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Do Da Dancin'!

Do Da Dancin'!
Original title: ードゥ ダ ダンシンー
Demographics: Josei
Chapters at MH: 0
Releases at MH: 0
Publishing Status: Finished
Writer(s): MAKIMURA Satoru
Artist(s): MAKIMURA Satoru
Serialized in: Young YOU
Published by: Shueisha
Year: 2000
Official Site:
Popularity: 0 favorites
Translators: 0 (Click here to view)
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Score 2.5 of 5.0 - 0 votes

Summary and Preview

Sakuraba Taiko has been into ballet since she was a kid. Her mother also used to dance, although she gave it up to take a more traditional life path. Therefore, she was eagerly supportive of Taiko's interest in ballet. Taiko's life was staggered by the death of her mother in a car accident, but she has continued to dance, although her heart is no longer in it. Her remaining family and childhood friends support her as she chases her dream to become a famous dancer.

Her latest role is in the ballet "Giselle" as Myrta, the queen of the Wilis, spirits of young, virginal women who died before their wedding day. One day when she comes to the studio, she meets a beautiful, famous male ballet dancer, Mikami Akira, and she instantly crushes on him. Will she be able to dance well enough in her role to impress him and live up to the expectations of the whole ballet group? Will she be able to sort out her own feelings towards ballet and her mother's death? [tethysdust]


Drama, Romance, Slice of Life, Sports

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