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Theory Crazy Theories and Predictions


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jun 14, 2017
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Galactic Empire
The Holy Knights or Akainu will be the main antagonist of Elbaf.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 2, 2017
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The Holy Knights or Akainu will be the main antagonist of Elbaf.
I agree with akainu on Elbaf. but not all holy knights, I expect Garling Figarland to stay to protect Imu, and to send his three best knights. Before we move to Elbaf , Kizaru and Greenbull will be defeated at some point, and I expect Fujitora to quit after what happened to lulusia. I cannot see him serve an organization that allow innocent civilans to die. WG no longer trust Akainu's choices, will ask him to kill luffy personally or quit if he fails. The three knights would be to take place of the three missing admirals.
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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 19, 2010
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G-5 is based on the “Hot Gates” where the 300 Spartans held their ground against the Persians, Vergo represents their leader, liberating the New World from pirate scum , ie overwhelming foe like you said.
Sure, but Syrup village is probably the best depiction of what you're looking for.

It's part of the East Blue saga, so it's also inconsequential, but it really shows that "Hot Gates" is a concept Oda had already used.
The protagonists hold their own against overwhelming odds, and they actually fight in a narrow corridor. Kuro, an infiltrator, is also the big antagonist. Unsurprisingly, they fight pirates with the Cat motif, and I mentioned how Pandas are depicted as big cats in mythological iconography. It's also the first time we see something similar to the Sulong effect, and something tells me that a captain faking his own death is not something completely unfathomable in the current narrative.

It's East Blue, so a rather poor and condensed version of it, but I think you get my point. I wouldn't go out of my way to say Kuro is actually a very important character, because he's not, but he tells a story. That's why Vergo, the character, is rather inconsequential, but Vergo, the archtype, is not.

Don't get me wrong, your analysis was quite helpful! It's just that now I want to integrate/syncretize it with other characters, and look past Vergo.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 2, 2017
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looking back at the Darth Vader hint / first sight I thought it was about the 4 weeks break, but now i think more about similarities between the death star and VP's weapon. (then i thought pretty subtle from the leaker...).
My theory is pretty obvious now: VP always knew about dark times the WG's is bringing, he built in a single point of failure which will be exploited by Franky in the upcoming battle.

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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Aug 25, 2019
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Sure, but Syrup village is probably the best depiction of what you're looking for.

It's part of the East Blue saga, so it's also inconsequential, but it really shows that "Hot Gates" is a concept Oda had already used.
The protagonists hold their own against overwhelming odds, and they actually fight in a narrow corridor. Kuro, an infiltrator, is also the big antagonist. Unsurprisingly, they fight pirates with the Cat motif, and I mentioned how Pandas are depicted as big cats in mythological iconography. It's also the first time we see something similar to the Sulong effect, and something tells me that a captain faking his own death is not something completely unfathomable in the current narrative.

It's East Blue, so a rather poor and condensed version of it, but I think you get my point. I wouldn't go out of my way to say Kuro is actually a very important character, because he's not, but he tells a story. That's why Vergo, the character, is rather inconsequential, but Vergo, the archtype, is not.

Don't get me wrong, your analysis was quite helpful! It's just that now I want to integrate/syncretize it with other characters, and look past Vergo.
Wow, that was a really well thought analogy

I support your effort to syncretise it with other characters. The example with Syrup Village was rather spot on.

Would love to hear your take on my theory from way back that Captain Kuro was based on the character O’Brien from the 1984 novel.

In fact the most startling evidence for this is that I watched all 1984 movies from back in the day, and in one of the movies they called the Goldstein character Callador, not Goldstein as he was called in the novel and other movie adaptations. Which is oddly similar to Clahador as Captain Kuro called himself as Kaya’s manservant.

Goldstein was a made up person by the Party, ie the same way Clahador was a made up persona acted out by Kuro. Captain Kuro is a highly intelligent and scheming man, same way that O’Brien used his cunning to write the book supposedly written by Goldstein that laid out the plans for world domination set out by the Party. It was just a clever ruse to lure out opposition from the beginning.

