I think I'm a bit faster than before. But I still got a lot of things wrong.
Before the start: this is not very important, but I'd better say it. Ju-da-su forgot a pun about the Prince in her translation for ch 60, and that explains why they call her a prince. The name “Prince Ruirui” (
Ouji Ruirui, 王子ルイルイ) comes from her actual name, Hachiouji Rui (八王子 泪). Also, “ruirui” written 累々 (different kanji from the ones in the name Rui) means “in heaps”, as in the heaps of corpses she was said to leave on her path.
Now you can use this translation, but credit Elkin for the translation-check and HyoriFTW for the proofread if you are going to use it for scanlations or international translations.01『!!』
Puppy: !!
同居開始早々 何やら楽しそう!?
Non-bubble: They've just started living together, and this seems enjoyable!?
『ん〜〜 桜チャン 超あったカ〜〜』
Toki: Hm~~ Sakura-chan, you're so warm~~
code:61 消えない過去
code:61 – The Ungone Past『・・・・コラ!! 静かにしネーと桜チャンが起きちゃう・・・・』
Toki: ...Hey!! Shut up, or Sakura-chan will wake up...
『あ 起きちゃったカ 桜チャン おはヨ・・・』
Toki: Oh, she's awake? Morning, Sakura-ch...
Sakura: zzz
Non-bubble: She's punishing him from a dream!!
『へっ!? マダ寝て・・・・・・』
Toki: Heh!? Still asleep......?
Sakura: zzz
Toki: !!
Sakura: zzz
『さ・・桜チャン!? ちょっ待っ・・・・』
Toki: Sa- Sakura-chan!? Wait a min...
Ogami: Wha!?
Toki: Don't-!!
Sakura: ...Hm?
『大神!! おはようなのだ!!』
Sakura: Ogami!! Good morning!!
Toki: S... Sakura-chan is amazing when half-asleep...『あれ? なんで私は大神の部屋にいるのだ?』
Sakura: Huh? Why am I in your room?
『ちょ・・・・ 早く上からどいて・・・・』
Ogami: Wa... Get off of me...
Toki: Whoo♡
Ogami: G- Good morn...
Sakura: Good morning, Prince.
Prince: ...Rei.
Ogami: I'll repair it to just like it was.
Sakura: (small) Got it~~~
『・・・・で? ブッチャケどーヨ』
Toki: ...So? What about speaking your mind?
Ogami: Eh?
05『しらばっくれんなヨ!! どーなワケ!? 両隣の部屋を女性陣に挟まれた気分はヨ!?』『「渋谷荘」の壁の薄さじゃなんでもツツヌケ・・・・ テレビの音から立ったり座ったり布の擦れる音まで・・・・』
Toki: Stop playing dumb!! What's it like? How does it feel having women on both sides of your room? // Well, the walls in the “Shibuya Mansion” are thin, so you can hear everything through them... The TV sounds, noises from standing and sitting, or rubbing clothes...
【王子 伍號室 | 大神 陸號室 | 桜
Rooms: Prince / Room No. 5 // Ogami / Room No. 6 // Sakura / Room No.
Toki: And- and there might even be more risque sounds. // On the other hand, your risque sounds will also travel trough both walls...
Ogami: And even those walls are gone thanks to you...
『しかたねーダロ!! 遊騎の奴ヒマさえあれば重低音でナンか歌ってやがるし!!』『安眠妨害もイイトコ・・・・』
Toki: I can't help it!! Whenever that Yuuki gets bored, he starts singing in really low tones!! // It's getting in the way of my sleep...
【遊騎 参號室 | 刻 肆號室】
Rooms: Yuuki / Room No. 3 // Toki / Room No. 4
Yuuki: (handwritten) Nyanmaru
『ゆ・・・・ 遊騎・・・・』
Toki: Yu... Yuuki...
