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The Otohime Private All-Girls High School is a very prestigious school and full of pretty girls. However, there is one male student attending the school, the director's son Ouji. Ouji is a creepy pervert who can get away with anything because his father doesn't punish him. He's got video cameras all over the school to get footage of his classmates naked or near-naked and constantly sneaks around with cameras to get photos of them. The school is his paradise.
All this will change in the coming year, though. His father has decided to make the school co-ed, but with only baseball players so that they can aim for winning the National High School Baseball Championship at Koshien Stadium. In preparation for this grand dream, the director insists that the girls of the school establish a cheerleading squad. Seeing his glorious world collapsing around him, Ouji latches on to the most hopeful thing he can find: the cheerleading squad. Now he and the reluctant student council president, Itsuki, are going to recruit members and try to get this team going! [tethysdust]
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