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Zettai Karen Children 171

ESP On The Test (1)

+ posted by Spikey2713 as translation on Jun 12, 2009 16:13 | Go to Zettai Karen Children

-> RTS Page for Zettai Karen Children 171

Chapter 171: ESP On The Test (1)
Page 1:
4 panels from the right:
Mio: Good morning.
カズラ:誰!? …って、澪か!
Kazura: Who!? …Oh, Mio!
澪:紅葉ねーさんの命令でさー、 毎晩ほどいてブラッシングしてんの。
Mio: Momiji-neechan ordered me… So every night I have to put my hair down and brush it.
カズラ:結ぶの大変じゃね? 手伝ってやろっか?
Kazura: It’ll be hard to tie it up, right? Need some help?
澪:いい。 超能力があるから。
Mio: It’s okay. I can use my psychic power.
Mio: See?
カズラ:おおっ、便利!! でもキモっ!!
Kazura: Ohh, that’s handy!! But looks gross!!
4 panels from the left:
ちさと:ウチのクラス… 可愛い子多いよね。
Chisato: There’re a lot of cute girls… in our class.
東野:ん… そーかもな。
Touno: Hmm… maybe so.
ちさと:東野君はさ…… 誰か一番可愛いと思う?
Chisato: Touno-kun… Who do you think is the cutest?
東野:ち…ちさ… あ、いや、知らねーよ、そんなの!
Touno: Chi…Chisa… Ah, no, I don’t know about that!
Aoi: They look lovey-dovey!
Kaoru: It looks more like he avoids it by instinct.
ついに、ちさとまでダークキャラ突入!? 女の子、マジこえーっス…
Statement: So Chisato’s finally becoming darker character!? Girls… are really scary…

Page 2:
Title page
ESP On The Test (1)
逃避型 現実から逃げたくなっちゃう人
Evasion type: People who end up wanting to escape reality.
天才型 テスト用紙に触ると答えかわかっちゃう人
Genius type: People who read the answers by touching the test paper.
努力型 毎日計画的に勉強を進める人
Hardworking type: People who study systematically everyday.
三者三様 試験前模様―――
Three different persons and their behaviors before the test…
試験勉強の息抜きに!! 単行本(コミックス)1~16巻 参考書と一緒にど―ぞ!!
Have a break from studying the test!! Read the comic volume 1 ~ 16 with the reference books!!

Page 3:
皆本:…ったく、 ムチャしやがって。 戻ったらたっぷりしぼってやるからな!!
Minamoto: …Geez, you’re so reckless. When we get back, we have to talk.!!
Fujiko: Piff.
皆本:な、 なんですか!? 何か言いたいことでも!?
Minamoto: Wha…what is it!? Is there something you want to say!?
Shiho: Not really.

Page 4:
薫:自分のほうがムチャして、 危なかったくせに―――
Kaoru: (You’re the one who was reckless, dragging yourself into danger.)
Kaoru: (Always worrying too much about us…)
Kaoru: Idiot…!
Kaoru: (He really is…)
Kaoru: That’s my line!
薫:いつの間にか前よりもずっとずっと――― 大好き…!!
Kaoru: (The one who I loved so much… more than ever before…!!)
Kaoru: (That’s why I had so much power…!!)
皆本:う… 言い返せない…!
Kaoru: Er… I can’t argue back…!

Page 5:
皆本:だっ、 だいたい管理官…いや、賢木がついていながら!!
Minamoto: The… the main point is that the director…no, Sakaki let you go on!!
Sakaki: Eh, me!?
薫:センセイは悪くないよ! あたしがどーしてもって―――
Kaoru: It’s not doctor’s fault. I want to continue no matter what, so…
Minamoto: That traitor!!
賢木:ちがっ…! ひどい!!
Sakaki: Wrong…! That’s so mean!!
Kaoru: We’re back!!

Page 6:
Kaoru: Come on, raise up your hands!
薫:「ザ・チルドレン」任務完了っ!! いえーえ!! おつかれ!!
Kaoru: “The Children” have completed the mission!! Yeah!! Good work!!
Kaoru: We did our best!!
Shiho: Let’s catch that girl next time♥
バレット:う… うん。
Barret: Er… Yeah.
Tim: Tha…thanks…
Fujiko: Excuse me…
バレット:も、申し訳ありませんっ! つい、なれなれしく……すいません!!
Barret: We…we’re sorry for that! Just now we got too familiar with them…Sorry!!
Minamoto: No, we don’t mean that.
Fujiko: Where’s Sakaki-kun?

