Semifinal - Reinhard van Astrea vs. Vegeta | Page 2 | MangaHelpers

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Semifinal Reinhard van Astrea vs. Vegeta

Who wins?

  • Reinhard van Astrea

  • Vegeta

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伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jun 5, 2012
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Not that it matters but Vegeta learnt to teleport like, this year, and Lambu knows that, dunno why he said that's not the case.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Was this event "let's try to sneak a character that should be banned"? '-'
Hey now, I asked if I could nominate Reinhard and was given green light, I even argued he was ban worthy and got told otherwise, so here we are. :lambirb

Besides, there were other nominations on pair with Reinhard, they just didnt reach that far for lack of campaign and spite.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Not that it matters but Vegeta learnt to teleport like, this year, and Lambu knows that, dunno why he said that's not the case.
Didn't he say during the Moro battle that he can't use Instant transmission anymore? He only used it once to get to the battle grounds and thats it, he never got to learn it properly.


伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jun 5, 2012
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Dunno about the other characters, I haven't followed the event nearly enough to say, but point remains.

Hey now, I asked if I could nominate Reinhard and was given green light, I even argued he was ban worthy and got told otherwise, so here we are. :lambirb
:lambirb indeed
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Didn't he say during the Moro battle that he can't use Instant transmission anymore? He only used it once to get to the battle grounds and thats it, he never got to learn it properly.
Hm, you are correct actually. It was probably easier for him to teleport because he found Goku, and then PRIIIIDE said "I don't want to learn your technique anyway b-b-baka".


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Hm, you are correct actually. It was probably easier for him to teleport because he found Goku, and then PRIIIIDE said "I don't want to learn your technique anyway b-b-baka".
Thats what I mean, the excuse was lame of course, but it was the best Toyotaro could come up with to make Shunkan Ido/Instant transmission a Goku exclusive ability lol.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 16, 2016
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Now, let's see. Reinhard has blessings , and has all this advantages. But key factor here is magnitude of strength. The author of the rezero has clearly stated and I quote -
1-Reinhard has the strength equivalent to tht of Shin Godzilla
2-Time taken by Reinhard to destroy the world - As much time Godzilla takes to destroy the Eurasia (which is few days)
3-Reinhard would be able to defeat Od Laguna in a battle if it ever came to tht

Now sources of those

Inference derived -
Reinhard = takes few days to destroy world if he wants to
Od Laguna's durability = even lower than something tht can destroy a planet. If reinhard can destroy it, seeing reinhard's top strength is equal to mere godzilla.

Now let's see vegeta
1-When he first appeared in dbz, his physical prowess + energy were enough to destroy earth easily and if i remember correctly he was arnd 15-25k and 100+in his great ape form
2-we saw frieza's strength rise to million and it wasn't even his final transformation and then came Super saiyan 1....since then we r in stages of Super saiyan blue which is far far above tht. Even in super saiyan red, the clash of Beerus and goku was felt throughout the whole other world up to king kai and supreme kai's planets .

tht clash was raw physical fist clashing.Basically rn, for them destroying a planet or solar system is as easy as it was for thanos post gauntlet. Even cell in his pre resurrection form was strong enough to take out entire solar system.

As for the rest of Vegeta's abilities, none can go around Rein's defences. He's basically impossible to surpass in a contest of strength.
So, the one tht is basically giving him strengths (Od laguna) itself's durability and such are far below even saiyans in dbz beginning, ur basis to claim tht reinhard von astrea, who author states is as strong as godzilla, can destroy od laguna (which also shows its durability) is above vegeta in a contest of strength ?

Let me give u another testament to the raw durability tht vegeta holds now . Evil kid buu 's circling arnd planet multiple times before dropping like a meteor on goku and reshaping entire planet. Goku withheld it wihtout any noticeable damage. See the levels in DBS now which r far above SS3 - the evry claim falls flat and is kinda completely trying to mislead without any proofs for such a feat

The coming back from moon, `"I admit that it wasn't easy. Your throw was wonderful. But you made one fatal mistake... You shouldn't have tossed me in the direction of the Moon." `
This was quote of reinhard himself - meaning it wasn't easy for him at all and the only reason he did was because moon acted as leverage for him to bounce back. So, let's not overestimate strength surpassing saiyans

This was raw physical strength. Certainly in terms of energy, reinhard don't compare.

