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Show a little love~

+ posted by njt in Site News on Dec 20, 2008 13:22

With the new system making it easier to get what you want, I understand the urge to get lazy... Heck we all go through those phases.

But can I ask you guys to do me one thing? Try to say thanks, I mean really, say thanks by taking the time and typing out a bit of your appreciation and send it to those that work hard for you every week with translations and scanlations (ok, maybe some not every week but :p).

Think of what you have to lose by doing that.... now think about what you have to lose if you don't? and they go off feeling unappreciated and, well stop altogether. :s

Anyway thanks to those that already know this... and well to those that haven't realized it yet, go out and thank someone! ;)

Edit: While I do appreciation having thanks said in here, this post was to direct you to the scanlators / translators / raw providers releases and for you to give them appreciation there ^^;.

Have you shown your appreciation today? Click the thanks button or write your appreciation below!

#1. by night_wolf ()
Posted on Dec 20, 2008
thanks. :)

i do appreciate the new system. and actually loving it.
#2. by mattimus ()
Posted on Dec 20, 2008
#3. by byteeater ()
Posted on Dec 20, 2008
thank's, this new system is lot more better than the old one..
#4. by Evilakos ()
Posted on Dec 20, 2008
Mr. Admin the new site is awesome..I really appreciate the thing you are all doing..And to all translators,raw providers,groups,cleaners, and the rest..Thank you for spending your time and doing this and that awesome stuff..
#5. by durghe ()
Posted on Dec 20, 2008
for mh admin: i think that your work is value... i also think that all people that visit this website say thanks because in my opinion, this site is the best in all over the world :P so...Thank you so much!
#6. by Alabanda ()
Posted on Dec 20, 2008
thanks! :D
#7. by PossesedNinja ()
Posted on Dec 20, 2008
Thanks, I love you.

Happy Holidays :).
#8. by zidane ()
Posted on Dec 20, 2008
njt, I always knew you were a narcissist :P

No really, well done people. I know that you put lots of effort into this.
#9. by Maphisto40 ()
Posted on Dec 20, 2008
After getting used to the new system, I find I like it a heck of a lot better than the old one. Thank you MH for making things simpler!

And to all the people who work so hard to bring me translated manga, I am forever in your debt. You keep my addiction fed!

Happy Holidays everyone!!!
#10. by Khaybrother86 ()
Posted on Dec 20, 2008
The hard work is extremely appreciated! The dedication of the team is the reason this is the biggest/best manga forum!

Some of us might not be as vocal as others, but i know everyone/almost everyone who visits this forum, appreciates the work that goes into it.

I would hate to loose this resource!!

p.s. The new system is great. It is a bit buggy at work, but that is an internal security matter, and not yours ;P. But i guess i shouldn't be playing while at work?

#11. by mctymly ()
Posted on Dec 20, 2008
#12. by njt (Last Boss ♪~( ̄。 ̄))
Posted on Dec 20, 2008
Haha, thanks for the love here :p. But don't forget the translators / scanlators and raw providers out there too ;) (not to mention site staff :p). What they do may seem easy but each thing takes lots of their time so spare a little of yours ;). (tis the season to be giving? :D)
#13. by deffkryz ()
Posted on Dec 20, 2008
I was sceptic about the site changes - but they're working great!
#14. by NumeroUno ()
Posted on Dec 20, 2008
#15. by Zegna ()
Posted on Dec 20, 2008
You have my gratitudes for all of your hardwork, sir. I'll make sure to thank all those scanlation groups as well. Keep up the good work guys
#16. by death13a ()
Posted on Dec 20, 2008
thanks!!! from common folk for your hard work
#17. by Lsshin ()
Posted on Dec 20, 2008
well i apreciate the work of everyone on the site, staff, raw providers, cleaners, translators, everysingle person that enters MH, if it wasent for these website, i woulndt have an scanlation group or might not even translate manga, thanks you all.
#18. by AY War Horse ()
Posted on Dec 20, 2008
While i realise the post was meant to request us to thank all those wonderful translators and scanlators who work so hard, and do so in the appropriate place. I do feel i want to add my thanks for all the work that has been done to change the site, at first I must admit i was a little thrown and unhappy but after about one week of trying the new system I found I loved it and feel it is far better than the old one.

