Games - The Final Fantasy Thread! | MangaHelpers

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Games The Final Fantasy Thread!

Gold Knight

MH Senpai
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Nov 16, 2005
Reaction score
Abu Dhabi

This is where you can talk about anything Final Fantasy related.

You can also post about FF related wallpapers or fanart that you like here too.

EDIT: Final Fantasy XIII information is starting to roll in. Be sure to spoiler-tag any crucial story plotlines and so on. - GK

[Questionnaire for FF fanatics]:

1) What's your favorite Final Fantasy game?
2) Favorite character?
3) Favorite villain?
4) Favorite summon?
5) Which game have you replayed the most?
6) What was the toughest challenge you ever had in a FF game?
7) What was your favorite clip in the games?
8) If you would like to see a sequel to any of the games, which would it be?
9) What side-game do you like the most?
10) If you could date a FF character, who would it be? Haha...

Have fun!

[Mod=Charlie]Merged FF Threads[/Mod]


Since we've a number of Final Fantasy fans here who are playing it right now (including yours truly!), I thought I'd go on and start this thread for fun.

Whenever we want to talk a bit about where we're at in the game, post away in here, in spoiler tags of course (but titled with some sort of key word that would indicate where we're at in the game). Like so:

Right now I'm quite far in the game, so to keep from spoiling anybody too much, I'm going to talk about the beginning for now.

Opening sequence is absolutely breathtaking. One of the things I really appreciated about this game so far is the dialogue seems so realistic and so well written so far. Graphics and scenes are so far totally satisfying.

Rabanastre's certainly a big town, but it wasn't as huge as I thought it would be ( try playing Oblivion sometimes for a while and I guarantee you'll be amazed. ) But it's definitely the biggest so far in a FF game.

So far I like the battle system okay, but I do miss the "drama" of going to a new screen with close ups of the monsters ( I still prefer FFX the most ). But so far I'm not having too many problems with it.

I did die early on though.. against a couple of cockatrices. I was fighting one and then one started attacking me from behind before I realized what was happening. And I had been wandering over all the Estersand, and had run out of potions at that point, so... yeah, it was game over for me. But that was okay.. I went back out there and did it all over again and it was kinda fun anyway.

Beat the Rogue Tomato, went back to Tomaj, joined the clan, and went down the Lowtown and talked to Old Dalan.

I was kinda getting suspicious about the treasure chests though, because they all seemed to have the same thing, so I checked the guidebook. Sure enough - there are some cases where they'll have something even better if you don't open them right now. So be sure to leave the chest next to Old Dalan's chest alone.

The game's been pretty fun. I don't mind the License system at all, in fact enjoy it, because I think it helps me have more incentive to fight more and level up. The graphics are definitely the biggest highlight of this game though.

This game reminded me of Star Wars, too, by the way. Unique but still very Star War-esque.

I'll elaborate more on later points in the game when some time has passed. Feel free to post away!

EDIT: Or Vent away. Heh. Played it long enough that I ended up not liking it too much after all.

It's obvious the FF game disappointed many players. Including me.
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Re: FF XII Thread

Not going to say much, but I'm really enjoying the hell out of this game. Square pulled out all the stops for this and it shows. If you don't own this yet, you need to put the crack pipe down and go get it!


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
Re: FF XII Thread: Talk Away!!!

can anyone send me this great game from the US, cuse I won't get it until februari 2007 :crying

I want to play it, I want to play it bad, so bad that I replayed my old FF VI, FF X and FF II on emulator.
please help me, I am desperate...


Re: FF XII Thread: Talk Away!!!

Wow Zypher, that really sucks, FF 12 is awesome. It's only another three months though, try to hang in there!


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Oct 19, 2006
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Re: FF XII Thread: Talk Away!!!

yeah i am trying my best, but you know it is hard.

so please don't spoil anything for me


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Re: FF XII Thread: Talk Away!!!

zypher said:
yeah i am trying my best, but you know it is hard.

so please don't spoil anything for me
Then try avoiding the spoiler tags like this one if you don't want to get spoiled:
Didn't I tell you not to :yelling

What I really like about the gameplay:
The fact that it's not as much turn-based as the previous ones. Especially when summoning espers and are able to control them. It's much more mmorpg-like right now, just with a story. Maybe in the next installment, they can have you pressing some buttons instead of having to wait for a bar to finish, but that might get them bashed by som FF-fanboys/fangirls.


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
Re: FF XII Thread: Talk Away!!!

STOP IT!!!!!

I can't stand this, if only i could tell you how hard it is to not click those spoiler tags ^^


Re: FF XII Thread: Talk Away!!!

Not too sure what exactly in this would be a spoiler or not, so I'll just tag it all.

