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Welcome back Franky House!!

+ posted by bax in Site News on May 24, 2008 16:19

As most members know, on December 28th 2007, Franky House was banned from MH on a scanlation case. Both parties (MH and FH) went separate ways after that. But those days are over now. Out of goodwill, both parties have come to a conclusion that there's no need to prolong this. So, MangaHelpers is now hereby lifting the ban on Franky House from the site.

Both parties decided to put the past behind and move on. It is for the betterment of both parties. There's nothing good coming out from this if it is prolonged, thus we decided to mend things and work together. All is for you, the worldwide community of manga fans!

From here on, scanlations from Franky House are welcomed on MangaHelpers again. Perhaps even more than that. Working together is our aim at this point. There's a lot of possibilities indeed.

Many people might ask if the policy on MangaHelpers changed. The answer is "No", it doesn't change. From our point of view, the ban served its purpose and is no longer needed. There's no longer a need to continue the cold front. We also have their commitment to avoid anything like in the past. That's good enough for us to consider and lift the ban.

It's not about the policy, it's about whether the ban is relevant or not today. And we feel that it's no longer needed.

It is all out of goodwill from both parties that the ban is lifted. With this move, I'm sure that both parties will benefit from the friendship and working together. We don't want the bad atmosphere to go on. For people of the community, you guys can expect them to post their scanlations here too.

So from this point on, Saturday May 24th 2008, MH is happy to announce, Franky House is no longer banned on MangaHelpers.

Welcome back guys!!

Have you shown your appreciation today? Click the thanks button or write your appreciation below!

#1. by nxlouco ()
Posted on May 24, 2008
Aww thats so awesome, Welcome Back Franky House!!! I agree nothing good was going to come out of prolonging the ban
#2. by Linkmasta ()
Posted on May 24, 2008
Happy to be back! ^^
#3. by hissatsu ()
Posted on May 24, 2008
yosh. Franky House back. Niiiiiiiiiice!!!!
#4. by kyuuzor ()
Posted on May 24, 2008
waaaa,..thats great,.. FH back,..^^
#5. by Succubus ()
Posted on May 24, 2008
I am glad!! welcome back Franky House!!
#6. by baboysai (Pink Warrior)
Posted on May 24, 2008
awww such a sweet reunion! ^^
#7. by weixiaobao ()
Posted on May 24, 2008
yay, :D.....
#8. by ginousuke ()
Posted on May 24, 2008
That's great! Welcome back, Franky House! ^_^
#9. by gigantor21 ()
Posted on May 24, 2008
YES. That's awesome.
#10. by gcd ()
Posted on May 25, 2008
Welcome back fh, lov u all.
#11. by Waeyen ()
Posted on May 25, 2008
Welcome Back FH ^^
#12. by Em_Leingod ()
Posted on May 25, 2008
Cool, What were they banned for?
#13. by janu_onliners ()
Posted on May 25, 2008
YAYYY Welcome Back FH!!
#14. by DeepEyes ()
Posted on May 25, 2008
Wlecome back, Franky House n_n.
#15. by Viewtiful ()
Posted on May 25, 2008
I believe that the decision to ban Franky-House was a hard one, and even harder than that was to accept them back here, but they were necessary. This story is better in the past, in the future it is better if both work together to grow more and more.
#16. by Charly10 ()
Posted on May 25, 2008
Welcome FH! Rlz! (°<!
#17. by coungpow ()
Posted on May 25, 2008
This is great! I'm glad franky house is back
#18. by imintheradio ()
Posted on May 25, 2008
hm,finally all of us are working toward the better ways for worlwide community of manga fans..it's really good to hear such a good news..i hope both of this parties can benefit from each other!!!yeah...
#19. by Helltroll ()
Posted on May 25, 2008
A good decision. Welcome back.
#20. by adachi2 ()
Posted on May 25, 2008
Welcome back Franky House *o*
#21. by makhan ()
Posted on May 25, 2008
nice, I'm glad this matter is over :]
#22. by night_wolf ()
Posted on May 25, 2008
hi, welcome guys. im really happy to know this. as stated, only good will come from this. after all FH are really good people to work with. :)
#23. by HanaTenshiHimeko ()
Posted on May 26, 2008
I'm glad the ban is served it's purpose instead of keeping the ban on so that FH could be forgotten and pushed aside. What a great mature way to handle the problem! Welcome back Franky House and thanks MangaHelpers for its wonderful work!!