I know the translators and scanlators rightly deserve our thanks and what is also good is our comments about their work but of course everyone who has worked so hard to put the new site together needs a huge amount of thanks as well and where better to put it than here.
#19. by MadDog ()
Posted on Dec 21, 2008
Thank you, thank you very much!
#20. by taimoor2 ()
Posted on Dec 21, 2008
Thanks a lot for your hardwork! I love the new system!!
#21. by Jothesh2 ()
Posted on Dec 21, 2008
thanks :)
this is why ill always be a member of MH<3333333333
#22. by Pakerro ()
Posted on Dec 21, 2008
I really like this site :) Thank you
#23. by KroguZ ()
Posted on Dec 21, 2008
Thank you for this new System. Love it ;-)
#24. by Cipo ()
Posted on Dec 21, 2008
Thank you!
I love this versione of MH <3
#25. by epocs ()
Posted on Dec 22, 2008
the new system is different... not better

#26. by njt (Last Boss ♪~( ̄。 ̄))
Posted on Dec 22, 2008
And is there something we should improve on?
#27. by malloween ()
Posted on Dec 22, 2008
thanks..! kewl..
#28. by momodaisuki ()
Posted on Dec 22, 2008
Quote by njt:
Edit: While I do appreciation having thanks said in here, this post was to direct you to the scanlators / translators / raw providers releases and for you to give them appreciation there ^^;

Well in that case... Thanks!! XD
#29. by Mayen92 ()
Posted on Dec 22, 2008
thank you very much for your hard work^^
i really appreciate that <3
#30. by eyesotope ()
Posted on Dec 22, 2008
yeah, thanks for the work on the new system.. it makes things very easy and accessible.

although I have to admit I used to post thanks more often on the old system, I usually checked the releases/translations pages (threads) while logged out and after reading the previous posts I would use the "post reply" button at the bottom of the page, which logs me in ready for saying my thanks..

in the new system the "log in or register to comment" link seems to take me to the forum index.. I guess there's some laziness on my part.

thanks again ^_^-b
#31. by Blazin_Cha0s ()
Posted on Dec 23, 2008
thank you.
#32. by musashi_miya ()
Posted on Dec 23, 2008
Thank You! :D
#33. by Nihongofreak ()
Posted on Dec 24, 2008
Although I appreciate the scanning/translating/raw providing, I find two problems with the new site layout. 1: When I am at any other page than the home page, the drop down menus at the top Nav section get cut off at about the 5th or 6th one. 2: All the forums load massively slower than before. It used to be instant for me, now i have to wait a couple minutes at least(I have this problem no matter what my source of internet is) before the links even show up on the page.
#34. by Tsuchikage ()
Posted on Dec 24, 2008
Thank you translators, scanlators, editors, raw-providers, and whatnot (sorry if I didn't list you.) Just got my first taste of translating on my own, and it took a long time.

Thanks admin for the new system, I like how everything's been cleaned up. It makes things easier to access and I'm loving it.
#35. by Teekuh ()
Posted on Dec 24, 2008
Know I'm one of them that often forgets to say thanks and I apologize for that, but me beeing the quiet / lazy type of person doesn't mean that I don't appreciate the brilliant work all the people put in this amazing website. Thumbs up for everyone at mh staff, scanners, translators and the community ofcourse.

Great work and thanks alot for all the preciouse time you put into it !
much appreciated :)

A simple thanks can do alot for those who put effort in and for this website, will do my best to start doing this more often from now on :)
#36. by Fugitive ()
Posted on Dec 24, 2008
The world is full of greedy little leechers so it shouldn't be any different here on MH. I don't see why it's so hard to press the "thank you" button.