About the fighting
I'm really enjoying it so far. The system seems different, but it really isn't, it's still more or less time based, you can just move around during the fights. I like using the Gambit system for the computer players, so I don't have to babysit them too much. I also like how I can still override any command I want too at any time. I'm also glad they kept the Espers more or less the same way as FFX. You can help them fight, or you can support them so they live long enough to pull off their super move. I'm not so crazy about quickenings though. They're a simple concept, but tough to pull off. If they had made the writing, and the buttons on screen a little bigger, it wouldn't be so bad. Oh well. I also like how MP restores over time. It seems a lot of times in RPG's, especially early it's so easy to run out, and MP restoration items are always so expensive

About the license system
I'm not as crazy about this aspect of the game. While I like being able to customize characters, this basically just keeps them all the same. I've had characters specialize in areas, but until you get the right magic and weapons, it doesn't do you much good. So you basically just play as your three favorite characters and give them whatever abilities you need. Also, if you haven't found the HP bonuses, or the MP reduction bonuses, etc. you are missing out, they help out a lot.

About hunts and money
I really thought I'd hate the idea that you couldn't just kill enemies and get money, but it doesn't bother me much. The idea of selling items enemies drop (such as skins, claws, etc.) makes the game more realisitic. It also makes you have to really put some thought into the weapons and armor you purchase. You just can't hang out and wait until you get enough money to buy everything in town. Well, I suppose technically you could, but that would take you a very long time. The hunts are a lot of fun too, and well worth it. A lot of the enemies are a good challenge. It does bother how a lot of the enemies in a hunt, or bosses for that matter all of a sudden go hit crazy near death. I think it's crap you can dominate the whole fight only to have everyone wiped out in seconds because of that. I mean, our characters don't do that! Oh well, it's not that tough.

The best part of the game
The fact we can make spoiler tags like this, that have nothing to do with the game, just to bother our European friends. :D Haha!

And that's all I have to say about it right now.


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Oct 19, 2006
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Re: FF XII Thread: Talk Away!!!

i hate to live in europe when it comes to games :sad


Aristocratic Assassin
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 17, 2006
Reaction score
United States
Re: FF XII Thread: Talk Away!!!

I'm seriously enjoying FFXII right now. i wish I had more time to play, but oh well.

Venom65437 said:
Not too sure what exactly in this would be a spoiler or not, so I'll just tag it all.

About the fighting
I'm really enjoying it so far. The system seems different, but it really isn't, it's still more or less time based, you can just move around during the fights. I like using the Gambit system for the computer players, so I don't have to babysit them too much. I also like how I can still override any command I want too at any time. I'm also glad they kept the Espers more or less the same way as FFX. You can help them fight, or you can support them so they live long enough to pull off their super move. I'm not so crazy about quickenings though. They're a simple concept, but tough to pull off. If they had made the writing, and the buttons on screen a little bigger, it wouldn't be so bad. Oh well. I also like how MP restores over time. It seems a lot of times in RPG's, especially early it's so easy to run out, and MP restoration items are always so expensive
I love being able to move the characters around. It makes the game seem more interactive, as opposed to previous ones. At first i thought I could run around to avoid being hit by a monster's attack, but that didn't work XD Oh well. And as far as ethers/elixers, there's only a few in the game, that can be found in treasure chests. Can't buy them anywhere or get them in any bazaar packages. That's the main downfll, IMO. I enjoy using magic, and it sucks to have to wait for my MP to restore.

About the license system
I'm not as crazy about this aspect of the game. While I like being able to customize characters, this basically just keeps them all the same. I've had characters specialize in areas, but until you get the right magic and weapons, it doesn't do you much good. So you basically just play as your three favorite characters and give them whatever abilities you need. Also, if you haven't found the HP bonuses, or the MP reduction bonuses, etc. you are missing out, they help out a lot.
I HATE having to both license AND buy spells. It's such a bother >< I prefer how it was in FFX, where you just activated the spot on the grid. I have done any specializing in any areas, but everyone has all of the spells (both black and white magic) that I've bought so far. And speaking of spells, I REALLY like the "float" spell XD It's so nifty and comes in handy for walking over traps.

About hunts and money
I really thought I'd hate the idea that you couldn't just kill enemies and get money, but it doesn't bother me much. The idea of selling items enemies drop (such as skins, claws, etc.) makes the game more realisitic. It also makes you have to really put some thought into the weapons and armor you purchase. You just can't hang out and wait until you get enough money to buy everything in town. Well, I suppose technically you could, but that would take you a very long time. The hunts are a lot of fun too, and well worth it. A lot of the enemies are a good challenge. It does bother how a lot of the enemies in a hunt, or bosses for that matter all of a sudden go hit crazy near death. I think it's crap you can dominate the whole fight only to have everyone wiped out in seconds because of that. I mean, our characters don't do that! Oh well, it's not that tough.
I love selling loot XD It makes more sense than getting money from the fiends, since I highly doubt they have any need for gil :sweat As far as the hunts. bah, i don't care either way about those. They're opkay, but sometimes they're so out of the way XD I have a few I still need to go back and do, like the lord Wyrvn in the sandsea by Raithwall's tomb and there's anotherone...somewhere >.> oh well. I'm training right now anyways. I'll just use my nifty teleport stones to fo it XD I love how you can use the stones or use the Airships to get places. I also like the sidequest on the airship.

