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To Love-Ru Darkness 10

Sisters ~Invention of Happiness: LaLa~

+ posted by Finestela as translation on Aug 2, 2011 19:14 | Go to To Love-Ru Darkness

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Top Left text: Manga Volume 2 is also going through a massive reprinting...!!

ToLoveRu Darkness
Chapter 10 "Sisters ~Invention of Happiness: LaLa~"

Center Right Text: Your shining figure in summer
Center Left Text: becomes even more dazzling in a swimsuit-

Manga: Yabuki Kentarou
Script: Hasemi Saki

LaLa: Here!
LaLa: All fixed up, NaNa (8th Note)

NaNa: Waaaah-!
NaNa: Thank you, Ane-ue!!

Rito: What were you guys doing?
MoMo: Ahh... Rito-san.
MoMo: NaNa's D-Dial was acting up, and she gave it to Onee-sama to run a diagnostic.

NaNa: Ehehe... Sorry, Ane-ue, for using up your break time.
LaLa: It's fine. It's fine.

MoMo: NaNa, you're always too rough with your device.
MoMo: You've always been the type to break your toys and everything since long ago.

MoMo: I really hope you can become a bit more mature.
Nana: ......

NaNa: D... don't say that while staring at my breast-!!
MoMo: Oh? But that wasn't really my intention, you know?

NaNa: No way, you were definitely making fun of me!!
LaLa: Ahh!
LaLa: Hey, NaNa!

LaLa: Well! I made something really nice for you, NaNa!
NaNa: Ehh?

LaLa: Here!
LaLa: BooBoo-Up-kun!!

NaNa: BooBoo?
LaLa: That's right! While it's still a prototype, let's just try it out for a bit!

MoMo: Kyaah!
NaNa: Waah?!
Rito: NaNa?! MoMo?!

SFX: Cough Cough
NaNa: Ane-ue... What's going o...

NaNa: !?
SFX Bubble: Itchy Itchy

NaNa: M-
NaNa: my breasts!!

Rito: Oooh!
LaLa: Complete success!!

NaNa: Wooooah! You're awesome, Ane-ueee-!!
LaLa: Fufu... I did it because you've been so worried about your breasts, NaNa.

MoMo: O... Onee-sama!!
LaLa: Hmm?

MoMo: M... m- m-
MoMo: my-
Small Text: Awww...
MoMo: My breast are... gone...

NaNa: MoMo, you've turned into a washboard?!
LaLa: H... huh?!

LaLa: M... MoMo, I'm sorry... Looks like the effect is unstable for some reason...
MoMo: ......

MoMo: ......
MoMo: With it like this, when I'm seducing Rito-san...
MoMo: Rito-san...

MoMo: Here...
SFX Bubble: Slid
MoMo: Please help yourself...

Rito: You'll catch a cold in that outfit (heart)

Rito: M... MoMo, are you all right?

MoMo: Rito-san! Don't look at me like that!!
Rito: Like what?!

NaNa: Ahaha! Looks like I'm the one with the makings for big breast~ (8th Note)
NaNa: Come on! Don't mind it so much! Not about being a washboard and all (Heart)

SFX Bubble: Pushooooo
SFX Bubble: Bouncy

NaNa: M... my breasts are goooone-!!
LaLa: Huh? The effect has worn off?
LaLa: Looks like I still have to do more research on it.

NaNa: H... h-h-how can this be...?

MoMo Small Text: Hohoho...
MoMo: Well... I can understand how you feel a bit more now.
Text: Damn yoooou-!

MoMo: Come on, Ane-ue! Don't use devices that aren't finished yet-!!
LaLa: Ahaha! Sorry about that-

Rito: ... Oh, dear.

Sign: Infirmary

Mikado: Huh-
Mikado: LaLa-san's made a pretty interesting device there.

MoMo: Enough is really enough...
MoMo: And I'm so sorry, Rito-san, for showing you such an unsightly side of me.

Rito: I... it's nothing, I don't really...
Rito: These things happened because LaLa took out her weird devices again~

Oshizu: I've made tea for the two of you~
MoMo: Thank you so much, Oshizu-san!

MoMo: It's delicious!
Rito: Yeah.
Oshizu: Ehehe! It's all thanks to Mikado-sensei's trainings~

Oshizu: But I have to say, LaLa-san sure loves inventing stuff.
Oshizu: Was she always like this since she was little?
MoMo: That's right.

Text: As early as I can remember, she was already...

Panel Text: Deviluke Palace
Panel Text: 7 years ago

MoMo: It's all your fault, Nana!
NaNa: Nope, you're the one who should apologize, MoMo!!

NaNa: I'm the Onee-chan of the two of us!!
MoMo: There isn't much of a difference since we're twins!

Zastin: NaNa-sama, MoMo-sama, please stop fighting!
NaNa: Shut up, Zastin!