#24. by sakura_hime04 ()
Posted on May 26, 2008
Glad to hear that both of you had been back together :XD
#25. by emer ()
Posted on May 26, 2008
Welcome : D
#26. by  ()
Posted on May 26, 2008
I seem to be the only one opposed to this. They broke the rules, you issued a judgment and now you are changing your mind. I suppose permanent ban means a couple months. When are you going to unban every other group / person? I only wait for them to steal again. Then I can rightfully mock your decision.
#27. by yoniekai ()
Posted on May 26, 2008
^hehehe you registered just to say that? who could you be.... franky house is welcome anytime... like they need it, they have lots of visitors in their site anyway. but welcome back!
#28. by  ()
Posted on May 26, 2008
I hope you as accommodating when they steal your work.
#29. by yoniekai ()
Posted on May 26, 2008
no i wont... but two infractions should leave them very aware of consequences. give them one more chance, they've been clean since then
#30. by heavens_dragon ()
Posted on May 27, 2008
Awesome! Welcome Back, Franky-House! Miss you guys!
#31. by renrutal ()
Posted on May 27, 2008
"They broke the rules, you issued a judgment and now you are changing your mind." I see you don't believe in redemption, nor forgiveness. Punishment isn't a life sentence you know.
#32. by Not_Log ()
Posted on May 27, 2008
My burning question is why did the group not have to issue a public apology for what happened? I would think this would be the very first thing that would need to be done before someone who stole cleans would need to do before being allowed back, as well as firing the offending parties.
#33. by craziii ()
Posted on May 27, 2008
"We also have their commitment to avoid anything like in the past." this above sentence is all you guys need. welcome back!
#34. by Mooncrow ()
Posted on May 27, 2008
yay, I'm glad that crap is finally over. Apologies and explanations were issued on FH's site shortly after the incident. While on one hand, I supported MH's ban, on the other hand I'm really glad it's over, because the vast majority of the people that work there are great. WB guys =)
#35. by ~Lilium~ ()
Posted on May 27, 2008
awesome!!!! i'm glad everything's alright now :)
#36. by fluke32 ()
Posted on May 27, 2008
whahaha all this time i thought someone just plain forgot about updating the RTS forum about F-H releases. LOL~!
#37. by OZ-900 ()
Posted on May 27, 2008
1) call it "steal" if u want, but the real situation is explained here: http://www.franky-house.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1659 2) I was in full support on MH's ban (mind u, i'm a FH scanlator) but this is the way it should be. Instead of having a banning war, we should work together to bring ungrateful leechers, erm, readers more manga =)
#38. by  ()
Posted on May 27, 2008
In your post, that I did in fact read. I see this. First paragraph you play the sympathy card, your leader is sick. That really has nothing to do with the situation. You might as well just told me your dog died. Second paragraph, you play the victim. People steal your scans, it happens to most people. They report them to the sites, the remove the scans. MangaHelpers is fairly decent at this. Third paragraph they play the well everyone is a thief since it's copyright infringement. Seventh paragraph we finally get to what this post is about. The stolen translation. They say they had been given permission in the past. So that should have hinted some group cooperation or something. In the eighth paragraph the play the sympathy card again their leader is more sick, it was Christmas almost all the staff where busy. They have no idea what happened, but clearly no-one is responsible. Then they start quoting bible stories and play the sympathy card for the third time saying they use their money to keep the site up etc. Congrats every site admin spends money and time keeping sites up. Letting Franky-House back in is a mistake. They are an entire group of new users and thus prone to fucking shit up. And when a group fucks up. It should be on the group not the user. Bax was so kind to say, well the staff that where involved in this quit Franky-House. That doesn't matter. Franky-House let it happen. That means it can happen again. They have already stolen work twice that we know about.