Overall, this game is pretty darn awesome though ^^


英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 29, 2006
Reaction score
United States
Re: FF XII Thread: Talk Away!!!

I am also really enjoying this game so far. I have put a lot of time into it and to my surprise I found that I really enjoy the fighting system (I had my doubts based on a crappy demo I played).

So at the moment I am:

Working my way around the Phon Coast and trying to earn some monies to get new armor. I was kind of surprised by the last little cut scene though between Balthier and Ashe. I do not see happy days ahead for poor Balthier...


Re: FF XII Thread: Talk Away!!!

LadyHatake said:
I'm seriously enjoying FFXII right now. i wish I had more time to play, but oh well.
Me too!

LadyHatake said:
I love being able to move the characters around. It makes the game seem more interactive, as opposed to previous ones. At first i thought I could run around to avoid being hit by a monster's attack, but that didn't work XD Oh well. And as far as ethers/elixers, there's only a few in the game, that can be found in treasure chests. Can't buy them anywhere or get them in any bazaar packages. That's the main downfll, IMO. I enjoy using magic, and it sucks to have to wait for my MP to restore.
Heh, I tried to run around to avoid hits too! It's the one thing I don't like about being able to move, not much of a point if you can't dodge hits. I still do it to restore my MP faster anyway.

LadyHatake said:
I love selling loot XD It makes more sense than getting money from the fiends, since I highly doubt they have any need for gil :sweat As far as the hunts. bah, i don't care either way about those. They're opkay, but sometimes they're so out of the way XD I have a few I still need to go back and do, like the lord Wyrvn in the sandsea by Raithwall's tomb and there's anotherone...somewhere >.> oh well. I'm training right now anyways. I'll just use my nifty teleport stones to fo it XD I love how you can use the stones or use the Airships to get places. I also like the sidequest on the airship.
Yea, I still have to go back and do that one too, but you're right, it's soooooooooo far out of the way I almost done want to bother. Oh well, I actually plan to do that one next.

LadyHatake said:
Overall, this game is pretty darn awesome though ^^
Can't argue that

Gold Knight

MH Senpai
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Nov 16, 2005
Reaction score
Abu Dhabi
Re: FF XII Thread: Talk Away!!!

LadyHatake said:
I'm seriously enjoying FFXII right now. i wish I had more time to play, but oh well.

I love being able to move the characters around. It makes the game seem more interactive, as opposed to previous ones. At first i thought I could run around to avoid being hit by a monster's attack, but that didn't work XD Oh well. And as far as ethers/elixers, there's only a few in the game, that can be found in treasure chests. Can't buy them anywhere or get them in any bazaar packages. That's the main downfll, IMO. I enjoy using magic, and it sucks to have to wait for my MP to restore.
Venom65437 said:
Heh, I tried to run around to avoid hits too! It's the one thing I don't like about being able to move, not much of a point if you can't dodge hits. I still do it to restore my MP faster anyway.
About running around...
I do like that you can use the Decoy magic to make a monster concentrate on just one of your people and have the others move out of the way and use ranged weapons instead. This really makes having bows and guns a lot more convenient than any other FF game in the past.

So in that sense, having the ability to run around is nice, because when one of your fighters are getting low on HP, you can distract the monsters by having other teammates close in on it so that your injured guy can get away far enough to restore his HP. This especially helped in one of my fights with the saurion (it broke loose of the Immobilize spell and it was every man for himself from then on >.>)

About where I am currently in the game...
I'm currently doing a few hunts after having completed the Henne Mines and having defeated the Tiamat. Going to try to fight the Ring Wyrm again. Don't know if I'll succeed, that thing's tough.

And zypher, my friend, I'm sorry but visiting the thread and looking at all the spoilers isn't going to help you much - better just leave the thread alone for now :/

Gold Knight

MH Senpai
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Nov 16, 2005
Reaction score
Abu Dhabi

This is where you can talk about anything Final Fantasy related.

You can also post about FF related wallpapers or fanart that you like here too.

EDIT: Final Fantasy XIII information is starting to roll in. Be sure to spoiler-tag any crucial story plotlines and so on. - GK

here's a couple of in game battle screen image(s) of the lead character in FFXIII fighting a giant robot/scorpion/buzz saw type enemy courtesy of
We have some good and bad news regarding FFXIII..

