Life - 25 or 50 Things About Yourself... | Page 13 | MangaHelpers

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Life 25 or 50 Things About Yourself...


Pink Warrior
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Nov 11, 2006
Reaction score
1. My real name is Agnes Carmel.
2. My mother is part-Spanish, and my dad is part-Chinese.
3. I am turning 21.
4. My birthday is March 26 (you better give me gifts!)
5. I got a perm a few months ago, just to try it.
6. I wanna try being bald when I lose 15 lbs.
7. I am the 4th of 5 children.
8. I love to skin-dive and surf when I have the time (and money -_-)
9. I play golf.
10. When I was in 3rd grade I teased this guy about his crush and he punched me in the face.
11. The same guy gave me a love letter in 6th grade. :oh
12. I received another letter allegedly from said guy the year after. I took it seriously and found out a week later that it was a fake and the guys who did it laughed their asses off.
13. The same guys who played the trick ended up wanting to go out with me, but I turned them down. :notrust
14. I love dogs but can't keep one in my apartment.
15. My parents think I live alone, but I live with my boyfriend. -_-
16. I used to love math, but now I don't really care.
17. I was the number one biology student in high school. My bio teacher gave me an apple at the end of the year, just because.
18. I had a suitor who knelt in front of me in the middle of the class and everybody screamed. I went pale as a ghost, instead of blushing.
19. Back in high school, I got suspended for 3 days for having 2 piercings on each ear.
20. I got called in by the principal because my mom threatened lawsuit for suspending me for something so useless.
21. I was late during my graduation day.
22. I once cut my hair in the middle of the night when i was 15, and it turned out to be really funny, but I regretted it and cried all night.
23. I got bitten by a Doberman Pinscher when I patted him in his sleep.
24. My first experience of death was when that same dog got poisoned by a frog and shook to death.
25. I attended an oration contest, not wearing the proper attire, and ended up winning.

Hollow Kurono

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 1, 2007
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New list:

1.My proud name is Arthur (its stands for strong bear,osh!)
2.Im still 16
3.I have dark brown eyes
4.I have curly,i could say curly long hair
5.I like to compete
6.I need to take a rehab from Gatnz,or any other manga/anime.
7.Im a terrible swimer
8.I stoped beeing funny,i only do that with those who i feel like doing it
9.If i was a girl i would be lesbian
10.People at school dont understand me *sniff*
11.I am a alternate rock adict
12.Im a psyhopat at Gantz,i have dreams that i am in the Gantz room
13.When i was a little kid i wanted to take over the world with a tractor
14.Im not a pervert anymore
15.I dont envy people that much anymore,i just hate them and say to theyre face what i want,nto a friendly guy nomore
16.I am 6.0 feet now
17.In my previous life i was Achilles :)
18.I have a tought time getting over one girl :notrust
19.When im pissed,sad and want to beat someone i listen to Limp Bizkit,Trust Company and some other bands that make me a maniac
20.I made lots of mistakes in my life,that i regret
21.I would be an emo kid,but that forbiden in Lithuania
22.Im proud of myself of how i look and who i am,but i wont settle down by beeing proud only by myself
23.I could say that im selfish
24.I want to get myself a mecha,anyone knows where to get some
25.I never have b-day partys and i dont need them
26.I was born on the same day as my most hated person :notrust
27.I love dark colors
28.I want to live my life in excitment like in Gantz or someother mangas,they make me gelous of them having that kind of power
29.I love and hate manga/anime
30.I want to die young,whem im like 40 or something
31.I never have miracles like others do,i make them myself
32.I dont like beeing a muscle head,like Nappa,like beeing a little built but not that much
33.I love getting up early in the morning so i could enjoy and make life to last longer
34.I love snowy weather,then suny weather
35.I sometimes want to masacre my entire school
36.My school teachers dont like when i get good grades
37.When i will be famous ill inform MH if its gonna be around tho
38.I want to be a movie star
39.I want to be in the Dragon Ball movie as Vegeta
40.When i was a kid,when DBZ was the only anime i knew,i was idolizing myself after Vegeta,i liked beeing like that.
41.I cant drive a car
42.I was never flying with a plane
43.I hate playing games,they piss me off
44.My grandmother made me a guy who gets pissed off in seconds,sometimes for no reason
45.I have a devil,a satan,someone very evil in my family
46.I think im cursed
47.I am single for two years :notrust
48.I like standing in the rain,i love rain,its so peacefull
49.I like the night,i love it,its beutifull
50.I could say im a sad person

I hope this list aint so corny as the last one.


