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Hangout Black Clover Hangout Thread


Ring Your Bell (In The Silence)
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Aug 23, 2015
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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
May 18, 2021
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Holy Britannian Empire
don't you think that black clover plagiarizes too much card games, countries with a card symbol: clover heart spades diamonds. We have kings of the queens of the jack(emperor mage) AS(captain) the rest of the cards are the knights mages. Asta is the joker of the card that is useless in games, but when used it cuts off all the other cards (anti magic).
Each country represents a deck of cards. In Spade we have Three Kings made a three of a kind (with yuno sa would have made a four of a kind) like in poker.
Heart is the game of kilo shit and on heart we have the queen of hearts to you the honor. Ondine is the 7 that takes away the pile of shit from the player except that the Ondine removes all the problems of the country with its magic (agricultural, surveillance of intruder, . . . ).
The kingdom of clover its plagiarizes the belotte in the form of trump. The king is useless as in belotte if he doesn't have his queen with him (belotte and rebelotte). The captains are always the AS but the emperor magician is like the valet in trump it is more important than the king in the kingdom. Yuno is the 9 in trump as the 9 in trump yuno humiliated the king during the festival. Moreover like the 9, yuno passes from a simple peasant to a prince on passing the king (yes a prince is classier than a king, we see that in all the fairy tales) (the 9 passes from 0 point to 14 point in trump the king always remains at 4 point). Even though asta can be considered as the joker in a card game, in the jackpot it can be seen in two ways:
1) as the 7 card and the 8 is worth 0 points in the jackpot. Asta is the same as it's two cards because he has 0 magic points. But as it is two trump cards that are always worth 0 points but can cut off all the other non-trump cards that have more points than them. Asta is like them in asset because even if he is worthless he can cut the magic of the other mages.
2) Asta can also be represented by 10. As the trump 10 if used at the very end it will earn an extra 10 points and will have the same number of points as the jack. So if asta is used as the last trump (card10) it will have the same level (point) as the emperor wizard (jack).
Diamond is a country close and attack their opponent without knowing their power. It represents the battle close. So I'm done with my great card plagiarism.
There is pretty much no copyright attached to most - if not all - card games and everyone is allowed to use them as they see fit since they were invented ages ago and probably changed somewhat over the course of time. At that point you might as well consider Grey's cinderella-esque background plagiarism, and every other anime to be some form of plagiarism because they are based off/inspired by certain things.

Also in cards you normally call the three leafed symbols Clubs not Clovers, and beyond having names and roles that are inspired by a deck of cards, the magic doesn't really fit with card magic, lower ranking mages can at times overwhelm higher ranking mages and there is of course magic and the geography of the different settings which really isn't remniscent of cards.

Also, you are forgetting that there are 9 magic knight captains and in no card game is there 9 of any type of card (king, queen, jack, ace, joker, 10, 9, 8, etc...) So how would you say that plagiarises card games? And where would the elves and different races fit into the card game plagiarism?

We still haven't seen Queens change what type of card (heart, kingdom, spade, club/clover) the next card will have to be like in rain and there are other card games that haven't been used as inspiration. Besides, I feel like you're reading into it too much. Anything could look like it was inspired by a card game if you think about it too much. Also, every other kingdom-based anime/movie/cartoon/story, etc will have kings, queens, jesters (could be jokers)... Alice in Wonderland had a heart queen and soldiers/guards that were literal cards...

There are anime basing their stories around existing sports, others with D&D like worlds, fighting games, etc. So I don't see this so much as plagiarism, as using cards as inspiration for his story. Perfectly normal. You don't plagiarise daffodils if you design a dress that's yellow and looks a lot like it's made of giant daffodil petals and the creator of Haikyuu didn't plagiarise volleyball just because he made an anime that involved volleyball in the characters' daily lives.

Rikudou King

伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jul 6, 2009
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United States
I don't really think either has to "chase", though I'm aware that prestige-wise Yuno managed to get far's more like Yuno's always felt like he was taking up the Wizard King dream only because that was obviously also Asta's goal, and he was already admiring him and was a tad envious of Asta's courage and determination in spite of his lack of magic. When their challenge originally started Yuno was frailer emotionally this goal only felt that it was declaring how Yuno, with or without his immense gifts, still looked up to Asta and wanted to be where Asta was too(kinda natural for siblings of similar age...but it's only natural when they're very young, as they grow they usually also develop their individuality and other traits that often lead them on different paths).
Out of the two, Yuno appears on the path closes to becoming the Magic Emperor based on the path mentioned early in the series. Maybe that's the way he felt in the beginning, but we've seen his thoughts outside of his rivalry with Asta, and there's no reason to think his aiming for Magic Emperor is just cause of Asta. After all, it's not as if said position is something unique to aim for. By all accounts, the majority of knights are aiming for that, it's the reason they work to earn stars. So it likely would have been a goal regardless.


MH Senpai
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Aug 23, 2013
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United States
are people really thinking the manga is ending very soon?


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 31, 2016
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are people really thinking the manga is ending very soon?
Wait, what?!
you normally call the three leafed symbols Clubs not Clovers
In other languages the name of the symbol does spin around the 3 leaves or is literally "three leaves" and Tabata may have looked enough into European cultures to learn that(no idea if Japanese adopted the card symbol name from any Western language or has its own), alluding to the clover plant itself, but I agree with everything else.
Official Black Clover Calendar 2022 June page

Any idea which other characters have pages? I imagine Yuno and Noelle have their own, but I'm curious about the Captains, other BB members, other Clover elite, Liebe in and of himself and other recent characters, like the MCs' parents, GS or Spade Triad...
After all, it's not as if said position is something unique to aim for.
The position may not be, but the motivation for each pursuer normally is...and so far I haven't seen Yuno's distinguishing itself from Asta's, nor having a deeper cause to warrant its persistence throughout each twist and turn of fate. Even though he also grew up as a poor, orphan boy among the most disenfranchised class of the population of Clover, having to suffer from the same lack of means as his foster siblings, he'd always had all those powerful gifts warranting him far higher odds in leading a better life than most people there, and now the situation's changed even more. The goal of becoming Clover WK feels noble, generous and heroic, if we think of him as an actual random peasant of Clover with ridiculously strong magic, beautiful looks, high levels of charisma and crazy luck and talent, but if he goes through with giving up his royal position in Spade, even after the symbolism Tabata built for him with the battle in the literal throne room and his retrieving his rightful, royal grimoire and magic affinity, along with declaring that to Zenon in a contrast and comparison between people claiming "responsibility" for the "protection" of Spade's people and the choices they made for that purpose, then him not changing deeply in his perspective of the future will come across as a scam.

I understand that you and HereNThere, others as well, may see things as easily changing further with Yuno giving up his position in Spade to continue his usual life in Clover, but then Tabata's plot-twisting Yuno's backstory into making him literally the Aragorn of the Black Clover universe will have been for naught...a wasted effort, since he could've easily made him just a special aristocrat or descendant of some other royal family replaced, in history, by the most recent royal family(the Greenberryals, pre-Zogratis tyranny), or merely a descendant of a legendary hero of Spade...and that would've still made it reasonable for Yuno to stick to his original dream and permanently move to Clover.

