Notices and Releases

Zero In 49 (1 comments)
Yeah, it goes much faster without me adding the names in for now...

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Knock Out Power Factor

*sfx tosu


I'll continue observation.

Knock Out Power Factor

*sfx karan

That hurts...
you son of a bitch!

Run away, Mikuru!
Get goin, missy!

*sfx tatanta

Mikuru, are you okay!? Mikuru, answer me!!
Shit, I lost her in all this smoke. Get her out of there n...


I'm fine, just go, Cabbage!
*sfx gangaga

Mikuru, let's get you out of here! Can you move?
Sorry, Hana!
*sfx pachi... Read More " "
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Zero In 35 (0 comments)
So sorry... I forget about things easily -_-
In order to speed things up, I'm not going to put in the names for now
Maybe I'll do it later

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Saturday Night Special II

*sfx gakin

?: Hii

?: Uwaa, time out! Time out!

?: Hey, is this really the guy we want?
?: No mistake, right?

?: He's our guy. This glum looking face is definitely Hyodo Takao.
?: I knew it. Those Takeda guys are the clueless ones. Kukuku
Takao: Don't shoot! Please!
?: Heh, it means we still have a chance!

?: But makes me sick knowin'... Read More " "
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Zero In 48 (0 comments)
Okay, I forgot to go back and do chapter 35 before.
So, next chapter will be 35 and then 49 (last of v8)

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Snake: This is "Snake". Copy that.

Mikuru: Shiraishi! Shiraishi!
Mikuru: Respond!

Witch: This is "Witch".
Witch: Beginning operation.



*sfx pachin = click

Ross: *musical note*

Hitomi: You always like your happiest when you've got a gun in your hands, Mr. Hana.
Hitomi BG: Like a kid in a candy store.

Ross: Call me Ross, Hitomi.
Ross: And... Read More " "
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Zero In 47.1 (1 comments)
Okay this side story contains information about Jubilo Iwata (Japanese club soccer team), and I'm not too knowledgeable about them... so I may have missed some of the references/jokes. Sorry~

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Side Piece:J

Fujita: Hey, how about tonight,
Fujita: Hide?
*Note: His name is Hide (pronounced He-de), not Hide as in Hide and Seek

Hide: Huh? Oh yeah, sure, but
Hide: Gon was really fired up from Jubilo's match today.
*note: Jubilo Iwata is a professional Japanese football team currently playing in the J.... Read More " "
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Zero In 47 (3 comments)
After a loooooong wait... here's 47.
I'll try to keep a better pace going now.

Edit: Thanks to mike0dude for pointing out the missing page.
It's now been added in.

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Quick Draw

Box: Tokyo MPD

*sfx kata kata = tap tap

It's Dad's 30th year celebration party
on the 25th this month. We're having it
at an Italian restaurant called "Calcio".
It starts at 7 o'clock!
From Ayuna

*sfx kon kon = knock knock
Gaku: Come in.

Officer: Director Shiriashi, the task force has been set... Read More " "
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Translation Page Numbering (0 comments)
Okay, some people have been curious as to what format I use for numbering pages when translating.

The pages I mark down in my translations aren't necessarily the pages in the manga. Meaning tlation page # != manga page #
The numbers are corresponding to the file number in the raw I get.

For example, for zero in, page 11 in the manga = image_0016.jpg from the raw I dled from mangahelpers, so in my translation, I use page 16 and NOT page 11.

But basically, if you start from the chapter title page in the translation and match it up to that page in the raw, you should be fine.

Sorry if that makes it harder for other people, but it's easier for me. Read More " "
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Zero In 46 (0 comments)
Rough version of chapter 46 for my few readers.
There are just 2 spots I want to go over later (not important sections).
Aside from that, everything should be fine, so enjoy~

And yes, I still have to double check 45, I know :/

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Piece:46 Emboss


Sonobe: ...zume.