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Apr 12, 2008
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United States
alright! here I gooooooo!!!!11

1. I like pirates! :nuts
2. I like ninjas!:eyeroll
3. I'm a self proclaimed ninjar pirate emperor!!
4. I draw boobs often XD
5. i dont draw ****** stuff >.<
6. I play guitar
7. I used to play bass in a pop punk band
8. i have big earphones!
9. i only know pidgeon japanese ;-; of my fonts were used in a fansub i felt cool XD
11. my fav. color is hot pink
12. I'm straight.
13. i love to drink
14. i'm drunk xD
15. i liek kush
17. i'm in love with jack black XD
18. i love ichigo100%
19. I dont like naruto all that much, if at all.
20. I still read some american comics.
21. I smoke.
22. i er.. grope? xD
23. i liek mudkips
24. a cat is fine too
25. i absolutely love gurren lagann!!!!!!!!!!!!11


Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Nov 10, 2007
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Mh, been a long time since I last posted here....oh goes...

1- the name's Eduardo...Edu for short
2- I'm a big basketball junkie....NBA, Euroleague, Olympics, U-21...whatever as long as the ball bounces
3- I totally suck at drawing and painting
4- I'm 1.74 tall, dunno how tall is that in inches...I think 5'9
5- Currently in the 5th year of law school
6- Used to be a devoted sadly, just a catholic
7- I like rock music (and with that you can see why I'm no longer a devoted catholic)
8- I always liked Meg Ryan, she has such an odd beauty and can be really funny
9- I reaaally like sports mangas, particularly Slam Dunk, but Captain Tsubasa, Eyeshield 21 and Prince of Tennis are also some of my favourites
10- I'm a lousy dancer, but still try
11- I'd like to learn how to play guitar or violin one of these days
12- Two men have confessed their love to me in the past even though I'm straight, guess I shouldn't be so nice to people
13- Never tried drugs
14- Quit smoking 2 years ago
15- I'm a sports freak, I used to play 3 different sports regularly during high school
16- I love argentinian folk's the only one on my iPod now
17- I used to watch Sailor Moon with my sister to help her sleep, ended up liking the show, of course I never told anyone
18- I'm a River Plate fan
19- My birthday is next Sunday...big dumb drinking contest coming up!
20- I like Mel Brooks movies
21- I hate it when a man mistreats a woman, got into a lot of fights because of that
22- I love walking naked in my appartment and waving from the windows so I can piss (not literally) on my, I hate them!
23- Used to like The Simpsons a lot...not so much lately
24- I have a multi-ethnical laaarge family
25- I'm from San Luis, Argentina, currently living in Córdoba....I shoulda put this info in the firsts ones....oh well....


Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Oct 5, 2007
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This looks like fun~ XD

1. I'm a Filipino, living in England
2. I've to lots of countries although I've never set foot on the US.
3. Despite being born and raised in the Philippines, my English is better than my native language.
4. I'm a 3rd dan Blackbelt in Shotokan Karate
5. Youngest in my organisation to take the Full Dan Examination at the age of 15.
6. I used to be a Advertising Major in Fine Arts
7. I'm currently doing Computer Networks and Business in my Uni.
8. I was part of my High School Football (Soccer) team til I was in my junior year.
9. I can play the trombone, trumpet, guitar and drums.
10. People say I look younger than most people my age.
11. I find talking about myself in this thread is hard.
12. Although I've been to Japan I wanna go there again.
13. I've almost killed myself 8 times due to reckless driving/speeding
14. I was part of my country's National team
15. I like rock music
16. I'm the admin of an text-based RPG site despite having language and composition my weak points.
17. I was hired as a store manager by KFC at the age of 18.
18. But I left to become a regular crew member in McD's in less than a year.
19. I'm addicted to FPS games especially CounterStrike.
20. I'm really interested in War History especially WW2
21. I'm highly allergic to Crabs and Lobsters. >.<
22. But I like eating them that's why I end up in the hospital quite often.
23. I'm currently running a small karate organisation alongside my dad.
24. I love cars despite not owning one myself.
25. I am an impulsive buyer. Once I like it, I buy it.
26. Oddly enough, I hate spending.
27. I smoke a lot, almost a pack a day even after cutting down.
28. If I don't fix my hair, people would think I'm a girl.
29. I've let my GF put make up on me just for the hell of it.
30. I've almost completely stopped drinking.
31. I'm a workaholic.
32. I tend to go into my FINE mode when I drink to much coffee. (Freaked out Insecure Neurotic and Emotional)
33. I looooooooooooooooove chocolate.
34. I was almost kicked out of my school for creating a fraternity that spanned the whole high school (Our fraternity was.. you know... the one that beats you up for no reason.. >_>)
35. People say I've changed a lot since back then.
36. I've actually beaten my dad in a full contact sparring match. He's the same rank as me.
37. I like guns. Though I wouldn't own one.
38. I've almost beaten someone to death for punching me once.
39. I've got a short temper. Or used to have one.
40. I like singing. I was the vocalist for couple of bands but we disbanded after a while.
41. I love staring into nothing. It helps clear my mind.
42. My arms and hands are filled with scars.
43. I hate my legs.
44. I have a huge thing going on about family. I guess I was brought up in a way that places family members first before self. That includes relatives.
45. Even though I was very athletic before, I've almost stopped doing sports except for Karate.
46. Me and my girl have been together for 2 years and 5 months despite having an extremely long distance relationship.
47. I love reading books.
48. And despite what some people say, I'm heterosexual.
49. I was a Seargent in my ROTC corp.
50. Although I was born in a Hot and humid country, I still prefer to cool and freezing anytime.



Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
May 7, 2008
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United States
1. I am a female
2. My favorite manga is DNAngel
3. My favorite anime is Escaflowne
4. I'm in college, majoring in English
5. I don't watch TV
6. I'm 100% Dutch but was born and raised in the USA
7. I work at a library
8. My favorite game is Threads of Fate
9. My favorite game franchise is "Tales of"
10. I'm Christian (Protestant, not Catholic)
11. I'm the first kid in my family to go to college
12. I have three siblings: two brothers and a sister
13. I'm currently building a house along with my family
14. I don't drink alcohol. At all.
15. I've never been outside of the USA, but I really want to go to Japan
16. I SI for my Japanese class
17. I've studied Spanish, Japanese, a little bit of Portuguese, a little bit of Arabic, a little bit of Turkish, and Chinese.
18. My favorite video game genre is RPG.
19. Despite this, I'm not a real big Final Fantasy fan.
20. I've had a crush on the same anime character since I was in 8th grade...
21. I have brown eyes and brown hair, but at a time my hair was completely blond.
22. I don't like watching sports, but I enjoy playing soccer/football and street hockey.
23. I also enjoy archery
24. I'm left-handed but do most things with my right hand.
25. I love shrimp fried rice.
26. I used to play a clarinet in grade school.
27. I don't like shounen-ai and yaoi
28. I also don't like shoujo-ai, yuri
29. I am a big Nintendo fan, though I also play Sony and Sega systems
30. I keep a livejournal
31. I refuse to get a myspace or facebook
32. My dream is to go to Japan and teach English
33. My favorite anime series this summer is Code Geass.
34. My favorite j-pop band is Home Made Kazoku
35. I was raised on oldies music and love it ('50, '60, '70)
36. I also like '80s and '90s.
37. Except for a few songs, I think the music today sucks.
38. My favorite Zelda game is Twilight Princess.
39. My guilty pleasure is listening to Digimon/Pokemon/Yu-gi-oh! music
30. I think Littlekuriboh's Yu-gi-oh! Abridged is hilarious.
31. I call soft drinks "pop".
32. My soft drink of choice is Mt. Dew, but I also love Ruby Red Squirt.
33. I have a tabby cat named Kali. (pronounced like Callie)
34. I am an aunt.
35. I still like to go to the park and swing on the swings...
36. I like to read.
37. My favorite book genres are fantasy and science fiction.
38. Disney bores me...
39. I wear contacts and occasionally glasses
40. I want to get Lasik, but I am afraid of the after effects
41. I want to learn how to wield a sword
42. I always wanted to learn Karate when I was a kid.
43. My favorite childhood TV shows were X-men and Power Rangers
44. I'm one of the few people I know that doesn't have cable or satellite TV.
45. I love seafood, particularly crab and shrimp.
46. My first video game system was the Atari.
47. I consider my friends more of my family than my actual biological family.
48. I hate racism.
49. I think the smell of cigarette smoke is gross.
50. I usually play 3+ video games at a time, switching back and forth from game to game.


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
May 5, 2008
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United States
1. I'm 22, although people often think I look younger
2. I've been dating Daradik (scroll up a bit) for almost 2 and a half years
3. I'm utterly in love with him <3
4. I completely fail at spelling
5. Despite that, English has always been my strong point
6. I love kids and work in an after school program (where I've been for almost 5 years)
7. I'm planning on becoming a teacher
8. I used to be a bit of a troublemaker when I was younger
9. Smileys are awesome. d(^o^)b
10. I can have a short attention span at times
11. I love animals
12. I've had many types of pets: cats, iguanas, a baby water dragon, a rabbit, fish, cockatiels and canaries
13. I like dogs but have a slight fear of them
14. I have never died my hair before
15. I like to knit and make scrapbooks
16. I want to learn how to do yoga
17. I enjoy writing in a text based rpg (centered around bleach- ask me for a link ;])
18. I have a nervous laugh
19. Ninjas rock my socks
20. I don't like gory movies
21. I still watch cartoons and kids movies...
22. I'm currently reading 25+ different manga series
23. I practically live on my phone
24. I like all sorts of music
25. I've had long hair(half way down my back at least) since elementary school
26. I like to get really into things that I am interested in
27. I sometimes burn out because I do them too much
28. I'm mixed with Chinese, Mexican, Italian, Swedish, Welsh, and a tiny, tiny bit of Native American, French and German
29. I like to ready mythology and folk tales from different cultures.
30. Halloween is my favorite holiday
31. I can be really stubborn when I'm not too lazy
32. I'm really sentimental
33. I cry easily at sad movies, manga, books etc...
34. I'm very protective of those that I care about
35. I'm all about loyalty
36. I believe in ghosts
37. I don't watch too much TV
38. The first concert I've been to was to 311
39. I love Dar's legs even if he doesn't <333
40. I don't like raw onions or mayonnaise
41. I love sweets, pasta and all sorts of Asian food
42. When I was in elementary/middle school, I bought all the Japanese Sailor Moon mangas even though I couldn't read any more than a few words in Japanese
43. I only know a bunch of random words and phrases in other languages
44. I make two trips a year to England
45. I'm so far from being wealthy ._.
46. I wish I had a really close knit family...
47. But just with a different extended family.. ;;>_> (not all of them different... just some...)
48. Me and my mom are incredibly close
49. I wrote and recited a poem for my high school graduation ceremony
50. It took me over an hour and a half to write these fifty things.. >.<;


