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Abarenbou Shounangon

Abarenbou Shounangon
Original title: 暴れん坊少納言
Alternative Titles: Abarenbou Shonagon
Demographics: Seinen
Chapters at MH: 0
Releases at MH: 0
Publishing Status: Ongoing
Writer(s): KAKASHI Asahiro
Artist(s): KAKASHI Asahiro
Serialized in: Comic Gum
Published by: Wani Books
Year: 2007
Official Site: http://www.comicgum.com/topics_abare_sign0908.php
Popularity: 14 favorites
Translators: 0 (Click here to view)
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Score 4.7 of 5.0 - 3 votes

Summary and Preview

The Heian Age started in the year 794 when Emperor Kanmu moved the capital to the city of Heiankyo and the peaceful age lasted nearly 400 years. In the year 994, a girl named Sei Shounagon is summoned by Princess Chuumiya to serve under her as a poet. Shounagon is a language expert and works directly under the princess to entertain and teach cultural literature to her. How well Shounagon does in her poetry has a direct influence on how the princess is perceived by the rest of the royalty and thus is a very important job. Shounagon initially struggles to fit in with the group but as she begins to show how much of a poetic genius she is, Shounagon starts to get accepted by others. [vyc]


Comedy, Historical, Romance

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