#39. by bax ()
Posted on May 27, 2008
[quote] Bax was so kind to say, well the staff that where involved in this quit Franky-House. That doesn't matter. Franky-House let it happen. That means it can happen again.[/quote] I wasn't meaning physically by it though. And true, in terms of possibilities, they let it happen, it can happen again. But instead of thinking negative about it, why not look at it with a more positive thinking. They let it happen, they learned from it and they'll avoid it. I don't know about you, but you sound like everyone who did mistakes will always do the same mistakes. That's a little bit too harsh, no? Mistakes happened, lesson taken. That's all the point of punishments. Punishments are not made to condemn people, it is made to make us realized about something wrong we did. Then, for someone who was punished and learned his mistakes through the punishment, there's no need to continue the punishment right?
#40. by ddadain ()
Posted on May 27, 2008
I for one don't welcome the return of F-H. The criteria of scanlation quality labeling of FH is much lower than that of MHs. I find it strange that the decision was labeled as "for the betterment of both parties". As I see it, FH gets more traffic from MH, but MH won't get any extra ones from FH. The vast majority of people going into FH are only looking for Shounen Jump scanlations (i.e. Naruto, Bleach, OP, etc.) whereas the focus of MH has readily shifted to a more broad spectrum of manga genres. Those who deem FHs scanlations as satisfactory most probably will not go look for other scanlations of the same manga, for better quality. It is well know that leechers prefer "speed to quality"... just like Americans prefer "fast-crap-food" to "nice-home-cooked-meals" -_- I am a bit disappointed with the decision to reverse the "perma-ban". I can't say it surprised me, but it just comes to show that politics (the kind we have here) & business opportunity (aka "the hope of more money") always tramples over justice. Well, nothing can be done now, lest I ask MH to take back what it already said (again! which would be counter indicative of my point!!) WB FH...
#41. by Nimloth (よろず屋 / Yorozuya)
Posted on May 27, 2008
[quote]I am a bit disappointed with the decision to reverse the "perma-ban". I can't say it surprised me, but it just comes to show that politics (the kind we have here) & business opportunity (aka "the hope of more money") always tramples over justice.[/quote] Err, I'm not entirely sure what you are implying by this comment, but MangaHelpers are not making any profits off of lifting this ban.
#42. by bax ()
Posted on May 27, 2008
Ermm.. I don't see where money is involved in this ddadain. True, it's FH who'll gain more benefit in this move. MH will be as usual. But the goal here isn't related to money. It was me who approached njt and FH to talk about lifting the ban, not the other way around. I realize MH has nothing to gain from this. We're not asking for their money either. They can keep it to maintain their site. We're always a free site, we even turned down offers for donations. It's just that we're satisfied that the ban already served its purpose.
#43. by bludshock ()
Posted on May 27, 2008
I'm not a huge fan of Franky House in light of their underhanded attempts to sabotage Binktopia and their majority role in ending Kylara's raws... but I'll agree that inviting them back on MH will benefit the community since they appear to have a broader lineup nowadays. I think ddadain might have assumed that from the "perhaps even more" bit, which is a little distressing in itself. Not only are they fresh off the ban but the hint is dropped that there's something else in the works. Which also raises questions of why MH would be reaching out to them first and not loyal scanlators / groups who haven't been banned twice. Though I might be reading too much into that.
#44. by Koen (Celestial Belgian)
Posted on May 27, 2008
I don't see any point in complaining about this. A PRIVATE matter between MH and F-H has been solved. MH takes their own policy and I don't see any point in what other people got to do with this matter. Others are doing their releases on their OWN good way for mangareaders. But the same goes up for F-H, they are doing their releases on their OWN good way. I truely believe F-H on what they have said (read their post), giving them another chance is an extra for this community and everything outside of the community (scan leechers/readers, etc). Guys it's all about manga and reading
#45. by 3955elits ()
Posted on May 28, 2008
glad to see the ban lifted...uh and for some reason I got annoyed with ddadain comment...we all read LQ just because we are curious about the story...and MS also released LQ nowadays(I got shonen scans from them,mostly naruto) but when the HQ released,I DL it ASAP and shift+del the Lq one...they got what they deserved for it..hope they learn from that and not repeating the mistake..
