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Anata no Mirai, Kaitorimasu

Anata no Mirai, Kaitorimasu
Original title: あなたの未来、買い取ります。
Demographics: Shounen
Chapters at MH: 0
Releases at MH: 0
Publishing Status: One-shot
Writer(s): SAKURAI Haruki [桜井春樹]
Artist(s): SAKURAI Haruki [桜井春樹]
Serialized in: Jump SQ.19
Published by: Shogakukan
Year: 2010
Official Site:
Popularity: 1 favorite
Translators: 0 (Click here to view)
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Score 2.5 of 5.0 - 0 votes

Summary and Preview

There's a website where people can buy and sell events that will happen in their future. The currency involved is a point system, with more pleasant events, such as getting back together with your girlfriend, having higher point values than unpleasant events, like losing your wallet. Strangely, deaths are high priced and seem to be in very high demand. A boy happens upon this website and, after realizing it's authentic, attempts to use it to improve his life. He may find out that messing with your future is more trouble than it is worth! [tethysdust]


Drama, Supernatural

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