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Masui Asuha is a loner at his high school and thinks that he's the only reliable person. Recently, there have been rumors about the devil appearing in the neighborhood, turning people in maniacs. Asuha never believed any of it until one day, he meets the devil, Baal, in the form of a teenage boy. Baal forces Asuha to play a dangerous game, a game where Baal will make the people close to Asuha insane and it's up to him to save them. Asuha is forced to realize that humans are prone to personal greed and that they will even sell their souls to attain it. [vyc]
「じゃあ、ゲームをしようか」 学園という小さな社会で隠し持つ、少年たちの繊細な心を美しい悪魔が暴き出す!大切な人の醜い本性を知った時、君は、どうする? 悪魔と少年の出会い、それは世界の崩壊と救済の始まり――――!耽美なる絵と魅惑の言霊で綴る、超美麗ダークファンタジー!
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