Manga Editor
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Mar 1, 2007
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How obvious fact are you allowed to post? xD

1. A guy. . . There is no girls on the internet >: 3
2. Lives in Sweden but would like to move outside Europe
3. Lurks on 4chan.
4. Reads ******...Who doesn´t? :oh (Irony)
5. Loves summer
6. Fucked up my stationary comp...
7. Got a taste for weird fetisches (Thanks /D/...)
8. Hve glasses, really poor eyesight.
9. Left my first highschool* thanks to a classmate biting me ((*Not sure if thats the right word...))
10. Don´t drink alcohol
11. Don´t smoke
12. Don´t liek partys
13. Can´t draw...have been trying to since I was like...3-4? But simply caný draw a decent piece...
14. Haven´t shoplifted
15. Sadist. . .
16. Lives at home
17. Loves everything about computers...that works ^^
18. Got an Akatsuki cloak, but doesn´t cosplay...
19. Is in the student council...
20. Can´t drive a car...Only found two pedals xDD
21. Don´t like anime that much
22. Prefer Tea than coffe
23. Lives out on the contry
24. Tried an IQ-test and got 121...
25. Haven´t had a GF... :darn
26. Have an older brother that I detest
27. Have been to the US twice, to Florida and I luuve it <3
28. I´m an atheist, and have a little over for religion
29. A little afraid of height
29. Around 184 cm long
30. Have a thing for sad stories that makes me laugh...
31. Always loved rock, but went over to Metal thanks to SlipKnoT
32. Being the gamemaster in an RPG for like...4 years.
33. Don´t have any sense at all with mechanical stuff ^^
34. My father being a hunter and I´m used to guns
35. Skinned animals (dead OFC)
36. Loves fast, graphic advanced FPS (Crysis <3)
37. But don´t have the computer to play thhem good.
38. Loves chocolate, but not the dark ones. White chocolate is pure love.
39. Thinks that a manga needs deat and sorrow to be a good one
40. But liked some shojou despite that...
41. Don´t get the fun out of WoW
42. Had to read others posts to get inspiration on my list ._.
43. Have hard to socialize with girls...
44. Goes for straigh A´s and B´s for grades.
45. Even though not able to get a grade in...
46. Have two cats
47. Thinking about being eiter; Teacher, game developer or hitman.
48. Have my teacher on my side when I´ll take over the world xD
49. Have plans for the third World War...
50. Had dire problems writing this list xD

Its improved! OMFG...
Last edited:


Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Dec 30, 2005
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United States
its been awhile since i been here. so i wonder if i can do a 50 things about myself [updated version] hah. =] ONWARD!

1: age - 20
2: still the same height
3: gained 20 pounds 3 years after i did my first 50 things
4: turning 21 in august - woohoo!
5: currently still single since the last time i did my first 50 things
6: still working at mcdonalds - omg! 3 years!! but floor sup. so its cool now.
7: Driving a 95 White Integra RS with Wings West kit
8: Currently working ( or trying ) to work full time during summer to pay off credit card bill + other bills and save up for tutition and books
9: still attending the same university
10: Stopped playing the guitar a year ago
11: No longer a major game freak
12: anime and manga is slowly dying on me - only reading certain mangas
13: Going back old school and listening to old school music/watch cartoon shows
14: Ready to settle down with a wife but not with a kid
15: Still getting hit on by guys
16: Im sorta in the car scene but dont stand out
17: Holding a 2.8 GPA ( soon to be 3.2 when i do grade replacement)
18: I'm a left hand person
19: Trying to collect toys for further revenue
20: Trying to collect toys from the 90s
21: Is a myspace addict since myspace opened
22: Trying to get cut but hard too because i work at McDonalds
23: Wanting to get yellow color contact lense
24: want Lasik but cant afford on a college student salary
25: Dont have money to buy clothes - very sad right here
26: Have 2 and a half year left in college - hopefully
27: Trying to get back into volleyball
28: Need to post another picture of myself on the member picture thread i started
29: I hate STATS , but liking English
30: Wanting to buy a new car but cant afford on college student salary
31: people see me very depress - which im not.. just tired to socialize
32: Hate BlackBerry because it requires NET to get pictures through text - i am a BlackBerry user
32: Finds girls with hairs down to the bottom of their neck really sexy
33: Is an addict to Call of Duty 4
34: Wants to travel throughout California but no time
35: Been playing Poker - Texas Hold`em
36: Not a gambler
37: Not a smoker
38: Not a drinker
39: Not a druggie
40: Miss the old 90s cartoons ( animanics - pinky and the brain - batman the animated series - x-men the animated series - spiderman the animated series, etc )
41: admires the first 3-4 season of power rangers where they actually know how to fight than all power ( seen in recent power ranger series )
42: Is a late sleeper
43: early bird if i have too
44: Needs to come back on this forum more often
45: idolize Batman
46: Named his car Daedalus and the stuff monkey in the car, Icarus
47: Still living with his parents
48: Still helping out with the family job with college and another job on the side
49: Just likes being with people even if there is no socializing
50: club is not my scene