Though I think that a majority of the leechers are people who aren't registered so they can't post or press the button.
#37. by crimsonlink310 ()
Posted on Dec 24, 2008
Hey to all the people of mangahelpers and its staff i thank you all for a wonderful experience in this awesome site and i wish everybody a happy christmas day So thanks to mangahelpers and its staff
#38. by CP10 ()
Posted on Dec 25, 2008
#39. by Cyanilurus ()
Posted on Dec 25, 2008
Thank you very much for your hard work. And MERRRRRRRRRY CHRISTMASSSSSSSSSS!!! *shoots self*
#40. by iketaurus ()
Posted on Dec 25, 2008
good looks kicko
#41. by h7seiji ()
Posted on Dec 26, 2008
#42. by Ardus ()
Posted on Dec 26, 2008
#43. by Speedfx ()
Posted on Dec 28, 2008
Thanks for the update guys love it ^.^ <33333333333333
#44. by mrmgomes ()
Posted on Dec 28, 2008
Thanks guys, you've been providing quality stuff for us for so long, that saying thanks isn't enough, but that's all I can do right now :)
#45. by  ()
Posted on Dec 28, 2008
Thanks! :-]
#46. by njoshi1985 ()
Posted on Dec 29, 2008
thanks for this gr9(gr8+1) work
#47. by .:L:. ()
Posted on Dec 30, 2008
Thanks For Your Hard Work!
#48. by HisshouBuraiKen ()
Posted on Dec 31, 2008
The new site has really come together and I find that I'm enjoying using it a lot. Great work one and all!
#49. by The Don Master T ()
Posted on Jan 1, 2009
thank you
#50. by shuske2 ()
Posted on Jan 2, 2009
Thanks MH, the new system is really great. Only i have something to tell... You are THE PAGE OF MANGA, masters, thanks again.
#51. by in-do ()
Posted on Jan 3, 2009
#52. by cheaptrick ()
Posted on Jan 3, 2009
it's much easier to get the chapters/raws now, thank you!:-)
#53. by abuyi ()
Posted on Jan 3, 2009
#54. by robao ()
Posted on Jan 4, 2009
#55. by UP2L8 ()
Posted on Jan 5, 2009
While I'm thanking people, what about you? The new system is great, and it didn't happen by accident - so thanks! You're the best!
#56. by chison ()
Posted on Jan 7, 2009
i do love to use thank system...interst to see the actually number of read..XD
#57. by nocturnal ()
Posted on Jan 7, 2009
Millions of thanks~!
I have just registered for several days and I have benefited so much~!
As long as I know, your site is the unique work that provides the chance to watch the raws freely and easily and practice the translation~!!!

I can not love your site more~!
#58. by hgmaster ()
Posted on Jan 7, 2009
#59. by sweet16 ()
Posted on Jan 8, 2009
Thanks ^_^
#60. by dingdongjoe ()
Posted on Jan 9, 2009
i love you
#61. by hicham ()
Posted on Jan 9, 2009
Thanks a lot for your hardwork! I love the new system!!
#62. by Sherbetmayhem ()
Posted on Jan 12, 2009
Thank youuuuuuu :D xxx
#63. by yeeka ()
Posted on Jan 15, 2009
thanks a lot and... good work ! I'm going back at discovering all the new functionalities ! :-)
#64. by Beecoolz ()
Posted on Jan 16, 2009
Thanks !
#65. by allachris ()
Posted on Jan 17, 2009
Thank you!!
#66. by Xman ()
Posted on Jan 21, 2009
PURE AWSOMNESS ~~~ :Q________
#67. by sathiriazis ()
Posted on Jan 22, 2009
#68. by markura ()
Posted on Jan 24, 2009
Thanks for the updates!
#69. by koji_ajimofu ()
Posted on Jan 29, 2009
horray! thank you! ^_^
i like new system very much.
#70. by eternalshiva ()
Posted on Jan 29, 2009
This system is great, thanks alot for the hard work on this :)
#71. by Sanosuke420 ()
Posted on Jan 29, 2009
Hi how are you doing I appreciate you letting me join your forum and I hope to get along with everyone!
#72. by descendant ()
Posted on Jan 30, 2009
I love this new system very much ^^
thank you so much for your great effort
and I make sure that I thank every scanlators too before reading/downloading their work
#73. by Boxa ()
Posted on Jan 30, 2009
Thank You Very Much! :D

