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Mirai Nikki Mosaic Keshi 2

+ posted by Vaendryl as translation on Sep 5, 2011 17:05 | Go to Mirai Nikki Mosaic Keshi

-> RTS Page for Mirai Nikki Mosaic Keshi 2

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page 1:
-at the very top it says that all 12 volumes of Mirai Nikki are on sale, and so are all 2 volumes of kami wa saikoro o furanai.

The much discussed new anime is turning a work of genius into a questionable one!
-thanks Cham!
b1) ズンズン チャンチャ ズンズン チャチャ
b2) スリら~~~
-god is conducting a song and humming along with the tempo with some sort of finish at the end that sounds like "thriller"
[this] is the most "attacking" spin-off manga in the world.
p1) 僕のケータイは未来日記 My mobile phone is a future diary.
p2) 未来のことが書いてあるのさ That means that the future is written in it.
p3) だからエロDVDもどれが当たりか so I'll know which ero-dvd's are a succes
p4) 日記を見れば分るんだ just by looking in my diary.
on the phone)
4:20 「外出先」 4:20 Out [or, away from home]
良かったDVDメモ memo of a good dvd
「巨乳様ニューヨークへ」 BigBoobs-sama goes to new york
「ヘンタイかどうか調べてください婦警さん」 miss. police woman, please investigate if anything strange [hentai] is going on.
「タイトル考えるの大変。アソコも大変」 thinking about the title is somewhat daunting. "those" were also quite daunting.["those" almost certainly referring to boobs]
b3) 申し訳ありませんが18さい未満方にはちょっと… I'm terribly sorry, but selling these to people under 18 is a little...
b4) ぐはっ!法の盲点を突かれた!guwah! I got stabbed by a blind spot in the law!
b5) 突いてません no, not really.
b6) うわーん!神になったらそんあ法律変えてやろ! uweeeh! when I become god I'll change that law!
p5) 「神になったらする事」リストに1項目増えた the list of "things I would do if I become god" increased by 1.
-right in the middle between panels it says "if I become god"

page 2:
title) それだった that's how
b1) 残念だったね、ユッキー that was a shame huh, yukki?
b2) 当然のように見られてた。 だが、そのプレイもまたよし it looked obvious. but, that kind of stuff is also fun.
b3) でも、おかしいんだ but, this is peculiar
b4) 頭が? your brain?
b5) 違う。日記に書いてあるということはdvdを借りる未来があるというコトなんだ no! it's written in the diary there is a future where we borrow this dvd.
b6) oh well
b7) いつか借りる時のために良さそうなタイトルをメモしておこう well, let's save a memo about this good looking title for when I do become able to rent it.
floating text) ah! so that's how!!

title) 柔らかく soft
b1) 未来の書き換えとかタイムパラドックスとか考えると when I think about rewriting the future or time paradoxes
b2) 頭痛くなってくる my head starts to hurt
b3) 難しく考えるからだよ that's because you're thinking too hard on it.
b4) もっと頭を柔らかくしないと you need to treat your head softly
b5) 柔らかいというとオッパイくらいかな? would breasts be soft enough, I wonder.
sfx: boing
b6) いや。頭を柔らかくだから乳頭かな?naw, since it's for the head it's should be nipples (kanji for nipple is breast+head)
b7) それだと逆に固くなちゃうよ on the contrary, those would actually get harder youknow.
b8) いっけね!こりゃ1本取られた ah! you got me there!
-note on the left is just saying this is a work of fiction blah blah. the one to the far right is also more marketing