『刻(よんばん) 修行 頑張っとるからな応援したる』『今晩も子守歌歌ったるからぐっすり眠るんやで』
Yuuki: Fourth, you were training hard, so I helped you. // I'll also be singing a lullaby for you to sleep tonight.
Toki: Y- You don't have to be so considerate.
Yuuki: It's fine.
06『ゴチャゴチャ言ってねーでさっさと働きなっ!! 愚民ども!!』
Prince: Stop making such a fuss and get to work, you fools!!
『渋谷は その辺のゴミ片付けときな』
Prince: Shibuya, it's time to clean the trash.
『はい!! 喜んで王子様』
President: Yes!! With pleasure, Prince.
President: ...
「フン!! 今にみていろ 八王子 泪!! 君が主ヅラしていられるのも今だけ今に君のハズカシー弱点を握ってやる!!」
President: Hm!! Now you'll see, Hachiouji Rui!! You may look like a prince now, but I'll soon grasp your weakness!!【渋谷維新 単独継続中】
White on background: Shibuya Restoration – Keep fighting for the independence
Sign: Shibuya Restoration
Headband: The lower rules the higher
[T/N: I need something shorter... that won't fit in the headband.]『目には目を! 歯には歯を!! 秘密には秘密を!!!』
President: An eye for an eye! A tooth for a tooth!! And a secret for a secret!!!
President: But before that I have to throw the trash.
『お ようやくロストから元に戻ったワ』
Toki: Oh, at last I got my power back.
『じゃ・・・・ 今日も修業始めマスか』
Toki: Well... should we start training today?
Wall text (right): Basement Story 3
Wall text (left): Actual Combat Grounds
Text on kitties: Small
Ogami: Gh...
Text on huge kitty: Big
President: He's gotten pretty fast at destroying the rare kind puppets.
Sakura: Rare kind puppets?『表面に私の珍種血清が薄く塗ってあってフルパワーの異能でないと破壊できないように調整してある人型(ロボット)達さ』『大神君も最初は小型を5〜6体壊すのがやっとだったんだよ』
President: They're robots whose surface I painted lightly with my rare kind serum, and adjusted to not be able to destroy with their full special power. // At first, Ogami-kun beat 5 or 6 of them.
Kitties: Small // Big
[T/N: From what I can read (which isn't too much, in part because it's hella small, and in part because I suck at kanjis), I'd say that in the tiny kitty it also says “Small”... but I can't be sure.]『しかし あんなに異能を使ったらすぐにロストしてしまうのでは・・・・』
Sakura: But if he uses his special power to that extent, he'll end up losing it...
『いかにも あえてそうしているのさ』
President: Of course, that's what I want to happen.
超回復って知ってるかい? | 筋力トレーニングなどで筋肉に強い負荷をかけた後 休息すると』『筋量・筋力が負荷に負けまいとトレーニング前より増えることだよ』
President: Do you know about
supercompensation? // After working your muscles hard during strength training, you rest, // and the volume and strength of your muscles will increase to more than pre-training levels to cope with the strain.
【トレーニング 休意 トレーニング 休意】
Graph (left to right): Training / Rest / Training / Rest
『異能をアップさせるのも同じ理論・・・・ | 異能のハードトレーニングでロストを繰り返し超回復させることにより異能の総量(パワー)をアップさせるんだ』
President: That theory also applies to increasing your special power... // By training hard to repeatedly lose your power, it will supercompensate and get boosted up.
『し・・しかし そんなにロストしまくっては「コード:エンド」(死期)が近づくのではないですか?』
Sakurakouji: B- But that way, if they keep loosing their power, won't it bring them closer to their “Code:End”?
President: That can't be helped. If they don't do that, they won't get strong. // And...
President: This is... // A decision Ogami-kun and Toki-kun have made.
Prince: ...What a farce.