"Muitíssimo obrigado ;)"
#74. by bobossp ()
Posted on Jan 30, 2009
thanks! ^^
#75. by  ()
Posted on Jan 31, 2009
#76. by krysana ()
Posted on Feb 1, 2009
thanks จ้า
#77. by dragon132004 ()
Posted on Feb 2, 2009
Thanks a loooooooooooot guys for this awesome project (Asu no Yoichi) I started reading the manga and getting your releases after I enjoyed watching the first episodes ...way to go
#78. by slicc ()
Posted on Feb 2, 2009
MH is still off the chain ppreciate errthing yall do keep on keeping on
#79. by fishbot ()
Posted on Feb 4, 2009
Well, as requested, I am showing a little love. *hug*.
#80. by krysana ()
Posted on Feb 6, 2009
thanks นะคัา
#81. by yoichi-san ()
Posted on Feb 6, 2009
Thanks... Your hardwork made me a part of this forum.
#82. by FroZenSmoKer ()
Posted on Feb 6, 2009
thanks mangahelpers rules
#83. by  ()
Posted on Feb 8, 2009
Thanks all for allowing onto Your site. :0)
#84. by  ()
Posted on Feb 14, 2009
Thanks For all your effort... Gudluck..
#85. by INF-IChiGo ()
Posted on Feb 23, 2009
Thanks all it`s perfect, i love`t =3
#86. by athazala ()
Posted on Feb 23, 2009
Thank you so much! XD

#87. by cocona ()
Posted on Feb 24, 2009
this system is great ^^ and I agree this is not the end of the world to say thanks properly directly to the scanlators : it doesn't take that much of our time ^^ lol (what seriously ? it takes 5 sec to post a thank you comment !)
#88. by fungkmaster ()
Posted on Feb 25, 2009
#89. by fenix legendario ()
Posted on Feb 25, 2009
#90. by krysana ()
Posted on Mar 5, 2009
thank you.
#91. by krysana ()
Posted on Mar 5, 2009
#92. by Mido-ban ()
Posted on Mar 6, 2009
i want to thanks everybodys here ! your job is good and make everyone happy! i'm a transaltor in a french team and thanks to your works i can dream^^
thank you again
#93. by leejangpu ()
Posted on Mar 10, 2009
thanks a lot!
#94. by fenix3s ()
Posted on Mar 10, 2009
Thansks ^^
#95. by shodai@sama ()
Posted on Mar 15, 2009
thnkx....love u guys 4 what u have done....i'm appreciate it so much....
#96. by kokusaikone ()
Posted on Mar 16, 2009
This is for all who spend time and other resources to ensure we get our manga fix on a regular basis. Thanks!
#97. by kokusaikone ()
Posted on Mar 16, 2009
This is for all who spend time and other resources to ensure we get our manga fix on a regular basis. Thanks!
#98. by T_koon ()
Posted on Mar 18, 2009
Thank you very much for this site. Besides I can read the manga I love, I can also practice my japanese as well. Although my japanese still just the beginner.

#99. by hhbx ()
Posted on Mar 20, 2009
Thanks much! Really been loving the place and the dedicated area for Raw downloads is fantastic!
#100. by Asusp3v4x ()
Posted on Mar 22, 2009
thanks... I think...:XD

the new system is really great... you guys did a great job...

congratulations "Big Boss"

#101. by Aralogaan ()
Posted on Mar 22, 2009
#102. by Souce ()
Posted on Mar 31, 2009
#103. by telendor ()
Posted on Apr 1, 2009
thanks everybody who uploads all these
ooberly wonderful manga!
much appreciated!
#104. by shawna1485 ()
Posted on Apr 5, 2009
thank you very much.
#105. by diva.yukino ()
Posted on Apr 19, 2009
thank you very much for all the hard work you have done for us!!
love you guys~
#106. by ericktc ()
Posted on Apr 21, 2009
thanks for negima
#107. by krysana ()
Posted on Apr 23, 2009
thanks for sharing.
I love vassalord.
#108. by eddy0331 ()
Posted on Apr 26, 2009
thak's I like this new system.

#109. by kangclaw ()
Posted on Apr 30, 2009
Thanks for the effort - you guys are a great team :)
One of my favourite sites.
#110. by sherrynoconan ()
Posted on May 5, 2009
wuah....this is the first time seeing indonesian translation.....good job.....matur nuhun.....
#111. by Gcat88 ()
Posted on May 11, 2009
MH is amazing!!!
#112. by blawerneck ()
Posted on May 22, 2009
So thank you for all!!!This metod is very better to see
#113. by krysana ()
Posted on May 25, 2009
thanks for sharing
#114. by Chocozell ()
Posted on May 27, 2009
Thanks :D
#115. by vada ()
Posted on May 29, 2009
thanks for all your hardwork. i really really appreciate your efforts to bringing us the raws, tsl, and scanlation. love you all!

