Summary and Preview
Three siblings are generals in a world with a volatile and violent monarchy system. Taro, Jiro and Saburo successfully overthrow the current regime and place themselves as the rulers of the land. As the oldest, Taro becomes the king and his siblings serve beside him. The youngest and the most violent of the group, Saburo, is not satisfied with the current peaceful situation and wants to continue conquering. He begins to hatch a plan to overthrow his brothers in order to gain absolute power of the crown and fulfill his desire to destroy! [vyc]
誰にも愛されない自分を呪い、憎悪を募らせ、悪党を志す黒星公サブロ。あるときは武装騎を操り、あるときは知略で人々を落としいれ、王冠を、世の中のすべてを手に入れていく。カスガ王妃にかけられた呪い 「誰にも愛されず 全てに裏切られ 絶望して死ね!」 この言葉がサブロを絡めとる日はくるのか!? その横にたたずむ性別をもたない人造生命・トコ。トコの瞳はなにを写す――? 狡猾、残忍、豪胆な詭弁家・「悪党」サブロの超絶バトルオペラ!!
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