#46. by ddadain ()
Posted on May 28, 2008
Of course more traffic means more advertisement, although for the most part, FH will get more of "teh moneh" :) For real, I'm REALLY trying to justify the decision of MH by making it more "GTA IV" XD Obviously (hopefully), sex & drugs aren't involve! XD So, that leaves money :D If MH doesn't gain anything, then the decision is like you stabbing yourself for nothing ;_; ZZzzzz
#47. by bludshock ()
Posted on May 28, 2008
[quote]MS also released LQ nowadays(I got shonen scans from them,mostly naruto) but when the HQ released,I DL it ASAP and shift+del the Lq one...they got what they deserved for it..hope they learn from that and not repeating the mistake..[/quote] Who are you referring to when you say "MS", if it's MangaShare, we haven't released under that name since December. Edit: "they got what they deserved for it..hope they learn from that and not repeating the mistake.." Yes I'm sure "they" felt the full extent of the blow from you swiftly deleting their manga after leeching off of them. Do you really think any of you are in a good position to complain about any other group's scanlation quality being bad? If you scanlate yourself kindly stfu and focus on our own releases, if you're a leecher kindly stfu and do it yourself or join the group and help them if you don't like it.
#48. by manu ()
Posted on May 28, 2008
lols at the drama, Reminds me of the Narutobuzz and Yuma fiascos.
#49. by ddadain ()
Posted on May 28, 2008
lols ;d MS's (Mangashare's) speed scans are the best! :D nice scripting blud ;d
#50. by OZ-900 ()
Posted on May 28, 2008
[quote]Of course more traffic means more advertisement, although for the most part, FH will get more of "teh moneh" :) [/quote] i dont know what u mean dude just in case u havent noticed, there's not one single ad on FH's site indulge in your own "everything-must-be-for-money" thinking as much as u please
#51. by dsr ()
Posted on May 28, 2008
Welcome back FH!!!
#52. by Reclaimer ()
Posted on May 28, 2008
The possibility for redemption is important; however, it should only be granted to those who prove themselves worthy of it. You cannot try to justify your actions while apologizing for them. If the link provided by OZ-900 is their only public mention of the issue, then their ban should be made permanently. The level of hubris exhibited by that message, which also committed numerous egregious logical fallacies (common practice, traditional wisdom, and appeal to emotion), would make Lucifer blush. No one knows whether they will repeat their misdeeds, but they have not provided any reason to believe they will not.
#53. by iceflake ()
Posted on May 28, 2008
um... can't we just get along for now. If they actually do break the rule again then MH can just ban them again - this time permanently. But for now, why don't we just trust Bax-sama and welcome them without prejudice. Bax did say that the members that broke the rules have left the group so I'm sure the remainder of the group must have learn their lesson by now and would strive to do better. Please don't judge a group only because of one or two rule-breaker.
#54. by fxu ()
Posted on May 29, 2008
an admin has it out for me... lOl
#55. by  ()
Posted on May 29, 2008
[quote]If they actually do break the rule again then MH can just ban them again - this time permanently.[/quote] Yeah, they did break the rules once. Their leader was banned for a short while. Then they did the second offense of stealing the translation. They were perma-baned (6 month suspension) So after the 3rd time they steal something we really perma ban them? Or is that the 4th time. Maybe the 5th time? How many times do we cut a group slack for breaking the rules?
#56. by iceflake ()
Posted on May 29, 2008
Like I said, give them another chance - sometimes people need more than 1 or 2 chance to prove their worth in life. Besides the perpetrator [which is only ONE or TWO person - A MINOR] that stole stuff have already left the group. It's just not fair that those people that had done nothing wrong have to suffer for the mistakes of others. I'm sure you would feel the same if you're one of that people. ... Then again, I'm starting to wonder if FH is being discriminate for a much personal reason than thieving. My guess is that you want people to hate FH so that people don't want their scanlations - that would mean one less fish to fight against. Urgh... humans are just rotten.
#57. by  ()
Posted on May 29, 2008
First, brush up on some grammar. Second, it doesn't matter if it's personal or not. They broke the rules and are getting far more leniency than well, anyone. http://mangahelpers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8132 That is a scanlator who everyone likes, getting perma-banned for stealing translations. Franky-house does it and it's 6 months. Does that mean Mangahelpers is going to change policy and un-ban Yume in 6 months?