All that's recently happened to and with Yuno feels to me tantamount to Aragorn accepting Anduril and, by extension, the responsibilities of an heir of his bloodline. Tabata's been working this angle differently already( and the universe Tolkien built remains just inspiration, clearly), but that doesn't mean the endgame or the symbolism in certain events has to be different.

Yuno's still clearly a teenager with more growth to do and, as I've explained a couple of times before, I don't believe this arc will end with him drastically and instantly changing his mind, dropping everything in Clover to move to and rule Spade( even though that's the Resistance's main goal too, not establishing something like a republic, which feels like it's what's currently going on in Diamond...and might end up happening in Clover by the end of it all...depends on how they mean to work towards Asta and others' dreams for fair chances too)...but I do believe, as I've already said, that he's starting to change...that he's made his first step in realising that goals, dreams, purposes can change throughout life and that would be meaningful and beautiful in terms of character development for him. He could still agree with leaving someone, maybe Ralph, as regent, while he considers his path and choices for a while longer...and gets to participate in the subsequent plot of BC, however many arcs it will still go on, but he could still embrace his role as leader of Spade at the end of story and implement things and changes helpful there as well, as he'd noticed by growing up in Clover and interacting with other countries's peoples(maybe) too.


Alive Ain't Always Livin'
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 8, 2009
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United States
I just came in here on a whim and just happened across my name, lol.

I honestly don't know how these characters' end goals will work out at this point, honestly. I don't think I've ever spoken about Yuno's endgame especially.

Obviously, both characters could have their own slice of Kingdom and let them each be Wizard King in their own domain. But that's obvious choice and an easy out. Black Clover may be your standard Shounen, but Tabata has shown he can flip the script on expectations when he feels like it.

So...basically I'm along for the ride on that front.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 31, 2016
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I just came in here on a whim and just happened across my name, lol.

I honestly don't know how these characters' end goals will work out at this point, honestly. I don't think I've ever spoken about Yuno's endgame especially.

Obviously, both characters could have their own slice of Kingdom and let them each be Wizard King in their own domain. But that's obvious choice and an easy out. Black Clover may be your standard Shounen, but Tabata has shown he can flip the script on expectations when he feels like it.

So...basically I'm along for the ride on that front.
Okay, sorry for misunderstanding your stance and thanks for explaining your pov.

Rikudou King

伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jul 6, 2009
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United States
The position may not be, but the motivation for each pursuer normally is...and so far I haven't seen Yuno's distinguishing itself from Asta's, nor having a deeper cause to warrant its persistence throughout each twist and turn of fate. Even though he also grew up as a poor, orphan boy among the most disenfranchised class of the population of Clover, having to suffer from the same lack of means as his foster siblings, he'd always had all those powerful gifts warranting him far higher odds in leading a better life than most people there, and now the situation's changed even more. The goal of becoming Clover WK feels noble, generous and heroic, if we think of him as an actual random peasant of Clover with ridiculously strong magic, beautiful looks, high levels of charisma and crazy luck and talent, but if he goes through with giving up his royal position in Spade, even after the symbolism Tabata built for him with the battle in the literal throne room and his retrieving his rightful, royal grimoire and magic affinity, along with declaring that to Zenon in a contrast and comparison between people claiming "responsibility" for the "protection" of Spade's people and the choices they made for that purpose, then him not changing deeply in his perspective of the future will come across as a scam.

I understand that you and HereNThere, others as well, may see things as easily changing further with Yuno giving up his position in Spade to continue his usual life in Clover, but then Tabata's plot-twisting Yuno's backstory into making him literally the Aragorn of the Black Clover universe will have been for naught...a wasted effort, since he could've easily made him just a special aristocrat or descendant of some other royal family replaced, in history, by the most recent royal family(the Greenberryals, pre-Zogratis tyranny), or merely a descendant of a legendary hero of Spade...and that would've still made it reasonable for Yuno to stick to his original dream and permanently move to Clover.

All that's recently happened to and with Yuno feels to me tantamount to Aragorn accepting Anduril and, by extension, the responsibilities of an heir of his bloodline. Tabata's been working this angle differently already( and the universe Tolkien built remains just inspiration, clearly), but that doesn't mean the endgame or the symbolism in certain events has to be different.

Yuno's still clearly a teenager with more growth to do and, as I've explained a couple of times before, I don't believe this arc will end with him drastically and instantly changing his mind, dropping everything in Clover to move to and rule Spade( even though that's the Resistance's main goal too, not establishing something like a republic, which feels like it's what's currently going on in Diamond...and might end up happening in Clover by the end of it all...depends on how they mean to work towards Asta and others' dreams for fair chances too)...but I do believe, as I've already said, that he's starting to change...that he's made his first step in realising that goals, dreams, purposes can change throughout life and that would be meaningful and beautiful in terms of character development for him. He could still agree with leaving someone, maybe Ralph, as regent, while he considers his path and choices for a while longer...and gets to participate in the subsequent plot of BC, however many arcs it will still go on, but he could still embrace his role as leader of Spade at the end of story and implement things and changes helpful there as well, as he'd noticed by growing up in Clover and interacting with other countries's peoples(maybe) too.
Well, the main difference between Asta and Yuno's motivation appear to be Asta's more personal desire to prove himself, alongside their shared desire to protect people. The thing is, it's not really "giving up" if he didn't have it in the first place. Now he could end up claiming said birthright in the end, but outside the blood connection to the deceased royalty, he really has no reason to care about the Spade kingdom. Yeah, Yuno has a general desire to protect people, but aside from Ralph, Yuno doesn't know anyone in Spade. Compare that to Clover, where Yuno has many personal connections and thus a greater reason to want to be in a position to protect them. It doesn't help that Yuno's reasons for wanting to take Zenon down are both Clover based - revenge for those in his squad who died and to save his captain.

The thing is, Aragorn had a personal relationship with his people, and had several of those characters pushing for him to take his claim. Aragorn also didn't have his loyalty being pulled by another faction (well I guess Arwen, but in the end that really didn't matter). Yuno really doesn't have such build-up. His current actions could easily end with just him achieving revenge for his parents, without making any commitment beyond that. I don't disagree that it could happen, but as far as I can see, for it to happen would require quite a lot of personal focus on Yuno, and that's really not something Tabata seems to care to do. Compare how much focus he gave on Noelle connecting to Loropechka and the Heart queendom, to Yuno and the Spade kingdom. Of course, as said, that could change. Tabata could have Yuno hang around Spade and develop a deeper connection, but I really can't see that being the route we go down. Yuno suddenly deciding to become king of Spade without said build-up won't really feel like character development, but him being given a consolation prize just so he doesn't "lose" to Asta.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 31, 2016
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Well, the main difference between Asta and Yuno's motivation appear to be Asta's more personal desire to prove himself, alongside their shared desire to protect people. The thing is, it's not really "giving up" if he didn't have it in the first place. Now he could end up claiming said birthright in the end, but outside the blood connection to the deceased royalty, he really has no reason to care about the Spade kingdom. Yeah, Yuno has a general desire to protect people, but aside from Ralph, Yuno doesn't know anyone in Spade. Compare that to Clover, where Yuno has many personal connections and thus a greater reason to want to be in a position to protect them. It doesn't help that Yuno's reasons for wanting to take Zenon down are both Clover based - revenge for those in his squad who died and to save his captain.

