everyone here has forgotten the Dark Age and those had lived. “The wind blew west and the village is at peace.”

May 5, 1850 is not a special day. In fact, no one around here is celebrating in any forms. To everyone around here, this is just another normal day of their short life, anyone but Genkai.

Genkai, the head monk of the Jing Temple, is not that tall of a man. Despite his shortage of virtue, he is highly respected around here. Rumors said that he was once some sort of a hero sometimes twenty years ago. But that was a long time ago, everyone had forgotten the evil that once walk among us and ----- those who died ---- and lived ---- to fought against such evil; everyone had forgotten their heroes.

Normally, Genkai is a patience man. A wise and a patience man. But today is different, he had been anxious all morning. But who can blamed him, the birds were suddenly fly South in just the beginning of Summer. That’s strange.


Outside of a bar, Kingdom Aquarius (Southern Europe)
May 5, 1850
8:00 PM

Outside a bar, stood a boy. A ------ simply a white boy, he dressed in a white robe, with a hood on, standing silently watching. The wind went by strongly, and the hood blew backward, revealing magnificent white hair. His skin is also white but overpowered by his lonesome magnificent hair. His eyes stared through the endless of space. Funnily, his eyes is only not white thing about him. Big blue eyes that can speared through truth.

The door opened, and a man stepped out.

“So youure , hic, still here.” the man spoke

“Yeah,” answered the boy

“How re ya, lad …hic… I’m sory, I must have runk to much today, hic, sometimes I just fourotten how old you arrr. But, hic, anyway, you sure look tiredddd, hic.”

“I felt disturbance. The birds flew south and this surprisingly fullest of moon for years and against the absent of Baran worry me. I felt the chosen one came back to us. But something is wrong here, something must have went wrong.------ No, the dark lord must have known this……..”

“You woryy too much. Maybe Baran off to some tavern we had yetto luuk, icccc. But even if say u is truth, hic, Baran is not jus any men, he sure rr powerful. He willl retur heer with the chosen one, hic.”

“I’m not worry. It just that …. I got too many things in my mind. But I can assure you what I have felt is most likely came truth. The third eye have not yet failed.”


Jing Temple, Trung Quoc
2 hours ago
May 5, 1850
11:55 PM

A young monk ran upward through twelve levels of the Jing Temple and entered the meditated chamber.

“It’s time, su phu (same as sensei)!” breathlessly he spoke.

“Well, then let’s get to the sacred chamber, shall we.”

The teacher and the pupil stood up face to face against the wall, chanting. And with a lightning action, they both hit the wall hard with the palms of their hands. The two marks on the wall which made by the collision formed a straight line and parallel to the floor.

The wall split and revealed the sacred chamber. Strangest thing, for from both the outer and inter look, the mediated chamber is the closest room to the air outside. In fact, if the wall was to split, there should be not chamber. There should be 500 ft to the ground if you managed to fall through what is right now, the sacred chamber.

Inside, there is nothing much of interest but the thing in the center of the room which had been cover with a dusted cloth. Nobody noticing, a fly flew in. The clock struck twelve. And the moment arrived. A flash of light, the cloth disappeared revealed what looks like a portal, scientifically, a transportation device.


“So he is the chosen one… or should I said it….” before the young monk could finish, a hand struck him from behind and hit his bald head.

“ARE YOU CRAZY? THAT”S JUST A FLY.” Genkai thundered, “this is bad…..”


Bayside School, USA
October 18, 2003

“Oh MAN! I lost the chosen one.” groaned the half bloody Baran.

“This is, ...this is beyond worst. The Dark Lord with have my hide.” Saccron mumbled breathlessly, “farewell, Baran.”

“Hey, this is all your fault. Don’t run away.”

With that, The Dark Clown and his shadow troopers disappear into the thin air.

“What are we going to do next?” Heck asked.

“This is bad.”



“Can you calm down for a moment?”


“Maybe this is a summoning technique”

“Then this must have been the work of Genkai.”

“Let’s headed to the Jing Temple then.”

The black hole opened once more. Baran and Heck rushed through. With their leave, everything is back to normal. The teachers are still teaching. And the students are still goofing off like usual. There is no trace of Zach. No one remember anything about him. To them his existence was never here.


10 miles outside of Chiang, Trung Quoc
May 5, 1850
11:59 PM

A flash of light in the sky, A lightning struck a tree nearby. A portal opened, a boy falling out unconsciously. He caught by the tree branch, and deep asleep. He slept tightly not knowing what fate had installed for him.
End chapter 3 and part One "Norm?"


MH Senpai
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Dec 15, 2005
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Re: Fanfic chapter 1 by movingstone

Hehe, that's a pretty awesome idea. I'll try to get around to reading them soon!


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
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United States


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 14, 2006
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United States
Re: Movingstone's off. original fic thread which no one care :bored

since i have nothing to do (you know, besides my speech and tests coming up) so far the first chapter is very interesting! i'll check the other chapters right now


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 14, 2006
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United States
Re: Sign of Dragons- Chapter 2- Showdown in the Gym

it's getting really exciting..
sorry for little comment but, i don't know about you, the sound effect kinda bothers me a little. it reminds me too much of the pages of seinen manga rather than a moving, live-action movie
but that story line seems interesting though