11『こんなことをしても「捜シ者」に勝てるワケじゃねえ』『「捜シ者」(アイツ)はバケモンさ・・・・ | こんなことでアイツの強さに追いつくことは零が一番 分かっているはずなんだがな』
Prince: Even if they do something like this, it's not enough to defeat “The One Being Sought”. // “He” is a monster... / There's no way to catch up with his power, and Rei should know it best.
『王子殿・・・・ | 王子殿は「捜シ者」を御存知なのか?』
Sakura: Prince... / Do you know “Him”?
Prince: ...
『そもそも 王子殿はなぜ「コード:ブレイカー」に?』
Sakura: And why are you in “Code:Breaker” to begin with?
Prince: Who knows... // I wonder why.
Sakura: Prince...
Ogami: !! // Kh...
『大神君 ロスト!! 今日はそこまでだよ』
President: Ogami-kun lost his power!! That's all for today.
13『ちょっ・・・・!? な・・何やって・・・・・・』
Ogami: Wai...!? W- What are you doing.......
Sakura: ...Do you really have to go that far?
Ogami: ... // ...Yeah.
14『明日・・・・ 朝一で数学の小テストだぞ』『出そうな所◯しといたから覚えておくのだぞ』
Sakura: Tomorrow... first thing in the morning we'll have a math test. // Memorize the solutions for the circled parts.
Sakura: Night.
【問題用紙 | 数学 (第3回)】
Exam sheet (top): Questionnaire blank form / Mathematics (3rd test)
【ここ絶対 出るぞ | ここも出るかもしれないぞ | 覚えなくて良いぞ】
Exam sheet (handwritten): This will come up for sure. / This might come up too. / No need to learn this.
Flag: Shibuya Restoration
Right door: Room No. 4
Left door: Room No. 5
President: Search on!!
「王子が銭湯に行っている今がチャンス!! 見ているよ 王子!! 必ず君のとっておきのハズカシー秘密を暴いてあげるよ!!」
President: Now that the Prince is in the bath, it's my chance!! Now you'll see, Prince!! I'll definitely expose your valued shameful secret!!『ん!? これは!? いかにも大事そうな・・・・』
President: Huh!? What's this!? Of course, it must be important...
President: !!
『やばっ・・・・!! こ・・これは見なかったことに・・・・』
President: This is terrible...!! I- I'll pretend that I haven't seen...
16『さっきから何やってんだ? てめえ・・・・』
Prince: What have you been doing all this while? Damn you...
President: KYAAA
President: I- I beg your~~!!
『あっ』『た・・・・ 大変・・・・』
President: Ah. // T... Terrible...
Prince: You sure have guts for this, Shibuya...
『わわっ・・・・ 待って!! そんなつもりじゃ・・・・』
President: Wawah... Wait!! I didn't mean to...
Sakura: Wha- What's going on...
Sakura: Heike-senpai!?
18『まだ「渋谷荘」(ここ)にいたんですか・・・・』『よほど死にたいようですね 八王子 泪』
Heike: Are you still in the “Shibuya Mansion”...? // It seems like you have a death wish, Hachiouji Rui.
Prince: ...
『お・・・・ お二人とも!? 何をやって・・・・』
Sakura: W... What are they both doing...!?
『なんだ? コレ・・・・』
Toki: What's this...?
『わっ!! 待って!! それ見ちゃダメ・・・・・・』
Shibuya: Wah!! Wait!! You musn't see that......
Sakura+Toki+Yuuki: W- What's this......!?
『「Re−CODE」の雪比奈殿と虹次殿・・・・!? なぜ王子殿が二人と!?』
Sakura: The “Re-CODE”s Yukihina-dono and Kouji-dono...!? Why is the Prince with them!?
Ogami: ...
Heike: As you see...
20『八王子 零はかつて「捜シ者」直属の部下「Re−CODE」の一員(メンバー)』『我々の敵だった女です』
Heike: Hachiouji Rui was once a member of the “Re-CODE”, directly under “The One Being Sought”'s commands. // This woman was our enemy.