Sonobe: Nazumeccha~~n

Mikuru: You're laaate. What gives? You're the one who called me too!

Sonobe: Sorry, sorry! I got caught up at home.
Sonobe BG: Forgive me <3
Mikuru: Well, it's no biggie, since you always do it.

Sonobe: Hmm, looks like we're... Read More " "
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Zero In 45.1 (0 comments)
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(Right column)
Appendix Piece
I'm a tough guy

(Left column)
A Man's Item

Box: For detectives, there's an absolute, must-have item.
Los: For a man's job, a cig makes you look really cool.

Mikuru: Ugh, the smell is gonna stick to my clothes. Go over there please.
Los: ...

Los: ...
Fujita: You know there's no smoking in the dept! Go smoke in the designated area!

Door/Window: Smoker's Corner
Kou BG: Yeah, that's why.
Mikuru BG: Great!
Box: Seems like the times are rough on the tough guys.

(Right column)
Man's Job 1

BG:... Read More " "
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Zero In 45 (2 comments)
All checked, enjoy~

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Piece:45 Barrel Time

Box: Minkei...

Box: That's this organization formed by the joint investment of the police and the private sector to cover for the lack of law enforcement personel.
Girl: No... please don't...
Box: Since personnel are gathered both internationally and domestically, Minkei gives the strong impression of being a foreign legion.

Box: Picked out under the ability creed, those selected few are called so in both admiration and fear.
Robber B: Hey, fucks takin' so long! Move... Read More " "
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Zero In 44 (0 comments)
Chapter 44 all checked through, enjoy~

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Piece:44 Arquebus

*Note: Arquebus = a 15th-17th century gun

Mikuru: Whoa! Even in Tokyo, there's still undeveloped land like this.
Araki: Remnants from the bubble economy. Looks like they started work on the district, but plans stalled.
Araki: Continuing or completely halting would take money, so they just left it as is... A story from before you or I were even born.

Mikuru: Hmmm
*sfx* gao = growl

Sign: Midori M(rest is cut off)

Mikuru: And, there's supposedly a... Read More " "
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Zero In 43.1 (0 comments)
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Mikuru sfx* fuu = sighing

Side Piece:I
Lucifer & Mikhail

Kou: What's wrong, Mikuru-san? You're sighing an awful lot.
Kou small: Good morning.
Sign: 13th Division
Mikuru: Oh, hey, Shiraishi-kun.

Mikuru: Hmm....
Mikuru: I'm just a bit worried about Lucifer and Mikhail...
Right: Mikhail
Left: Lucifer

Mikuru: They're always digging holes and making beds in the ground,
Mikuru: Even though they're DOGS.
*Note: DOGS should be huge in comparison to the rest of the text in the bubble.

Kou BG: Huh...
Mikuru: Strange,... Read More " "
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Zero In 43 (0 comments)
It's been a long time since I put something out.
Here is Chapter 43... All checked and ready

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Shooting Range

*sfx: guh = clenching of fist
Mikuru: Go!

Criminal: Huh?

Cops: Securing the robber~!
Criminal: Oww, shit! Quit it, ya'bastards.

Los: Good shot as always. Makes my job backing you up easy.
Mikuru: Good work. We're done here, Mikuru-san.

Los: Aaight! Let's get some drinks!
Kou: Hana-san, we're high schoolers...

*sfx: batam = door shutting

Mikuru: Mama, I'm home~

Mikuru's Mom: Okay, honey!
Mikuru:... Read More " "
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Zero In 30 (3 comments)
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Field Strip

Shikie: I refuse.

Hana: Don't say that, Russian. I told you it'd be tons of fun!
Shikie: Couldn't care less.

Hana: And here I was thinking that we Light Knights could band together.
Shikie: Don't think.
Hana: I also think it would be great for when tackling violent crimes, Russian.

Hana: So that's why we're gonna have a little get-together.
Hana: Don't be late!
Shikie: Listen to what I'm telling you!