and more dolls please ~,~
#116. by adulis ()
Posted on Jun 4, 2009
thank you
#117. by Denissa ()
Posted on Jun 11, 2009
#118. by takeshiman ()
Posted on Jun 12, 2009
#119. by Zangoose ()
Posted on Jun 12, 2009
#120. by LiTe ()
Posted on Jun 15, 2009
Danke Shen !
#121. by krysana ()
Posted on Jun 20, 2009
thanks for sharing.
I like 07ghost very much.
#122. by Doragon ()
Posted on Jun 24, 2009
So the ingrates show their appreciation here instead of the releases. Ah, thanks njt, the replies in this news made me lol.
#123. by revzephyr ()
Posted on Jun 29, 2009
many thanks
#124. by zanne ()
Posted on Jun 29, 2009
thank you so much to aLL people in here which have worked so hard. And this site is help me a lot..Thank you..

Sorry if my english is not too good..
#125. by zanne ()
Posted on Jun 29, 2009
thank you so much to aLL people in here which have worked so hard. And this site is help me a lot..Thank you..

Sorry if my english is not too good..
#126. by Andri ()
Posted on Jul 1, 2009
#127. by cufunk ()
Posted on Jul 2, 2009
#128. by madsin92 ()
Posted on Jul 8, 2009
Thanks a lot!!! I don't get manga in my area, so I have no choice but to rely on you guys. Im really grateful for that =)
#129. by Lord Dominus ()
Posted on Jul 9, 2009
Thanks for all your effort!
#130. by josereyes777 ()
Posted on Jul 9, 2009
#131. by Katarii ()
Posted on Jul 9, 2009
#132. by tomtom ()
Posted on Jul 17, 2009
thanks!!! °L°
#133. by jackitshot ()
Posted on Jul 18, 2009
my english is not very good, but very thanks to you!
#134. by mr.google ()
Posted on Jul 22, 2009
#135. by shigeru1995 ()
Posted on Jul 25, 2009
#136. by lotusvn ()
Posted on Jul 25, 2009
u really work hard on it, thanks so much :)
#137. by spln ()
Posted on Jul 26, 2009
thanks :D
#138. by Liliput ()
Posted on Jul 28, 2009
thanks ;)
#139. by Amida ()
Posted on Aug 1, 2009
Many thanks to this site. Just found it, so I'm not sure what the old layout was...but this one is amazing. Blows away every other manga site I've come across. Cheers to you all ^_^
#140. by serena91cs ()
Posted on Aug 4, 2009
Thank you! ^_^
#141. by ray_8899 ()
Posted on Aug 7, 2009
Great Job!
Hope the loading of the pages could be faster....
#142. by dream4075 ()
Posted on Aug 7, 2009
#143. by hanayuri ()
Posted on Aug 11, 2009
thankyou .

your efforts are much appreciated.
#144. by GuMiS160 ()
Posted on Aug 13, 2009
#145. by Hiki87 ()
Posted on Aug 13, 2009
#146. by Kazekage Gaara ()
Posted on Aug 14, 2009
Thanx a lot. Really appreciate the effort :)
#147. by evilken ()
Posted on Aug 17, 2009
thanks alot
like it
#148. by arupionn ()
Posted on Aug 19, 2009
Thank you!!
I like you very much.
#149. by tomtom ()
Posted on Aug 20, 2009
thanks °L°

#150. by aceventura ()
Posted on Aug 20, 2009
#151. by sakurahanaaa ()
Posted on Aug 21, 2009
thank you very much for accepting me in your lovely community! ^_^
#152. by anpanmanchan ()
Posted on Aug 23, 2009
thank you!
#153. by strawbewwies ()
Posted on Aug 25, 2009
#154. by Izagani ()
Posted on Aug 26, 2009
thanks u ppl are great love this site keep on the awsome work
#155. by NIKOL ()
Posted on Aug 31, 2009
#156. by sahogenk ()
Posted on Sep 1, 2009
thanks a lot.. i hope become a good member
#157. by Arabisizm ()
Posted on Sep 1, 2009
Thanks :)