Now, tht brings me to blessings which r supposed to help him to get to levels of vegeta or defense against vegeta. Let's not forget reinhard can be stripped of blessings too the moment he is isolated from od laguna.
Q1- I will be giving Lambu the liberty here to decide the extent of od laguna. Vegeta uses instant transmission and along with him takes reinhard to completely other galaxy. Will the blessings work there ? Decide the extent of the od laguna's abilities since in re-zero u only had to limit urself to earth and moon. Nothing else , but the moment DB comes into play if is multiverse now.
Q2-Decide the magnitude on which Od laguna can power Reinhard von zero world states he is strongest in world, but now it is not mere world, it is multiverse again. So decide the magnitude to an extent at which he can be overpowered - be it strength or speed or superhuman abilities .

The reason for this is now tht when 2 verses r included, both shld be given their respective advantage within limits of parameters shown in their very world. But , I will get to tht later once again as this progresses.

Now, let's see scenarios
1-Od laguna powers gives him strengths and blessings to counter vegeta's final flash and all of tht conceptually, not yet decided on magnitude , because it severely matters here and on basis of author's statement, Reinhard is Shin godzilla basically. So , it is 1000 vs several million basically.
But let's for instance say od laguna gives magnitude but on the very same hand, od laguna itself isn't durable. In battle between 2 titans, it itself will be destroyed stripping reinhard of all blessings making him vulnerable to attacks of vegeta. Any and all .

2- Tht brings me to space. And before tht , let me clear u on instant transmission
Vegeta said that he cannot use Instant Transmission anymore after doing it one time, but Im sure you knew that. :lambirb/
Let's not paraphrase it in a misleading way.
`"Worry not -- I have no intention of pilfering your signature move... I likely wouldn't be able to pull it off again and I won't be learning it after this."
Key word likely - there is no where it states he cannot. He just has no intention to pilfer goku's move, tht's all. And even if he doesn't learn further, the fact tht he did and reached goku stands.

Vegeta said he would never team up with clown - but he did. Vegeta said he would never let his pride as saiyan be hurt and yet it happened. So, let's not just cancel out the intentional desire by just wording it as impossible wraped in good words `cannot`.

So, let me get back to space stuff.
Vegeta fights reinhard and he will realize it eventually as he is crafty in battle and drag battle until he is ready for instant transmission. throws the blast at sun and keep reinhard occupied and at last sec instant transmits to another galaxy or just another solar system with a sign of life and he can do it easily when what he has to do is just find out signs of life energy.

Now to ur comment of people sitting idly while DB characters does their stuffs, no reinhard can try to defend and all such things when vegeta throws his blast from space as in above earth but within atmosphere like BEERUS and GOKU were fighting . Surely, now, u would not argue vegeta can't even keep a character whose strength is stated to be Godzilla level at bay for a while , will u now ?

:catshrugReinhard has blessings, he will come back to life, but earth gone, od laguna gone and so does the immortality, which is not immortality but resurrection as jammin pointed out, but this time no blessings and immortality and then he will fight the asteroids and the radicoactive atmosphere which is left post the destruction of sun.....u do know what magnitude destruction is when a star is destroyed.

But before tht, clear me on few things. Author clearly states reinhard is as strong as shin Godzilla, which is on levels of Monkey Goku, but u r now equaling him to having raw strrngth to the universal level being ?
2-Od laguna can be destroyed without vegeta even having to fight reinhard.
3-Rezero verse has authority and blessings - meaning someone divine blesses them. let's equate them in DB world , which would be supreme kais as stated by zamasu tht they grant gifts of brains. So, Vegeta and Goku r nearly close to equalling God, whose clash with other God is stated to be powerful enough to destroy entire universe. (Whis says during champa and beerus encounter). Meaning vegeta and goku on regular basis r defying the very laws of the hiearchy.
So, why can't they destroy the blessings with vegeta's hakai energy which is supposed to destroy and is in gods domain ?

If u r willing to give all advantages to reinhard based on re zero world (divine blessings ) , the world of DB also grants vegeta the advantage of fighting the divine being and also capability to destroy it whose magnitude ranges to universe , not just the earth or world like od laguna.
But like i said, we will get back to this worlds stuffs to establish common ground for both.

U can't just take one verse and based on tht give all advantage to one and reject the advantage tht other has completely in form of doesn't work.

