Writing a "get well letter" to Oda by the MH Community!
The gathering of all ideas for Oda's letter is reahing the maximum phase, now we need you to hit up the get well cards and gift and send them to MH, please PM me, or other OP moderators, or just post in the get well thread, we have one week to gather all wishes that you would send. Here is an idea. Thanks to
Example: multi-projectsAll-in-one:Sending get-well msg is time-sensitive, so just start with (1) social media idea + gathering msg on MH website first, then work on (2) the gift item if we have time to complete. Pandaman then delivers the card/booklet/other gift item.
(1) Social media + msg on MH (Do this a.s.a.p.)
- FB with a #
- Twitter with a #
- Post get-well msg in a thread in OP forum, or PM to OP mods. (This is for those who don't do FB/Twitter+all other.)
I don't have a FB account, so I can't comment, but on twitter, members who want to be included in the card/booklet should tweet to MH's twitter account with a hashtag. (Mention something like this on MH twitter: Tweeting to MH with # = giving MH permission to use their tweets.)
(2) Card/Booklet Creation (if we have time)
- Cover page: Feature doctors of members' choice. (Fan art may be better, so that it doesn't infringe copyrights. We don't want to upset Mr. Oda.)
- Messages from MH members: Mods use msg gathered from (1) above. (Perhaps, use the 1Kcranes theme such as crane bullets.)
- Other: Fan art, or whatever
(3) Delivery - Request Njt (in Japan) to get dressed in Pandaman outfit + deliver the card/booklet/package.
- Create links to download related files/digital version of (2) on MH website.
Hello members of the MH community, we the staff have decided to write a personal letter to Oda-sensei in the hopes he gets well soon! More information as well as your contributions can be submitted to this
Have you shown your appreciation today? Click the thanks button or write your appreciation below!
24 members and 74
guests have thanked Josef for this news
Saithan, mstarsup5, MasterDeva, belo, lomami, CrazyCCA, jcoth, perroloco, Lsshin, Tengou, Raijū, Rigardo, candy, mikkih, FaustXIII, phoenixmarco, onmypace00, thatguy3331, Erinyes, REN KOUEN, leiatte, Utsune, TheLuffySmile, HimuraMechniza