昨日の敵は今日の友!? 王子の驚愕な過去の業に『存在しない者(コード:ブレイカー)』達の胸中な!?
Non-bubble: An enemy in the past, an ally in the present? What made the Prince change her mind from her shocking work in the past to the “Code:Breaker”s!?
next: Glimpsing the afterlife
[T/N: Here it says “looking at beyond the Sanzu river”. In Japanese Buddhism, the Sanzu river is the river that the dead must go through to get to the afterlife (more info in the wiki). This means that they may be about to die (killed by the Prince?) in the next chapter.]to be continued
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Puppy: !!
Non-bubble: They've just started living together, and this seems enjoyable!?
Toki: Hm~~ Sakura-chan, you're so warm~~
code:61 – The Ungone Past
Toki: ...Hey!! Shut up, or Sakura-chan will wake up...
Toki: Oh, she's awake? Morning, Sakura-ch...
Sakura: zzz
Non-bubble: She's punishing him from a dream!!
Toki: Heh!? Still asleep......?
Sakura: zzz
Toki: !!
Sakura: zzz
『さ・・桜チャン!? ちょっ待っ・・・・』
Toki: Sa- Sakura-chan!? Wait a min...
Ogami: Wha!?
Toki: Don't-!!
Sakura: ...Hm?
『大神!! おはようなのだ!!』
Sakura: Ogami!! Good morning!!
Toki: S... Sakura-chan is amazing when half-asleep...
『あれ? なんで私は大神の部屋にいるのだ?』
Sakura: Huh? Why am I in your room?
『ちょ・・・・ 早く上からどいて・・・・』
Ogami: Wa... Get off of me...
Toki: Whoo♡
Ogami: G- Good morn...
Sakura: Good morning, Prince.
Prince: ...Rei.
Ogami: I'll repair it to just like it was.
Sakura: (small) Got it~~~
『・・・・で? ブッチャケどーヨ』
Toki: ...So? What about speaking your mind?
Ogami: Eh?
『しらばっくれんなヨ!! どーなワケ!? 両隣の部屋を女性陣に挟まれた気分はヨ!?』『「渋谷荘」の壁の薄さじゃなんでもツツヌケ・・・・ テレビの音から立ったり座ったり布の擦れる音まで・・・・』
Toki: Stop playing dumb!! What's it like? How does it feel having women on both sides of your room? // Well, the walls in the “Shibuya Mansion” are thin, so you can hear everything through them... The TV sounds, noises from standing and sitting, or rubbing clothes...
【王子 伍號室 | 大神 陸號室 | 桜 (ネコ)號室】
Rooms: Prince / Room No. 5 // Ogami / Room No. 6 // Sakura / Room No. (cat)
Toki: And- and there might even be more risque sounds. // On the other hand, your risque sounds will also travel through both walls...
Ogami: And even those walls are gone thanks to you...
『しかたねーダロ!! 遊騎の奴ヒマさえあれば重低音でナンか歌ってやがるし!!』『安眠妨害もイイトコ・・・・』
Toki: I can't help it!! Whenever that Yuuki gets bored, he starts singing in really low tones!! // It's getting in the way of my sleep...
【遊騎 参號室 | 刻 肆號室】
Rooms: Yuuki / Room No. 3 // Toki / Room No. 4
Yuuki: (handwritten) Nyanmaru
『ゆ・・・・ 遊騎・・・・』
Toki: Yu... Yuuki...
『刻(よんばん) 修行 頑張っとるからな応援したる』『今晩も子守歌歌ったるからぐっすり眠るんやで』
Yuuki: Fourth, you were training hard, so I helped you. // I'll also be singing a lullaby for you to sleep tonight.
Toki: Y- You don't have to be so considerate.
Yuuki: It's fine.
『ゴチャゴチャ言ってねーでさっさと働きなっ!! 愚民ども!!』
Prince: Stop making such a fuss and get to work, you fools!!