LaLa: NaNa~ MoMo~!

LaLa: My machines are going berserk!!
LaLa: Stop them~

NaNa/MoMo: Ane-ue?! Onee-sama?!

MoMo: Waaah- NaNa, take care of that side!
NaNa: I... I got it!!

LaLa: Thanks, you two, for helping out!!

NaNa: Hehe.

Zastin: Please be careful next time, LaLa-sama!
MoMo: Like that...
MoMo: These things were pretty common occurrences...

Oshizu: She hasn't changed much even now (8th Note)
MoMo: She's just like a grown-up child...

Mea: Ahh!

Mea: MoMo-chan and Senpai, so the two of you are here.
Mea: Well, hey, do you know where NaNa-chan is at?

Rito: Mea!
MoMo: If you're looking for NaNa, she went to the school store to buy notebooks.
Mea: Got it! Thanks (8th Note)

Mea: ...You're Dr. Mikado...
Mea: Amazing (heart)

Mikado: ......

Mikado: So she's the Kurosaki Mea you were talking about...
Mikado: The self-proclaimed little sister of Yami-chan...
MoMo: Yes... Do you know anything about her, Mikado-sensei?

Mikado: No...
Mikado: As a physician of the underworld, I have my own connections for these things...
Mikado: But because the organization Yami-chan belonged to was destroyed many years ago, I couldn't really investigate any deeper.

Mikado: If only...
Mikado: I can find Tearju...

MoMo: Eh?
Mikado: No... it's nothing...
Mikado: I'll just investigate further on my end.

Mikado: So please continue to take good care of her...
Mikado: To take care of Yami-chan...

Student: Later-
Student: Bye-bye

LaLa: Ritoooo-
LaLa: I'm heading home now to analyze why my invention failed today-

LaLa: Please go pick up Celine-chan for me!
Rito: Got it.

Rito: She just won't give up no matter how many times she fails...

Ren: Yuuki!
Rito: Ren.

Ren: Here.
Rito: ?

Ren: It's a sample copy of Run's upcoming CD.
Ren: She asked me to give it to you since she has work today and couldn't come.
Rito: !

SFX: Thump...
Text: Run...

Rito: I... I see.
Rito: Thanks.

Ren: ......
Ren: Yuuki...

Ren: I've wanted to know for a long time now...
Ren: What do you think about LaLa-chan?

Rito: Eh?

Ren: LaLa-chan is a kind-hearted and innocent girl who thinks of you above anything else.
Ren: She has always been like a angel of healing for everyone around her.

Ren: Therefore, shouldn't you...
Ren: be smitten by that tender love?

Rito: T...
Rito: That's...

Ren: ... Oh, well...
Ren: Anyway!
Ren: It's the same way for Run.
Ren: You better not do things that'd make girls cry.

Rito: Ren...
Text: That's true.
Text: I told LaLa that I love Haruna-chan to make it clear to her.

Text: But even so, LaLa continues to stay beside me as if she wasn't hurt at all.

Text: And there I am...
Text: Being clueless about everything everywhere...
Text: Same goes for Run... I don't want to give them such painful expression on their face anymore...

Rito: But... what should I do...?

Text: "We shall create a "Harem" for Rito-san..."
Text: "This is the only way that would miraculously solve everything, including the problem with the Succession to the Thorne of Deviluke (heart)"

Text: Rito... (Heart)
Text: Yuuki-kun... (Heart)

Text: What are you thinking, you idiot!!

Rito: What are you doing taking MoMo's words so seriously!!
Rito: Not to mention no matter what, there's no way things can just go as smoothly as you would like them to!!

Yami: ......
Book Title: Lovers

White Board: Public morals strengthening week
White Board: Watch out!

Mikan: Riiiito-

Mikan: Dinner's about ready, so go upstairs and tell LaLa-san and the others.
Celine: Mawu
Celine: Mawu
Rito: Got it-!

Mikan: And watch out for MoMo-san.
Rito: Huh?
Rito: ......

Rito: LaLa!

Rito: Mikan is about ready with dinner.
LaLa: Okay! I'll head down right away-

Rito: This room hasn't changed one bit, with her inventions all over the place.

LaLa: This is so weird...
LaLa: Why couldn't it work properly?

Rito: Hey, LaLa...
LaLa: Hmm?

Rito: Why did you begin inventing all kinds of stuff?
LaLa: Eh?

Rito: Ahh... no... I mean I just thought you haven't talked about this a lot...
LaLa: Ahhh- That's true.

LaLa: But it wasn't really that big of a deal.
LaLa: I was just trying to find some fun for myself since it was boring to live in the palace.

Text: When the war was over and peace had been restored, I was always asked to study hard.
Text: For friends around the same age, it was only Run-chan who visited occasionally as friendly social interactions between royalties.
Text: That was pretty much how it was for me until around 8 years old.