The thing is, Aragorn had a personal relationship with his people, and had several of those characters pushing for him to take his claim. Aragorn also didn't have his loyalty being pulled by another faction (well I guess Arwen, but in the end that really didn't matter). Yuno really doesn't have such build-up. His current actions could easily end with just him achieving revenge for his parents, without making any commitment beyond that. I don't disagree that it could happen, but as far as I can see, for it to happen would require quite a lot of personal focus on Yuno, and that's really not something Tabata seems to care to do. Compare how much focus he gave on Noelle connecting to Loropechka and the Heart queendom, to Yuno and the Spade kingdom. Of course, as said, that could change. Tabata could have Yuno hang around Spade and develop a deeper connection, but I really can't see that being the route we go down. Yuno suddenly deciding to become king of Spade without said build-up won't really feel like character development, but him being given a consolation prize just so he doesn't "lose" to Asta.
Yuno had no original personal desire to protect GD, it started out as his being in a workplace, with people he knew he had to be on minimal civil and polite grounds so that they could do their job well(at least with Will, since he was the leader, he still openly mocked and told off people whose behaviour annoyed him), but, as his flashbacks point out, they made some efforts throughout their fights together and their breaks and they all gradually bonded. And this is in line with what I've said about assuming responsibility. Neither Yuno, nor Asta, nor any MK whose goals are remotely similar to theirs have personal connections with everyone they choose to assert responsibility for. They all project their care starting from 1, 2, 3, people who, to them, are in need of or worthy of that care. Asta and Yuno originally only had reasons to want to protect their foster family, it extended to their Hage community, and then through sheer natural abstract assessment and associations, they figured out the rest of Clover would have other people like those in their community who needed their help in staying safe. Neither Yuno, nor Asta care one bit about that stupid king of theirs and his similar ilk...but they assert, by projection and other thought processes, responsibility for his/their safety as well.

Likewise, in Spade, Yuno might only know Ralph, for now, but if he keeps returning to help them rebuild, to make sure they stay safe from huge threats(so far, out of all people related to Spade through ethnicity, it's only Yuno who can do something serious for their protection; and that may become the core factor in the Resistance deciding that he and his lineage are needed further there; I mean, it's basically the same reasoning some of you use to support the idea of Undine staying with Loro, and both of them together at the helm of the HQ) he will find something that probably only he can do and offer the world he lives in.

I might have to reread LOTR, but I sort of remember Aragorn, while still unaware of his origins, sticking more to his foster home, learning from the elves everything they had to offer. Then, once he was told of his heritage, he didn't instantly go "oh, now I'll become king of the Men and the territories that were once ruled by my House", he went to travel and work as a Ranger, around these people and farther, and he started to learn from them what he needed to know and do as their leader and King. It was a longer process of first assuming some responsibility for his native people's safety(through his existing abilities, knowledge and power), then growing to know and personally care for them, then assuming their leadership, once all the efforts to vanquish the major immediate threats, and his assimilating process to his native people, were more or less completed.

Cause it's one thing to just be told you're part of this people and you belong with them, they need you and the best option for everyone is for you to become their ruler and help this civilisation thrive, and another thing to become this. But it happened gradually for Aragorn, and I think it will be a likewise gradual process for Yuno as well.
However, as part of his contradiction with Zenon and his ways, he did assert the role of protector/saviour for Spade, who claims he can/will do things better than Zenon. The same Zenon who claimed said "right" and "role" through asserting leadership as well among other things.

I don't see how deserving and building a fully ruling position can be any sort of consolation prize. By proper rules and standards, the WK in Clover is forced to share authority, control and power with the de facto King and other organisations, it's only the current incompetence of the other factions and Julius's political work as well the fact that he has 2 technical princes leading influential squads in his army that makes it look like the WK is/can be more than any other acting King of a nation.
Last edited:


中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Feb 8, 2021
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Everyone forgets one moment that the main reason why Asta wants to be the King of Magic to f a nun (change the law and marry Lili) , lol.

Plus The main problem for Asta as MK = he has No magic , he is no leader and i am sure MK 99% time work with papers (administrator)

Rikudou King

伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jul 6, 2009
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United States
Yuno had no original personal desire to protect GD, it started out as his being in a workplace, with people he knew he had to be on minimal civil and polite grounds so that they could do their job well(at least with Will, since he was the leader, he still openly mocked and told off people whose behaviour annoyed him), but, as his flashbacks point out, they made some efforts throughout their fights together and their breaks and they all gradually bonded. And this is in line with what I've said about assuming responsibility. Neither Yuno, nor Asta, nor any MK whose goals are remotely similar to theirs have personal connections with everyone they choose to assert responsibility for. They all project their care starting from 1, 2, 3, people who, to them, are in need of or worthy of that care. Asta and Yuno originally only had reasons to want to protect their foster family, it extended to their Hage community, and then through sheer natural abstract assessment and associations, they figured out the rest of Clover would have other people like those in their community who needed their help in staying safe. Neither Yuno, nor Asta care one bit about that stupid king of theirs and his similar ilk...but they assert, by projection and other thought processes, responsibility for his/their safety as well.

Likewise, in Spade, Yuno might only know Ralph, for now, but if he keeps returning to help them rebuild, to make sure they stay safe from huge threats(so far, out of all people related to Spade through ethnicity, it's only Yuno who can do something serious for their protection; and that may become the core factor in the Resistance deciding that he and his lineage are needed further there; I mean, it's basically the same reasoning some of you use to support the idea of Undine staying with Loro, and both of them together at the helm of the HQ) he will find something that probably only he can do and offer the world he lives in.

I might have to reread LOTR, but I sort of remember Aragorn, while still unaware of his origins, sticking more to his foster home, learning from the elves everything they had to offer. Then, once he was told of his heritage, he didn't instantly go "oh, now I'll become king of the Men and the territories that were once ruled by my House", he went to travel and work as a Ranger, around these people and farther, and he started to learn from them what he needed to know and do as their leader and King. It was a longer process of first assuming some responsibility for his native people's safety(through his existing abilities, knowledge and power), then growing to know and personally care for them, then assuming their leadership, once all the efforts to vanquish the major immediate threats, and his assimilating process to his native people, were more or less completed.

Cause it's one thing to just be told you're part of this people and you belong with them, they need you and the best option for everyone is for you to become their ruler and help this civilisation thrive, and another thing to become this. But it happened gradually for Aragorn, and I think it will be a likewise gradual process for Yuno as well.
However, as part of his contradiction with Zenon and his ways, he did assert the role of protector/saviour for Spade, who claims he can/will do things better than Zenon. The same Zenon who claimed said "right" and "role" through asserting leadership as well among other things.

I don't see how deserving and building a fully ruling position can be any sort of consolation prize. By proper rules and standards, the WK in Clover is forced to share authority, control and power with the de facto King and other organisations, it's only the current incompetence of the other factions and Julius's political work as well the fact that he has 2 technical princes leading influential squads in his army that makes it look like the WK is/can be more than any other acting King of a nation.
True, Yuno didn't have any loyalty for Golden Dawn til he became apart of it and got to know the members. That could happen with Spade. I think where we differ is while you see Yuno helping out in Spade and thus developing a similar relationship, I can't see why he would help in Spade without said connection. Yuno's nice, but I don't see him going out of his way to help in Spade when he has his own duties in Clover. The belief with Undine is for similar reasons - she's shown nothing but devotion for Loropechka, and her connection with Noelle is based upon their shared relationship with Loropechka. So while the plot could be made to have her join Noelle, we're talking about setting up a situation where her desire to protect Loropechka somehow gets solved, and the Heart Queendom is made self-sufficient. Possible, but would take alot of work.

