'sup! I have some good news to tell you: Scanlations might be catching up with the weekly chapters from JUMP soon. My scripts are already done up to chapter 14, chapter 15 is currently in the making.
Anyway, here goes number 11. Enjoy the Ushimitsudoki guys!!
Reserved for RedHawk! (Big thanks to Guren to find the time for the proofread while facing midterm hell!!)
Page 1
Oumagadoki DoubutsuenInsert text: The things a roaming boy witnessed are…!?Mikio: Buhuu… // I’ve completely lost my waaayy…… / Where the hell is thiiis… there are moouuuntains… and fooorest everywhere, dammit // Stupid summer break research project / stupid insect collecting, it’d be so~~ nice to just quit…
Name box: Hanauwa Mikio (10)Mikio: What am I supposed to do if a beeaar were to show up!? / I wanna go home alreadyyy… // Ahh!! A bear…
Page 2Mikio (in picture): WAAAAAHH!!?
Insert text: Off to rescue Igarashi!Page 3Chapter 11 – Welcome to Ushimitsudoki Aquarium!Insert text: It’s Oumagadoki’s big rescue brigade!!!Horikoshi Kouhei
Page 4Mikio: That’s not a beeeaaar!!!
Box: When he later finished his research project it said, “There are wild rhinos and lions roaming around in Japan” it provoked sharp criticism, but that is a whole different story………
Hana: I wonder if Igarashi-san is alright… I just hope they won’t hurt him or anything!
Shiina: If they do, I’ll crush that aquarium!
Hana: Anghh!!!
Shiina: It’s alright for you to return, y’know.
Hana: That’s out of the question!
Page 5Hana: It’s the zookeeper’s job to look after the animals! // Everybody in the zoo’s got their part and this is mine……
Shiina: Uwabami // Shishido // Gorilla Kong // Chita // Takahiro // Kasai // Aoi Hana
Oogami: The orca’s scary, so, so scary…
Shiina: And Oogami
Page 6Shiina: These are the seven animals and the only person that I will take along with me!
Oogami: Me too---!?
Shiina: You others will be entrusted to watch the zoo!
Choda: Heehh~~!?
Hana (in picture): Everybody really wanted to go, huh!?
Uwabami: The orca supposedly said, he’d come again // Therefore we need a number of people to protect the zoo when he does.
Animals: …… I see / That’s true.
Someone: Especially our two powerhouses, we’ll be counting on you.
Popo: Leave it to me---!!!
Name tag: Popo // HippoZebra: So, you’ll leave it to them!? Please don’t! They’re retards!!
Kisazou: Me!? Me, too!? I have to stay behind!? Okay!! I’ll stay! I’ll work my trunk off!! [TN: Play on words in the original version. In Japanese there’s a form (predominantly used by men) which enforces your sentences. You just add “zo” to the end of verbs. In Kisazou’s case it’s not “zo” but “zou” (Japanese for “elephant”) and even written with the Kanji for elephant.]
Name tag: Ki | sa | zo | u // Kisazou // African ElephantPage 7Shiina: Hey, hurry up!
<sfx: *pat, pat, pat, pat*>Animals: Hana-chan! // We’ll be counting on you to watch out // for our friend, okay?
Hana: Of course!
Shiina: We’re here! It’s the ocean! // Since we’ve gotten this far // There’s no way anybody will see us.
Page 8Shiina: Once we’ve crossed the ocean // we’ll raid that aquarium!
Animals: Yeah!!
Hana (in picture): The sun is going down… the
Oumagadoki, // The “time when demons meet” has arrived
Shiina: Takahiro, your turn.
Hana (in picture): I don’t know what’s going to happen, but we’ll definitely……
Takahiro: Roger.
Shiina: We’ll definitely // rescue Igarashi!
Takahiro: So heavy…
Someone: Hang in there, Takahiro!
Page 9Kid: Mommyyy~~, look at the fishes! So many fishes!
Girl: So pretty~
Someone: Where’s the director?
Kaizou: He hasn’t arrived yet!!
Devilfish: O- our s-s-s- schedule is c-cr-crammed t-t- to the mi- minute… haha……
Sakamata: In dat case let’s start ahead……
Page 10Sakamata: Da regular meeting is now in session. // It is about today’s attendance. // Right now it looks like da numbers will be 0.5% below the average attendance.
Name tag: No. 2 // Sakamata // Orca [TN: Sakamata is another word for Orca/Killer whale, usually referred to as
“shachi” in Japanese.]
Page 11Sakamata: Dis is a situation to be reckoned with!
