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One of the surveillance ships of the company Ferret went missing for some time. Once the ship was found, all 115 members aboard the ship were completely missing. No trace of their existence was found aboard the ship.
Masato's sister works for Ferret, and he was tasked to bring her supplies for the upcoming work to investigate this mysterious ship that returned without her crew. He meets a beautiful girl named Uto at the company, who also had a brother that worked for Ferret and went missing inside the ship. Now Masato and Uto must embark on a mission to discover the mysteries of the unknown island where the missing crew has been left. [DrCoke]
中学2年生の城原真都(まさと)は、海洋資源調査会社に勤める姉に荷物を届ける為、失踪船「かんなぎ」が帰港する港を訪れた。そこで出会った美少女・宇藤(うとう)かがりとの出会いが、真都の運命を大きく変える!! 絶対必見のSFジュブナイルストーリー開幕!!
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