page 3

short manga mirai nikki interview
b1)みなさんごきげん洋ピン welcome everyone
-he makes a dumb pun here referring to adult theatre.
b2)「未来日記」の主人公天野雪輝です I'm the main character of mirai nikki, Yukiteru Amano.
b3)読者の中に本家「未来日記」を読んでない人がいるといけないので because there shouldn't be any readers who hasn't read the original series yet
b4)軽く説明したいと思います I think I'll want to give a light explanation.
b5) 単行本は全12巻 in addition to the 12 main volumes
b6) そして外伝として「未来日記モザイク」と「未来日記パラドックス」の2冊が発売中です there are 2 side stories "mirai nikki mosaic" and "mirai nikki paradox" who both have 2 books. all of these are currently on sale.
b7) このマンガの「未来日記モザイク消し」は外伝の「モザイク」に由来してるんですね you know that this manga "mirai nikki mosaic keshi" has it's origin in the spinoff "mosaic", right.
b8) ただの狙いすぎてスベってるタイトルはないのです it's not a just title that aims too high and fails.
b9) 肝心の本家の内容は… the important points from the original are...
b9.5) 未来が分かる日記を持つ人々が殺したり殺されたりします each person has a diary knows the future and they all kill or are killed.
b10) おわり the end.
b11) ずいぶんザックリだな that's cutting it a bit close around the edges
殺すー 神になるー 殺された~ I kill you! I'll become god! I got killed!
b12) おやおや本日のゲストが待ちきれなくてフライングしてしまいましたね oh dear, our guest for today couldn't wait and made a bit of a false start.
b13) では御紹介しましょう。。。本日のゲストー well, let's introduce today's guest...

page 4

b1) 雨流みねねさんです! it's Minene Uryuu!
b2) …どーもこんちは。 ナニコレ? ... hey, wat'sup everyone. (the hell?)
b3) あれ?いつものアイサツはいいんですか? huh? would your usual greeting be okay?
b4) いつもの? my usual one?
b5) 「電子マネーを”電マ”と略して世間を震撼させているテロリスト雨龍みねねねねねです」って "The terrorist who abbreviates electronic money to elemon (EM?) and shocks the world, Uryuu Minenenenene!". that one.
b6) 言ったことないしねが多い! I never say that! and I got a lotta demands!
b7) みねねだからみね姉って呼んでいいですか? because you're name is Minene, would it be okay to call you minenee (nee from nee-san, sister)
b7.5) 峰岸徹姉って呼んでいいですか? ちょーしぶい Can I call you minekishi toorunee? (side text) that'd be really cool
-he's just making fun of her name. the kanji making up minekishi toorunee kinda mean peak-coast-penetrating-sister... yeah. I hope we have a creative editor in house.
b8) 人変わってる!! Now you're talking about someone else!!
b9) みねねさんは作中でも人気が高く頼れるお姉さん的存在と言われてますが within the story you are being called a popular and dependable big sister-type.
b9.5)そのことについてどう思いますか? what are your thoughts about this?
b10) そんなの考えたこともないし知らないわよ I don't think about such things so I've no idea.
b11) 「お姉さん」て言葉に「隣の」を付けると途端にエロく感じることについてはどう what about the erotic feelings when you combine the words "girl"(oneesan) and "from next door"?
b12) 知らねーよ!! I don't know!!

page 5

b1) そんなことはどーでもよくて well, be that as it may
b2) その眼帯カッコイイですね that eye-patch is pretty cool isn't it?
b3) ま。。。まあな w..well, perhaps
b4) いい革使ってんだぜコレ this is made from some pretty fine leather
b5) 資料によると中学生と学校でケンカして目をやられたそうですね according to my data during junior high you got in a fight at school and your eye seems to have been damaged. isn't that right?
b5.5) 中坊にやられるテロリストってププー☆ a terrorist that got in by a junior high school student. *snicker
b6) オマエがやったんだろ!殺すぞ!! you know it was YOU who did this to me! I'll kill you!!
b7) だいたいオマエインタビュアーのくせにゲストの前で帽子なんか被りやがって! anyway, even though you're supposed to be an interviewer you're wearing a hat in front of you guest!
b8) 失礼だろっ!! that's damned rude isn't it?
b9) むぅーーテロリストに礼儀のことを言われるとは… maan, to be told off about etiquette by a terrorist...
b10) じゃあ、脱ぎますよ well then, I'll just take it off then.

