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Discussion Fairy Tail Power Ranking Thread

Which side are you on?

  • Team Spriggan 12

    Votes: 41 48.2%
  • Team Diabolos/Dragon Eaters

    Votes: 44 51.8%

  • Total voters


MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 10, 2015
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Like I said, Zeref reversed time when he put the guild back together. Even if Zeref wasn't trying to reverse time when he and Natsu had their final clash, it doesn't matter. The only reason he knew time was burning was because he had Fairy Heart's power.

Ignia didnt know Selene was there until she teleported behind him. He simply fast enough to react to her. Ignia didnt resort to sneak attacks lol. He got momentarily distracted by Natsu, gave a speach, and then blasted a hole in Selene. You dont get to complain about sneak attacks if you started a fight, and your opponent is standing in front of you giving a speech lol.

Natsu vaporized Aldoron's main god seed and blasted a hole Aldoron. This actually killed Aldoron. That's better flat out better than what Zeref's death wave did, which was slowly kill Aldoron at speed where Natsu could literally outrun.

Brandish and Gajeel did not immobolize Aldoron. Aldoron sees still had enough power to trade blows with DF Natsu. There's no way he didnt have enough strength to move the dragon body. He still had enough power to shoot thorns at the entire Fairy Tail guild, who were running for their lives. Besides, if Gajeel and Brandish did immobolize actually Aldoron, that means they did more damage than Zeref's death wave. Aldoron was moving fine after the death wave. Natsu's attack didfar more damage to Aldoron than Gajeel's attack and Zeref's death wave combined. Aldoron was talking about Natsu's new fire like it had the potential to burn the world.

It doesnt matter if the spell was incomplete. The incomplete spell was still overpowering Zeref. Natsu thawed Gray out and melted the ice that Zeref couldnt break.

Explain to me why Ignia can't just do this to Zeref's magic. Aldoron can't burn magic. Ignia's flames can.
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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 1, 2016
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Imperium of Mankind
And that was after he was obliterated, not before, because he doesn’t produce time, but manipulate the universal concept of time itself. And he had enough time to said her name and vice versa, thus negating the meaning of a sneak attack since he could mount a defense, she simply wasted it, not that she tried to kill him as to just get him away from the heart. Not when you waste your sneak attack just because you don’t put effort into it. If she wanted a sneak attack, just just put a portal inside Ignia and thrust her hand in between, or form a portal between Ignia’s torso and close it, slicing him in half. They both stopped by Natsu’s stop and Ignia blasted Selene when her guard was down, you do when you don’t give any indication to attack until it was too late. That was when Aldoron was weakened, not his peak like when Zeref did and worth the threat, who again was nerfed. Yes as was stated after Gajeel shrunk and shown as his body stopped moving, that was his brain tho when weakened. You can move blood and organs when your body don’t move. No difference here and have activity, again, body movement not required to use magic, as Brain sees proves. But the death wave never completed, GS killed itself to stop it from completing which is not tanking for Aldoron. Again, weakened Aldoron. So? The Phoenix can burn the world too and Zeref in base scales to it as the former’s power rivals his. No, even partial iced shell can be broken if the caster can move and is conscious. If it was never finished it doesn’t matter. Natsu’s flames don’t scale if Gray didn’t complete it. Natsu was even overpowered by Zeref after that and are needed Igneel’s hax flame


MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 10, 2015
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None of what you just posted changes what Im saying. Burning Natsu is more impressive than burning time. Ignia's flames can burn Natsu, meaning it's probably hot enough to burn time. Nobody noticed it was burning time, because quite frankly, burning timeis useless unless your opponent is trying to use time magic.

That simply means Selene's not fast enough to take Ignia by surprise, even when she teleports behind him. She has to spend time charging up for an attack. Like I said, nobody is on guard 100% of the time. UFC fighters and boxers get hit by shots they dont see coming all the time. Fighters train to setup shots to catch their opponent off guard all the time. Ignia didnt sneak attack Selene. He blitzed her. He gave a speech, and then roared. If this was enough to catch her off guard, then she wouldnt have lasted long against Ignia anyways. Ignia would have eventually landed a roar on her, and that would be it.

