Re: The Malay Language
malaysian language uses a lot of words from english and they convert it by the way they sound.
Button -> Butang
Card -> Kad
Police -> Polis
my malay teacher told me that malaysian alphabet is a little bit weird... since they uses the same pronounciation as english... (A -> ey (like a in apple), B -> be, c -> see) but that's not how it sounds when they use it in the words ( A-> ah (like a in art), B -> beh (like ba -bad) , C -> che (like cha in chair) ... almost similar to German alphabet... and Indonesian alphabet uses this pronounciation as well...)
he told me to be careful during Malay oral, when we're asked to spell things... do not use the Indonesian pronounciation, but use English pronounciation... (e.g SPELL "KAD" ! -> Kay - Ey - Dee not Kah-Ah-Dhe) coz that's where most indonesian lost their marks...
fun words Malay vs Indonesian
"Bisa" means "poison" in Malay... but in Indonesian "Bisa" can also means "boleh" or "can (i 'can' do it.. not 'can' of coke)" .. but can also mean "poison" too..
The worst trap for indonesian people studying malay...
"Need" or "necessary" in Indonesian is "Butuh".... which means "penis" in Malay...
so when i say "I need you" .... in indonesia it would be "saya membutuhkan kamu"... well, imagine that sentence in malay

LOL, a lot of Indonesian failed their malay coz they said/wrote such vulgarity during exam...
"Malu" means "shy".. the noun form of "Malu" is "Kemaluan" ... means 2 things.. "Embarassment" and "Genital"
My malay teacher said that it's okay in indonesia to say "kemaluan" referring to "embarassment" but in Malay "kemaluan" refers mostly to "genital"... He warned us never ever ever say "Kemaluan besar untuk saya!" (besar = big, untuk = for, saya = I/me) Indonesian can easily interpret that sentence as "such a big embarassment for me.." but Malaysians would likely interpret that sentence as "Such a big penis for me"
that'll be my contribution