Kou: Hey, everyone. We're back~~
Kou BG: Oww... You really do hard training like that a lot.
Mikuru... Read More " "
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Zero In 29 (0 comments)
unfoo: So after a brief period off of Zeroin, I decided on v6.

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?: Minkei is... a civilian police force constructed by the Japanese government as a means of support for the police with their permission.
?: They are designed to handle the intensification of heinous crimes that the traditional police organization has not been able to cope with.
?: The administrations creed is that age, sex, and academic background are ignored in favor of the ability.
?: "Minkei's agents" strike fear in the... Read More " "
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Akazukin Eliza Oneshot (3 comments)
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Akazukin Eliza (Little Red Riding Hood Eliza)

Eliza: Grandma,
Eliza: What big eyes you have!

Grandma: All the better to see you with!

Eliza: Grandma, what big arms you have!
Grandma: All the better to hug you tenderly with!

Eliza: Grandma, what a big mouth you have!
Grandma: Hihihi...
Grandma: All the better to eat your delicious self with...

?: Eliza!! Please go out with me!!
?: I love you!! Let's get married!!
?: I love you too!!!

**I can't tell if this is an sfx or kanji

Grandma: You dickheads better get out of... Read More " "
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Material Puzzle 10 (0 comments)
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Tito: Aqua, Priscilla, and I become immortals 100 years ago.
Tito: And for a long time, we drifted around the world...
Tito: During that time, there was a place that was especially memorable...

Tito: Let's go

Tito: to see him like we promised.

Aqua: Him?
Aqua: Barret?

Chapter 10: Tito and the Popular Bakery

Aqua: Hehe...

Aqua: This is rare!
Aqua: Tito going to ask someone else for help.

Pris: This isn't a situation where we can do it
Pris: with just our own power.

Both: Priscilla.

Pris: This isn't just our... Read More " "
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Material Puzzle 9 (0 comments)
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Chapter 9: Tito and A New Beginning

Sign: Boat Ticket Sales Counter

Joggie: So, you're saying you don't know me?

Clerk: That's right.
Joggie: ...And, your destination?

Joggie: ...Oh, Bath Harbor...
Joggie: You really don't recognize me?

Clerk: I don't.
Clerk: Here's your change. Next!

Tito: One ticket to Ladam Harbor.
Clerk: Huh?

Clerk: No such thing.
Tito: Eh?

Tito: Just as promised,
Tito: Huh?
Tito: I have to go see him... have to go to his country.

Material Puzzle
~Continental Magic Users~

Chapter 9:... Read More " "
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Material Puzzle 8 (0 comments)
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Chapter 8: When Flame and Mist Vanish

Material Puzzle
~Continental Magic Users~

Mikaze: !!!

Abyaku: What?!

Abyaku: He dodged it!! How?!
Abyaku: Can he see?

Mikaze: Owwie
Abyaku: ...He can't.

Tito: He's moves left 6 paces...

Tito: And then...
Tito: while forming a blade with his right arm, he moves behind Mikaze again...

Abyaku: He can't do things like detect presences or sense the air flow.
Abyaku: He should have no skills like that! it was coincidence that he dodged!!

Tito: He's coming!

Chapter 8:... Read More " "
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Koi Koi 7 24 (1 comments)
unfoo: Time to get this project moving again too~

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Story 24
Miya, that betrayal is hurts

Miya: Damn it all to hell!!

Heku: Miya-sama, please calm down.

Miya: Does it look like I can stay calm right now?!
Miya: No way! No way in hell!!
BG: Higashikazuno Miya

Yoko: Please try. After all, I brought snacks to our tea ceremony...
BG: Suidobashi Yoko
BG: Hekusokazura no Kimi
Heku: Well, that was just wonderful of you, Yoko-san.