Here is an update of myself. haha. also here to let other knows im still around. i havent left this place yet. also appreciating all the hard work everyone has put into this site and the mangas translated/Edited Manga.


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Mar 17, 2008
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United States
This is an update...deleted the older one...

1) my real name is anita, but I also go by the name chloe
2) i have a bachelor of arts in geography and a minor in geology
3) i'm atheist
4) i'm a lesbian
5) i love the colors green, black, and silver
6) i write fanfiction, as well as poetry and original fiction
7) my current job is the longest that i've held (2 years in august)
8) i can speak in russian (not fluent as of yet)
9) my alltime favorite anime is naruto
10) my alltime favorite mangas are loveless and fullmetal alchemist
11) i have never written yuri before
12) i love metal music
13) i am known as an emo kid amongst my friends
14) i am a major pokemon addict
15) i smoke
16) i am NOT a neat freak
17) i am the oldest of two girls
18) i have bipolar moments
19) i play bass guitar (not well though)
20) i have lived with the same girl for nearly 5 years (we were college roommates, not girlfriends!)
21) i can't swim
22) i have an obsession with anything dark and/ or morbid
23) i love camo
24) my favorite characters are itachi/ sasuke uchiha, jio freed, ed elric, and toshiro hitsugaya
25) i'm generally a shy/ quiet person until you get to know me


伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Apr 20, 2008
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1, My real name is Adam Clason
2, I'm from Hungary but I live in Sweden
3, My nick Blai comes from Bly - Blyertspenna which means pencil.
4, I played wow from the beta until last christmas.
5, I was such an addict of it!
6, I have a little sister called Dorothy
7, I also have two older sisters and a older brother
8, I'm an uncle
9, My little sister got a kitten three days ago
10, The kittens name is Pepsi
11, I have a dog named Zingo (i hope you see the pattern)
12, I am awfully lazy in school
13, I prefer books over movies
14, I cant be arsed to read books anymore tho :(
15, I have tonsillitis :(
16, I love to party
17, I'm straight
18, I dont want to have a gf
19, I love mangas by Mizuki Kawashita
20, I am cool
21, I am going to Sweden Rock Festival at the day after tomorrow
22, I am playing guitar atm.
23, My father have been a music teacher so he've helped me alot with learning instruments
24, I have brown hair
25, I like pie