Good news: a new character has been revealed to us. His name is Sazh Katroy and apparently he likes chocobos and guns as seen in these pics [here, and here]. Not to mention he has one of the cheesiest but awesome smiles ever...

Bad news: According to an interview with Square Enix's Yoichi Wada in the UK's Guardian, FFXIII wont be available outside of Japan until at least April of 2010...

a new trailer is out with lots and lots of actual gameplay footage:D

Square Enix site
Direct Download courtesy of Final Fantasy Union

Full Demo [FF XIII] gameplay video.

Part 1 of 9

[Questionnaire for FF fanatics]:

1) What's your favorite Final Fantasy game?
2) Favorite character?
3) Favorite villain?
4) Favorite summon?
5) Which game have you replayed the most?
6) What was the toughest challenge you ever had in a FF game?
7) What was your favorite clip in the games?
8) If you would like to see a sequel to any of the games, which would it be?
9) What side-game do you like the most?
10) If you could date a FF character, who would it be? Haha...

Have fun!
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MH Senpai
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Sep 2, 2006
Reaction score

1. FF X2
2. Vincent Valentine
3. Bahamut (I hope this counts >.>)
4. Bahamut / Eden
5. FF X
6. Omega Weapon
7. FFVIII opening
8. FF VII based upon Advent Children
9. Chocobo ^^
10. Tifa

Gold Knight

MH Senpai
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Nov 16, 2005
Reaction score
Abu Dhabi
1) FF 6 ( FF 3 in the original American numbering; it's the one with Terra, Locke, etc. )
2) Shadow
3) Kefka
4) Knights of the Round Table
5) The very first FF game
6) The train scene in FF VII gave me fits
7) The dancing scene in FF VIII; close second is the Auron scene at Luca in FF X
8) FF 6 ( pleeease, God! )
9) I liked the numbers game in FF X-2
10) Rikku >.>


Holy crap this will be hard

1) Can't really say, love them all
2) Shadow, Auron
3) Sephiroth
4) Bahamut in all it's forms, also Anima
5) Nine, because it's a throwback to all the old FF's and it's a lot of fun to play
6) The original Final Fantasy 2, it makes you want to eat a baby.
7) I liked the dancing scene in FF 8 as well (thou I don't like dancing!), Bahamut vs. Alexaner in FF9, and Tidus and Yuna in the water in X
8) Tough to say, VII was the only one that really had a lot of room for a sequel (well a sequel that could be based on that games storyline anyway.) If they make any sequels, I'll buy them
9) I liked Blitz Ball, the card games, and Chocobo Hot and Cold. (Spent WAY to much time with that one!)
10) Oh I don't think so....


Re: FF XII Thread: Talk Away!!!

I think you're still ahead of me Phil, argh! I better get some work done this weekend with no college football to worry about...

Gold Knight

MH Senpai
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Nov 16, 2005
Reaction score
Abu Dhabi
Aww Venom, just imagine if one of the FF characters were based on a real person, and you met her, which one would you go out with? Haha.


Eroge Danchou
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Aug 30, 2006
Reaction score
1) What's your favorite Final Fantasy game?
FFVII, followed by FFX and FFVI.

2) Favorite character?
Hard to choose... Cloud, Vincent, Auron.

3) Favorite villain?
Sephiroth. So much charisma, best final boss music too. And giant sword, woot.

4) Favorite summon?
Phoenix in FFVII.

5) Which game have you replayed the most?
FFVII, finished 15 times, for about 1000 hours playing the game :eyeroll

6) What was the toughest challenge you ever had in a FF game?
Getting all the stats of all the characters at 255 in FFX and defeating that damn Derr Richter (Penance in Jap, only in FFX International, which was our european version, lucky~) without using Yojimbo. All the other FF side bosses can go cry in a dark corner, Derr Richter is way stronger :noworry I still have that 250+ hours save in my memory card...^^"

7) What was your favorite clip in the games?
The opening of FFVIII. It left me speechless, and gave me hope of the game being better than FFVII. Unfortunately, it was not. At all.

8) If you would like to see a sequel to any of the games, which would it be?
Well, I don't want to see any sequel to any FF games, so I'll pass on that. Though I actually liked a lot FFX-2 (probably the best battle system of all FF games <-haven't played FFXII yet), all the FFVII sequels were just not that good... If I had to choose one, I'd say FFVI.

9) What side-game do you like the most?
I spent way too much time on the Time Triad in FFVIII, but my favorite is the blitzball in FFX-2.

10) If you could date a FF character, who would it be? Haha...
Lulu >.> I just love cool, calm, strong-minded girls like her, and I have a black mage complex >.>

Edit : Forgot to say something, I hate FFIX. Seriously. It's the only FF I own that I finished only twice :s