Summary and Preview
Scientists had predicted this disaster, and in response, the leaders of every country met to develop a plan for human survival before the meteor hit. The 7Seeds project was developed out of this meeting. Each country froze a number of young healthy people, which allowed them to survive the meteor. After the computer determined that Earth was once again safe for human life, it released them into the world.
The Japanese government created five groups of survivors: Winter group, Spring group, Summer group A, Summer group B, and Fall group. Each group consisted of seven members and one guide. The guide carried small tubes of poison on their necks to allow them to end their lives if their situation became unbearable. The Japanese government prepared seven "Fuji" as refuges for the groups. In each Fuji, the group would find seeds and numerous books instructing them on survival in the wilderness.
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Messed up indeed.
It has been published to volume 13 ( march, 2009 ) in my country. Tried to read it since volume was published.
Shame it's release interval is quite a long one. (It took a year between volume 6 to 7).
Even more shame that no one scanlating it.
In spite of its publishing drawbacks, the story is a strong one. Each of the character development are well written.
Hope someone or some group will scanlate. Permalink " "
There's an error there're english scanletors, they are at Chapter 41 vol 7 Permalink " "
they are currently doing volume 8 chapter 43.
but i think they're going a little slow.
hope more people would help them work on it.
just checked on their SiH website.
They are in need of editors for 7seeds project. Permalink " "