Here you will find a run down of today's anime and manga news! If anything major happened the anime and manga world today, you'll find it in this post! By the way, I'm saladesu, one of the translator-moderators of MH, and I'll be posting a post like this every day (as much as possible, anyway). Look forward to them ;)
If you would like to help in finding and translating news of this nature, please contact
saladesu via PM ^^ Feel free to PM me any interesting bits of anime or manga news you find floating around the internet, too.
Malaysian Newspaper Apologizes Over Japanese Tsunami Cartoon
A Malaysian newspaper has apologized after readers expressed outrage over a cartoon that it printed in its March 13th edition. The Malay daily published the apology on its website, Twitter and Facebook accounts on Sunday after several quarters demanded that the newspaper apologise for the publication.
"We apologise for the publication of the cartoon in Berita Minggu. We had no intention of poking fun at the disaster that has befallen the nation of Japan and its people. In fact, we greatly sympathise with their plight and share the sorrow of the Japanese people," the daily’s editor wrote.
The cartoon, drawn by Mohd Zohri Sukimi or more popularly known as Zoy, showed the popular Japanese icon Ultraman running away from an oncoming tsunami. The publication created a buzz on social networking sites with politicians and the public criticising the daily’s poor judgment, describing the cartoon as "distasteful" and "insensitive".
original source, tip from
More Support for Earthquake Victims
Even more people in the game and anime industry show their support for the victims of the earthquake. Here are more industry people who have posted artwork to support the victims of last Friday's earthquake. Most of them have joined the #draw_for_Japan movement on Twitter.
- Platinum Games Yoshimura Kenichirou (Amaterasu to Issun), who did the character designs for the game "Ookami" (god).
- Noizi Ito (Suzumiya Haruhi), illustrator for the "Suzumiya Haruhi" and "Shakugan no Shana" series
- Ookawahara Kunio (Mobile Suit Gundam), known for the mobile suit designs for the "Mobile Suit Gundam" metaseries
- Shirai Eiji (Nakoruru), who did the character designs for the series "Samurai Spirits)
- Yokoda Mamoru (Itou Masamune, Sanada Yukimura), the Sengoku Basara, One Piece, Kamen Rider illustrator
- Himegawa Akira (Link & Navi), mangaka of the manga adaptation of the game "The Legend of Zelda"
- Asami You (Rockman & Netto), illustrator of "Rockman Eguze"
- Iwamoto Tatsuo (Naruhodou Ryuuichi, Mitsurugi Reiji, Ayasato Mayoi), character designer of the "Gyakuten Saiban" series.
original source~~~~~~~~~~
Manga Artists Unite in Dōjinshi Book for Quake Charity
Nodame, Fairy Tail, School Rumble, Full Moon, Di Gi Charat, GTO, GetBackers, Gash!/Zatch Bell, Gosick, Shuffle!, Suzuka, Hell Girl, Lollipop creators contribute. The creators in Kodansha's Monthly Nakayoshi shōjo manga magazine and other publications are planning to make a charity dōjinshi (self-published work) to raise funds for the victims of the March 11 earthquake (Tōhoku Chihō Taiheiyō-oki Jishin) and tsunami.
The creators launched a placeholder website for the tentatively titled Higashi Nihon Daishinsai Charity Dōjinshi (The Great Eastern Japan Earthquake Charity Dōjinshi) on Tuesday, and they plan to release the dōjinshi at the Comitia 96 event at the Tokyo Big Sight convention center on May 5. More details about the release will be announced later.
The following 35 creators, listed by their magazines, are contributing to the effort:
Kiss: Naomi Ono, Satoru Hiura, Tomoko Ninomiya, Chiyo Rokuhana
Ribon: Arina Tanemura
Nakayoshi: Natsumi Ando, Miyuki Etoo, Kei Enue, Michiyo Kikuta, Koge Donbo, Marimo Shirasawa, Ema Toyama, Pink Hanamori, Asumi Hara, Haruka Fukushima, Wataru Mizukami, Kotori Momoyuki, Daisy Yamada
Chorus: Hanayo Hanatsu
Be-Love: Mizuho Aimoto, Hiromi Okubo
Shonen Magazine (and affiliated publications): Rando Ayamine, Jin Kobayashi, Kouji Seo, Kaya Tsukiyama, Tohru Fujisawa, Hiro Mashima, Yoshiyuki Murakami, Makoto Raiku
Dragon Age: Sakuya Amano
Shonen Rival: Ten Nakamura
Evening: Daisuke Terasawa
Illustrator: Aoi Nishimata
Scriptwriter: Michiko Yokote
Picture Book Author: Nobumi
original source~~~~~~~~~~
Viz Launches Next Bakuman Book Digitally Before Print
Bakuman. volume 1 also available free online for 24 hours. The North American manga publisher Viz Media with release the fourth volume of the manga Bakuman. on its iPad manga app on Monday, March 28 — a week before its print edition hits bookstores on April 5. To promote the release, Viz announced on Monday that it is allowing users to download the first volume of Bakuman. for free until noon Tuesday PST.
Written by Tsugumi Ohba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata, Bakuman. involves two high school students Moritaka Mashiro and Akito Takagi who collaborate to create a manga series. The two have aspirations of becoming the greatest manga creators in Japan. The series is currently running in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine, and the 10th volume shipped in Japan by the end of last year.
An anime adaptation is also currently airing in Japan and is nearing the end of its first season. A second season has been green-lit for production and is slated to air this fall.
original source
Lately news these days are very interesting and very inviting.
From a Newspaper causing problems, to Bakuman being released on an iPad...
It just shows that Mangahelpers is improving one way or another.
Anyway, the newspaper issue was a tip given by Asahina, so yes, I hope to receive more such tips so I can help improve the news on this site too ^^