Page 7:
ぜったい!チルチル 劇場版
Laptop: Zettai! Chilchil The Movie
賢木:友情とか…信頼とか… これ見ればわかる? ねえ、わかる?
Sakaki: Friendship and Trust… Will I get it if I watch this movie? Huh? Will I?
皆本:…すまん。 えーと… すまん。
Minamoto: …sorry. Err… sorry.
Minamoto: “The Children” will now returning to base.
Hotaru&Natsuko: Roger!
皆本:「ダブル・フェイス」はひきつづき現場警戒、 鑑識班の到着を待ちます。
Minamoto: “Double Face” will keep on watching the scene, and wait for the arrival of the surveillance team.
Phantom Daughter: If I kill you, those girls will play with me forever.
皆本:あの子は――― いったいどんな素性のエスパーなんだ…!?
Minamoto: That esper… What could her past be...!?

Page 8:
ミラージュ:…もう気がすんだでしょう? お父様のところに帰りましょう ファントム。
Mirage: …Are you satisfied? Let’s go back to our father’s side, Phantom.
ファントム:すんでない! 全然すんでないわ!!
Phantom: No, I don’t!! I don’t feel satisfied at all!!
ミラージュ:…お父様困ってると思うわよ。 かわいそうじゃない。
Mirage: …I think our father will be troubled. I feel sorry for him.
ファントム:あいつが…!? フン、困ってりゃいいのよ!
Phantom: That guy…!? Humph, it’s all right for him to be troubled!

Page 9:
ファントム:あんただって外には出てみたかったんでしょ!? 戻ったら二度と薫ちゃんたちに会えないわよ!
Phantom: I’m sure you also want to see what it’s like to leave, right!? If I come back I won’t be able to meet with Kaoru-chan and them again!
ミラージュ:…でも、 あなたは言うことがコロコロ変わるし…
Mirage: …but, you keep changing your own words…
Mirage: You can’t even follow your own rules or keep your own promise……
ファントム:ルールとか約束とか、 もーウンザリ!! すぐに次の「遊び」を―――!!
Phantom: I don’t care about the rules or promises, I’m sick of them!! I have to prepare for the next “game”!!
Mirage: With those “stupid clothes”?
ファントム:いやああああ―――っ!! 新しいのを!!新しいのを早くううう―――っ! 薫ちゃんに気に入ってもらえるやつを―――!!
Phantom: NOOOOOO!! I need new ones!! I want new clothes nowwww! Something that even Kaoru-chan will like!!

Page 10:
ミラージュ:新しい衣装は私も一緒に考えてあげる。 だから私の言うことも聞いて? 放課後はお父様を手伝わなきゃ……
Mirage: I’ll also help you out with the new outfit. So will you listen to what I have to say? We have to help our father after school…
Mirage: Look, since you made such a fuss, “The Doll” has woken up.
Yuuri: Hm..mm.
Yuuri: A Dream…?

Page 11:
悠理:学校――― 行かなくちゃ…!
Yuuri: School… I’ve to hurry…!
Yuuri: Hyah!?
悠理:あう――― (いたい~~~)
Yuuri: Ow…… (That’s hurt~~)

Page 12:
Yuuri: Good morning.
Aoi&Chisato: Good morning.
Kaoru: Mor~ning.
ちさと:悠理ちゃん それ…?
Chisato: Yuuri-chan, what’s with that…?
Yuuri: I tripped, so…
Boy 1: Clumsy girl…
Boy 2: She’s a clumsy girl…
Boy 3: So she’s a clumsy girl…!!

Page 13:
男の子1:あのグループはみんなカワイイが… 雲居は中でも株価急上昇中!!
Boy 1: Everyone in that group is cute, but… Kumoi’s value has raised the most among them!!
男の子1:おとなしいのに意外とスタイルいいとか! 攻められた反応がぐっとくるとか!!
Boy 1: She looks quiet but has a surprisingly stylish figure! Her reactions when being attacked are amazing!!
男の子たち:そしてそれを引き出したマエストロ!! さあ、今回もお願いします!!
Boys: And the maestro who drew out those things!! Come, please do it again this time!!
Boys: Huh?