You seem to be under the impression that merely being aware you are in a fight somehow increases your durability. It doesnt. You need to block the attack, either physically or with magic. If someone can hit hard enough to put a hole in you, physically blocking the attack is out of the question. The only way Selene was surviving Ignia's roar is she used magic to block it. The same is not true in reverse. Ignia made no attempts to block any of Selene's attacks because he is confident she cant injure him. Moonlight butterfly caught him off guard in the middle of a monologue, and Moonlit Palm hit him when he was on the ground stunned. The fact that Selene is cautious of engaging another god dragon for fear of injury but Ignia isnt, honestly tells us all we need to know.

Aldoron's durability doesnt change when he's weakened. He just moves slower. Unlike Dogramag, Aldoron doesnt have special magic to increase his durability. His durability is just the natural toughness of his dragon scales and wood. Natsu's attack did far more damage than Zeref's attack, even accounting for the nerf. Aldoron still had enough power to shoot thorns to overwhelm the entire FT guild. Zeref's attack affected the area of a small building. Natsu's attack erased the entire middle city. Besides, there's the giant elephant in the room: Zeref is only a fraction of Aldoron's power. The wolfen god seed can turn into Zeref, Gildarts, and an army of Makarov at the same time. The wolfen god seed is weaker than the main Aldoron seed. Selene is stronger than Aldoron, god seeds and all. Ignia is stronger than Selene. Ignia > Selene > DF Natsu > Main Aldoron seed > Base Zeref. Ignia, Selene, and DF Natsu can all kill Aldoron faster than Zeref can.

Aldoron wasnt immobolized. He stopped moving to aim at himself with the thorns. If Aldoron still had enough MP to trade with DF Natsu, he could make the dragon body move if he wanted to. Heck, he made the dragon body shoot thorns that overpowered the entire FT guild, which is more impressive than just moving. Besides, even if Gajeel's attack did immobolize him, Natsu's attack still did far more damage than Gajeel and Zeref combined.

It doesnt matter if Gray never completed iced shell. Zeref couldnt break free from ice from the incomplete spell. Natsu then tackled Gray to the ground, and thawed Gray out. In the process of saving Gray, he melted all the ice covering Zeref. The ice from iced shell doesnt get easier to break once the user stops casting it.

Natsu was never overpowered by Zeref when he had Igneel's power. Zeref got one hit in, and then they traded evenly a few more times. It also doesnt matter if Igneel's flames are hax. They are still hot enough to burn Zeref's magic. You think Ignia's flames are hax too, so it shouldnt even matter. Neither of this explains why Ignia can't just burn away Zeref's death wave.
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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 1, 2016
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Imperium of Mankind
It does as burning Natsu with pure heat is more impressive than burning with hax via Ignia. Zancrow’s flames can burn Natsu because god flames are greater than dragon flames, so then I guess Zancrow beats Ignia. LoL. It does as like I said, heat translates to energy and since they are Planck Tempersture is affects time as a universal concept and not just from an individual’s magic. Or that Selene doesn’t take it seriously, just like everything else. Charging up for what? When people use magic it is pretty much instant unless stated otherwise. There is a different between shots that are on guard vs not on guard. People are on guard even while boxing and taking by surprise and their durability is better to handle it compared to not on guard and not fighting at all. Yes he did as he made no indication to attack until it was too late. He gave a speech and still talked while roaring to show his hostility during said road it does, especially in FT as consciousness is a factor in a fight. Jacob proved that with his eyes closed limited his capabilities twice. She survived his flames before when they were fighting, she even knocked him down with physical attacks and coughed blood. Making her a physical power house, and she stated he was over confident. It does change when weakened as magic is tied to one’s stats too and stamina, and his attacks are weaker too even when he is trying in said state. Nothing stated that Dog Dude has something for durability, just that his stones are part of his body. Natsu’s attack didn’t even phase Aldoron the first time when Aldoron was a full strength, and Zeref’s attack while he was nerfed did, that is undeniable fact. Enough so that fear gripped the GS to kill itself, you are saying, like that is his limit, when it was abruptly stopped midway and not completed. That Aldoron seed means nothing as those copies are a direct reflection of the individual’s power from the consciousness of the target. Ignia is the same level as the other DGs, even knowledge dragon stated, his knowledge beats you out there. Nothing stated he has to stop moving just to aim he can still attack even when moving or not. The fact he “stopped” was attributed to Gajeel’s efforts with Brandish’s aid. Just attacks were less affect then since before he had clear accuracy that required Gajeel to shield them. No, as his brain can still move even without the body moving, just like blood or organs. Magic can be done even without moving as Aldoron proved before. You are talking as if Zeref nerfed is same level when nerfed Zeref needed to die before Aldoron died. That showed Zeref is at that level of power. Because Fray was focused on Zeref and no other, it is the same with Ultear, none of her attacks worked until Iced Shell on Deliora which was physically stronger, same with Lyon at the time, Natsu even melted Gray’s ice back then with just a regular punch by that logic LOL as Gray’s body was already turning to ice. Which was not Iced Shell, just ice since the caster’s body was still in tact. He was as he was using Igneel’s flames during the entire fight, even Zeref felt it when Natsu took off the bandages. Maybe burn one spell but was enough to leave noticeable damage, hot to what temperature tho? Because there is a difference in power. Natsu can reach Planck temperatures while Ignia never showed that. Because the difference is power, which Zeref has.
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Plus it was stated in anime that if Iced Shell is not complete all the caster is doing is just releasing magic power to freeze, since it can be broken then it is not iced Shell.
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Last thing is that ice is not iced Shell if the body remains as it is unmeltable because it is the will of the caster, the only thing that can melt it is Moon Drip, melting it is the same as killing the caster with MD which makes it like any other Ice
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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 10, 2015
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No, it's not. Frankly, burning something is burning something. The end result is the same. Btw, you also called the flames Natsu beat Zeref with hax when I pointed out it uses a finite amount of MP. So what are you even arguing here?