page 6

b1) 脱ぎすぎっ!! you took off too much!!
b2) なんで全裸になってんだよ!服着るよ! why did you strip fully! wear some clothes!
b3) 断る!! I refuse!!
b3.5) 僕は…いや日本テロ屈しない!! I... no, Japan will not yield to terrorism!!
b4) 全裸で日本を背負うな!! don't make Japan take responsibility for your naked butt!
b4.5) それに今のオマエの方がよっぽどテロだろ!!right now you're the one who's causing massive terrorism!!
b5) そうだ!記念に写真を撮ってよ ah, I know! let's make a commemorative photo.
b5.5) 若い時に残しておきたい美しいカラダ I want to leave something of my beautiful body behind while I'm still young
b6) はい、これで here, with this please.
b7) キレイに撮ってね please make it a nice picture
sfx: バキ crack
b9) あ!! ah!!

page 7

title) 乳頭混乱 nipple confusion
b1) 乳頭と乳首の違いが分からない! I don't understand the difference between nipples and tits!
b2) 考えすぎて混乱する! I've thought so much about it I'm completely confused.
b3) はっ! ha!
b4) 世の中には「乳頭混乱」って言葉があるらしいわよ! it seems that society has the word "nipple confusion".
b5) こんな状況のことを言うのかも!調べてみましょう that might be what your situation is about! let's investigate
"nipple confusion"
the event where a baby becomes confused and refuses milk from breasts because he's grown used to drinking from a bottle. there are numerous mothers who worry about this.
-actual affliction: (http://www.askdrsears.com/topics/breastfeeding/common-problems/nipple-confusion)
b6) なんだか申し訳ない somehow I feel like I should apologize
b7) 世間に申し訳ない I apologize to the whole word

title) 心の和歌 poem from the heart.
b1) あなた達はまたそんな心の穢れた会話を。。。 You guys are still having such depraved conversations?
b2) あ、オメちゃん ah, Ome-chan
b3) その穢れた心を浄化するため to purify souch tainted hearts
b3.5) また一首詠まねばならないようね I'll need to recite a poem, it seems.
b4) そうでもない not really
b5) 詠みます here I go
at the Akita Nyuutou Hot Springs
nipples would turn a pretty color
or so I thought was possible
but although I did my research
it was not to be.
TL note) the Akita Nyuutou Hot Springs are a real onsen. the joke here is that "akita nyuutou" can mean "nipples one lost interest in".
- please feel free to heavily edit this translation as poems by definition never translate well.
b6) ああ…私も穢れているのかしら… aah... did I become corrupted as well?
aside) ナニコレ? what the hell is this?
b7) 重症だな it's a serious illness, isn't it?
b8) ようこそモザイク消しの世界へ welcome to the world of mosaic keshi.

page 8

title) Hな言葉禁止 ecchi-words forbidden
b1) もう今からHな言葉使うの禁止します! from now I forbid the use dirty words!
b2) はーーい yes, ma'am
b7) Hな言葉無しだとしゃべれなくなちゃうの!? you lose the ability to speak if you can't say dirty words!?
b8) そうみたい seems like it.

title) 今日のユッキー today's yukki
b1) 今日のユッキーは何をしているのかな? I wonder what yukki is up to today
b3) ユッキー yukki!
b4) 今日は薬局で痔の薬を買うOLを観察する予定だろうけど although you probably have plans to stalk the office lady who goes to buy anti-hemerrhoids medicine at the drugstore
b4.5) 通報されて捕まっちゃうよ but you'll have a report filed against you and you'll get caught!
b5) 大丈夫!僕は奇跡を勝ち取ると言われた男だぜ! it'll be okay! I'm the man who's said to miraculously go all out and win!
b5.5) そんな未来くつがえしてみせるさ! I'll overthrow that future!
b6) ユッキーかっこいい!! Yukki, you're so cool!
b7) カツ丼下さい please give me some breaded pork on rice.
b8) たくましいなオマエ tough one aren't you
-dumb joke: katsu=to win katsudon=breaded pork on rice