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Apr 15, 2008
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United States
1. I'm a Christian, but I hate it when people attack others because they have a different set a beliefs. That pushes people away.
2. I'm straight.
3. I've been told I have a thick Southern accent, but I don't notice it.
4. I grew up in a military family.
5. I'm short (173cm).
6. I go to school at the University of Georgia.
7. I decided was going to go to UGA when I was 8 years old.
8. I was born 3 miles from Auburn University, a rival of UGA.
9. I'm an American football nerd.
10. I played football and lacrosse in high school.
11. I started reading manga, because I found American comics to be boring
12. My major in college is economics.
13. I hope to go to law school after college.
14. Eyeshield 21 and Bleach are my two favorite manga series.
15. I have awful luck with women. If you name a way to be shot down or broken up with, it's happened to me.
16. I have an older sister who teaches elementary school.
17. I have two dachshunds named Hank and Beau.
18. Aside from manga, my hobbies include just about all sports that don't involve ice, lifting weights, and running.
19. I just completed my first 10K last Saturday.
20. I threw up around after I finished.
21. My friends sometimes call me Forrest Gump (Run Forrest! Run!!!)
22. Ender's Game is my favorite book.
23. I almost enlisted in the Army when I turned 18.
24. Not doing that was the best decision I've ever made.
25. My favorite drink is Cherry Coke.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 26, 2008
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Fun Forum
1. Real name is Tina. + middle name and 2 last names.
2. Parents are not married.(Though living together)
3. Has always had a dog in the house since I was born.
4. We have 1 cat and 1 dog. (and 1 dog who is now dead)
5. 17 years old.(Oh yes! Shocked you, didn't I?)
6. Don't drink(alchohol).
7. Don't smoke.
8. Don't party.
9. Addicted to music.
10. Has a older sister.
11. Have a twin sister. (<3)
12. Going to a Miyavi concert soon!
13. Likes Visual Kei.
14. Watched TeniMyu,and loved it. (Prince of Tennis Musicals)
15. Has several nicknames. (Tiny,Walt,Sissi(sister calls me that),Yumi,Hotaru,Chibisuke)
16. Green/Blue eyes.
17. Original hair color is a boring brown color.
18. Currently has Orange and Black hair.
19. Can't care less if people are gay or straight.
20. Believes people has a right to like whoever they want/like.
21. 161cm.
22. Want to learn to play the bass.
23. I think the best manga/animes are the ones who make me laugh.
24. Or makes me develope some kind of interest/relationship with the characters.(You know,makes me feel something)
25. Lazy.
26. Quiet person.
27. Thinks alot.
28. Norwegian.
29. Laziness kicks in,can't help thinking how troublesome this is. *Looks at others lists for inspiration*
30. Competitive,but not a bad loser.
31. Been in 4 funerals.(*beep*ing hates it)
32. Laughs/giggle easily.
33. Bad at playing video games.
34. Really likes the British sitcom "My Family".
35. Sucks at math.(Really,really bad)
36. Is the youngest twin.
37. Scorpio.
38. Likes learning new languages/words.(Still remember when I learned the word Tortoise)
39. Short attention span.(This just might be a record)
40. Most of my english knowledge is from american/english tv-series.(Well,probably anyways)
41. Anti-social/Not very talkative.(Did I just mention that?)
42. Rarely bored.
43. Likes Shounen-ai.
44. When talking,I put words in a weird order.Hard to explain.(Both in Norwegian and English)
45. The first anime I watched was Naruto,Believe it! (Geh,I hate that phrase)
46. Dubbed anime makes my ears hurt.
47. I help my sister with all kind of things.(So,I automatically do it to other people too)
48. Right handed.
49. Played Handball for about 7 years.
50. Have been told that I'm boring once.Answered "Yep" right away,fyi.
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Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jul 10, 2008
Reaction score
United States
1. My name is Su Win.
2. I'm female ([gasp])
3. I'm Burmese
4. I'm an only child, but have one older half brother and one older half sister and one little cousin who's like my little brother. Messed up huh?
5. I'm a college student
6. I'm studying International Business and Political Studies
7. I wish to work in the United Nations
8. I have many interest
9. I'm a Baptist.
10. Despite me being a baptist, I hate it when there are extreme christians who say stuff like "you don't go to heaven if you don't believe in Jesus or God".
11. I love reading books. Any type, even those Mills and Boons.
12. I have a weakness for nerds and nerdy things.
13. I have a weakness for gadgets, but I'm not a nerd
14. I love my friends, without them I'm nothing.
15. I love music, more than I love anything that I've claimed to. Without music, and God, I have no life. Seriously.
16. I need music.
17. I love food. That's edible.
18. I have a huge weakness for cute stuff -.-;
19. I'm a shopaholic. XD Need therapy.
21. I love arts and crafts
22. I love web graphics designing
23. I use to be a forum whore
24. I love video games, especially final fantasy, though lately, i'm not into RPG games
25. My favorite animanga are mostly shoujo manga like; Nodame Cantabile, Honey and Clover, Chiko - Daughter of Twenty Faces, Itazura na Kiss, Nana, etc.
26. I love shonen manga too like Bleach, Soul eater, D.Gray-man and etc.
27. I'm very secretive. Not many things but the obvious were revealed here. ;D

And I stop since it's 25 - 50.


Manga Editor
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 10, 2008
Reaction score
This sounds interesting...

1. I'm a girl.
2. Born in 1995.
3. I have an annoying little brother, 3 years younger than I am.
4. Loves shounen-genre manga and anime (Naruto, DGM, Code Geass, Bleach, One Piece, Prince of Tennis, TWGOK, Fairy Tail, Hitman Reborn!, Soul Eater, Blazer Drive, etc).
5. I like R&B, pop, rock, and hip-hop songs.
6. MTV is my daily routine.
7. I can play some music instruments.
8. I hate school.
9. My mom and dad are both entrepreneurs.
10. Despises make-ups of any sort.
11. My favorite PC game is Counter Strike.
12. Lazy.
13. Good grades. With less effort, surprisingly. (It's a miracle.)
14. My favorite subject is... er... Mandarin.
15. Develops fandom towards Yu Kanda, Allen Walker (DGM), Gaara, Itachi, Sasuke (Naruto), Ryoma, Fuji (PoT), Hitsugaya, Byakuya (Bleach), Lelouch Lamperouge, C.C (Code Geass), and a lot more.
16. I don't, and never did, believe in horoscopes.
17. Number 16 includes fortune-telling.
18. Grilled salmon is my all-time favorite food.
19. Does not drink diet coke - I prefer fanta.
20. I had a terrible experience regarding NeatImage. I developed hatred towards that software afterwards. =_=
21. My favorite colours are blue, black, white, gray, silver, bloody red, and teal.
22. I have fetish for jackets (jeans and leather ones).
23. Terribly bad at sports. And I have a stamina of a Lelouch. Imagine that - I might as well got beaten in runnning by Milly-san in a dress. XD
24. I'm supposed to wear eye glasses/contacts, but since the degree isn't bad, I still can see well without them. And I'm not wearing them, either.
25. I don't do smoking.
26. I don't do drinking.
27. I don't do drugs.
28. I'm very healthy, despite the fact that I am underweight.
29. I eat 5 portions each and everyday. How the hell am I underweight?!
30. Fast metabolism.
31. My art and biology teachers are despicable.
32. I'm a Christian, but I respect other religions as well.
33. Usher is my favorite singer/rapper/whatever he is.
34. I tend to pay too much attention to grammar and vocabulary.
35. I'm originally left-handed.
36. Even so, I use my right hand more often. (Ambidextrous.)
37. I don't trust people easily.
38. People might think that they know me, but in reality they know nothing.
39. Obviously straight.
40. I used to be a Tekken freak - though only Tekken 4 and 5. Have you seen the previous series' animation? Creeptastic.
41. Good at Photoshop.
42. Hates CorelDraw.
43. I prefer cats over dogs - they don't bite. XD
44. Got bitten by my cousin's huge dalmation.
45. I tend to multi-task.
46. I have two laptops which I usually use at the same time. Multi-tasking.
47. Vegetables and fruits are my archenemies.
48. I love both sweets and salt things.
49. I got lost once in China. For three long hours.
50. I took 15 minutes until I finally finished this list.