You can tell by the position Selene was in that she going for an attack against Ignia. She just wasnt fast enough to actually launch the attack before Ignia noticed her.

I can assure you that even with your guard up, you still get hit by shots you never saw coming. This happens all the time. Your body isnt more durable simply by being aware you are in a fight. The reason why your more likely to get knocked out by hits you dont see is simply because you cant brace against or roll with the force. Ignia's roar blasted a hole in Selene's chest. No amount of bracing or rolling with the force was gonna change that.
Selene's only options were to dodge or block with her own magic.

Im obviously not talking about the first attack Natsu did. Im talking ablut the one that blasted a hole in Aldoron's back. That attack did more damage to Aldoron than Gajeel and Zeref combined, even accounting for Aldoron's magic being nerfed. Ankhseram's curse doesnt get weaker when you value life, it becomes harder to control. In fact, it's the most deadly when you love someone, because that's how Zeref and Mavis killed each other. Natsu even explains it during the chapter that the more precious you think life is, the more you steal life away.

Look at the ease in which Igneel's power burned Zeref's magic. Then look at Ignia ragdolling Natsu and Suzaku with the attack that busted Dogramag's labyrinth. Tell me with a straight face Zeref ever comes anywhere close to landing an attack on Ignia.

It doesnt matter if iced shell was complete or not. Im not arguing that Natsu can melt a complete iced shell. The incomplete iced shell was already overpowering Zeref.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 1, 2016
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Imperium of Mankind
Burning with hax and burning with power are two different things, it is by different means. it was hax based on power increase where at that point, physics breaks down, both are universal at that point where Natsu edges out in hax. Yet not putting effort into it if she took her time doing so, it is factual that she doesn't take things seriously, like how she wanted to retrieve the heart but wasted her time with games. and those shots would be reduced damage when you are in a state that your body is not in combat ready condition. It does, tensing muscles, sharpened senses, adrenaline pumping, all those are factors to being in combat ready conditions. And yet that was when her guard is down in a cease fire. She tanked his attack head on before and even struck him down. And that was when Aldoron was weakened, after everything that has happened Aldoron was definitely down on his last leg for Natsu to take him. Sure but you as the individual become weaker, that is why it releases more. being precious does not always mean love for a lover. And look at the ease which Zeref could overpower Natsu after that one attack before Natsu went FDKM, Zeref nerf can damage a DG in dragon form so base Zeref should be fine with Ignia. But all that is is Magic Power, not Ice Shell itself, it can be broken if the caster's body is still in tact, all that was is a delay tactic.

Pirate Queen

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九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Jun 1, 2010
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United States
I've had Natsu over Laxus for years now but catching up on the 100 Year Quest this week rubbed salt in the wound. Natsu really has LDS Mode? Like wtf.