Magic Emperor having less authority then the king really isn't an issue if they don't desire said authority. Plus, the Magic Emperor would mean Yuno's on the front line protecting people, as oppose to having to be protected as a king. I said it'll seem like a consolation prize if there's no build up. Just having Yuno become king in the end, without showing a reason for his goal changing or a desire to have anything to do with Spade would be a cop-out. If there's build-up, then that's fine. But I feel the constant affirming of wanting to be Magic Emperor means that's unlikely to happen.

LOTR stuff - After leaving the elves, Aragorn went north and claim his role as chieftain of the rangers of the north, who had been divided from Gondor several generations before. He did rule them, though I think in a nomadic way. He did travel around after meeting Gandalf and helping a bunch of people, but he was still a ruler during that time. I also believe he couldn't marry Arwen unless he became king of Gondor.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 31, 2016
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True, Yuno didn't have any loyalty for Golden Dawn til he became apart of it and got to know the members. That could happen with Spade. I think where we differ is while you see Yuno helping out in Spade and thus developing a similar relationship, I can't see why he would help in Spade without said connection. Yuno's nice, but I don't see him going out of his way to help in Spade when he has his own duties in Clover. The belief with Undine is for similar reasons - she's shown nothing but devotion for Loropechka, and her connection with Noelle is based upon their shared relationship with Loropechka. So while the plot could be made to have her join Noelle, we're talking about setting up a situation where her desire to protect Loropechka somehow gets solved, and the Heart Queendom is made self-sufficient. Possible, but would take alot of work.

Magic Emperor having less authority then the king really isn't an issue if they don't desire said authority. Plus, the Magic Emperor would mean Yuno's on the front line protecting people, as oppose to having to be protected as a king. I said it'll seem like a consolation prize if there's no build up. Just having Yuno become king in the end, without showing a reason for his goal changing or a desire to have anything to do with Spade would be a cop-out. If there's build-up, then that's fine. But I feel the constant affirming of wanting to be Magic Emperor means that's unlikely to happen.

LOTR stuff - After leaving the elves, Aragorn went north and claim his role as chieftain of the rangers of the north, who had been divided from Gondor several generations before. He did rule them, though I think in a nomadic way. He did travel around after meeting Gandalf and helping a bunch of people, but he was still a ruler during that time. I also believe he couldn't marry Arwen unless he became king of Gondor.
Yuno's been held back before by his determination to not accept learning experiences in other places than Clover or wHeRE gD hAS MisSioNs, in the same context where he likes to think he grows because he works for it, and that philosophy failed him and, yet, out of sheer luck(yes, I know that's his theme) of being of the Spade Royal lineage he did get simply handed extra magic. Unless he gives it up, somehow, choosing to stick to Wind alone(I so don't see this happening), he will at least have to visit Spade to learn about it. It's Star Magic, not Light(which Patry knows and holds...and even those stooges in the Kyra family do) and so far it's unique to Spade and its royal family. I stand by my belief that he meant what he said, the he wants to cover all those duties he's claimed.
The WK was very, very, very rarely on the battlefield, whenever we got to see Julius out of his office, unless for admin issues, he was either willfully escaping for his own research whims, or tricked away and winding up dealing with the leader of an opposing force. Let's not fool ourselves that the WK has as many chances to battlefield action as even the captains of the squads...far less than regular MKs. part of the lower ranking MK and their captains' jobs is to protect their leader, the WK, even if they are themselves perfectly able to fight.
So no, as ME/WK( I prefer WK since they're in a Kingdom, not Empire), he wouldn't have any more chances at fighting than a more invested in the military/protection of the Kingdom typical ruler. Even Loro, who's a lot frailer and lacks offensive magic gets directly involved in the fights.

That LOTR bit doesn't contradict anything, he wasn't traditionally ruling as a king that could easily be isolated from sources of danger and "protected"(like Kyra expects to be at all times), he was leading a massive task force of land retrieval and reunification of his people that simply happened to double as the remains of his whole people forced into a temporary nomadic lifestyle, working and fighting alongside them. He wasn't yet King in the same sense he became after the proper coronation, wedding with Arwen and subsequent rule, where he had to focus on more administrative tasks. I know they were still involved in fights, but I doubt he spent as much time randomly gallivanting across the land to helm each and every battle he planned, strategised for or was fought in his cause's name. He wasn't doing that even before.

I stand by this as well, Yuno's reveal as a foreign prince is likely meant to have him as part of the development of the idea wherein one dream we've had as a child doesn't necessarily have to be, nor gets the chance to be(even when we're fortunate) the one and only dream in our lives.

Rikudou King

伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jul 6, 2009
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United States
Why would he have to learn about it? Presuming he keeps it, he appears to already be employing it at the maximum level. And if we take what he said as what he meant, then while he wanted to protect Spade, he maintained his desires about becoming Magic Emperor, such as he spoke of it twice afterward.

The first we saw of him was returning from leading the knights against an invasion. And I don't think we've been shown it as him "escaping", any shown disagreement (such as when he was disguised around town) was more towards his reasoning then the act itself. Him ambushing the Midnight Suns didn't warrant such a reaction despite being a similar act of going off on his own. Even assuming he would have less opportunity to be in combat, it would still be more then if Yuno was king, since the former is technically expendable. It's far simpler to get a new Wizard King then it would be settling on a new King.

It's possible, but as mentioned, it has to have some actual build up. If the idea is that one doesn't have to stick to childhood goals, then it's strange to have him reaffirm said dream twice afterward. I think if that had been the end goal for Yuno, we would have gotten more interaction between him and the citizens of Spade before this point. It wouldn't be complicated, as we saw with Noelle and her relationship with Loropechka. His one co0nnection to Spade, Ralph, was quickly dismissed and they had no interactions after that point. So while Tabata could do a major dump of Spade interactions after this, it seems like we're pass that point. Not to mention Tabata's habit of keeping little focus on what Yuno's up to.