Was this event "let's try to sneak a character that should be banned"? '-'
Well, it it is conceptual level then comparing both verse, conceptually goku and vegeta have defined their respective universe laws multiple times.
1-being allowed to keep body post death.
2-coming back from dead to fight basically as long as their body is not destroyed post death, with namekian dragonball they can be resurrected time and time again.
3-Being free to move post death to any planets they like like goku went to supreme kai's to help gohan train


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Sep 16, 2016
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Reinhard has a series of base blessings that make him untouchable for the likes of Vegeta. His attacks destroy on a conceptual level, which is something way beyond what DB characters are capable of except maybe Zeno.

His blessings are always active unless he wants to lower them. He can also wish instantly for any blessing that he needs during combat.
Vegeta's base speed makes him untouchable to the likes of Reinhart too. Destroying on a conceptual level also sounds like Hakai to me, something Vegeta can resist. But lets hear an example of him doing this conceptual destruction so it's easier to judge and while we're at it, what's his best speed feat?

Which blessings are always active?


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Now, let's see. Reinhard has blessings , and has all this advantages. But key factor here is magnitude of strength. The author of the rezero has clearly stated and I quote -
1-Reinhard has the strength equivalent to tht of Shin Godzilla
2-Time taken by Reinhard to destroy the world - As much time Godzilla takes to destroy the Eurasia (which is few days)
3-Reinhard would be able to defeat Od Laguna in a battle if it ever came to tht

Now sources of those

Inference derived -
Reinhard = takes few days to destroy world if he wants to
Od Laguna's durability = even lower than something tht can destroy a planet. If reinhard can destroy it, seeing reinhard's top strength is equal to mere godzilla.

Now let's see vegeta
1-When he first appeared in dbz, his physical prowess + energy were enough to destroy earth easily and if i remember correctly he was arnd 15-25k and 100+in his great ape form
2-we saw frieza's strength rise to million and it wasn't even his final transformation and then came Super saiyan 1....since then we r in stages of Super saiyan blue which is far far above tht. Even in super saiyan red, the clash of Beerus and goku was felt throughout the whole other world up to king kai and supreme kai's planets .

tht clash was raw physical fist clashing.Basically rn, for them destroying a planet or solar system is as easy as it was for thanos post gauntlet. Even cell in his pre resurrection form was strong enough to take out entire solar system.

So, the one tht is basically giving him strengths (Od laguna) itself's durability and such are far below even saiyans in dbz beginning, ur basis to claim tht reinhard von astrea, who author states is as strong as godzilla, can destroy od laguna (which also shows its durability) is above vegeta in a contest of strength ?

Let me give u another testament to the raw durability tht vegeta holds now . Evil kid buu 's circling arnd planet multiple times before dropping like a meteor on goku and reshaping entire planet. Goku withheld it wihtout any noticeable damage. See the levels in DBS now which r far above SS3 - the evry claim falls flat and is kinda completely trying to mislead without any proofs for such a feat

The coming back from moon, `"I admit that it wasn't easy. Your throw was wonderful. But you made one fatal mistake... You shouldn't have tossed me in the direction of the Moon." `
This was quote of reinhard himself - meaning it wasn't easy for him at all and the only reason he did was because moon acted as leverage for him to bounce back. So, let's not overestimate strength surpassing saiyans

This was raw physical strength. Certainly in terms of energy, reinhard don't compare.

Now, tht brings me to blessings which r supposed to help him to get to levels of vegeta or defense against vegeta. Let's not forget reinhard can be stripped of blessings too the moment he is isolated from od laguna.
Q1- I will be giving Lambu the liberty here to decide the extent of od laguna. Vegeta uses instant transmission and along with him takes reinhard to completely other galaxy. Will the blessings work there ? Decide the extent of the od laguna's abilities since in re-zero u only had to limit urself to earth and moon. Nothing else , but the moment DB comes into play if is multiverse now.
Q2-Decide the magnitude on which Od laguna can power Reinhard von zero world states he is strongest in world, but now it is not mere world, it is multiverse again. So decide the magnitude to an extent at which he can be overpowered - be it strength or speed or superhuman abilities .

The reason for this is now tht when 2 verses r included, both shld be given their respective advantage within limits of parameters shown in their very world. But , I will get to tht later once again as this progresses.

Now, let's see scenarios
1-Od laguna powers gives him strengths and blessings to counter vegeta's final flash and all of tht conceptually, not yet decided on magnitude , because it severely matters here and on basis of author's statement, Reinhard is Shin godzilla basically. So , it is 1000 vs several million basically.
But let's for instance say od laguna gives magnitude but on the very same hand, od laguna itself isn't durable. In battle between 2 titans, it itself will be destroyed stripping reinhard of all blessings making him vulnerable to attacks of vegeta. Any and all .