#58. by  ()
Posted on May 29, 2008
lol, very fishy for an individual who's anonymous to HATE FH very much.. are you the root of everything?
#59. by michiyohayashi ()
Posted on May 29, 2008
Sigh. What is this... Drama - Part 2? Why can't we all be happy? If FH does wrong, then ban them. From what I know, the whole issue was a case of bad judgement (assumption that it was OK to use the translation), and bad mangament. There's also the lax regulations (letting newbie(s) work on releases). Now think... If that newbie joined your scanlation group and not FH's, what would happen to your group? You'd say, "I WON'T LET THAT HAPPEN!" But who knows what'll happen? I for one am very tired of this issue. Let it be, see what happens. If FH screws up again, then you can go "HA, I TOLD YOU SO." Watch them for now and see what happens.
#60. by ttxdragon (Dearly Missed ;__;)
Posted on May 29, 2008
name1, in the "Yume" case you linked, we were never in a position to even rethink this kind of decision. I don't know how much of the case you noticed back when it happened, and I don't like to refresh what happened with her, but after the ban was issued, the banned Yume tried several times through different accounts and name-changes for 'her group' to post scanlations meeting the same criteria as those she got the ban for. Creating Dupe-accounts and trying to tell us we're the bad ones made any form of a chance for redemption in her case extremely slim. These cases are in no way comparable, since Franky House behaved very cooperative in the timespan of the ban, as soon as we got them 'charged'. Besides a few uninformed _unrelated_ persons posting FH scanlations, there were no complications. I don't know how it is in whichever country you live in, but at least here in Germany there's something like "letting imprisoned criminals back into the public in the event they've shown that the penalty served its purpose and the chance for them doing the same thing over is close to none."
#61. by yoniekai ()
Posted on May 29, 2008
name1, let it go, they've been clean. much cleaner than Yume (she did create dupe accts and even bashed MH from afar). trust me, FH is CLEAN, i've been downloading their stuff for a while and as a scanlator myself i know a group's style, if its stolen or not. ban them worse if ever they cross the line.
#62. by  ()
Posted on May 29, 2008
You're missing the point. They ALREADY crossed the line. They stole cleans, then they stole a translation. Why should they get a third chance to steal? Also, your opinion is fairly useless to me as you are / where part of Franky-House. So, stop playing the "Let's give them another chance then another chance then another chance" They got one, they they were perma banned. Now they have reversed this and quite frankly it sucks.
#63. by fxu ()
Posted on May 29, 2008
This is better than soap-operas *gets popcorn and sits back*
#64. by nxlouco ()
Posted on May 29, 2008
xD True That...... Hey name01 Wanna Be My Lawyer?
#65. by Uozumi ()
Posted on May 29, 2008
I believe in "forgiveness and redemption," however, I do not like the idea of lifting this ban. Franky House did not break the rules only once, which might merrit a second chance, but broke them up to two times that we are aware of. I think that reinstating them is weak upon the parts of the admins here. Yes, having a fast scanlation team on manga might boost the site popularity, but disregarding why the ban was placed in the first place is odd. It will be interesting to see if Franky House can abide by the rules this time around, but to be honest, I think that there's no point in punishment if the punishment cannot be carried out in full as per the rules.
#66. by yoniekai ()
Posted on May 29, 2008
@name1: im not part of franky house anymore, i quit months ago, i had a fallout with venicia honestly. wait how you know that, means you've been here for a long time.... ;\ what's your problem with giving them a chance anyway? how would it affect you? where you banned before, if you were, you can bring up your issue again to the mods and ask for an agreement like FH. would it affect the community? you dont really think something like franky-house shakes the foundation of scanlations do you? if my opinion is useless then so is yours, what makes you more credible than me? and you're even hiding your identity. stop arguing with me, or everyone here, talk to a mod
#67. by  ()
Posted on May 29, 2008
I looked at your posts to find out who you were a scanlator for. Your first post is about Franky-House. Mangahelpers forever has been a place for translators first, scanlators second. That is also what has kept it alive regardless of competition, etc. njt and mangahelpers has until recently, had taken a very serious stance on stealing translations and any work. Now it appears they are attempting to shift focus off of translations and onto scanlations as this move removes mangahelper's reputation of upholding translators/scanlators wishes. Either they stopped caring about the wishes of the people who provide content to this site. Or this is a misjudgment on their part.
