Hello everyone, how are you all doing?
My name is Charlie and my short news post here is to inform and remind everyone that our
Monthly Art Contests has already begun for September!
If you're someone who has never participated in any of the
MH Art Contests, you might be wondering about what the Monthly Art Contests entails. Great, I'll be more than happy to inform you.
The Mangahelpers Monthly Art Contests consists of the following categories:
Creative Writing contest- If you’re someone who likes to write short or long stories, poems or even compose songs, you can enter this month’s creative writing contest. As long as your entry can be considered creative writing, then it can be entered. This contest is for all you talented writers and story tellers and even those of you who just like to write a few lines for fun are encouraged to take part. Currently, this contest has no theme so the author is free to decide the topic of the entry.
Original Colored Art Contest!- In this contest, you can really be creative, draw and color your own original artwork! This is another contest that allows originality to shine! It sounds simple, but it is something that will no doubt give you a challenge. The look and feel, art and texture are all from your own ideas. If you like to draw original art works, give this contest a shot.
Manga Coloring: Advanced Contest- This is the Advanced Coloring Contest. This one is for those of you who’ve mastered their favorite paint program(s) and can whip up almost anything imaginable from under the sun. This contest is generally for veteran colorists, MH Artists, and past winners. Although anyone that can do advanced level of art can apply.
Black & White Contest- The black and white contest is just what the title says. You may enter fan art or your own piece. Only black and white / gray-scale artwork will be accepted for this contest.
Manga Coloring Contest- This is for anyone that wants to take part in the coloring contest. Not everyone who colors or creates art, are at an advanced level. So this contest is for those who want to enter the coloring contest but can't really compete with those advanced coloring techies.
For more rules on any of the contests mentioned above, please read the information in the contest thread by clicking the aforementioned links above. This month’s
Art Contest deadline is
September 29th.
Everyone is encouraged to participate and if you haven't taken part in any of the contests yet, please do so now. There are plenty of contests to fit all levels. We also have bi-weekly
sig contests, so those of you guys and girls who like creating signatures, remember to take part in them as well.
Good luck to everyone and thanks for taking the time to read this brief news post and for participating in the many available contest(s).