Merci beaucoup :)))))))))
#158. by domi-visi ()
Posted on Sep 19, 2009
#159. by toodfab ()
Posted on Sep 23, 2009
thx so much
#160. by Monkey D.Lore ()
Posted on Sep 24, 2009
Well, I'm a newbie but I must say thank you for all the huge work you did, you do and you will do!
Every week new chapters translated are ready to read and that's great!
Thank you so much guys!
#161. by GnIuZBoY ()
Posted on Sep 24, 2009
#162. by olzoeju ()
Posted on Sep 28, 2009
I didn't know the old system because i'm new but, anyway, ...merci !!!
#163. by betty_rox0890 ()
Posted on Oct 8, 2009
Thank you so much!!! This site is awesome!!! Huggies!!!<(^.^)>
#164. by Shadow28 ()
Posted on Oct 9, 2009
Thank you for doing this site for free and doing a really good job with the updates of chapters everyone please keep up the great job you are all doing.
#165. by m3kpy792 ()
Posted on Oct 17, 2009
#166. by yaocihuatl ()
Posted on Oct 18, 2009
I love the new system.Thank you for you hard work!!!
#167. by Jarod-Sama ()
Posted on Oct 23, 2009
#168. by kurasa ()
Posted on Oct 24, 2009
thanks :)
#169. by TONOSAMA99 ()
Posted on Oct 24, 2009
#170. by mugiwarabai ()
Posted on Oct 28, 2009
millionsss of thanxxx!
#171. by larbneur ()
Posted on Nov 1, 2009
Thank you!
#172. by ningnomaningnong ()
Posted on Nov 2, 2009
Thanks for all the awesome raws! Mangahelpers are great ^_^
#173. by Medaka in the Box ()
Posted on Nov 3, 2009
Thank You. <3
#174. by Samsara22 ()
Posted on Nov 5, 2009
Thanks a lot guys.
#175. by pakalolo ()
Posted on Nov 7, 2009
#176. by orangeaddict ()
Posted on Nov 10, 2009
thank you so much!
#177. by dewarini ()
Posted on Nov 12, 2009
hola there!
thanks a bunch for all ur efforts so that I can easily enjoy manga & the discussion :D
u guys do help japan to promote its culture & language.
otsukaresamadeshita p(^^)q
#178. by NAM61 ()
Posted on Nov 22, 2009
thanks for the new syaytem
#179. by omsk ()
Posted on Nov 25, 2009
thanks ^^
#180. by Ki-kun ()
Posted on Nov 29, 2009
#181. by sasmithal ()
Posted on Dec 1, 2009
thanks u so much
#182. by Zэrο.· ()
Posted on Dec 1, 2009
arigatou gozaimasuu~~,!
#183. by hiroki104 ()
Posted on Dec 6, 2009
#184. by hunter2045 ()
Posted on Dec 19, 2009
Thanks. I do like this site. Though there are a couple of things that I have issues with. One is pop-up adds that cover some features, making them hard to access. The other is when some pages jump. When that happens, I can't access features on that page untill after the jump. To me it's a little annoying. Still; with out this site, I wouldn't have been able to experience the My Balls manga. Which I find to be hillerious.
#185. by Langeley ()
Posted on Dec 21, 2009
Thanks a lot :)
#186. by hatake ()
Posted on Jan 1, 2010
thanks, now i can discuss all about manga
#187. by hatake ()
Posted on Jan 1, 2010
thanks, now i can discuss all about manga
#188. by silh0ue77e ()
Posted on Jan 5, 2010