Kazuko: He's completely fit in now,
Kazuko: Tanaka Tetsurou that is.
BG: Asakusabashi Chunko
Chunko:... Read More " "
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Material Puzzle 7 (2 comments)
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?: This...

Tito: Eh...?

Chapter 7: Fog and Flame

?: If you want to live...
?: You should entrust your souls to me...

Tito: This...?
Tito: But...
Tito: All together, this...

?: Listen well...
?: I won't just save your lives.
?: I'll give you a body that won't die.

?: You can't die... You'll continue living for an eternity.
?: And by being becoming immortal... you'll be subject to battle those seeking immortality.

Tito: ...
Tito: Us...?

?: Someday, I should appear again.
?: In 10 years, 100 years, or possibly 1000 years,
?:... Read More " "
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Zero In 42 (0 comments)
Comments: Phew, v7 is now done... Now what part to start on next, v6 or v8?
If any readers of this have any preferences, leave a note in the comments section. Thanks!

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Fujita: Thanks for coming. Actually, I have something important to tell you...

Fujita: Oh, incidentally, this is Minkei's mascot, "Shomin-kun". Hahaha*
*Note: Shomin-kun = "Average Joe" or "Mr. Commoner"
Fujita Small: I'm sure you know him, but just in case say hello <3
Hana: Y-Yo!
Everyone: Uwaa, we're in for... Read More " "
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Material Puzzle 6 (0 comments)
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Chapter 6: Flame and Water

Abyaku: I am
Abyaku: a water magic user.
Abyaku: I convert water's material power and use it as my own energy! It doesn't matter where it comes from! I'll use water from the river, my own body, and even my opponent!
Abyaku: My mission

Abyaku: is to kill you
Abyaku: and take that power from you!

Material Puzzle
Continental Magic Users

Chapter 6: Flame and Water

Abyaku: It'll be a snap.
Abyaku: I'll just slice your head off real quick.

Abyaku: That's all I'll do!!

Tito: He's taking the water... Read More " "
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Zero In 41 (0 comments)
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Recoil Booster

Narrator: This is a story of something that happened some time ago in September...

Nono: Hawa
Nono: Nawawa

*sfx* Nya

Nono: Hauu...
Nono Small: Owwies~

Nono: I'm sorry. Don't trouble yourselves. I'm really sorry.
Boy: Don't worry about it.
Boy: Strawberry.
Boy: You okay...?
Boy: I saw some strawberries.

Nono: Hah
Name Tag: Nomihara
Nono: Hah

Nono: Phew. Water, water.
Nono BG: So tired~

Nono: Pawawawawa

*sfx* Flutter
*sfx* Flutter

Sonobe: ...
Sonobe BG: It's inside-out...

Sonobe: She
Sonobe: She's something... Read More " "
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Zero In 40 (0 comments)
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Gallery Bullet

Hana: Russian! Russiaan!*
*Note: Possibly calls the dog this due to the dog's shirt

Hana: Y-you gotta see this. Shit, there's a huge dog in the office... a dog!
Sign: 13th Division
Shikie: What're you getting so noizy about a dog for?
Shikie BG: Stay away, you might be sick.

Hana: Did I say dog? ... I meant bear! Yeah, it must have escaped from the zoo or something!
Hana: L-like this! It was this tall!
Hana BG: I'm serious, I tell ya!
Shikie: Hmm, good for you. While you're at it, get eaten and... Read More " "
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Ohisama Egao 4.1 (0 comments)
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Translation by Seki

Page 1
Monogusa Club

Good day, or perhaps nice to meet you, I'm Amano Kozue
Of Stencil Comics

/I'm in Cat Version for the first time in forever

I've never had a comic size like this before, so I'm eagerly waiting for the final product
/the size of this volume

Stencil are books for girls that I'd like boys to read, too
-... in other words, shoujo manga
/only this part is shoujooo

This genre...
Actually, Amano likes it

The four seasons... Read More " "
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