Page 14:
葵:薫――― 生きてるか―――?
Aoi: Kaoru… Are you alive~?
薫:うん、 いい天気だよネ。
Kaoru: Yeah, The weather is good.
Chisato: What’s wrong?
Aoi: Who knows…?
Shiho: Even if you ask me…
Shiho: If Aoi-chan is in the same condition like her, do you want me to read through your thoughts?
葵:うわ、やめて!! 絶交やで!?
Aoi: Wah, stop it!! Our friendship will be broken, you know!?
ジジジジッちッちッ ジー…!!
SFX: Jeeeezzz Jee…!!

Page 15:
Minamoto: …Hmm?
皆本:む、 いや…気のせいか?
Minamoto: Hmm, no…am I imagining it?
皆本:しかし一応、 ランニングを増やして―――
Minamoto: But just in case, I’ll go jogging more often…
Kaoru: Eh.
Minamoto: Wahh!!

Page 16:
薫:あんなことしてたんだ!! ずっといたけど気づかなかった…! ひげそって腹チェック…ぶぶっ。
Kaoru: So he does something like that!! I never noticed that even I had lived here for long time…! He shaves and checks his stomach… heh heh.
薫:背中…広いな。 身長ってどのくらいだっけ。 178…いや。
Kaoru: His back…is wide. I wonder how tall he is. 178…no.
Minamoto: Next, how do you want your egg to be cooked?
薫:うーん、 180くらい?
Kaoru: Hmm, about 180?

Page 17:
Side note: The basic temperature of the oil to cook tempura is 180°★
皆本:180って――― *天ぷらでも作れと?
Minamoto: 180? Do you want me to cook *tempura?
薫:あ、いや、 こっちの話。
Kaoru: Ah, no, I was talking to myself.
皆本:君たち週明けから中間テストだろ。 任務明けで疲れてるとは思うけど――― ちゃんと勉強してるか?
Minamoto: You girls have midterms on next Monday, right? I know you’re tired from the mission but… Did you study properly?
葵:ウチは…… まーだいたいは。
Aoi: For me… generally yes.
紫穂:勉強ってなに? おいしい?
Shiho: What is study? Is it delicious?
薫:ネクタイにエプロンってわいと… あと、腕のスジ―――
Kaoru: His apron with his necktie looks good… and his arm muscles…
皆本:しっかりしてくれよ。 局長も心配してるみたいだぞ。 政府から何か言われたみたいだ。
Minamoto: Please be steady of it. The chief seems worried about that too. He seems to have been getting messages from the government lately.
皆本: 週末は僕が家庭教師してやるから… ちゃんとしろよ?
Minamoto: I’ll be your tutor for this weekend… So be serious, okay?
Kaoru: A tutor…!

Page 18:
薫:先生。。。もっと教えて。 勉強より大切なコ・ト♥
Kaoru: Teacher… Please teach me more. Some~thing~ more important than studying♥
Minamoto: We can’t…! The others might hear it…!!
Kaoru: Eh, wahh~!! Uwahh~♥
桐壺:ま、「チルドレン」は国の宝だしネ。 私としても――― 政府に逆らえなかったのだ。
Kiritsubo: Well…”Children” are our country’s treasure. So even I… couldn’t go against the government.
桐壺:在学中に一度でも赤点をとったら――― 局長、クビ&交代だってさ♥
Kiritsubo: If there is any single failing grade in their school… They will… fire the current chief and hire a new one♥
Kashiwagi: It..it’ll be fine since Minamoto was around them, right?
皆本:そ…そこまで深刻!? なぜもっと早く……
Minamoto: It…it's become so serious!? Why didn’t you say so earlier…
Statement: The fate of all of BABEL is in The Children’s hands…


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Approved by Meriken

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#1. by Spikey2713 ()
Posted on Jun 12, 2009
js06 had done the translation for this but since I'm currently working on 171 onwards... I'll redo the translation myself with most of them based on js06's translation, hoping to let this manga more interesting. Hoping everyone can lead me a hand for a quick proofread before I go for scanlations. Thank you.
#2. by Nihil ()
Posted on Jun 14, 2009
Sorry about not getting a chance to do your earlier translations; my workload for my own group piled up all of a sudden and I didn't have the time. Anyway, I'll try and work on these recent ones.