P.S. I wasn't saying there was a contradiction, merely that the situation with Aragorn doesn't fit here - Aragorn didn't really have another allegiance, and once he was told the truth of his birth, proceeded to take his "rightful" place and work towards that role.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 31, 2016
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Why would he have to learn about it? Presuming he keeps it, he appears to already be employing it at the maximum level. And if we take what he said as what he meant, then while he wanted to protect Spade, he maintained his desires about becoming Magic Emperor, such as he spoke of it twice afterward.
Is it really at maximum level? Cause he's clearly, as is the case for any and every affinity going through a new grimoire, learning as he's going, one moment dreading not having a solution to Zenon's breaking his stars, the next getting a "new star" spell. He's using it semi-blindly, discovering, by instinct, the potentially most useful spells to support his SS VS Zenon. Of course, since it's an affinity strongly specific to the Spade royal family and it has history there, why wouldn't/shouldn't he try and learn what he can from there, so that he stops being what has so far hindered his overall growth, an uppity, arrogant a**hat taking everything for granted and "training" without trying to fully understand something?! Why should he just cut off the people he hails from and his inheritance, especially since the latter is currently saving him( since it's clearly a necessary complement to the Wind Magic), just as he's trying to save the former?! Why would/should he force himself into tunnel vision? When I spoke of him giving up a grimoire and an affinity, Wind made more sense to be left behind, since they're supposed to naturally completely separate from elves(even the EotMS moved to Elysia, only coming out cause some old friends need help) and regardless of where he decides to live(Clover or Spade), but that's obviously not gonna happen since it gives him the highest advantages. I don't see him even giving up Star Magic, since he was born into it, so, he would be even more of an a**hat to renounce a new advantage...but I do still want some disadvantages from having both affinities.
The first we saw of him was returning from leading the knights against an invasion. And I don't think we've been shown it as him "escaping", any shown disagreement (such as when he was disguised around town) was more towards his reasoning then the act itself. Him ambushing the Midnight Suns didn't warrant such a reaction despite being a similar act of going off on his own. Even assuming he would have less opportunity to be in combat, it would still be more then if Yuno was king, since the former is technically expendable. It's far simpler to get a new Wizard King then it would be settling on a new King.
I'm confused, I know Clover's been having a very sensitive political situation for a very long time, but as far as I can remember, grand scale invasions don't happen every other weekend, requiring him to join, that's why that time the Diamond Generals invaded, and the GD and Asta and some of his friends fought at the border, he stayed out. And he is too powerful to join often, he can't "tone down" his magic(that's the level WKs have to be to even earn the position, so most of the time he needs/has to delegate and simply deal with the bureaucracy behind the military affairs, the boring stuff that actually does have him "escape" his duties as part of recurring gags with a frustrated Marx...because that would be his scope, to handle the paperwork behind all the action and make the big decisions, put together the grand scale strategies and delegate the enforcers, be them whole squads, teams of captains or whomever he finds suitable for the task); he doesn't get to explore dungeons or other territories, or regularly go on missions. He left to investigate the EotMS again, on a whim, and against the regulations for his position or duties.
The level of "expendability" for royals varies from country to country, just like their military organisations, their systems for ruling and governing and so on. You're speaking of Spade as if its whole political and administrative system were already clearly explained and defined, and as though they functioned exactly like the anomaly that is Clover, with its 3 almost equally weighing royal families(the way Julius forced The Parliament to back down to a more reasonable decision during Asta's trial shows it to be so) which makes August Kira several times more expendable than any other ruler from the known kingdoms as well as their respective supreme military leaders, especially if we're to take into control his incompetence on both political and magic field.
It's possible, but as mentioned, it has to have some actual build up. If the idea is that one doesn't have to stick to childhood goals, then it's strange to have him reaffirm said dream twice afterward. I think if that had been the end goal for Yuno, we would have gotten more interaction between him and the citizens of Spade before this point. It wouldn't be complicated, as we saw with Noelle and her relationship with Loropechka. His one co0nnection to Spade, Ralph, was quickly dismissed and they had no interactions after that point. So while Tabata could do a major dump of Spade interactions after this, it seems like we're pass that point. Not to mention Tabata's habit of keeping little focus on what Yuno's up to.
And this moment here is where the build up can and I expect it to start. It's not strange, he's still clinging to his old identity, since he's barely now getting to learn about and figure out his Spade one, which doesn't mean he has to all of a sudden give up on everything from Clover, he did grow back there, has his family and loved ones there, who knows, maybe some of them will move to Spade in the following years or someplace else(people grow, and there are kids who end up moving away from the homes and countries they grew up in, even as they end up missing them dearly)...

Erm, excuse me, there was no way for him to get more build up with Spade before this situation. Spade was, just like Diamond, in military(even if semi-passive, before all this) conflict with Clover...unlike Noelle's situation with Heart, BC's own Switzerland. Switzerland no more, but you get it. The 2 cultures were violently introduced to each other, just like Mars/Diamond and our heroes/Clover...and after this we can get build up for the relationship, though much more closely, since Yuno's supposed to be a MC, while Mars is an episodic character.
P.S. I wasn't saying there was a contradiction, merely that the situation with Aragorn doesn't fit here - Aragorn didn't really have another allegiance, and once he was told the truth of his birth, proceeded to take his "rightful" place and work towards that role.
The situation wouldn't fit on account of a contradiction, which is not the case here since I've admitted from the beginning that I see Tolkien's universe as a source of inspiration, not the dollar store from which Tabata got his tools, fabrics and patterns. However, there are key points of parallelism between Yuno and Aragorn and I've been minding them precisely.
They don't change and Tabata binding Yuno so closely to Spade only for him to drop it on its a** to fend for itself after he "saved" it would come across as an extremely cheap counter( to what he referenced) just for the lulz...something that's way more up Mashima's alley. BC has its flaws, but persistent trolling just "cause it's magic"(we only had that brought up once and it still felt like short hand for a smarter explanation) isn't exactly it.
Last edited:

Rikudou King

伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jul 6, 2009
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United States
Is it really at maximum level? Cause he's clearly, as is the case for any and every affinity going through a new grimoire, learning as he's going, one moment dreading not having a solution to Zenon's breaking his stars, the next getting a "new star" spell. He's using it semi-blindly, discovering, by instinct, the potentially most useful spells to support his SS VS Zenon. Of course, since it's an affinity strongly specific to the Spade royal family and it has history there, why wouldn't/shouldn't he try and learn what he can from there, so that he stops being what has so far hindered his overall growth, an uppity, arrogant a**hat taking everything for granted and "training" without trying to fully understand something?! Why should he just cut off the people he hails from and his inheritance, especially since the latter is currently saving him( since it's clearly a necessary complement to the Wind Magic), just as he's trying to save the former?! Why would/should he force himself into tunnel vision? When I spoke of him giving up a grimoire and an affinity, Wind made more sense to be left behind, since they're supposed to naturally completely separate from elves(even the EotMS moved to Elysia, only coming out cause some old friends need help) and regardless of where he decides to live(Clover or Spade), but that's obviously not gonna happen since it gives him the highest advantages. I don't see him even giving up Star Magic, since he was born into it, so, he would be even more of an a**hat to renounce a new advantage...but I do still want some disadvantages from having both affinities.
That's been the case with all magics in the series though, once a new spell is gained, the user instinctively know what it entails. The only training we've seen involved alternative means of using one's magic. And considering he's one of the strongest magic knights, only below the top tier, having trouble against an opponent the series has made clear even the stronger captains would have problems against, I don't think there's a problem with his growth.

It's not really cutting off if there isn't really a connection there - he doesn't know those people, so he's not losing anything not knowing them, and he already gain said magic inheritance without getting that involved with them. Winds his natural magic, he had it before he even got a grimoire. He would basically have to unlearn the majority of his magic history, presuming one could even lose the magic they were born with. Conversely, the Star magic so far appears based from the grimoire, meaning choosing to not use it would be far simpler. And the separation removed the elven minds. That a small part remain isn't really an issue if it's not controlling Yuno or risking his soul.