Really trying to replace Laxus now...


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Oct 8, 2011
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Currently at 112 of the 100year Quest….
Don’t remember every feat or detail from
The final arc….Its so bad I can’t even finish the anime. However Ignia is above Selene.

DG are above Zeref. Most DG seemed to have been nerf’d Aldoron/ Stone DG….But yea they are above Zeref.

I’m confused because Selene vs Ignia was pretty str8 toward….Selene probably would have done more damage but Ignia would have taken her out in very similar matter. He don’t really cheap shot her, she simply couldn’t avoid or endure his Breathe from so close.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 1, 2016
Reaction score
Imperium of Mankind
Currently at 112 of the 100year Quest….
Don’t remember every feat or detail from
The final arc….Its so bad I can’t even finish the anime. However Ignia is above Selene.

DG are above Zeref. Most DG seemed to have been nerf’d Aldoron/ Stone DG….But yea they are above Zeref.

I’m confused because Selene vs Ignia was pretty str8 toward….Selene probably would have done more damage but Ignia would have taken her out in very similar matter. He don’t really cheap shot her, she simply couldn’t avoid or endure his Breathe from so close.
The two have been equal before she could avoid his attack she even matched them since they are breath attacks.
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They were close just like the last panel

Nerfed Zeref was able to damage and would eventually kill a DG on his own before the seed impersonating him killed itself.
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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jan 11, 2022
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Currently at 112 of the 100year Quest….
Don’t remember every feat or detail from
The final arc….Its so bad I can’t even finish the anime. However Ignia is above Selene.

DG are above Zeref. Most DG seemed to have been nerf’d Aldoron/ Stone DG….But yea they are above Zeref.

I’m confused because Selene vs Ignia was pretty str8 toward….Selene probably would have done more damage but Ignia would have taken her out in very similar matter. He don’t really cheap shot her, she simply couldn’t avoid or endure his Breathe from so close.
What about the black dragon slayer knight, what's your scaling on that.


MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 10, 2015
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Selene may have been able to block the roar with one of her own. But Ignia would have eventually hit her with another attack, and it would have ended the same way. Ignia landed the roar landed after giving a speech standing right in front of her. He wasnt trying to cheap shot her. She just couldnt react in time. If Selene couldnt react to that, she's simply not at the level where she can avoid every single one of Ignia's attacks. All Ignia needs to do to beat Selene is land a roar, or even a punch with the same power as his roar.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 1, 2016
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Imperium of Mankind
she would be fine as she took those attacks head on. And he was coughing blood from her physical attacks, it is not like he is immune either. That was when they were not fighting at the time and took advantage of the cease fire for his own gain. She was close enough to react to a roar attack before though, reaction is a matter of distance covered to perceive something incoming. She didn’t react because there wasn’t a reason to as she was not fighting.


MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 10, 2015
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No, she couldnt have. Those fireballs Ignia were spamming in the beginning werent as strong as his roar. They werent even as hot the flames Ignia used to set Selene on fire. The latter would have killed Selene if she didnt teleport into water.

Moreover, there's good reason to believe that the roar Ignia used at the end was simply stronger than the one he used in the beginning. The whole speech he gave was about how he has surpassed Igneel and would have beaten Acnologia. So his final roar was to demonstrate a level of power he thought would have beaten Acnologia.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 1, 2016
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Imperium of Mankind
you don’t know that, any attack is stronger than a breath attack. And yet they can be put out with some water, not hot at all compared to other flames. No indication of that, just an inconvenience. He did not make is a named roar which makes it no different from the other one unless stated. Plus Selene talked in past tense as in the fight was off “who ever won” vs “who ever wins”. That is no indication that he was going to attack, that is just bragging and hiding his true intentions behind his beliefs. Again, too close and was enough to react for Selene.
Don't waste your time with wowfan. He thinks Lucy is star level. Not worth it bro
way to twist words, I said Gotfried is star level as it takes more than one wizard to use and can move stars


MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 10, 2015
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I do know that. The roar blasted a hole in Selene. The fireball spam didnt.