#68. by manu ()
Posted on May 29, 2008
lols at the nobody thinking we care about his opinion. Maybe if the translators held any ill will to FH youd have a point but no translator has complained. Only a few scanlators (understandable seeing as how scanlating is stressful) and some damn noob. This isnt your forum, and it wasnt a decision up for discussion. you lost all credibilty as soon as you brought up Yume, I suggest you stop the flaming before you get banned.
#69. by bax ()
Posted on May 29, 2008
[quote] So, stop playing the "Let's give them another chance then another chance then another chance" They got one, they they were perma banned. Now they have reversed this and quite frankly it sucks.[/quote] What is it for you to gain from continuing the ban? As I already said, they already apologized, they behaved well and no reports of them repeating it. You talk about Yume, Yume was given 3 chances. Yes, 3 chances, as far as I remember. And yes, like manu said, this isn't about Yume. It's about FH. Now gaining is a subjective matter, depends on how you perceive it. People can get more options with more scanlations, can read more series, have access to more recommendations, etc. If you really think that punishment is for eternity, then it's sad for the people who have changed, being condemned for life. And you talk like that the unbanning has some effects on you. Why though?
#70. by  ()
Posted on May 30, 2008
MangaHelpers is free to do what it wants. And people are free to be opposed to their new found sense of justice and rehabilitation.
#71. by bax ()
Posted on May 30, 2008
Do you have details and proof that it has changed? It has never been changed. If you're really interested, people who were banned have opportunities to say about their case in a special forum. There they can say their part and give us any details pertaining to the issue. Depends on the circumstances, some of them had their ban lifted on the spot, some were shorten and for some, nothing changed (the ban type/period). Yes, you can oppose it. Sure. If bad comes to worse, then we're the ones who will carry it. Unless the unbanning will affect you somehow.
#72. by Nimloth (よろず屋 / Yorozuya)
Posted on May 30, 2008
People with such strong opinions should also be posting their comments on their main account and persona instead of hiding behind an "anon" flaming account. Don't you think?
#73. by bycker89 ()
Posted on May 30, 2008
:O good notice ^^
#74. by Kanzar ()
Posted on May 30, 2008
No, they don't have to. Why should someone displaying a 'more' anonymous persona be any less listened to than a post by their 'real' name? It doesn't matter who says it, as long as it is said. If you should think less of name1's posts just because they are posting under a generic name, then under the same logic, I should think less of you for not posting under your real life name. A permanent ban should be as the name suggests - permanent. As Manga Helpers thinks this is worth the risk - and the potential backlash should anything happen (touch wood it doesn't) - then it is up to them to shoulder the burden. There are going to be some of you who will be able to say 'I TOLD YOU SO' if it happens. You can bask in the glory of your self-righteousness then.
#75. by Odinn ()
Posted on May 30, 2008
really name1 quit bitching franky house is a huge organisation and if one person in the organisation steals why should the organisation be penalised when it actively discourages stealing and punishes the individuals culpable. whats your beef with FH anyway, i mean there are ppl who have stated their distrust but not near as much as you, really is it that important if they repeat ban them again and i doubt there will be a huge increase in traffic in either direction, i mean in my 6+ years of online reading i've found sites that substitute just fine, if a little slower than. hell, naruto chuushin worked well till it folded for a while, while they put mangaviewer up. trust me if both MH and FH failed today it wouldnt mean much, some slower manga for a month. groups like Null and Illuminati have been holding the scanlating fort for far longer than MH and FH combined. Well said Kanzar. Well said btw I am a newb scanlator for FH and go by the same name (by coincidence), tho i do have different names elsewhere.