I'm confused, I know Clover's been having a very sensitive political situation for a very long time, but as far as I can remember, grand scale invasions don't happen every other weekend, requiring him to join, that's why that time the Diamond Generals invaded, and the GD and Asta and some of his friends fought at the border, he stayed out. And he is too powerful to join often, he can't "tone down" his magic(that's the level WKs have to be to even earn the position, so most of the time he needs/has to delegate and simply deal with the bureaucracy behind the military affairs, the boring stuff that actually does have him "escape" his duties as part of recurring gags with a frustrated Marx...because that would be his scope, to handle the paperwork behind all the action and make the big decisions, put together the grand scale strategies and delegate the enforcers, be them whole squads, teams of captains or whomever he finds suitable for the task); he doesn't get to explore dungeons or other territories, or regularly go on missions. He left to investigate the EotMS again, on a whim, and against the regulations for his position or duties.
The level of "expendability" for royals varies from country to country, just like their military organisations, their systems for ruling and governing and so on. You're speaking of Spade as if its whole political and administrative system were already clearly explained and defined, and as though they functioned exactly like the anomaly that is Clover, with its 3 almost equally weighing royal families(the way Julius forced The Parliament to back down to a more reasonable decision during Asta's trial shows it to be so) which makes August Kira several times more expendable than any other ruler from the known kingdoms as well as their respective supreme military leaders, especially if we're to take into control his incompetence on both political and magic field.
We learnt during the award ceremony for the squads that invasions appear to happen quite a bit. It's one of the things that causes issue with the Spade/devil plotline. I don't know why he can't tone down his magic, when we saw when he saved Asta that all his spells weren't massively destructive. And while he does have administrative duties, I don't recall us ever being told he couldn't deal with things personally. The one time I call recall him being told off by Marx was when he was hanging around the city looking for new magics, with that seeming to be the thing that annoyed Marx. We know, that even if he normally isn't involved in combat, he does get involved with large-scale situations.

It's true we don't know of the Spade political system, but presumably the king would be at the top. Afterall, killing the king and his family was what allowed Dante to take over as king. If the king doesn't matter then why would Yuno need to take that role? And the situation in Clover isn't really an anomaly - there are three royal families, but the Kira family is shown top dog. And despite August being weak and relatively meaningless to the great events going on, both the elves and his political rivals dedicated efforts to attempting to assassinate him. The fact that Juluius had to play along with Damnatio's ruling, instead of fully opposing it would imply that while he and the other royal families have some political leverage, it's not enough to fully oppose the king's family.

And this moment here is where the build up can and I expect it to start. It's not strange, he's still clinging to his old identity, since he's barely now getting to learn about and figure out his Spade one, which doesn't mean he has to all of a sudden give up on everything from Clover, he did grow back there, has his family and loved ones there, who knows, maybe some of them will move to Spade in the following years or someplace else(people grow, and there are kids who end up moving away from the homes and countries they grew up in, even as they end up missing them dearly)...

Erm, excuse me, there was no way for him to get more build up with Spade before this situation. Spade was, just like Diamond, in military(even if semi-passive, before all this) conflict with Clover...unlike Noelle's situation with Heart, BC's own Switzerland. Switzerland no more, but you get it. The 2 cultures were violently introduced to each other, just like Mars/Diamond and our heroes/Clover...and after this we can get build up for the relationship, though much more closely, since Yuno's supposed to be a MC, while Mars is an episodic character.
It could have just as easily been not brought up. If there was a need too show a clinging to his old identity, he could have just reaffirmed his role as vice-captain of Golden Dawn. Sure there was, have him not dismiss Ralph as he did, or have Ralph interact with him again after that in a different way then just confirming Yuno was alive. Heck, why not have Yuno be the one who convinces Ralph and the rebels to assist in Nacht's plan, which would show him having some concern for Spade. Asta has had more interactions with the people of Spade then Yuno has.