You're still making some grammatical errors, but the only one that you repeated was contracting (that is, shortening and joining with an apostrophe, e.g. "I've") the word "have" into the previous word when "have" was being used as a verb. To summarize the rule, if the sentence has a verb following "have" (for example, "I have done a lot."), then "have" is being used as a helping verb and can be contracted (for example, to "I've done a lot."). However, if "have" stands by itself (for example, "I have to do a lot of work today."), then don't contract it.

So basically, if "have" is by itself, don't contract. If it's followed by another verb, you probably can contract it.

Anyway, here're my corrections (in bold). I'm not doing much rewriting, mainly just fixing grammatical errors.



Chapter 171: ESP On The Test (1)
Page 1:
4 panels from the right:
Mio: Good morning.
カズラ:誰!? …って、澪か!
Kazura: Who!? …Oh, Mio!
澪:紅葉ねーさんの命令でさー、 毎晩ほどいてブラッシングしてんの。
Mio: Momiji-neechan ordered me… So every night I have to put my hair down and brush it.
カズラ:結ぶの大変じゃね? 手伝ってやろっか?
Kazura: It’ll be hard to tie it up, right? Need some help?
澪:いい。 超能力があるから。
Mio: It’s okay. I can use my psychic power.
Mio: See?
カズラ:おおっ、便利!! でもキモっ!!
Kazura: Ohh, that’s handy!! But looks gross!!
4 panels from the left:
ちさと:ウチのクラス… 可愛い子多いよね。
Chisato: There’re a lot of cute girls… in our class.
東野:ん… そーかもな。
Touno: Hmm… maybe so.
ちさと:東野君はさ…… 誰か一番可愛いと思う?
Chisato: Touno-kun… Who do you think is the cutest?
東野:ち…ちさ… あ、いや、知らねーよ、そんなの!
Touno: Chi…Chisa… Ah,no, I don’t know about that!
Aoi: They look lovey-dovey!
Kaoru: It looks more like he avoids it by instinct.
ついに、ちさとまでダークキャラ突入!? 女の子、マジこえーっス…
Statement: Finally, Chisato’s becoming a dark character!? Girls… are really scary…

Page 2:
Title page
ESP On The Test (1)
逃避型 現実から逃げたくなっちゃう人
Evasion type: People who end up wanting to escape reality.
天才型 テスト用紙に触ると答えかわかっちゃう人
Genius type: People who read the answers by touching the test paper.
努力型 毎日計画的に勉強を進める人
Hardworking type: People who study systematically everyday.
三者三様 試験前模様―――
Three different persons and their behaviors before the test…
試験勉強の息抜きに!! 単行本(コミックス)1~16巻 参考書と一緒にど―ぞ!!
Have a break for the test study!! Read the comic volume 1 ~ 16 with the reference books!! (Either from studying for the test or and study for the test)

Page 3:
皆本:…ったく、 ムチャしやがって。 戻ったらたっぷりしぼってやるからな!!
Minamoto: …Geez, you’re so reckless. When we get back, we have to talk.!!
Fujiko: Piff.
皆本:な、 なんですか!? 何か言いたいことでも!?
Minamoto: Wha…what is it!? Is there something you want to say!?
Shiho: Not really.

Page 4:
薫:自分のほうがムチャして、 危なかったくせに―――
Kaoru: (You’re the one who was reckless, dragging yourself into danger.)
Kaoru: (Always worrying too much about us…)
Kaoru: Idiot…!
Kaoru: (He really is…)
Kaoru: That’s my line!
薫:いつの間にか前よりもずっとずっと――― 大好き…!!
Kaoru: (The one who I loved so much… more than ever before…!!)
Kaoru: (That’s why I had so much power…!!)
皆本:う… 言い返せない…!
Kaoru: Er… I can’t argue back…!

Page 5:
皆本:だっ、 だいたい管理官…いや、賢木がついていながら!!
Minamoto: The… the main point is that the director…no, Sakaki let you go on!!
Sakaki: Eh, me!?
薫:センセイは悪くないよ! あたしがどーしてもって―――
Kaoru: It’s not doctor’s fault. I want to continue no matter what, so…
Minamoto: That traitor!!
賢木:ちがっ…! ひどい!!
Sakaki: Wrong…! That’s so mean!!
Kaoru: We’re back!!