#76. by Koen (Celestial Belgian)
Posted on May 30, 2008
@name1: you're right if you're saying that It's MHs decision for lifting a ban up. You're also right in giving your opinion about not agreeing to unlifting a ban. A discussion is about more than one person, otherwise it would be a monologue. But let me ask you some things and please answer to the questions: 1. Did you just register for criticising: a MH policy for unlifting the ban? Why I ask? Well imo it's very strange you have 0 posts, you just registered recently. 2. Are you a scan reader? Are you a translator? Are you a scanlator? or are you some of them in 1? Why? Because your reactions are always so emotional and personal. You always opposes F-H and MHs decision on what could be called, depend your point of view, rational arguments. But it's here where I am disturbed you take rational arguments but on a personal way. I think others will feel that way. Is it something personal?
#77. by Crayola ()
Posted on May 30, 2008
maybe you guys should just lock this down...
#78. by Koen (Celestial Belgian)
Posted on May 30, 2008
Forgot one thing, Why I mainly asks this name1: because you critize MH policy. Okay you can oppose this decision. But you're a member from, what I would have called, the decision day. You didn't say anything on the ban days? It doesn't feel right. eg: would you like that a student, who has never been to classes (compare it to being guest of MH) suddenly comes for his first time to a class (suddenly he's takes part in tha class) and opposes the professor because he comes back on a certain decision (let's say leaving out some pages for an exam). That doesn't feel right no?
#79. by  ()
Posted on May 30, 2008
My opinions where made clear during the banning.
#80. by makhan ()
Posted on May 30, 2008
[quote]yay, I'm glad that crap is finally over. Apologies and explanations were issued on FH's site shortly after the incident. While on one hand, I supported MH's ban, on the other hand I'm really glad it's over, because the vast majority of the people that work there are great. WB guys =)[/quote] Wow, man, you're still alive? :D Good too see you, how are you? :D [quote]The vast majority of people going into FH are only looking for Shounen Jump scanlations (i.e. Naruto, Bleach, OP, etc.) whereas the focus of MH has readily shifted to a more broad spectrum of manga genres[/quote] I'll give you a hint: the vast majority of people going into MH are looking for Shounen Jump scanlations XD. And the only Shounen Jump series FH is releasing are One Piece and Bleach :p (sometimes also ES21 and Naruto, but I think OP is the only one released regularly). Plus at least 15 other series XD (maybe a bit slow cause our editors are busy with school). And I don't think Shounen Jump series is what pains you XD [quote]I'm not a huge fan of Franky House in light of their underhanded attempts to sabotage Binktopia and their majority role in ending Kylara's raws...[/quote] Well, I don't know much about that, I'm not active lately anyway so I'm not up to date with all this conspiracy thing XD Is there any post explaining it, I like reading accusations and insults :p BTW, I don't think I had the chance to thank you for the tutorial, it's pretty good work :] (to make myself clear I'm a pretty careless person, I don't have any ill feelings to anyone and when I read scanlations I don't really care who scanlated it; and I'm friendly to every scanlator, especially a girl XD) [quote]Forgot one thing, Why I mainly asks this name1: because you critize MH policy. Okay you can oppose this decision. But you're a member from, what I would have called, the decision day. You didn't say anything on the ban days? It doesn't feel right. eg: would you like that a student, who has never been to classes (compare it to being guest of MH) suddenly comes for his first time to a class (suddenly he's takes part in tha class) and opposes the professor because he comes back on a certain decision (let's say leaving out some pages for an exam). That doesn't feel right no?[/quote] I think he just wants to stay anonymous, he may have a clone somewhere here O_O (attack of the clones 2.0 XD) @name1: It's really edifying what you say :D It's really nice getting so much response from fans ^_^ BTW, I have a proposition for you. If you want FH to get permanent ban, just join FH as a scanlator and post someone else's page as yours. You can be sure we won't cross-check it with all releases. Too trustful, ain't we? How stupid of us XD
#81. by Kanzar ()
Posted on May 30, 2008
I do believe part of name1's ire comes from the fact that other users/groups banned 'permanently' are not given the same treatment. Of course, it has been mentioned that some of those have engaged in annoyance tactics such as ban evasion. But somehow I don't think *all* of them are. But yes. A punishment being removed like this... is setting a dangerous precedent that you can get away with anything here at MH, since they 'don't really mean it when they perma ban you'. At least, that's the message being sent. Even if FH has stayed clean, continues to stay clean, provides (substandard) raws... the community will only look at the surface and go 'OH HAI SCANLATION STEALERS AREN'T PUNISHED!!1!!!!1!!!oneoneone!!'. And yes, the raws are substandard. Yes, I've been leaving tips to the scanner on the FH forums, so at least they've started putting something behind the pages when scanning.