2- Tht brings me to space. And before tht , let me clear u on instant transmission

Let's not paraphrase it in a misleading way.
`"Worry not -- I have no intention of pilfering your signature move... I likely wouldn't be able to pull it off again and I won't be learning it after this."
Key word likely - there is no where it states he cannot. He just has no intention to pilfer goku's move, tht's all. And even if he doesn't learn further, the fact tht he did and reached goku stands.

Vegeta said he would never team up with clown - but he did. Vegeta said he would never let his pride as saiyan be hurt and yet it happened. So, let's not just cancel out the intentional desire by just wording it as impossible wraped in good words `cannot`.

So, let me get back to space stuff.
Vegeta fights reinhard and he will realize it eventually as he is crafty in battle and drag battle until he is ready for instant transmission. throws the blast at sun and keep reinhard occupied and at last sec instant transmits to another galaxy or just another solar system with a sign of life and he can do it easily when what he has to do is just find out signs of life energy.

Now to ur comment of people sitting idly while DB characters does their stuffs, no reinhard can try to defend and all such things when vegeta throws his blast from space as in above earth but within atmosphere like BEERUS and GOKU were fighting . Surely, now, u would not argue vegeta can't even keep a character whose strength is stated to be Godzilla level at bay for a while , will u now ?

:catshrugReinhard has blessings, he will come back to life, but earth gone, od laguna gone and so does the immortality, which is not immortality but resurrection as jammin pointed out, but this time no blessings and immortality and then he will fight the asteroids and the radicoactive atmosphere which is left post the destruction of sun.....u do know what magnitude destruction is when a star is destroyed.

But before tht, clear me on few things. Author clearly states reinhard is as strong as shin Godzilla, which is on levels of Monkey Goku, but u r now equaling him to having raw strrngth to the universal level being ?
2-Od laguna can be destroyed without vegeta even having to fight reinhard.
3-Rezero verse has authority and blessings - meaning someone divine blesses them. let's equate them in DB world , which would be supreme kais as stated by zamasu tht they grant gifts of brains. So, Vegeta and Goku r nearly close to equalling God, whose clash with other God is stated to be powerful enough to destroy entire universe. (Whis says during champa and beerus encounter). Meaning vegeta and goku on regular basis r defying the very laws of the hiearchy.
So, why can't they destroy the blessings with vegeta's hakai energy which is supposed to destroy and is in gods domain ?

If u r willing to give all advantages to reinhard based on re zero world (divine blessings ) , the world of DB also grants vegeta the advantage of fighting the divine being and also capability to destroy it whose magnitude ranges to universe , not just the earth or world like od laguna.
But like i said, we will get back to this worlds stuffs to establish common ground for both.

U can't just take one verse and based on tht give all advantage to one and reject the advantage tht other has completely in form of doesn't work.

Well, it it is conceptual level then comparing both verse, conceptually goku and vegeta have defined their respective universe laws multiple times.
1-being allowed to keep body post death.
2-coming back from dead to fight basically as long as their body is not destroyed post death, with namekian dragonball they can be resurrected time and time again.
3-Being free to move post death to any planets they like like goku went to supreme kai's to help gohan train
Seriously Lak? Your source doesnt even work.

Translation of what he said:

Q: In order to reliably defeat Reinhard, what should one do?
A: Please watch Shin Godzilla. There's no such thing as a reliable winning strategy.

Its a joke answer, similar to this one

Q: In last year's questions, it was said that Reinhard could wipe out the world fairly easily, but in concrete terms, how would he do it? If that's a secret, please tell me the sort of pro-wrestling move that Reinhard would probably like.
A: The Brain Buster looks cool, so I think he'd like it.

Also Reinhard can destroy the entire world in an instant with Reid and then reshape it to a previous form as stated in the novel. Destroying Od Laguna is also the same as destroying all existence. He's not going to do it tho, he's a hero not a cosmic bulldozer lol.

This question and answer summarized it pretty well (spoilers!)

Q: If Subaru wasn't there, it was said the Regulus fight would have stalemated without a conclusion, but isn't there a chance that the situation would have gradually worsened and he'd have lost? Is Reinhard still the stronger one, despite that? Also, could he have discovered some kind of method to put an end to the fight?

A: If Reinhard had been serious, he could have blown everything away and wiped out Regulus' brides, but he doesn't do that sort of thing so it was said it would be a stalemate. If he'll use any means available to win, there's no one he can't beat, but it's not that kind of story, right?