Fuka: Sakamata, you bastard! / Don’tcha just direct us like that!
Name tag: No. 6 // Fuka // Great White Shark [TN: Fuka is another word used colloquially for shark instead of
Page 12Kaizou: It’s da dolphin’s! Dat’s gotta be da dolphin’s fault!!! During deir afternoon show dose things missed two of deir rings, I tell ya!! // An’ my acrobatic performance went off without a hitch by da way!!
Name tag: No. 3 // Kaizou // Walrus [TN: Kaizou is another word for walrus or sea elephant (literally means the latter) instead of
Dholak: Well, that’s because you failed to mentor them! / I’d say this calls for a demotion. Resign as No. 3! / You dug your own grave, you senile old fart!
Name tag: No. 4 // Dholak // Japanese Spider Crab [TN: Dholak’s name was difficult for me to find out but it proved to stem from the name of a Japanese restaurant chain that’s specialized in serving crab dishes and seafood. The chain’s name is
Kani Douraku (= Crab Dissipation).]
Tekka Maki: I want to move around… If I don’t move right now, I’ll die! // Let’s just end this already!
Name tag: No. 7 // Tekka Maki // Tuna [TN: Maki’s name also comes from Japanese cuisine. A “Tekka-maki” is a tuna roll sushi. Picture:
Page 13Ikkaku: Please be silent!! // While we’re in a meeting please be so kind as to keep it down!!
Name tag: No. 5 // Ikkaku // Narwhal [TN: Poor Ikkaku, no tricky wordplays for him. His name is the very same as his species.]
Devilfish: Th-……this m-m- means w- we’ll n-n- need a n- new p-p- plan, d- doesn’t it…? Hahaha
Name tag: No. 8 // Devilfish // Common Octopus [TN: Not sure if all of you know this but “devilfish” oder “devil fish” is an alternate and kinda obsolete word for “octopus”.]
Kaizou: I’m not senile, dammit!! You hear me!? / I’m not senile!!
Dholak: Saying the same things over and over is the first sign of calcification, gishigishi
Ikkaku: Silence--!!!
Sakamata: You’re rea~lly annoying! Let’s not waste any more time and continue already!
Fuka: We won’t continue!! I just can’t swallow the fact that you were awarded the No. 2 position any longer!! // The ruler of the ocean is I, the shark!!
Sakamata: Did you just say, you want to be swallowed by me, Fuka? It sure sounded like dat. // Well den, ideas for counter measures…
Fuka: Why don’tcha rather listen to my story before that!!? // That position doesn’t belong to a bastard like you! It’s min-…
Page 14Isana: It’s about that, / huh?
Name tag: Isana // Director [TN: Isana’s name is
kogo (ancient Japanese) for “whale”]
Fuka: Director… / …… you have arrived…!
Isana: About that matter… // right……
Page 15Isana: It’s already been a long time since this aquarium opened for business. // All of you who’re assembled here are the strongest creatures I can count on. / The board of directors! // My curse that awarded me with the powers to change your shapes with my “magical power” // These magical powers vanish from inside my body little by little. // And when they’re completely gone it will be the time when I’ll have to say farewell to you guys…… // Thinking about it like that, it really has been quite some time now!
Someone: Director……
Someone: That’s…
Page 16no textPage 17Fuka: Ugh…
Isana: Therefore / don’t you talk about stuff like before. / See to it that I soon return to be a complete human again!!
Igarashi: That shark gentleman was…!!!
Isana: You got it!? Talking about stuff like before… // is out of the question, okay? // Orca!
Sakamata: Yes?
Isana: I wasn’t able / to turn this seal into its normal shape again with my magical powers!
Page 18Isana: It seems like the magical powers of the curse differ from each person / and in so it looks like mine do not work with him. // Think of some ways where we can use him in this form!
Sakamata: Yes.
Isana: Anything’s fine as long as it helps our popularity!
Igarashi: What unbelievably lunatic actions…!!
Isana: The thing behind that tremor of magical powers… a rabbit, wasn’t he? That director… // The man who got closer to his human form without gaining popularity. // This last part of mine, / he might hold the answer as to how I can recover this seemingly irrecoverable fragment!
Page 19Isana: I’d really like to meet him…
Someone: I can see it!
Takahiro (thinking): So heavy… I’m at my limit…
Someone: That’s the Ushimitsudoki Aquarium!!!
Shiina: Just wait, Igarashi!
Insert text: Total supremacy through fear alone… get your friend back!!End text: Next issue: Shiina breaks into the aquarium!!
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