Maybe this will give you some further ideas. Just Keep in mind lots of things have changed since 2018 when I made this theory lol


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 19, 2010
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Would love to hear your take on my theory from way back that Captain Kuro was based on the character O’Brien from the 1984 novel.
I agree, it's most surely a source of inspiration for the character. It's funny because a few years back, I had thought about the importance of 1984 as a potential source of inspiration for One Piece, but completely forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me!

It's one of the reasons why I think Brook is lying and will turn out to be an antagonist, part of a scheme, or at least have an evil past (I'd bet he was part of Germa, in a different configuration). Django and Brook share a lot of similarities, and Michael Jackson is the common denominator -> Django and his moonwalk vs Brook and the 40º + Thriller.

Django had his Cat based captain gone missing, and being part of a scheme. Brook had his Cat based captain (Calico Cat) gone missing, so I'm waiting for Yorki to make his reappearance. Oh, and the betraying Vegapunk satellite is also called York, and based on a panda.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 28, 2008
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Galactic Empire
Wow, that was a really well thought analogy

I support your effort to syncretise it with other characters. The example with Syrup Village was rather spot on.

Would love to hear your take on my theory from way back that Captain Kuro was based on the character O’Brien from the 1984 novel.

In fact the most startling evidence for this is that I watched all 1984 movies from back in the day, and in one of the movies they called the Goldstein character Callador, not Goldstein as he was called in the novel and other movie adaptations. Which is oddly similar to Clahador as Captain Kuro called himself as Kaya’s manservant.

Goldstein was a made up person by the Party, ie the same way Clahador was a made up persona acted out by Kuro. Captain Kuro is a highly intelligent and scheming man, same way that O’Brien used his cunning to write the book supposedly written by Goldstein that laid out the plans for world domination set out by the Party. It was just a clever ruse to lure out opposition from the beginning.

Maybe this will give you some further ideas. Just Keep in mind lots of things have changed since 2018 when I made this theory lol
If Kuro joined the CP0, at least he would have to be pardoned. But unlike Jango, Kuro is a bit too evil to get a pardon.

Besides he was a pirate... I presume if he joined the WG, he would become a pirate, not an officer.

Critical mindset

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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Aug 25, 2019
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Let’s first look at the date and what it signifies

quoting @Zmsp

“May 5th, or Cinco de Mayo, is the date that celebrates Mexican victory over Napoleon III, in the Battle of Puebla. They say General Ignacio Zaragoza, with 600 man under his arm, defeated the french troops with over 6.500 men. He eventually died soon after, and the french occupied Mexico City after a second incursion, but it's still an iconic date. The underlying theme: martyrdom and rebellion against an overwhelming foe.

It just so happens that May 5th is Luffy's birthday!”

We can see how this fits perfectly with a Luffy’s character archetype. He battles and overcomes overwhelming odds all the time. Like @Zmsp also speculated in his latest theory, Luffy might even have to sacrifice his own life in order to find or unlock the One Piece which will make him a martyr by the end of the story.

Now what does this have to do wit G-5? Why did Oda link G-5 and Luffy by the same date of “birth”/ “founding date”?

First notice that G-5 has 300 men stationed.

This brings to mind the 300 Spartans that stood their ground at the “Hot Gates” against the Persians incursion , ie battling an overwhelming foe and army many times their size, also becoming martyrs in the end by refusing to relinquish their position.

Notice that G-5 is stationed in the New World, at the Red Line close to the entrance, meaning G-5 lies at the junction between Paradise and the New World. G-5 then symbolically is an institution that stands to keep the pirates and evil of the New World at bay from “Paradise” which means G-5 could be compared to the “Hot Gates”; G-5 is a representation of the wall that separates the New World of “pirates” (Persians) from the civilised world , ie Paradise, the western world of antiquity.