page 9

title) ショート漫画 未来日記 給湯室 short manga mirai nikki "canteen"
b1) 天野課長!! Chief Amano!
b2) 先方からプロジェクト見直しの要請が! they requested we reconsider the project!
b3) 却下だ!現実離れしたケースのコスプレじゃ興奮できないと伝えておけ! Rejected! inform them that I can't get excited by cosplay that's this detached from reality!
b4) やたらとカラフルな教室も却下だ! I'm also randomly rejecting Colorful Classroom!
b5) 大体なんで教室に体育の運動マットが突然出てくるんだ! why does a gymnastics mat suddenly appear anyway?
b6) もっとリアリティが欲しいんだ! I'd like a bit more reality, please!
b7) 何の企画なのかしら? I wonder what sort of project they're working on?
b8) ところでみんな私パソコンのキーボード知らないか? incidentally, does anyone know anything about my keyboard?
b8.5) これじゃOPPAIが入力できない This way I can't type BOOBS any more
b9) 課長がそれ入力しすぎて壊れたから捨てましたよ because you typed that too much you broke it, so we tossed it out.
b10) えぇ~~~ eeh?
b11) 由乃! Yuno!
b12) あいかわらずユッキー課長ははりきってるわよ chief Yukki is full of vigour as usual.

page 10

b1) うん! yup!
b2) いつもカッコイイわよねユッキー課長は Chief Yukki is always so wonderful, isn't he.
b3) 由乃ももの好きよね。あんなのが好きなんて Yuno also has pretty weird taste, huh? considering he likes that kind of thing
b4) アハハハ殺すわよ ahahaha I'll kill you
b5) でもユッキー課長って総務の若葉萌絵が好きらしいわよ but, chief Yukki typically loves young things.
b6) そうなの? is that so?
b7) よし そいつ殺そう! all right, let's go kill that one!
あは teehee
b8) またあんたは! this again!
b9) なんで殺すなんて簡単に言うの!? how can you speak about killing so easily!?
b10) ことわざにもあるでしょ!一寸の虫がなんとか…って there's this proverb right? treading on a worm and whatever...
b11 「一寸の虫にも五分の魂」? "tread on a worm and it will turn"?
TL note) this proverb means that even weak things can turn into trouble if you threaten them.

page 11

b1) 「一寸の虫かよオマエのチンコ死んだ方がいい」だったかな? I wonder if that means "a tiny worm? your dick would be better of dead!".
うん!死んだ方がいい!! yeah! better of dead!
b2) やっぱり殺すんじゃん so I should kill anyway, right
-note below says 個人の感想です this is their personal belief.
b3) 一寸って3センチくらいでしょ?それって小さいの? a worm is like 3 centimetres right? is that small?
b4) ははーん由乃はアレ見たことないのね haha, you haven't seen one of "those" yet huh?
b5) 私はイヤってほど見てるわよ I've seen too many youk now
b5.5) スゴイのはドリルみたいに回転するのよ what's amazing is that they rotate like a drill
b6) あんたも見たことないでしょ you haven't seen any either have you
b7) キミ達何の話をしてるんだい?what are you 2 talking about?
b7.5) OPPAIの話? boobs?
b8) あ!ユッキー課長! ah, chief Yukki!
b9) 3センチくらいのチンコ野郎は we were talking about how bastards with 3cm penises
b9.5) 死んだ方がいいって話です were better off dead.
b10) へぇ~~ ooh?
the truth is that I've got one of a 100 meters long
I'm just not really trying very hard.
b11) ユッキー課長が辞世の句を詠んでる! chief Yukki is composing a passage of a death poem!
b12) こいつもしや!? could this guy...!?
きゃ~~!! shriek
b13) なにあしら? what could that be about?

page 12
b1) アハハハのオフィスは雨流みねねが占拠しました!! AHAHAHA this office is is now occupied by Uryuu Minene!
b2) ヘタな事すると仕掛けた爆弾をこのキーボードで作動させちょうぞ! if you do anything weird I'll set a previously prepared bomb off with this keyboard!
b3) テロリストだわ! it's a terrorist!
b4) いいねぇ hey that's pretty nice
b5) こういうナース服が興奮するんだ! I get really excited by nurse uniforms like that!
b5.5) キミかわいいね you're pretty cute huh
b6) か…かわいいとか言うな! d..don't call me cute!
b7) むっ!アイツ殺す! mu! I'll kill her!
b8) あ! ah!
b9) そのキーボードちょうだい!OPPAIって打ち込むから please give me that keyboard! I need it for more BOOBS
b10) わっ!バカ、触るな!! wah! idiot, don't touch that!!
sfx:ぐいぐい pulling
sfx:ガチャ tap
b11) あ
sfx:ドゴン boom

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