Reinhard is constantly restraining himself to not kill the people around him. If he went bonkers all would end. The reason Satella vs Reinhard is a stalemate is not because he can't destroy her. Its that if destroying her takes the entire world and the people he loves with it that is not a win for Rein.

If you start your argument with fake information the entire thing falls apart man.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 12, 2016
Reaction score
We talk about FT fandom, but DB fandom is on a league of their own when it comes to glorifying the series. Top arguments no cap.


ᛏᚺᛖ ᚹᚺᛁᛏᛖ ᚹᛟᛚᚠ ᛟᚠ ᚷᛖᚱᛟᚡᛟ
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 27, 2016
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For IT to work and transport you to another galaxy, shouldnt there be a powerful enough signal in that galaxy so that Vegeta can connect from point A to point B? Just asking, its been a while since i read or watched anything DB. :hmmI didnt read the Moro arc btw


伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jun 5, 2012
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For IT to work and transport you to another galaxy, shouldnt there be a powerful enough signal in that galaxy so that Vegeta can connect from point A to point B? Just asking, its been a while since i read or watched anything DB. :hmmI didnt read the Moro arc btw
Unless you are very familiar with the ki and the place, yeah. The way Vegeta did it was only because of Goku's ki and he was in the same galaxy (iirc?).


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Cringing a bit too much at Lak's post now.

vegata can't win tbh i measured the pixels and the science is absolute
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Let's not paraphrase it in a misleading way.
`"Worry not -- I have no intention of pilfering your signature move... I likely wouldn't be able to pull it off again and I won't be learning it after this."
Key word likely - there is no where it states he cannot. He just has no intention to pilfer goku's move, tht's all. And even if he doesn't learn further, the fact tht he did and reached goku stands.
He can't do it, anything else is your headcanon.
--- Double Post Merged, ---

Vegeta's base speed makes him untouchable to the likes of Reinhart too. Destroying on a conceptual level also sounds like Hakai to me, something Vegeta can resist. But lets hear an example of him doing this conceptual destruction so it's easier to judge and while we're at it, what's his best speed feat?

Which blessings are always active?
Reinhard can move as fast as he wants if it doesnt damage his surroundings but his best feat is defeating with ease someone that can move close to light speed.

He has good enough reaction to walk in the rain without getting hit by raindrops too, but the first feat is better.


Androssi Worshiper
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Mar 16, 2006
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United States
No, Reinhard is immortal as his soul cannot be overwritten or erased by Authorities (as I explained last round vs Aladdin). He gets to wish for DP of the Phoenix even when he's "dead" because of this. Od Laguna doesn't let Rein die until he decides to die permanently.
Hakai is a "type" of energy tho, its not even absolute and can be countered with normal energy, dodged and resisted. It only ereases the target if Hakai is way stronger than it.

Also as Val pointed out, Rein can perfectly survive in space, something that Vegeta can't do btw. The one bound by oxygen here is the Saiyan.
Reinhard would not blow up a planet to win tho, he doesn't need to.

In one of the IF stories that the author releases every April Fools, Reinhard fought against an opponent that Reid recognized as worthy without the use of his blessings and restraining his power to not destroy the place. He still won, yet he got several wounds for the lack of protections/evasion hax.

In the main story line he fought this same opponent normally without handicaps and Reinhard stomped. It is as the author said, the Divine Blessings/Protections are there for Reinhard to fight the ones with "cheat powers"

Final Flash redirects itself to avoid Reinhard for being a ranged attack.

Also, why is it such a common argument for DB character battles to have the opponent stand still and do nothing to counter stuff? That it happens in DragonBall doesn't mean other characters will stand still and cross their arms.

Reinhard can slash through anything Vegeta tries too, this match is just not in the saiyan's league.

Reinhard doesn't have teleportation, just like Vegeta tho so I dont understand the point.
As I know what you are going to say, Vegeta said that he cannot use Instant Transmission anymore after doing it one time, but Im sure you knew that. :lambirb/

Reinhard doesn't need to teleport out of space anyway, he can just keep fighting there while Vegeta can't.
What's that soul reinforcement called? Going to need to look that one up.

We talk about FT fandom, but DB fandom is on a league of their own when it comes to glorifying the series. Top arguments no cap.
Pot. Kettle. Black.