LaLa: Furthermore~ I was playing pranks and taking apart the space battleships of the Deviluke Army ever since I was small. And I gained knowledge of machinery from all that~
Small Text: Of course, I put them back together afterward (Heart)
Rito: That's no longer the level of child's prank...

Text: Voices...
Text: Is Rito-san in Onee-sama's room...?

MoMo: ?

Text: Could it be-?!

Text: Onee-sama has finally become unable to suppress her desire...!!
LaLa: Nnn (Heart)
LaLa: Nnn
LaLa: Nnnh...

LaLa: Rito (heart)
LaLa: Nnn (Heart)
LaLa: I love you (heart)
LaLa: Rito (heart)
LaLa: Nnn
SFX Bubble: Haa-
SFX Bubble: Haa-

LaLa: Uhnn...
SFX Bubble: Haa-
SFX Bubble: Haa-

Text: Go ahead... and ravage me all over...

MoMo: ... I don't think so...
MoMo: From a certain a point of view, Onee-sama is even more childish than NaNa...

MoMo: But what could they be talking about?

NaNa: What are you... doing?
MoMo: !!

MoMo: NaNa...!
MoMo: Shhhhh-
NaNa: ?

LaLa: Ehh? MoMo said that?
LaLa: That was pretty much the truth about that.
MoMo: !

LaLa: NaNa and MoMo were fighting a lot since that time-
NaNa: Are they talking about us...?

Rito: But it ended with your inventions getting out of hand and you getting scolded by Zastin.

Rito: And then the issue with who's the little sister between MoMo and Nana was still unresolved... Haha...

Peke: That's not it, Rito-dono!!
Rito: Peke?

Peke: As the representative of LaLa-sama's inventions,
Peke: I would like to say just one thing...

Peke: That in the MoMo-sama's story about their childhood!
Peke: The incident with the machines going berserk wasn't a mistake on LaLa-sama's part!
Peke: It was an act of love by LaLa-sama to her two little sisters!!

Panel Text: At the time...
Peke: LaLa-sama, your little sisters!
LaLa: Ah! They're fight again! I guess it can't be helped...

LaLa: O-kay!
LaLa: I'll use this then!!

Rito: That means...
Rito: you did that on purpose to help NaNa and MoMo make it up with each other...?

LaLa: Well- while those two are much more reliable than me mostly, they are still my lovely little sisters.
LaLa: When I see them fight, I would think that I have to stop it somehow.
LaLa: And wrap the whole thing up by having me getting scolded by Zastin or someone else instead of them.

Text: Come to think of it, it was also like this today when she took out her invention when NaNa and MoMo were about to get into a fight...

Text: LaLa-chan is a kind-hearted and innocent girl who thinks of you above anything else.

LaLa: ?
Text: LaLa...

Text: Oh, no... Why is my heart pounding like this?
Text: I've already decided to place Haruna-chan as my first choice!!

LaLa: Are you okay? Your face is all red.
Rito: !

Rito: Y-
Rito: You're too close!!
Rito: Ah...
Rito: N... nothing...

SFX Bubble: Beep

LaLa: Waah!
LaLa: Hyaaah!

Rito: LaLa?!
Peke: It's-
LaLa: Ah-
LaLa: Nnn...
LaLa: Stop it..
Peke: Spin-Spin Rope-kun No. 2!!

Peke: It's a really convenient device that can automatically tie anything up and package it.
Rito: Is this the time and place to be explaining as if nothing's happening?!

LaLa: Nnnn

LaLa: Nooo-

SFX Bubble: Startled
LaLa: Hyaaah?!

LaLa: N... not the...
LaLa: tail...
LaLa: Nnnhh (heart)
LaLa: Ahh (heart)

Rito: L... LaLa!
Rito: A... already it's gotten to the point where I can't really look directly...

Rito: Take this...
LaLa: Fuaaah (Heart)
Rito: Argh...!

Rito: Uwaaah!

LaLa: Ri... to... Get it off~
Rito: Y... you're the one who built the machine~!!

Rito: W... why do LaLa's devices...
Rito: always end up like this~?!

NaNa: ...I've never noticed...
NaNa: Never noticed that Ane-ue was caring for us this way...

MoMo: And here I am, thinking that Onee-sama is a childish person...
MoMo: when I'm the child here...

NaNa: Now I think about it, when we ran away from home to earth...
NaNa: it was because we were lonely after Ane-ue was gone...

MoMo: Nana...
NaNa: MoMo...

NaNa: I'm really glad... that Ane-ue is our Ane-ue...
MoMo: Me too...

Mikan: ...So no one's coming down...
Celine: Mawu-!!

Side Text: The "bond" between the three sisters is reaffirmed...

ToLoveRu Darkness ---- To be continued in October issue

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