With 300 men Oda is obviously teasing the connection with the 300 Spartans that stood their ground against the invading hordes of invading forces from the east threatening the civilised world (paradise) . The “Hot Gates” where the 300 stood their ground would be symbolically the junction between Paradise and the New World which is where G-5 is stationed

G-5 is battling overwhelming odds by standing up against an overwhelming foe, the Yonkous, same way the Spartans battled an army many times their size, which is why the connection to May the fifth is not a fluke but intentional parallel by Oda: 600 men defeated an army that outnumbered them 10 to 1 would be a reference to the 300 Spartans

That Oda draws on this parallel between G-5 and the 300 and wants to establish a connection to Luffy (ie the same date is not a fluke but intentional) I think is pretty convincing by now. This supports another connection that I think is not a fluke either but intentional.

Another baffling parallel between Luffy and G-5; why Vergo’s Marine epithet will be god-related

Luffy and G-5 are paralleled because Luffy is Nika, a messiah that carries the “drum of liberation”; being that the Holy Land of Mariegeoise is most likely based on the state of Israel (the Holy Land), the purely prophetic and Talmudic take held by some sects of Judaism is that a legitimate state of Israel can only truly be ushered in once the true messiah has arrived, which is why the current state of Israel is held to be illegitimate. I’m not saying this is Oda’s political or religious view or anything, lol, but this is the inspiration for the idea he uses that the WG is currently an illegitimate state and the true messiah, Luffy, will come to destroy it and usher in a new dawn. Luffy is a messiah , he was even held to be the living reincarnation of Ryuma, the sword god, by the citizens of Wano. Luffy is built up like a god figure.

Vergo was also built up also as such like a God figure by his men who “worshipped” him “like a father”. The G5 attitude reflects and epitomises the entire marines view of Vergo (naturally G5 are more fond of Vergo) , so them “worshipping” him like a father” is the equivalent of the marines viewing Vergo like he is the God, of marines, same way you would say “Messi is the god of fotboll” or something like that, Vergo had the same type of status as a marine officer.

yes Vergo is highly admired and revered, so they almost view Vergo like the sons of WB regarded him as “pop”, but in this connotation Oda I think chose to draw the direct parallel here between Luffy, the sun God, to Vergo, God the father in christian theology that is worshipped same way Luffy was thought to be the reincarnation of Ryuma. Oda chose to say he was “worshipped” for a reason when he could’ve said “you are like a father to these men” or something like that.

That Vergo is “worshipped” is a specific word that I think gives a hint to his real marine epithet that will be God related. Why isn’t he called “Demon Bamboo”?

World Government don’t use demonic terms

You will not find any reference to “Hell” or “demon” this or “devil” that other references to demonic phenomenon in World Government institutions or any such references made to any of their assets in their extended arm, ie the marines. This is because the WG uses a different vocabulary entirely lol

“Holy Land” , “Holy knights” , “heavenly tribute”, “seraphims” (which comes from the term seraphs that are celestial angels) etc. Do you see what I’m getting at? Celestial dragons decided Long ago that they are celestial beings and as such they use this kind of terminology of descriptive terms that start with terms like “heavenly” “Holy”or such.

Never that any marine would be called something like Demon Bamboo. This is not in line with WG rethori Not even Impel Down or Magellan himself have any direct references to Hell or demonology.

Vergo’s epithet, Demon Bamboo, is not his real marine epithet. To pirates he might be referenced and branded like this but marines would not call him such. Vergo’s real epithet will be god-related and now you see why.

Smoker when he surpasses Vergo will also receive a loftier title than Vergo that’s also god-related.

G-5 is altogether different from Marine Headquarters

Marine Headquarters lies in Paradise. That means it has made the choice to separate itself from engaging with pirates in the New World. Marine HQ is tasked with keeping Paradise safe. The admirals are tasked with protecting celestial dragons. Their job is not to go and cause problems in the New World.