『渋谷は その辺のゴミ片付けときな』
Prince: Shibuya, it's time to clean the trash.
『はい!! 喜んで王子様』
President: Yes!! With pleasure, Prince.
President: ...
「フン!! 今にみていろ 八王子 泪!! 君が主ヅラしていられるのも今だけ今に君のハズカシー弱点を握ってやる!!」
President: Hm!! Now you'll see, Hachiouji Rui!! You may look like a prince now, but I'll soon grasp your weakness!!
【渋谷維新 単独継続中】
White on background: Shibuya Restoration – Keep fighting for the independence
Sign: Shibuya Restoration
Headband: The lower rules the higher [T/N: I need something shorter... that won't fit in the headband.]
『目には目を! 歯には歯を!! 秘密には秘密を!!!』
President: An eye for an eye! A tooth for a tooth!! And a secret for a secret!!!
President: But before that, I have to throw away the trash.
『お ようやくロストから元に戻ったワ』
Toki: Oh, at last I got my power back.
『じゃ・・・・ 今日も修業始めマスか』
Toki: Well... should we start training today?
Wall text (right): Basement Story 3
Wall text (left): Actual Combat Grounds
Text on kitties: Small
Ogami: Gh...
Text on huge kitty: Big
President: He's gotten pretty fast at destroying the rare kind puppets.
Sakura: Rare kind puppets?
President: They're robots whose surface I painted lightly with my rare kind serum, and adjusted to be unable to destroy with their full special power. // At first, Ogami-kun beat 5 or 6 of them.
Kitties: Small // Big
[T/N: From what I can read (which isn't too much, in part because it's hella small, and in part because I suck at kanjis), I'd say that in the tiny kitty it also says “Small”... but I can't be sure.]
『しかし あんなに異能を使ったらすぐにロストしてしまうのでは・・・・』
Sakura: But if he uses his special power to that extent, he'll end up losing it...
『いかにも あえてそうしているのさ』
President: Of course, that's what I want to happen.
『超回復って知ってるかい? | 筋力トレーニングなどで筋肉に強い負荷をかけた後 休息すると』『筋量・筋力が負荷に負けまいとトレーニング前より増えることだよ』
President: Do you know about supercompensation? // After working your muscles hard during strength training, you rest, // and the volume and strength of your muscles will increase to more than pre-training levels to cope with the strain.
【トレーニング 休意 トレーニング 休意】
Graph (left to right): Training / Rest / Training / Rest
『異能をアップさせるのも同じ理論・・・・ | 異能のハードトレーニングでロストを繰り返し超回復させることにより異能の総量(パワー)をアップさせるんだ』
President: That theory also applies to increasing your special power... // By training hard to repeatedly lose your power, it will supercompensate and get boosted up.
『し・・しかし そんなにロストしまくっては「コード:エンド」(死期)が近づくのではないですか?』
Sakurakouji: B- But that way, if they keep loosing their power, won't it bring them closer to their “Code:End”?
President: That can't be helped. If they don't do that, they won't get strong. // And...
President: This is... // A decision Ogami-kun and Toki-kun have made.
Prince: ...What a farce.
『こんなことをしても「捜シ者」に勝てるワケじゃねえ』『「捜シ者」(アイツ)はバケモンさ・・・・ | こんなことでアイツの強さに追いつくことは零が一番 分かっているはずなんだがな』
Prince: Even if they do something like this, it's not enough to defeat “The One Being Sought”. // “He” is a monster... / There's no way to catch up with his power, and Rei should know it best.
『王子殿・・・・ | 王子殿は「捜シ者」を御存知なのか?』
Sakura: Prince... / Do you know “Him”?
Prince: ...
『そもそも 王子殿はなぜ「コード:ブレイカー」に?』
Sakura: And why are you in “Code:Breaker” to begin with?
Prince: Who knows... // I wonder why.