Page 6:
Kaoru: Come on, put up your hands!
薫:「ザ・チルドレン」任務完了っ!! いえーえ!! おつかれ!!
Kaoru: “The Children” have completed the mission!! Yeah!! Good work!!
Kaoru: We did our best!!
Shiho: Let’s catch that girl next time♥
バレット:う… うん。
Barret: Er… Yeah.
Tim: Tha…thanks…
Fujiko: Excuse me…
バレット:も、申し訳ありませんっ! つい、なれなれしく……すいません!!
Barret: We…we’re sorry for that! Just now we got too familiar with them…Sorry!!
Minamoto: No, we don’t mean that.
Fujiko: Where’s Sakaki-kun?

Page 7:
ぜったい!チルチル 劇場版
Laptop: Zettai! Chilchil The Movie
賢木:友情とか…信頼とか… これ見ればわかる? ねえ、わかる?
Sakaki: Friendship and Trust… Will I get it if I watch this movie? Huh? Will I?
皆本:…すまん。 えーと… すまん。
Minamoto: …sorry. Err… sorry.
Minamoto: “The Children” will now returning to base.
Hotaru&Natsuko: Roger!
皆本:「ダブル・フェイス」はひきつづき現場警戒、 鑑識班の到着を待ちます。
Minamoto: “Double Face” will keep on watching the scene, and wait for the arrival of the surveillance team.
Phantom Daughter: If I kill you, those girls will play with me forever.
皆本:あの子は――― いったいどんな素性のエスパーなんだ…!?
Minamoto: That esper… What could it be behind her background…!? (Perhaps What could her past be...?)

Page 8:
ミラージュ:…もう気がすんだでしょう? お父様のところに帰りましょう ファントム。
Mirage: …Are you satisfied? Let’s go back to our father’s side, Phantom.
ファントム:すんでない! 全然すんでないわ!!
Phantom: No, I don’t!! I don’t feel satisfied at all!!
ミラージュ:…お父様困ってると思うわよ。 かわいそうじゃない。
Mirage: …I think our father will be troubled. I feel sorry for him.
ファントム:あいつが…!? フン、困ってりゃいいのよ!
Phantom: That guy…!? Humph, it’s all right for him to be troubled!

Page 9:
ファントム:あんただって外には出てみたかったんでしょ!? 戻ったら二度と薫ちゃんたちに会えないわよ!
Phantom: I’m sure you also want to see what it’s like to leave, right!? If I come back I won’t be able to meet with Kaoru-chan and them again!
ミラージュ:…でも、 あなたは言うことがコロコロ変わるし…
Mirage: …but, you keep changing your own words…
Mirage: You can’t even follow your own rules or keep your own promise……
ファントム:ルールとか約束とか、 もーウンザリ!! すぐに次の「遊び」を―――!!
Phantom: I don’t care about rules or promises, I’m sick of them!! I have to prepare for the next “game”!!

- When the word "have" is used to convey a "must be done" force (not sure what the actual term is), it's not contracted with "I" or "we". That is, "I have to go to the store" is never written as "I've to go to the store." Now, what might throw you is that we can use the word "got" to also convey a "must be done" force, so a sentence like "I've got to go to the store" is perfectly fine. But in that case, "have" is acting as a helper verb, not the main verb.

Mirage: With those “stupid clothes”?
ファントム:いやああああ―――っ!! 新しいのを!!新しいのを早くううう―――っ! 薫ちゃんに気に入ってもらえるやつを―――!!
Phantom: NOOOOOO!! I need new ones!! I want new clothes nowwww! Something that even Kaoru-chan will like!!

Page 10:
ミラージュ:新しい衣装は私も一緒に考えてあげる。 だから私の言うことも聞いて? 放課後はお父様を手伝わなきゃ……
Mirage: I’ll also help you out with the new outfit. So will you listen to what I have to say? We have to help our father after school…
Mirage: Look, since you made such a fuss, “The Doll” has woken up.
Yuuri: Hm..mm.
Yuuri: A Dream…?

Page 11:
悠理:学校――― 行かなくちゃ…!
Yuuri: School… I’ve to hurry…!
Yuuri: Hyah!?
悠理:あう――― (いたい~~~)
Yuuri: Ow…… (That hurts~~)

Page 12:
Yuuri: Good morning.
Aoi&Chisato: Good morning.
Kaoru: Mor~ning.
ちさと:悠理ちゃん それ…?
Chisato: Yuuri-chan, what’s with that…?
Yuuri: I tripped, so…
Boy 1: Clumsy girl…
Boy 2: She’s a clumsy girl…
Boy 3: So she’s a clumsy girl…!!

