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Deep Forest

Deep Forest
Original title: ディープフォレス
Alternative Titles: The Mysterious Electronic World
Demographics: Seinen
Chapters at MH: 0
Releases at MH: 0
Publishing Status: Ongoing
Writer(s): TASHIRO Hokekyo
Artist(s): TASHIRO Hokekyo
Serialized in: Comic Gum
Published by: Wani Books
Year: 2009
Official Site:
Popularity: 2 favorites
Translators: 0 (Click here to view)
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Score 5.0 of 5.0 - 1 vote

Summary and Preview

There is a large virtual space called "Deep Forest," where many people go as avatars. Origa is a schoolgirl who has become an explorer in Deep Forest in an effort to discover the reason behind her mother's death. Luckily, she has a famous hacker as a partner and guide, a monkey avatar called Jr. Deep Forest is a dangerous place, contested by the company she believes is responsible for her mother's death, hackers, and others. Origa has a difficult path to travel in order to uncover the truth. [tethysdust]


Action, Fantasy

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