If you're a fan of Naruto then I'm sure you're already aware of the Databook scanning that
JapFlap's founder and webmaster
Eagle has been doing. Currently Eagle has scanned
190 pages(warning linked to all the pictures so may take a bit to load) of the 360 page databook. Not only has he scanned it, but he's made sure to make them extra good looking ;). Thanks Eagle :ossu
Following close behind his efforts
Tora-chan and
Pazuzu, who are both truly awesome people, have been translating the book as quick as they can so that you can be up to date with all you need to know to call yourself a true Narutard. But it doesn't end here!
Eaballer10 has organized all efforts into
one thread to help get it scanned! And here is where you guys come in! Not only do they need more help translating, but they would love help scanlating the book as well! So if you're free drop by the thread and see what you can offer them. If everyone works together I'm sure the book will be completed in no time, and you can go down in history as being the first people to do it!
So what are you waiting for, stop reading and help already! Thanks! Yes you! Why? Because you're going to help right? What? You're still reading? -.- OK... I forgive you, just go and help! Alright! That's the spirit :). You guys rock :D
But aside that, great work
The databook Nr 1-2 does any body know where i can download a scanlated version?
I hope that many people will join the project!
Thanks NJT for this news ;)
***omelette de frommage***
***omelette de frommage***
scanlating an entire data book.. really is quite a project, good luck :)