The situation wouldn't fit on account of a contradiction, which is not the case here since I've admitted from the beginning that I see Tolkien's universe as a source of inspiration, not the dollar store from which Tabata got his tools, fabrics and patterns. However, there are key points of parallelism between Yuno and Aragorn and I've been minding them precisely.
They don't change and Tabata binding Yuno so closely to Spade only for him to drop it on its a** to fend for itself after he "saved" it would come across as an extremely cheap counter( to what he referenced) just for the lulz...something that's way more up Mashima's alley. BC has its flaws, but persistent trolling just "cause it's magic"(we only had that brought up once and it still felt like short hand for a smarter explanation) isn't exactly it.
It's not a contradiction to think it wouldn't happen due to Tabata's lack of interest in dedicating screentime to Yuno outside of battle. Such development would require several chapters, if not it's own mini-arc, to even give a connection between Yuno and Spade beyond parentage. Unless more plot things are gonna go down in Spade (which I guess could happen with the introduction of a fourth brother), it seems like it would be unlikely for Tabata to keep any focus there when he has other plotlines to deal with.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 31, 2016
Reaction score
It's not really cutting off if there isn't really a connection there - he doesn't know those people, so he's not losing anything not knowing them, and he already gain said magic inheritance without getting that involved with them.
It is cutting off when someone opens a communication channel and the other party simply refuses to respond. It can even happen right through the 2 parties' introduction. I'm pretty sure he gained the grimoire for the magic inheritance and the awareness of it mattering as he was battling on Sapde soil, in the Spade royal castle, not at the GD HQs where it would've been just as useful and necessary and after already learning about his true origins. And I'm also pretty sure he's gotten it to keep it.
Give me a proper reason why he would completely refuse to get to know and learn more about Spade, cause I can only find the opposite, the more I look into it: one more reason would be Kira and his idiot clique getting paranoid over his lineage and presence in Clover, even more so over his aiming to become WK, imagining some conspiracy to conquer Clover from within, so they'd want him as out as they do Asta(well, this one they want dead, but it can be tagged onto Yuno just as well, knowing that lot). Kira is already freaking out whenever Julius or his proxies, Anegoleon as well, easily steal the show and lead of an event he takes place in.
He would basically have to unlearn the majority of his magic history, presuming one could even lose the magic they were born with. Conversely, the Star magic so far appears based from the grimoire, meaning choosing to not use it would be far simpler. And the separation removed the elven minds. That a small part remain isn't really an issue if it's not controlling Yuno or risking his soul.
Why would he have to unlearn anything, if he can have access to 2 affinities and 2 grimoires with the elf soul's approval(I've already argued on their continued presence in the reply for ch 310)...and it's sort of hard to see Yuno giving up any form of progress he gets, taking him closer to whatever goal he has.
We learnt during the award ceremony for the squads that invasions appear to happen quite a bit. It's one of the things that causes issue with the Spade/devil plotline. I don't know why he can't tone down his magic, when we saw when he saved Asta that all his spells weren't massively destructive.
Quite a bit is not as often as we've seen Julius involved in non-combative events(either friendly visits, skipping work or diplomatic and official public functions which I've also taken into account, I was under the impression I needn't spell that out)
And while he does have administrative duties, I don't recall us ever being told he couldn't deal with things personally. The one time I call recall him being told off by Marx was when he was hanging around the city looking for new magics, with that seeming to be the thing that annoyed Marx. We know, that even if he normally isn't involved in combat, he does get involved with large-scale situations.
The same argument in the first sentence of this quote from you is what I could make regarding the King of Spade, or how Yuno could reform the position as(in case the position Allen and Zenon used to compete for was any sort of actual parallel for the WK one). Yes, Julius/the WK does get involved with large scale situations, diplomatic, official functions, you know, everything in the job description of the political king as well....and 2 or 3 fights. One off page, 1 of very specific interest to them, where the risk was having to fight Patolli(the same dude who'd almost killed Fuego), and one he wasintentionally tricked/pursued into by the other party.
But he's also more restricted from access to the battlefield, just like the highest military rankers in real life as well. Admirals, Grand Generals or (Field) Marshals don't always/usually take the field in battles, unless the forces they're up against require their very specific skill set or clearance on certain decisions. The fact remains is that we've had more chances at hearing of and seeing Julius outside of combat, because that's his role, to delegate above fighting himself, and it's in line with real life circumstances as well. But if a state is highly militaristic, you could easily see the top military rank being assimilated into the political ruler position. If the state is in a more precarious situation owed to resources, either material or human(and the latter is of interest here), I can't see why the clearly most powerful mage in/from Spade, Yuno, wouldn't assimilate the top military position into the kingly one for as long as it's necessary to restore Spade to whatever level of normalcy.
It's true we don't know of the Spade political system, but presumably the king would be at the top
I've never argued about the opposite, I was only deeming it far more likely that the Spade King's job description and actual activity was more similar and in line with the Heart Queens' than that of lazy a** Kira.
Afterall, killing the king and his family was what allowed Dante to take over as king. If the king doesn't matter then why would Yuno need to take that role?
Again, my argument was about how much more disposable Kira and his particular faction were(thus, the anomaly reference), because the royal family in Clover still has 2 main branches with far more legitimacy at taking over, even in a non-coup way, than the Zogratis in Spade. It was even made fairly irelevant whether Kira has any direct descendants, since there are so many royals accounted for as more active and productive in their society(Mimosa was strengthening diplomatic, not military, bonds with Heart as a 13 or 14 year old, IIRC)
And despite August being weak and relatively meaningless to the great events going on, both the elves and his political rivals dedicated efforts to attempting to assassinate him
Yeah, because they saw how much like the monsters in their memory/tales they were told about he was...him being an excellent target for their rage as the fitting descendant of the cr*psack royal lot involved in the elven massacre doesn't make him an important and valuable to the kingdom per se ruler. You're trying to dodge the point, but it doesn't work like that. The rebels in the Zogratis faction and those in the EotMS both went to assassinate the de facto ruler, but it was for very different reasons and with very different magic means at their disposal. The Zogratis were empowered by 3 high ranking devils, Kira was targeted by the crumbs of the human EotMS who may have been MK rejects much like the Sally, Valtos and Rades trio, only far less talented and skilled., and those crumbs were acting at random in despair over their invasion coming to a failed end. They were only a threat because Kira and Sekke were not only incredibly lame, but had run away like headless chicken somewhere outside the castle.
Also, the point remains that Julius got the higher ground when he sent in the actual 2 contenders to Kira's authority and power, who were at the same time imposing MK squads captains, and technical heads of their respective royal houses.
The fact that Juluius had to play along with Damnatio's ruling, instead of fully opposing it would imply that while he and the other royal families have some political leverage, it's not enough to fully oppose the king's family.
It's not enough to fully oppose the Kiras whe you also want to avoid causing (more) civil strife, something they didn't need right after this mess with the elves and on top of the issues they were having with Diamond, while expecting trouble with Spade to arise as well and right after what happened to Julius. Julius didn't go for that high handed play not because they had no way of overpowering the Kiras, but because he placed the safety of the people as a whole, as well as that of the MK corps, as well as the opinion of the royal captains who are currently more focused on protecting the weak and vulnerable, over wresting control out of that family. Damnatio and his peers have their weak points too, in magic control, and if the theory on Damnatio being the 4th Z pans out, they will have to take him down as well, anyway. If Damnatio is who the theory says he is, the Kira are officially screwed anyway.
Sure there was, have him not dismiss Ralph as he did, or have Ralph interact with him again after that in a different way then just confirming Yuno was alive. Heck, why not have Yuno be the one who convinces Ralph and the rebels to assist in Nacht's plan, which would show him having some concern for Spade. Asta has had more interactions with the people of Spade then Yuno has.
So you mean Yuno had to make a 180 degrees change in personality, at the flip of a coin, just to show you a believable start of change in his interests, goals and objectives? He's been dismissing and dissing out for ages people he's been working closely with, and you expected him to be so much less reluctant in embracing all those shocking things Ralph told him about so that you could believe he can grow to care and want to live in and rule Spade?
It's not a contradiction to think it wouldn't happen due to Tabata's lack of interest in dedicating screentime to Yuno outside of battle. Such development would require several chapters, if not it's own mini-arc, to even give a connection between Yuno and Spade beyond parentage. Unless more plot things are gonna go down in Spade (which I guess could happen with the introduction of a fourth brother), it seems like it would be unlikely for Tabata to keep any focus there when he has other plotlines to deal with.
Things have already changed a great deal, GD has been reduced to half its force, on top of the elf possession fiasco and we might end up seeing Yuno more if, naturally, all these new conflicts lead to needing to chase after whomever the devils manipulate next, fix Spade and ensure some peaceful relations with it and whatever else follows. I'm pretty sure it's high time Tabata noticed that he can't have Yuno as MC and only show him around every once in a blue moon.

Rikudou King

伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jul 6, 2009
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United States
It is cutting off when someone opens a communication channel and the other party simply refuses to respond. It can even happen right through the 2 parties' introduction. I'm pretty sure he gained the grimoire for the magic inheritance and the awareness of it mattering as he was battling on Sapde soil, in the Spade royal castle, not at the GD HQs where it would've been just as useful and necessary and after already learning about his true origins. And I'm also pretty sure he's gotten it to keep it.
Give me a proper reason why he would completely refuse to get to know and learn more about Spade, cause I can only find the opposite, the more I look into it: one more reason would be Kira and his idiot clique getting paranoid over his lineage and presence in Clover, even more so over his aiming to become WK, imagining some conspiracy to conquer Clover from within, so they'd want him as out as they do Asta(well, this one they want dead, but it can be tagged onto Yuno just as well, knowing that lot). Kira is already freaking out whenever Julius or his proxies, Anegoleon as well, easily steal the show and lead of an event he takes place in.
Perhaps, though it seems redundant with the skills he already has. The reason would be taht he's shown no interest in Spade at all at this point. If he didn't care enough when he learnt about his actual parents and history, why would gaining a grimoire change that? On a scale of importance, one would think parentage would be a greater factor then getting a new power. And conflict with the Kira family is ensured regardless, considering their overall actions and belief. Why would Yuno care, when he's shown not caring what others think. It seems out of character that Yuno would run off to Spade just to make the royals happy, and logically questionable - If they consider Yuno a political threat, then he'll be a political threat regardless of where he is, because if they don't trust him as a part of their kingdom, why would they trust him as the leader of an opposing kingdom, one with a history of trying to conquer them?

Why would he have to unlearn anything, if he can have access to 2 affinities and 2 grimoires with the elf soul's approval(I've already argued on their continued presence in the reply for ch 310)...and it's sort of hard to see Yuno giving up any form of progress he gets, taking him closer to whatever goal he has.
Well this was in context of your comment about leaving one behind.

