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Assembler 0X

Assembler 0X
Original title: アセンブラ・ゼロエックス
Alternative Titles: アセンブラ0X
Demographics: Seinen
Chapters at MH: 0
Releases at MH: 0
Publishing Status: Finished
Writer(s): ASAMIYA Kia
Artist(s): ASAMIYA Kia
Serialized in: Afternoon
Published by: Kodansha
Year: 1992
Official Site:
Popularity: 0 favorites
Translators: 0 (Click here to view)
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Score 2.5 of 5.0 - 0 votes

Summary and Preview

In A.D. 1997. Having failed to conqer the Earth, Compiler and Assembler from Another World settle down in the residence of Nati and Toshi Igarashi whom they choose as their partners. As they start their literally unworldly community life, various Sudaran assassins arrive from Another World one after another to attack Compiler and Assembler, until, in good time, all of those begin to turn into old memories... Yes, in 2000, the last year of the century, Assembler has started to lead quite a different life --- a life as a "human being"...

Prequel to Compiler.


Comedy, Drama, Romance, Sci-fi, Seinen

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