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Celestial Clothes

Celestial Clothes
Original title: セレスティアルクローズ
Demographics: Shounen
Chapters at MH: 0
Releases at MH: 0
Publishing Status: Ongoing
Writer(s): SHIONO Etorouji
Artist(s): SHIONO Etorouji
Serialized in: Shounen Sirius
Published by: Kodansha
Year: 2010
Official Site: http://kc.kodansha.co.jp/content/top.php/14709/KA00000760
Popularity: 10 favorites
Translators: 0 (Click here to view)
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Score 4.0 of 5.0 - 2 votes

Summary and Preview

母を喪い「汪宿市」に帰郷した少年・神渡優。謎の美少女・ラーズグリーズと出会ったことから、神なる者と人たる者が織り成す、壮大なる戦いの渦中へ巻き込まれていく…!! 『ユーベルブラット』、『ブロッケンブラッド』で名を馳せた塩野干支郎次が描き出す、渾身のファンタジー・アクション!!

After his mother's death, Miwatari Yuu returns from Tokyo to live with relatives in the city of his birth, Ousuku. Yuu is the latest of a line of Shinto priests that stretches back generations. After his arrival, he runs into a strange girl who seems to be searching for the Northern Lights. Yuu saw the Aurora as a child, though no one believed him, and his mother had told him it was the armor of the Valkyries traced across the sky. Yuu's destiny is interwoven with this mysterious girl and the aurora, and he will not be able to help being drawn into a battle that involves both gods and humans!


Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy

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