Sakura: Prince...
Ogami: !! // Kh...
『大神君 ロスト!! 今日はそこまでだよ』
President: Ogami-kun lost his power!! That's all for today.
『ちょっ・・・・!? な・・何やって・・・・・・』
Ogami: Wai...!? W- What are you doing.......
Sakura: ...Do you really have to go that far?
Ogami: ... // ...Yeah.
『明日・・・・ 朝一で数学の小テストだぞ』『出そうな所◯しといたから覚えておくのだぞ』
Sakura: Tomorrow... first thing in the morning we'll have a math test. // Memorize the solutions for the circled parts.
Sakura: Night.
【問題用紙 | 数学 (第3回)】
Exam sheet (top): Questionnaire blank form / Mathematics (3rd test)
【ここ絶対 出るぞ | ここも出るかもしれないぞ | 覚えなくて良いぞ】
Exam sheet (handwritten): This will come up for sure. / This might come up too. / No need to learn this.
Flag: Shibuya Restoration
Right door: Room No. 4
Left door: Room No. 5
President: Search on!!
「王子が銭湯に行っている今がチャンス!! 見ているよ 王子!! 必ず君のとっておきのハズカシー秘密を暴いてあげるよ!!」
President: Now that the Prince is in the bath, it's my chance!! Now you'll see, Prince!! I'll definitely expose your valued shameful secret!!
『ん!? これは!? いかにも大事そうな・・・・』
President: Huh!? What's this!? Of course, it must be important...
President: !!
『やばっ・・・・!! こ・・これは見なかったことに・・・・』
President: This is terrible...!! I- I'll pretend that I haven't seen...
『さっきから何やってんだ? てめえ・・・・』
Prince: What have you been doing all this while? Damn you...
President: KYAAA
President: I- I beg your~~!!
『あっ』『た・・・・ 大変・・・・』
President: Ah. // T... Terrible...
Prince: You sure have guts for this, Shibuya...
『わわっ・・・・ 待って!! そんなつもりじゃ・・・・』
President: Wawah... Wait!! I didn't mean to...
Sakura: Wha- What are you doing...
Sakura: Heike-senpai!?
『まだ「渋谷荘」(ここ)にいたんですか・・・・』『よほど死にたいようですね 八王子 泪』
Heike: Are you still in the “Shibuya Mansion”...? // It seems like you have a death wish, Hachiouji Rui.
Prince: ...
『お・・・・ お二人とも!? 何をやって・・・・』
Sakura: W... What are they both doing...!?
『なんだ? コレ・・・・』
Toki: What's this...?
『わっ!! 待って!! それ見ちゃダメ・・・・・・』
Shibuya: Wah!! Wait!! You musn't see that......
Sakura+Toki+Yuuki: W- What's this......!?
『「Re−CODE」の雪比奈殿と虹次殿・・・・!? なぜ王子殿が二人と!?』
Sakura: The “Re-CODE”s Yukihina-dono and Kouji-dono...!? Why is the Prince with them!?
Ogami: ...
Heike: As you see...
『八王子 零はかつて「捜シ者」直属の部下「Re−CODE」の一員(メンバー)』『我々の敵だった女です』
Heike: Hachiouji Rui was once a member of the “Re-CODE”, directly under “The One Being Sought”'s commands. // This woman was our enemy.
昨日の敵は今日の友!? 王子の驚愕な過去の業に『存在しない者(コード:ブレイカー)』達の胸中な!?
Non-bubble: An enemy in the past, an ally in the present? What made the Prince change her mind from her shocking work in the past to the “Code:Breaker”s!?
next: Glimpsing the afterlife
[T/N: Here it says “looking at beyond the Sanzu river”. In Japanese Buddhism, the Sanzu river is the river that the dead must go through to get to the afterlife (more info in the wiki). This means that they may be about to die (killed by the Prince?) in the next chapter.]
to be continued