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Oct 26, 2006
Reaction score
1. i'm a very lazy person
2. i'm poor
3. i'm very short (152cm)
4. i'm underweight (38kg)
5. i don't like to socialize with people
6. i'm super addicted to the internet (spent almost 24 hours a day in front of my laptop)
7. have a down syndrome brother whom i love talking to coz he doesn't understand what i say and i don't understand what he says either
8. trying to learn chinese and japanese on my own.. y? becoz of reason "refer to no.2' i can't afford to enrol in a class and reason "refer to no. 5 & 6" =stuck in home
9. i like things related to computer and technology
10. later... can't think of anything yet + refer to no. 1
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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jan 9, 2008
Reaction score
Ok, I don't know how much I can write, but here I go:

1. I procrastinate a lot
2. I like strawberry ice cream
3. I don't like hot places and don't do drugs or smoke (totally unrelated but)
4. I want to go to Antarctica or Galapagos one day
5. I'm bilingual in Japanese and English
6. I started drawing manga two years ago just as a hobby- but now aiming to go to pro-level
7. I drink double shot latte- but can sleep after drinking it
8. I can sleep almost anywhere, sometimes at a wrong time- during a fire drill, on a bus with a cocaine addicted person, while my friend was practicing karate, and etc.
9. My favorite movies- Finding Nemo and Shrek
10. I never drink everyday- only at parties - since even if I buy it, I find it "evaporated" (gone down to someone else's stomach) by the time I feel like drinking it
11. I like comb jellies
12. I have a job unrelated to an art field
13. I think anything is food as long as it's dead and you don't die from eating it
14. I used to write stories- only intro for couple of years so I decided doing manga would progress stuff along
15. I used to do oil painting for three years
16. Never drew manga until two years ago
17. I got caught in a bottomless swamp
18. I got caught in a drawer for twenty minutes in univ.
19. I draw manga secretly every night- must win a pro-level contest so I'll get accepted by others around me to continue drawing
20. My dog steals my clothes and towels- uses it so he'll bring it to a laundry machine
21. I think the greatest invention is the instant noodle- have it at least once a week.
22. I had the weirdest nickname in high school due to one chem. experiment gone wrong
23. I got bitten by ducks before
24. I swam with seals before
25. I climbed to the top of Mt. Fuji and saw a sunrise/red moon from there
26. My favorite sports- hiking (do it at least once a year)
27. I like New Age, Dance, pop and random music other than hard rock, punk
28. My dog likes to climb on top of cars- he thinks it's the best slide in the world
29. My favorite color is green and blue
30. I like smoked ham and cheese –not smoking people
31. When I cook, I find half of the ingredient gone in the process
32. I think microwave is the best cooking tool- explodes
33. I made the saltiest cake you could ever make- switched sugar and salt amount on the recipe
34. Put too much yeast in pizza crust- result: people got drunk by eating pizza
35. hates horror movies/stories but watch/read it anyway- regrets later
36. like comedy that doesn't involve racist comments
37. chronically clumsy- blame the gene
38. tried to prove 37 wrong, fell head first from a branch (or a root?) and rolled down to a lake
39. wants to get a new software coming out this summer for digital manga
40. doesn't like BL (shonen-ai) manga
41. has a rescue scuba diving license (started it since sky diving wasn't an option)
42. I get lost easily- but never with grocery, book, and electronic shops
43. my favorite food is akashiyaki or takoyaki (ones with octopus in it)
44. When I see depictions of kraken, I wonder how many takoyaki you can make out of it
45. My favorite author is Terry Pratchett
46. Nobody can read my handwriting - even I can't
47. I started CG a couple of months ago- almost a year now
48. Likes Beef and Broccoli - Chinese take-outs
49. daydreams about food
50. Hopefully, my life is nothing ordinary and never get bored with it
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Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
United States
1. imma genius
2.imma rapper black
4.i am 5ft 9in
5.i weigh 125 pounds
6. i love games
7. i hate fake spoilers
8. love naruto manga
9. i know more about naruto than kishi seeing as his story is so unorthadox always putting lame ass sasuke before Naruto
10. i am cool
11.i aint no computer freak
12. if u wanna know more just message me!!!!!!!!


MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Aug 3, 2006
Reaction score
Somehow I've missed this thread, but well, let's go:

1-My names's Bruno, nice to meet you all;
2-I am 176 cm and 68 kg;
3-Sometimes people got me laughing for nothing;
4-I have an ability to sleep on every kind of place;
5-I don't like cars, even though I own one; bus is my best friend, hehe
6-In my house you can find 2 dogs, 4 birds, 1 hamster; I love animals so much ^^!
7-Don't drink anything alcohol-related: my biggest grip here is with people who drive even when they're drunk, and alcohol has a bad taste too;
8-I hate cigs, the smoke is the worst thing, mainly when our clothes are infected with its smell :-/
9-1º Dan BlackBelt on Aikido and Kenjutsu, but unfortunately I quit from the training, some grudges with my sensei; and since then, I'm out of time to search another dojo...
10-Studying for PMI certification for Project Managerment;
11-I'm a programmer, one of the most exhaustive job in the entire world, but I like it!
12-Saint Seiya was the first anime that I ever saw, and the most Unforgettable;
13-I love games, RPGs being my favorite genre, and Final Fantasy and Tales of series are my favorite RPG’s series.
14-Speaking of Tales of, on Tales of Destiny I almost cried in the part where Lion died;
15-I hate arrogant people, these people must understand that the world wasn’t created only for them, respect is one of the most important thing in the world(That’s the reason I cannot stand Sasuke anymore);
16-People usually say that I know how to hide my feelings very well, though I don’t think I have such ability…
17-I plan to live in Japan on a near future, being a project manager on some game softhouse there;
18-Strawberry and watermelon are my favorite fruit, and I cannot imagine the world without them, probably I wouldn’t be here as well!
19-I’ll buy a HDMI TV in the future, now unfortunately it’s a little expensive…
20-Currently I own a XBOX 360, a GameCube and a Playstation 2, though my focus now is the 360;
21-Parties? Only sometimes, usually at night I’m really tired due the job, but some weekends are exceptions;
22-Until 17’s, I was too shy, unable to talk with a single girl alone;
23- I hated Bleach at first, I thought it was just a regular and ordinary shounen, but now Bleach turned to be my favorite series!
24-I want to travel over the world, one of my favorites destination is the China’s great Wall;
25-My first kiss was with 18’s. Well, was a little late, but maybe is the result of my shy!
26-Proficient on English and Spanish, now trying Japanese, but I need more time to practice, and I don’t have this time…
27-The last time I went to a beach was 7 years ago;
28-I strongly hate airplanes, every week I have a terrible nightmare involving crash accidents(I think it could be due the recent crashes here…)I’m traumatized with it…
29-I’m a completely noob about image’s editors like Photoshop and Fireworks;
30-I’m a perfectionist, though sometimes I’m criticized about this aspect;
31-I want to change to world, though I don’t have the slightly idea to how to do it :-/
32-My favorite food is Pizza, but, well, you know, it isn’t that healthy!
33-I’ve kicked a wall before, LOL(and broke my foot in the process…)!
34-I own a Katana and Wakizashi, for decoration, and another real Katana, but my father is a little scared about it;
35-I’ve helped Goku to make the Genki-Dama, XD!!!
36-I once slept during a chess game;
37-I don’t like cakes very much;
38-I spend about 8 daily hours on MangaHelpers;
39-Batman is my favorite Comic Hero: he’s too human, and his training to be Batman was impressive, 18 years is too much;
40-I’m horrible on soccer, I just gave up from playing it…
41-I’m a very sociable person, though I think is really difficult to find true friend nowadays;
42-In the only time on my whole life I’ve risked dance anything, I almost crushed my partner’s feet...
43-Someday I’ll revive Aerith, she’s too good as a character to stay dead;
44-I believe that spirits and ghosts exist, as well reincarnation;
45-I hate cold weather, it’s really a pain to wake up on such times…
46-Grey is a beautiful color, maybe because it’s the mix between white and black;
47-I’v eaten 3 sandwiches in a row;
48-the word “love” is a beautiful one, must be used wisely;
49-I’m a dreamer, and what a dreamer!
50-There’re still more 1000 things about myself to be told, but it would take a looooooot of time!


中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jul 31, 2008
Reaction score
1. Love Anime/Manga
2. My First Anime was Pokemon when i was in grade 4
3. my bday is March 26
4. Lucky number is 12
5. Manga helpers is my favorite forum
6. Hate Waking up in the morning
7. i work for the government
8. im bored right now
9. I'm hungry
10. im lazy to go on :)