Copy Panda

Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 1, 2015
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We talk about FT fandom, but DB fandom is on a league of their own when it comes to glorifying the series. Top arguments no cap.
idk about that one chieftain, if you say 'Raven' three times in the mirror, she'll appear behind you and start flaming


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
May 28, 2008
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So lets start with the basics against Reinhard. Vegeta is way faster and stronger then reinhard, which makes a normal fight between those two quite onesided. (I think most will agree on this)

It comes all down to Reinhards hax. Then it will get interesting. Vegetas attacks are not only on a godly level, but can destroy everything, that isnt immortal(hakai).

Hakai just for your information is the following:

Beerus says the technique fully removes matter from existence, and a powerful energy is released when the object disappears. Obviously, this is because all matter is meant to simply distribute elsewhere when its original form is dismantles, but that does not appear to be the case with Hakai.

So if reinhard would be desintegrated with hakai, he wouldnt be able to resurrect thanks to his phoenixblessing. The question here is, can Vegeta actually hit him with hakai, since reinhards power are completly bullshit in that regard. The answer is: Yes. There are multiple ways.

In general: authorities > blessings. So if Hakai is comparable to an autority there isnt anything reinhard can do to avoid it, even his sword(which he will have access too) cant do anything against „destroy all matter“, since it will be destroyed too(my standpoint is, because it is blessed by the swordgod, its also a blessing).

But lets say we let it slide and say „ok, the sword can cancel this“. What happens next? Well the best thing about vegeta in this tournament is:

He is aware, that he is in a manga/anime. So when facing against reinhard he will get aware that his powers are bullshit and related to the system of a videogame. He knows the concept of videogames thanks to his son trunks, who likes to play these. (And even plays some himself, check youtube for „vegeta plays“)

So if reinhard hax cancels out, all his attacks he will come to the conclusion, that this is probably a videogame and therefore tries to overload it…. By blowing up everything, since then he doesnt need to hold back to save earth.

Does Vegeta have power to destroy everything? Yes. He is even listed as a: multi-galaxy destroyer power level in the battlewiki. So if he decides to blow up the entire universe(with his gods too) he can do it.

In this way reinhard would probably survive once due his phoenixblessings, but then dies in the void of space. If he cant get anymore blessings(i dont think the universe of his manga can withstand the pure destruction that vegeta can do). Even if he wished beforehand for a blessing of spacebreathing, he is done, because vegeta can always sense him and erase him then from existence.

Also note that a Super Saiyajin God can survive in space.

So my arguments are:

Hakai trumps his blessings. They are a gift from god, but not godly in itself, since it manifests as an ability of his own.

If they dont belong to himself, vegeta can actually counter them with his forced spirit fission.

„Forced Spirit Fission allows the user to separate and manipulate energy from their target, granting them the ability to do things such as undo Fusion or Absorption techniques and free trapped souls.“

Which would deattach the blessings from reinhard by itself. In eitherway, they would be countered.

If we assume hakai(spriti fission gets countered, he notices the hax/bullshit and realizes he is played in another mangauniverse and destroys this universe by its core. Which will we lead to his win in the end anyway thanks to his extremly destructive potential.



伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jun 5, 2012
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Trying to understand this character, I'm not familiar with Re Zero at all. How does he damage Vegeta? What's his strongest attack?

If his fastest feat is "beating someone close to light speed" (not himself) then he's considerably slower than Vegeta.

Couldn't Vegeta theoretically blow up the core of the planet and done? No more blessings, no more Reinhard? If Reinhard is allowed to revive why isn't Vegeta, btw?

We'll never see Vegeta teleport again so we might as well consider it a fluke.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

We talk about FT fandom, but DB fandom is on a league of their own when it comes to glorifying the series. Top arguments no cap.
No need to be condescending.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Excuse me? How is it even possible? :XD Is it because the rain drops avoid him or what?
*Ultra instinct theme starts playing

No seriously, his instinct is so great that he can perfectly predict anything that approaches him, I want to believe its thanks to a blessing.

His speed is far too great when disregarding his surroundings tho and can pass that speed to his mount if he has one.

What's that soul reinforcement called? Going to need to look that one up.

Pot. Kettle. Black.
Its Arc 6 knowledge, I explained it here.

Basically the Sword Saint's soul is uncorruptable and indestructible even for an Authority.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

No need to be condescending.
Yeah, I just dont see the need to invent scenarios in which your character wins and base them on fake information to make "your favourite" win. If Lak didn't actually know then I'll apologize but it seems like he tried trick on purpose there.
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