I prefer the new system actually. Thank's for it :D
#189. by b_kamal ()
Posted on Jan 13, 2010
thanks for all what you do
#190. by wolfrequiem ()
Posted on Jan 26, 2010
Thanks for providing the opportunities! <3
#191. by yahiko23 ()
Posted on Jan 30, 2010
#192. by darknessdani666 ()
Posted on Feb 9, 2010
thanxs i luv dis site >.<
da best ......................nah #1
#193. by annpo ()
Posted on Feb 11, 2010
#194. by caio.bruno ()
Posted on Feb 15, 2010
#195. by dna11 ()
Posted on Feb 16, 2010
#196. by darkprince0521 ()
Posted on Feb 18, 2010
i have been visting this forum for quite a while and was impressed. that's why i joined it. thanks to those who helped the forum with their hard works.
#197. by Maya45 ()
Posted on Feb 19, 2010
Thanx alot for this amazing sites I like it very much.
#198. by Funbari ()
Posted on Feb 22, 2010
#199. by saber-bsa ()
Posted on Mar 5, 2010
#200. by Maya45 ()
Posted on Mar 5, 2010
Thanks alot for this system I like it too much
#201. by Maya45 ()
Posted on Mar 5, 2010
Thanx alot for this new systems
#202. by hufunetu ()
Posted on Mar 10, 2010
thanks :D
#203. by axez_az ()
Posted on Mar 13, 2010
#204. by krish19oo ()
Posted on Mar 26, 2010
thank you very much for the all efforts in making it a wonder full site.
#205. by 41730 ()
Posted on Apr 4, 2010
#206. by larp ()
Posted on Apr 5, 2010
thanks a million ♪(o ̄∇ ̄)/
#207. by Aseek ()
Posted on Apr 10, 2010
thanks to all translators,raw providers,groups,cleaners, and all of you to hard works.ii love this site!!!awesome!!!
#208. by Dark-Desire ()
Posted on Apr 11, 2010
Thank-you to everyone that made this site awesome, I find it has great ease of access to everything I need and the Forums are gr-eat. =P
#209. by Daniellock ()
Posted on Apr 11, 2010
#210. by natch ()
Posted on Apr 14, 2010
thank you!
#211. by riosiam ()
Posted on Apr 21, 2010
Thanks for your good works.
#212. by buwbuw ()
Posted on Apr 27, 2010
#213. by minghuanshuixian ()
Posted on May 1, 2010
#214. by peqtO ()
Posted on May 1, 2010
thanks!! im new here..
#215. by znromonk ()
Posted on May 19, 2010
#216. by FC134gent ()
Posted on May 19, 2010
#217. by waterbender ()
Posted on May 27, 2010
thanks^^ i don't realy understand this system compleatly yet tho...
#218. by Liliou ()
Posted on Jun 14, 2010
Thank you very much for your work everybody :)
#219. by muzpac ()
Posted on Jun 16, 2010
like to see the new system still appreciate the old thanks mangahelpers
#220. by nasasu12 ()
Posted on Jun 18, 2010
#221. by whillow ()
Posted on Jun 20, 2010
Thanks!! X)
#222. by Rexlise ()
Posted on Jun 21, 2010
#223. by smaller ()
Posted on Jun 26, 2010
It made my day when I saw my first 'thanks' on one of my translations. So thank YOU, for making me feel appreciated!
#224. by ztztzt ()
Posted on Jul 2, 2010
thanks for every mangga !!

i like all
#225. by Sanji_SK ()
Posted on Jul 9, 2010
#226. by rhinohead0609 ()
Posted on Jul 14, 2010
#227. by xiongmao ()
Posted on Jul 23, 2010
Thanks, system works great ^_^
#228. by vodanh_pro ()
Posted on Jul 26, 2010
#229. by bulucina ()
Posted on Jul 27, 2010
#230. by artluverz ()
Posted on Aug 29, 2010
Thank you..
#231. by Shinsatsu (MH's Most Fashionable Member)
Posted on Sep 6, 2010
Thanks to the best online community ever!
I appreciate being one of you people and I hope that mangahelpers will be around forever.

I really appreciate your efforts and your hard work :D

Thank You.

About the Author:

Alias: njt
Rank: Last Boss ♪~( ̄。 ̄)
Registered: Feb 28, 2005
Message: PM |

Author's Contributions

Forum Posts: 4262

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Date Manga Ch Lang Translator
Dec 8, 2023 Hitoribocchi no... 130 tr McMaster68
Dec 8, 2023 Hitoribocchi no... 129 tr McMaster68
Dec 8, 2023 Hitoribocchi no... 128 tr McMaster68
Dec 8, 2023 Hitoribocchi no... 127 tr McMaster68
Dec 8, 2023 Hitoribocchi no... 126 tr McMaster68
Dec 8, 2023 Hitoribocchi no... 125 tr McMaster68
Dec 8, 2023 Hitoribocchi no... 124 tr McMaster68
Dec 8, 2023 Hitoribocchi no... 123 tr McMaster68
Dec 8, 2023 Hitoribocchi no... 122 tr McMaster68
Dec 3, 2023 D.Gray-Man 249 fr Erinyes

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