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Chameleon Jail

Chameleon Jail
Original title: アメリオンジェイル
Demographics: Shounen
Chapters at MH: 0
Releases at MH: 0
Publishing Status: Finished
Writer(s): WATANABE Kazuhiko
Artist(s): INOUE Takehiko
Serialized in: Weekly Shounen Jump
Published by: Shueisha
Year: 1989
Official Site:
Popularity: 1 favorite
Translators: 0 (Click here to view)
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Score 2.5 of 5.0 - 0 votes

Summary and Preview

"Risk hunters" are professionals who handle jobs considered too tough for normal law enforcement, such as kidnappings, combatting terrorism, and preventing murders. One man who stands above them all however is the legendary Chameleon Jail, who has the ability to manipulate his "kara" or internal human body energy in order to physically change his appearance into that of any other person. Throughout the series, he pursues several assignments on behalf of various clients given to him by Shall, a woman who runs a detective agency in New York City. All difficult, the successful completion of these assignments hinges on Jail's ability to change his appearance when the time is right. [From Wikipedia]


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