Marine HQ has a safekeeping role, not a strictly military role. This is the reason why the vice admiral Yamakaji had to ask for “clearance” from Marine headquarters to attack the Blackbeard pirates

Why did Admiral Kizaru not know what devil fruit Marco has? If he is a military of some 50+ years then it doesn’t strike you or most people for that matter as odd? Kizaru is oblivious to the powers of WBs right hand commander, well not only Kizaru but practically entire Marineford. Lol

This is enough evidence in and of itself that the Marine Headquarters are not out there to combat the Yonkous or even fight them much for that matter save for a very rare incident involving the Pirate King’s son. They police Paradise and only venture out into the New World when a situation really calls for it, like the incident with Doflamingo where Aokiji told Smoker to alert HQ to “dispatch the admirals”

Ask yourself again why Smoker and Vergo needed an admirals permission to be transferred to G-5. To change just base within a military shouldnt be much of a problem. G-5 is not affiliated with Marine Headquarters and has an entirely different military role, that’s why.

Smoker moved to G-5 to seek “status” and more so freedom to go after Luffy in the New World. He wouldn’t have that freedom as an HQ marine. That’s the truth of it.

G-5 is a different in function and identity to Marine Headquarters. G-5 conbats pirate elements in the New World, which naturally include the Yonkous, while Marine HQ polices paradise. Admirals are charged with the defence of Mariegeoise and celestial dragons, so they might be called wherever and do whatever is Celestial Dragon related, but the admirals main function is not to police the New World. Kizaru has never before battled Marco and that’s the reason why.

Yes the men of G-5 don’t have the same kind of discipline or orderliness like even regular marines (which is what makes them fun to begin with mirroring Luffy’s goofy nature and personality) although it would be unwise to discount their strength as Zoro, Kinnemon and Brook were unsuccessful at breaking through their blockade. There’s still a whole lot of G-5 we haven’t seen which includes the officers of 4 and even 5 whole units which could include several more vice admiral level people.

The fact that Oda has saved 4 whole G-5 units for later hype tells you everything you need to know: there’s a lot of pain coming for those that doubted Vergo, Smoker and the G-5

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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Aug 25, 2019
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Let’s just emphasise that a marine warship is considered a very prized possession

4 navy ships were used to transport Doflamingo

Rob Lucci had to pressure Akainu for just 10 warships, and Akainu brushes it off like an absurd request

So not only is G-5 in possession of six warships but it may include a minimum of 12 marine officers comprising six units. one leading officer and one supporting officer for every unit.

6 warships and a minimum of 12 officers, that’s a lot of power and authority. We have only seen 3 out of these 9 officers, many of whom could be around high vice admiral level
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

But unlike Jango, Kuro is a bit too evil to get a pardon.
The marines think he died at the hands of Captain Morgan. Yes the marines also makes gaffs like thinking Buggy is Rayleigh level and stronger than Mihawk and Crocodile enough to make them his subordinates.

I had thought about the importance of 1984 as a potential source of inspiration for One Piece, but completely forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me!
There’s a lot of 1984-like rhetoric and themes in one Piece, like the term “justice” which would be similar to “war is peace” slogan, “heavenly tribute” and such. There’s just a whole lot of that “Newsspeak” going on in the world of One Piece.

Winston the protagonist works at the “ministry of truth” ie he spends all his days revisioning history, falsifying documents, all to go along with the huge apparatus that revisions all history to suit the Party line. This is similar to what the WG does with its delineation of history (in remembrance of Noland the goat)

The fact that the five elders are responsible for five areas of governance is eerily similar to the four ministries of Oceania

“The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink.”

Also, Mariegeoise is an absolute behemoth of a building, towering above the rest of the town which I think had pretty tall buildings in its own right, similar to how the ministry buildings completely dwarfed the surrounding buildings like an ominous shadow

Oda borrows a lot of ideas and inspiration behind the dystopian world of One Piece from the world of 1984.