Page 13:
男の子1:あのグループはみんなカワイイが… 雲居は中でも株価急上昇中!!
Boy 1: Everyone in that group is cute, but… Kumoi’s value has raised the most among them!!
男の子1:おとなしいのに意外とスタイルいいとか! 攻められた反応がぐっとくるとか!!
Boy 1: She looks quiet but has a surprisingly stylish figure! Her reactions when being attacked are amazing!!
男の子たち:そしてそれを引き出したマエストロ!! さあ、今回もお願いします!!
Boys: And the maestro who drew out those things!! Come, please do it again this time!!
Boys: Huh?

Page 14:
葵:薫――― 生きてるか―――?
Aoi: Kaoru… Are you alive~?
薫:うん、 いい天気だよネ。
Kaoru: Yeah, The weather is good.
Chisato: What’s wrong?
Aoi: Who knows…?
Shiho: Even if you ask me…
Shiho: If you’re on the same condition, do you want me to read through? (I don't know what this means, sorry.)
葵:うわ、やめて!! 絶交やで!?
Aoi: Wah, stop it!! Our friendship will be broken, you know!?
ジジジジッちッちッ ジー…!!
SFX: Jeeeezzz Jee…!!

Page 15:
Minamoto: …Hmm?
皆本:む、 いや…気のせいか?
Minamoto: Hmm, no…am I imagining it?
皆本:しかし一応、 ランニングを増やして―――
Minamoto: But just in case, I’ll go jogging more often…
Kaoru: Eh.
Minamoto: Wahh!!

Page 16:
薫:あんなことしてたんだ!! ずっといたけど気づかなかった…! ひげそって腹チェック…ぶぶっ。
Kaoru: So he does something like that!! I never noticed that even I had lived here for long time…! He shaves and checks his stomach… heh heh.
薫:背中…広いな。 身長ってどのくらいだっけ。 178…いや。
Kaoru: His back…is wide. I wonder how tall he is. 178…no.
Minamoto: Next, how do you want your egg to be cooked?
薫:うーん、 180くらい?
Kaoru: Hmm, about 180?

Page 17:
Side note: The basic temperature of oil to cook tempura is 180°★
皆本:180って――― *天ぷらでも作れと?
Minamoto: 180? Do you want me to cook *tempura?
薫:あ、いや、 こっちの話。
Kaoru: Ah, no, I was talking to myself.
皆本:君たち週明けから中間テストだろ。 任務明けで疲れてるとは思うけど――― ちゃんと勉強してるか?
Minamoto: You girls have midterms on next Monday, right? I know you’re tired from the mission but… Did you study properly?
葵:ウチは…… まーだいたいは。
Aoi: For me… generally yes.
紫穂:勉強ってなに? おいしい?
Shiho: What is study? Is it delicious?
薫:ネクタイにエプロンってわいと… あと、腕のスジ―――
Kaoru: His apron with his necktie looks good… and his arm muscles
皆本:しっかりしてくれよ。 局長も心配してるみたいだぞ。 政府から何か言われたみたいだ。
Minamoto: Please be steady of it. The chief seems worried about that, too. He seems to have been getting messages from the government lately. (Not sure what "steady of it" means.)
皆本: 週末は僕が家庭教師してやるから… ちゃんとしろよ?
Minamoto: I’ll be your tutor for this weekend… So be serious, okay?
Kaoru: A tutor…!

Page 18:
薫:先生。。。もっと教えて。 勉強より大切なコ・ト♥
Kaoru: Teacher… Please teach me more. Some~thing~ more important than studying
Minamoto: We can’t…! The others might hear it…!!
Kaoru: Eh, wahh~!! Uwahh~♥
桐壺:ま、「チルドレン」は国の宝だしネ。 私としても――― 政府に逆らえなかったのだ。
Kiritsubo: Well…”Children” are our country’s treasure. So even I… couldn’t go against the government.
桐壺:在学中に一度でも赤点をとったら――― 局長、クビ&交代だってさ♥
Kiritsubo: If there is a single failing grade in their school… They will… fire the current chief and hire a new one♥
Kashiwagi: It..it’ll be fine since Minamoto was around them, right?
皆本:そ…そこまで深刻!? なぜもっと早く……
Minamoto: It…it's become so serious!? Why didn’t you say so earlier…
Statement: The fate of all of BABEL is in The Children’s hands…


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