Only for use by Manga Bandits
Okay. Manga Bandit's raw provider FINALLY came through and I got the raws for the first 3 chapters of this 8-chapter series. I'll try to get the other two done sometime soon so I don't fall any more behind. Still no idea if the series can end this volume.
[Billy Bat 134 Translation by Kewl0210]
Page 0 (Cover):
Red Text: September 2001, NY----
Goodbye World
Page 1:
Side Text: Former assassin, Devivie. The man that identifies the "simpletons", the moment he determine's Timmy's authenticity, is struck by a mysteriousbullet!!
Page 2:
Billy: You.
Hey, it's me!
Page 3:
Billy: Hey, haven't seen you in a while. How long's it been?
Title: Chapter 134 The Person I Wanted to Meet (1/8)
Page 4:
Billy: Yeah, it was back in the year of the Tokyo Olympics.
2020...... No, wait, 1964? Kyakyakya!!
Devivie: I've finally been able to meet you......
Now I no longer have any......
Billy: Hey, hey!
Devivie: regrets......
Billy: Hold on a sec, dangit!!
Hold on a......
Page 5:
Guy: First...... could you state your name?
Kevin: KEvin.
Kevin Goodman.
Guy: Occupation?
Kevin: You know, don't you?
Page 6:
Guy: Well, of course...... Just as a formality.
Kevin: I guess there's still a lot of red tape, even if you are the CIA.
Are you recording me on camera from up there?
And one over there, too, huh?
Well, I guess you've gotta have a record of it.
What I'm about to talk about is pretty important.
Guy: A-hem...... And......?
Kevin: Ah...... My occupation is cartoonist.
Have you ever read Billy Bat?
If you're a reader, it'll take less time to explain.
Page 7:
Guy: Of course we're readers.
Actually, we're quite the fans.
Kevin: Okay, then this should be easy.
Did you read the edition of Billy Bat in 1988?
Guy: 1988............
Oh, the story about the wall coming down? Yeah, that was an emotional one.
It was almost like it was predicting the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Kevin: Yeah!!
Okay, if you know that, then it should be even easier.
So right now, you know how Billy Bat has two authors, right?
Guy: Yeah. You and, uh......
That author called Timmy Sanada are both credited......
What's that about?
Page 8:
Kevin: Well, I'd be here forever if I went into detail,
but basically we're working on it together.
So, what I want to say......
neither me or Timmy are prophets.
Guy: I see.
Kevin: But sometimes, we just write things inadvertently.
Guy: What, exactly?
Kevin: I hope you guys'll listen to this seriously.
Page 9:
Kevin: Something horrible is gonna happen to the New York World Trade Center.
Guy: Something horrible?
Kevin: Yeah. Like maybe...... for example......
someone would use a plane or something......
Guy: Where did you get this information from?
Kevin: Uh...... Like I said, it's just stuff I sometimes just draw inadvertently!!
Page 10:
Morehouse: When did this happen?
Guy: Sir?
More: I'm asking you, when did this man come to the CIA?
SMith: 3 days ago, sir.
More: So slow...
Smith: Sir?
More: I'm saying that it takes far too much time for these matters to reach me.
Page 11:
Smith: Yes, sir. My deepest apologies.
More: How many people have seen this video?
Smith: Ah...... Well, only a few people besides those two......
More: Just a few......?
Get me the names of everyone that's seen this by the end of the day.
Smith: Y...... Yes, sir.
More: Well, no matter how many more times I watch this, it'll be the same.
These CIA men do not seem inclined to believe what this cartoonist is saying.
Smith: But if you consider the two keywords we've submitted, "9-11" and "Two Towers" together......
Page 12:
More: I'm thinking about how much information like this the CIA receives on a daily basis.
Smith: Yes, sir......
More: If they dealt with every single one, they wouldn't be able to get any work Smith: So that even if the CIA accepted this information, the World Trade Center won't do something like increase their security......
More: That sort of thing doesn't matter......
Smith: Sir......?
More: You still don't seem to understand.
I don't care where, or what kind of disaster is going to occur.
All I want to know is whether their prediction is correct or not.
Page 13:
More: And whether that matches the contents of this scroll.
When that is scientifically proven, then time itself will be our......
More: What is it?
Someone: The surveillance cameras in the park
have found people who have been registered for facial recognition.....
More: ..........
Page 14:
Guy: It was a response from a considerably old database,
Guy: so it's possible it could be a malfunction..........
Here it is. It's these two.
Page 15:
More: Asians?
Guy: Most likely Japanese.
More: Japanese......?
Guy: That old database I mentioned, it's from 1964......
It's based on photos Japanese police took for on-site verification.
They're from an incident that took place somewhere called Koumori Village in Wakayama......
Page 16:
More: People related to the Koumori Village incident......?
Guy: Aaahh, that's right.
I knew I'd seen this man somewhere before......
That's Yamashita, a guy who was the president of Billy Land Kishuu just until a few days ago.
Guy: The President of a Japanese Billy Land is connected with the Koumori Village Incident......?
More: Just what is all this......?
Page 17:
More: Restrain them.
Smith: Yes, sir.
They're in a park, so we can't be too forceful, but......
More: If they resist,
kill them.
Smith: Sir......?
More: I don't care if anyone that knows about what happened in Koumori Village is disposed of.
Yamashita: HAAAH! I guess the home of it all would be really well made, e~~~h?!!
Page 18:
Yamashita: Still, everything's in English as far as I can see. And it's all so refined----.
Jackie: Um, Yamashita-kun.
You've been dismissed from that Japanese Billy Land, so does that sorta stuff really matter anymore?
And anyhow, we need to find the office.
Yama: Oh, yeah.
I don' even see any office-lookin' place around here. This place's so well-made.
That's the country 'a dreams all right. I've gotta follow they're example----.
Jakcie: Yamashita-kun, didn't you tell me that coming here would be the quickest way to find Kevin Goodman?!!
Page 20:
Yamashita: Yep. This is the headquarters, after all.
Jackie: Aaaah! I was in such a panic I didn't really think it through.
There's no way we'd find Kevin Goodman by coming to a place like this!!
What do we do?
I've gotta let him know what Billy Bat told me as soon as possible......!!
Maggie: Hey, check it out.
Jackie: Huh?
Page 21:
Maggie: What do you think? Cute, ri~~~ght? [Heart]
Jackie: Maggie, where did you go off to?
Maggie: Just some shopping. Here, I bought ones for you guys, too.
Jakcie: Huh? What even is this?
Yama: Haaah! The wings move? So well-maaaade!
Maggie: Look guys! They're crazy popular!
Yama: Yer right. Everybody's got 'em on.
Page 22:
More: What? You lost sight of them?!!
Find them!! We must destroy all information relating to Koumori Village!!
Page 23:
Guy: Sir......?
Are you awake?
Page 22:
Nurse: Sir......?
I'm just going to call the doctor, okay?
Doctor: So you've come to?
Can you see me?
Can you hear me?
Do you know your name?
You collapsed without any identification on you.........
Page 24:
Devivie: I need to tell Kevin.
Doctor: Sir?
Devivie: I need to tell him what I heard from the bat..........
Side Text: The man that chased after those that drew the bat and killed them with a cool head has finally been given a "duty". What words has he heard?!
Bottom: "Billy Bat" Chapter 134 / End
Running next issue, too!! Look forward to it!!
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