It's one of the reasons why I think Brook is lying and will turn out to be an antagonist, part of a scheme, or at least have an evil past (I'd bet he was part of Germa, in a different configuration). Django and Brook share a lot of similarities, and Michael Jackson is the common denominator -> Django and his moonwalk vs Brook and the 40º + Thriller.

Django had his Cat based captain gone missing, and being part of a scheme. Brook had his Cat based captain (Calico Cat) gone missing, so I'm waiting for Yorki to make his reappearance. Oh, and the betraying Vegapunk satellite is also called York, and based on a panda.
This is interesting, yeah you’re onto something here :)
--- Double Post Merged, ---

@Zmsp Gorosei

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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Aug 25, 2019
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There is perhaps no way of knowing or guessing who Vergo protected the island from as of now, but Oda is intentionally keeping it a secret. Oda could have showed a picture of Vergo beating some lowlife pirate if that’s what it really was about (same way Rob Lucci and CP9 did in their flashback). Oda could have easily done this to show he beat some fodder. Instead just keeps it a mystery and shows a cool mugshot of Vergo with some French fries just to keep this panel a mystery

In this chapter, 673, we also see Commodore Yarusagi for the first time. Aside from Caribou’s cover story where Yarusagi appears and swiftly defeats Caribou’s entire crew such that Caribou runs away and desert his brother (credit to Yarusagi) we see another important instance of Yarusagi when he is showcased in the same panel as the two most prominent Vice admirals of Marine Headquarters.

Like I’ve explained in previous threads, G-5 is a separate entity from Marine Headquarters and here it is shown playing an equally important role as Marine HQ because it is important to show that a G-5 unit commander representing G-5 in this case (Oda seems to be saving Smoker for some type of later hype, and 4 other unit commanders we haven’t seen that are also saved for some later hyped reveal) is listening in on the call to show that G-5 matters in these geopolitical matters. For those that don’t think G-5 is an important base like @kkck Oda still deems it important to show G-5 is a unit that has vested interests in geopolitical affairs, not just Marine HQ.

As such, who Vergo fought surely matters and we might might not have been clued into who it is as of yet, but it is a mystery for now @Zmsp
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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 28, 2008
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Galactic Empire
Let’s just emphasise that a marine warship is considered a very prized possession

4 navy ships were used to transport Doflamingo

Rob Lucci had to pressure Akainu for just 10 warships, and Akainu brushes it off like an absurd request

So not only is G-5 in possession of six warships but it may include a minimum of 12 marine officers comprising six units. one leading officer and one supporting officer for every unit.

6 warships and a minimum of 12 officers, that’s a lot of power and authority. We have only seen 3 out of these 9 officers, many of whom could be around high vice admiral level
There are Marine ships of different sizes, I presume the ones in the examples you provided are the larger ones

In the Water 7 arc, it was mentioned that 300 million would provide the crew with a good ship for Grand Line standards, but apparently 100 million would be a less than ideal ship

Considering the Marine ship need room for way more people than the crew, they probably cost far more than 300 million

Sentoumaru also mentioned that a Pacifista cost as much as a Marine ship

So these Marine fleets cost billions, if not tens of billions

Critical mindset

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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Aug 25, 2019
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There are Marine ships of different sizes, I presume the ones in the examples you provided are the larger ones

In the Water 7 arc, it was mentioned that 300 million would provide the crew with a good ship for Grand Line standards, but apparently 100 million would be a less than ideal ship

Considering the Marine ship need room for way more people than the crew, they probably cost far more than 300 million

Sentoumaru also mentioned that a Pacifista cost as much as a Marine ship

So these Marine fleets cost billions, if not tens of billions
100 warships are sent to Egghead, that is the limit of the amount of warships in the Navy’s possession. Pacifistas however seem to be able to be produced en masse, like we saw an army of pacifistas on a line up in Egghead, like they were mass produced on a conveyer belt or something.