Quite a bit is not as often as we've seen Julius involved in non-combative events(either friendly visits, skipping work or diplomatic and official public functions which I've also taken into account, I was under the impression I needn't spell that out)
Well my point was that based on what we've been shown, that role would still be more proactive then a ruling role.

The same argument in the first sentence of this quote from you is what I could make regarding the King of Spade, or how Yuno could reform the position as(in case the position Allen and Zenon used to compete for was any sort of actual parallel for the WK one). Yes, Julius/the WK does get involved with large scale situations, diplomatic, official functions, you know, everything in the job description of the political king as well....and 2 or 3 fights. One off page, 1 of very specific interest to them, where the risk was having to fight Patolli(the same dude who'd almost killed Fuego), and one he wasintentionally tricked/pursued into by the other party.
But he's also more restricted from access to the battlefield, just like the highest military rankers in real life as well. Admirals, Grand Generals or (Field) Marshals don't always/usually take the field in battles, unless the forces they're up against require their very specific skill set or clearance on certain decisions. The fact remains is that we've had more chances at hearing of and seeing Julius outside of combat, because that's his role, to delegate above fighting himself, and it's in line with real life circumstances as well. But if a state is highly militaristic, you could easily see the top military rank being assimilated into the political ruler position. If the state is in a more precarious situation owed to resources, either material or human(and the latter is of interest here), I can't see why the clearly most powerful mage in/from Spade, Yuno, wouldn't assimilate the top military position into the kingly one for as long as it's necessary to restore Spade to whatever level of normalcy.
The different though is that, as previous mentioned, one role is more expendable then the other. The lost of Julius, while terrible, did not throw the whole kingdom into chaos. The same could not be said for the lost of a king. The lost of the Wizard king only affects the military, and even then there are the captains themselves to mitigate said damage. The lost of a king would affect everything.

I've never argued about the opposite, I was only deeming it far more likely that the Spade King's job description and actual activity was more similar and in line with the Heart Queens' than that of lazy a** Kira.
But that would still be the same... The only reason Loropechka was as active as she was in the current situation was because Vanica/Megicula purposely went after her, and those who were suppose to guard her were taken down/out. Otherwise, she was shown hanging back away from the danger.

Again, my argument was about how much more disposable Kira and his particular faction were(thus, the anomaly reference), because the royal family in Clover still has 2 main branches with far more legitimacy at taking over, even in a non-coup way, than the Zogratis in Spade. It was even made fairly irelevant whether Kira has any direct descendants, since there are so many royals accounted for as more active and productive in their society(Mimosa was strengthening diplomatic, not military, bonds with Heart as a 13 or 14 year old, IIRC)
But the series shows otherwise, it showed that his life was of considerable importance. And we really don't know what legitimacy they had, though considering they're not in power, it really can't be more then the Kira family. Even more so when you considering the way Noelle and Mimosa reacted to the news of the Kira family being involved in judging Asta.

Yeah, because they saw how much like the monsters in their memory/tales they were told about he was...him being an excellent target for their rage as the fitting descendant of the cr*psack royal lot involved in the elven massacre doesn't make him an important and valuable to the kingdom per se ruler. You're trying to dodge the point, but it doesn't work like that. The rebels in the Zogratis faction and those in the EotMS both went to assassinate the de facto ruler, but it was for very different reasons and with very different magic means at their disposal. The Zogratis were empowered by 3 high ranking devils, Kira was targeted by the crumbs of the human EotMS who may have been MK rejects much like the Sally, Valtos and Rades trio, only far less talented and skilled., and those crumbs were acting at random in despair over their invasion coming to a failed end. They were only a threat because Kira and Sekke were not only incredibly lame, but had run away like headless chicken somewhere outside the castle.
Also, the point remains that Julius got the higher ground when he sent in the actual 2 contenders to Kira's authority and power, who were at the same time imposing MK squads captains, and technical heads of their respective royal houses.
Two times the king was targeted, first by the elves and then by nobles. It was specifically stated with the elves that they were targeting the king because "taking the other's king meant victory". So it wasn't just because they hated the royalty. And the nobility only dressed up like the Midnight Suns to throw off any blame. But in all these examples, the kings were targeted in order for a takeover to occur. And how did Julius have the higher ground? All he could do was lessen Asta's punishment to exile instead of death... They still had to go along with Damnatio's plot to put all the blame on Asta. That also seem like a hail mary play, since Julius wasn't sure they could prevent Asta from being executed.

It's not enough to fully oppose the Kiras whe you also want to avoid causing (more) civil strife, something they didn't need right after this mess with the elves and on top of the issues they were having with Diamond, while expecting trouble with Spade to arise as well and right after what happened to Julius. Julius didn't go for that high handed play not because they had no way of overpowering the Kiras, but because he placed the safety of the people as a whole, as well as that of the MK corps, as well as the opinion of the royal captains who are currently more focused on protecting the weak and vulnerable, over wresting control out of that family. Damnatio and his peers have their weak points too, in magic control, and if the theory on Damnatio being the 4th Z pans out, they will have to take him down as well, anyway. If Damnatio is who the theory says he is, the Kira are officially screwed anyway.
What strife would be caused by placing blame on an outside force? Causing an entire squad to leave wasn't exactly the best means to protect the kingdom. And Julius himself stated his influence was weaken, which would be a strange thing to say if he was in such a strong political position. Just the same as Mimosa and Noelle showing worry for Asta if their families had such power.

Not sure how Damnatio could be so when one of the first things we were told about him was how he found his own father guilty... There doesn't seem to be any doubt that they're descendant of the original Clover family.

So you mean Yuno had to make a 180 degrees change in personality, at the flip of a coin, just to show you a believable start of change in his interests, goals and objectives? He's been dismissing and dissing out for ages people he's been working closely with, and you expected him to be so much less reluctant in embracing all those shocking things Ralph told him about so that you could believe he can grow to care and want to live in and rule Spade?
I don't know how that would be a change in personality for him to show some interest in new information. Sure, he's been dismissive of people, but those people are usually rude him. Meanwhile, when it's something he's interested in, he been more then happy to ask questions and get more information, such as when he first meant Julius. And why shouldn't I want to see said changes? Without evidence, I don't see why I should think he's changed, when even in the most recent chapter, there continues to be a focus on his connection to Asta and Clover.

Things have already changed a great deal, GD has been reduced to half its force, on top of the elf possession fiasco and we might end up seeing Yuno more if, naturally, all these new conflicts lead to needing to chase after whomever the devils manipulate next, fix Spade and ensure some peaceful relations with it and whatever else follows. I'm pretty sure it's high time Tabata noticed that he can't have Yuno as MC and only show him around every once in a blue moon.
Considering the quickness of his fight here, that doesn't seem to be the lesson learnt. Golden Dawn being reduced to half would be a big deal if we ever saw more of them then a handful of times, and considering we had interaction with the elves this arc and the citizens of Spade without Yuno even coming up, my faith in that isn't very high.


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Mar 7, 2015
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Next week in weekly shonen jump, there'll be an exclusive interview with Yuki Tabata in connection with him being the judge in the "Jump New World Manga Award"