Ignia didnt make a conscious effort to catch Selene off guard. It's not like he tried to teleport behind her or attack her while she was in the middle of talking. He simply got angry at the idea that Natsu thought he was weak, and attacked Selene to make a point. Selene simply couldnt react.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 1, 2016
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Imperium of Mankind
He did as he hid his intentions behind his speech. Yet he transformed before her which showed he needed to go Dragon for that, he was done talking at that point. No, he was laughing than angry, he is arrogant for that. Selene was done fighting at that point


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jan 11, 2022
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I do know that. The roar blasted a hole in Selene. The fireball spam didnt.

Ignia didnt make a conscious effort to catch Selene off guard. It's not like he tried to teleport behind her or attack her while she was in the middle of talking. He simply got angry at the idea that Natsu thought he was weak, and attacked Selene to make a point. Selene simply couldnt react.
Do you believe that you can convince him. It doesn't even make sense to me how people think ignia is the one trying off guard here. He literally walks into Dg territory. The whole reason for the labyrinth arc is cuz selene doesn't want to 1v1 a full power dragon god. Ignia was the last person talking so selene's attention should have been on him. Why the fuck would she still be looking at natsu?
Fuck this is why I stopped debating here,


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 1, 2016
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Imperium of Mankind
And the other bit it is hardly a sneak attack when he knows it’s coming instead of attacking he talks, he likes to talk
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Do you believe that you can convince him. It doesn't even make sense to me how people think ignia is the one trying off guard here. He literally walks into Dg territory. The whole reason for the labyrinth arc is cuz selene doesn't want to 1v1 a full power dragon god. Ignia was the last person talking so selene's attention should have been on him. Why the fuck would she still be looking at natsu?
Fuck this is why I stopped debating here,
Because they both stopped fighting, Selene talks as though the fight is over as no one won. And yet she could enlarge the moon in her human form. Nothing indicates Ignia could do that in human form. Yet she charged at him, and Ignia didn’t go to her at first opportunity if he was trying to be the best. Because she likes humans who don’t hunt dragons


MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 10, 2015
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He didnt hide his intentions with his speech. His speech told us his intentions plainly. He wanted to prove to Natsu that he was stronger than Igneel and Acnologia by beating Selene. I mean, that was literally what his whole speech was about.

Ignia and Selene were both transforming into dragons while they were talking. This hardly tells us anything. It's not like Ignia tried to attack Selene while she was in her human form. He waited long after she transformed before launching his first attack. If anything, I could argue that Ignia knew Selene's much stronger in her dragon form...and wanted a better fight.

way to twist words, I said Gotfried is star level as it takes more than one wizard to use and can move stars
Lucy can cast Gottfried by herself. Gottfried doesnt hit with star level power, unless you think Kyria can survive star level power.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Do you believe that you can convince him. It doesn't even make sense to me how people think ignia is the one trying off guard here. He literally walks into Dg territory. The whole reason for the labyrinth arc is cuz selene doesn't want to 1v1 a full power dragon god. Ignia was the last person talking so selene's attention should have been on him. Why the fuck would she still be looking at natsu?
Fuck this is why I stopped debating here,
Tbh, Im not trying to convince him.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 1, 2016
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Imperium of Mankind
He didnt hide his intentions with his speech. His speech told us his intentions plainly. He wanted to prove to Natsu that he was stronger than Ignia and Acnologia by killing Selene. I mean, that was literally what his whole speech was about.

Ignia and Selene were both transforming into dragons while they were talking. This hardly tells us anything. It's not like Ignia tried to attack Selene while she was in her human form. He waited long after she transformed before launching his first attack. If anything, I could argue that Ignia knew Selene's much stronger in her dragon form...and wanted a better fight.

Lucy can cast Gottfried by herself. Gottfried doesnt hit with star level power, unless you think Kyria can survive star level power.
His intentions for Acno, not Selene, no, it was not directed to Selene, it was to Natsu. he said “I would have killed Acno.” And then “like this!” Out of no where, he only made his intentions plain as he fired. If it was clear he would say “ I will kill Selene with this next attack, right now!” That is clear and Selene would have her guard up. Ignia transformed first and Selene followed after. That much is clear, or that he can’t as he wasn’t strong enough. He is cocky that is fact, they like to talk. No, she used clones for the attack which is required for Gotfried. It moved stars before, unless you think Kyria can survive Selene’s attacks in human form