A warship like the ones used for Buster Calls is different from a regular marine vessel.

A pacifista then should be worth as much as a marine vessel, not a warship. Warships are a prized possession

Jimbei wouldn’t say this about pacifistas

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 26, 2020
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United States
Now that Buggy has announced wanting to be Pirate King and rallied up Cross Guild’s followers, what will they do next?

Go to Shanks to get Road Poneglyph info?

Go to Blackbeard to get Road Poneglyph info?

Go to Momo and other leaders to get Road Poneglyph info?

Or something else?


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 28, 2008
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Galactic Empire
Law will meet with Yamato

Law has now developed antibodies that can cure Yamato of being born a woman
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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 19, 2010
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Here's an initial read on the Figarland family:

I could see them being part of the 20 King alliance, or an independant ally that was not included in the rewriting of history, but what I do believe is that they might've been part of the Ancient Kingdom, and perhaps betrayed them from within.

The Moon motif is hard to figure out, because there's so many phases to it, but Figarland Garling seems to be the waxing crescent in this whole "people related to celestial bodies" dynamic. If there's one thing that's been heavily associated with the Moon throughout the story, it's probably stuff like science/technology/craftsmanship. We had Sky People and their dial technology, Wano and their unique masonry, Vegapunk and his satellites being named after lunar craters, and that's just to name a few. Jaya and Wano, both moon related Kingdoms, were also tremendously prosperous at some point, being called countries/cities of gold.

This seems to fall in line with the Ancient Kingdom itself, so I find it odd for us to have a moon related character so important within the Celestial Dragon hierarchy. I think the Ancient Kingdom is bound to have had some internal conflict, and the Figarland family are my main suspects.

The name Figarland also has some really interesting connotations, but if this is actually something that Oda took into account, I'd give him a standing ovation for the level of intricacy: Fig-land seems to be derived from the Fig Tree, and fruit tree surnames are quite common in Portugal and Spain. (Figueira/Figuera)

The etymology behind fruit tree surnames actually dates to the period of the Portuguese and Spanish Empires, and were common among the New Christians, a socio-religious designation for Sephardic Jews converted to christianity by their Catholic Inquisitions (usually forcefully, but sometimes willingly). If the World Government are the Catholic Inquisition in One Piece, and the Figarlands really switched sides/converted, this would be next level by Oda.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 7, 2007
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United States
One Piece live action Sanji will be more popular than Zoro... eventually.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jun 14, 2017
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Galactic Empire
Didn't know this was a fanfiction site
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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jan 10, 2014
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United States
For the love of God please use paragraphs.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Was this written with AI
This is the greatest long play of a troll I've ever seen. Four year old account with hundreds of messages over the years.
It definitely reads to me like someone who never read One Piece was given a few One Piece character names, and told to develop a fan fiction with no other information.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 1, 2019
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United Kingdom
Luffy can WIN against the ultimate fleet of evil Marines! All he has to do when they get within 5 kilometers of him is activate Gear 5th while on the ship, fly into the air, and then run around using Conqueror's Haki on all of the Marines standing on the ships. Then, he just needs to use Conqueror's Haki Waves to mind control all of them at once like Imu-sama's grand brainwashing technique he hasn't used yet which is stronger than his one on one brainwashing technique. Then, Luffy wins! Also, they might ALL BE PLUTON SHIPS! Therefore, they cannot be allowed to get within 3 kilometers of Luffy's ship and the island at the same time unless they are unwilling to destroy Dr Vegapunk's inventions. It's a Super Buster Call with no marine admirals participating, as they are instead using many Plutons which are BULLSHIT to win unless Eiichiro Oda just makes there rational logic.

Also, Coby will join the Evil Marines in this battle and DIE! If he doesn't, then how come he got rescued by Garp in the first place? Coby seems like he will be an EVIL Marine due to plot bullshit and because he was too afraid to be a pirate!
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