#82. by Odinn ()
Posted on May 31, 2008
actually FH has adopted the same standards as MH (prob copy an paste^^) but the fact FH has so many newbies its hard to keep the speed and the standards, well mainly the standards but yeah. FH is more a training group but we do try to get the scans out at about the same time as bink
#83. by Kanzar ()
Posted on May 31, 2008
I said raws, not scanlation.
#84. by kirimi ()
Posted on May 31, 2008
Just a short note. A permanent ban of any active account is a big deal. We do not issue permanent bans without a thorough investigation and discussion among the entire global mod staff. Therefore, each perm ban of an *active* account (i.e. not including duplicate accounts (HINT HINT) and spam bots) is taken on a case-by-case basis. Please don't compare one perm ban to another. You do not know and cannot know the entire history causing a perm ban.
#85. by Odinn ()
Posted on May 31, 2008
my bad i was half asleep when replying though my comment still stands as FH scan quality has been brought up earlier
#86. by OZ-900 ()
Posted on May 31, 2008
[quote]This is better than soap-operas *gets popcorn and sits back*[/quote] XD very true this thread is my new addiction dont lock it please XD
#87. by LadyHatake (Aristocratic Assassin)
Posted on May 31, 2008
Look, everyone, the decision has been made, whether you agree with it or not. I've been a mod for almost 2 years here (well, it'll be 2 years in August) most of which time I've been a global/black-op. In that whole time, I can honestly say that each and every case of translation/scan/art stealing has been discussed in depth, almost ad nauseam, in order to make fair and accurate decisions for each case. This also goes for any other problems, such as flamers, spammers, etc etc. Don't assume you know everything about our decisions. The discussions among the globals, black-ops and admins is detailed, thorough, and quite expansive. We may post a news announcement regarding the situation and an explanation for our decision, but that's it. We don't post every PM, every piece of evidence that has helped us come to that decision. There's a lot that goes on behind the scenes that no one sees. So, again, don't make assumptions as to why we make our decisions or how we make them. I understand that part of this upset comes from what seems like a double-standard, but if every person who'd been perm-banned from MH were to show growth, change, and acknowledge their wrong-doing, we'd probably un-ban them as well. That being said, as far as I know, none have. That's why this case seems unprecedented. What FH did was wrong; I won't begrudge anyone that point. But time has passed, lessons have been learned, and it's time to bring the manga community back together again. If something else happens, then we will take responsibility for it AT THAT TIME. Until then, I suggest a bit of faith. Criticize our decision all you want, but if you have that severe of a problem with it, then I suggest you go elsewhere.
#88. by Jinoh ()
Posted on May 31, 2008
one question, does this mean every scangroup that gets banned for theft gets a red carpet rolled out after theyre unbanned?
#89. by makhan ()
Posted on May 31, 2008
hi gin0va, didn't see you in a while, how ya been? :D
#90. by bax ()
Posted on May 31, 2008
[quote]one question, does this mean every scangroup that gets banned for theft gets a red carpet rolled out after theyre unbanned?[/quote] What exactly you mean by red carpet? They get the same treatment after the unbanning like everyone.
#91. by LadyHatake (Aristocratic Assassin)
Posted on May 31, 2008
By red carpet do you mean us announcing their return in a news post? I believe the purpose of our announcement was to head off questions from everyone when FH releases re-appeared in R/T/S threads, among other things. Instead of everyone sending a flood of PMs, posts, etc, to the admins asking why FH was being allowed, it was easier to say it all at once so that everyone knew, rather than having to answer each inquiry separately. It was a big decision, and a news post is the best way to let everyone know.
#92. by Jinoh ()
Posted on May 31, 2008
Ah, I was just wondering because it all seemed to friendly with eachoter :P I didnt mean anything bad with it though. :P @Makhan, Hey Makhan, indeed long time no see Im doing fine, thanks, how about you?
#93. by makhan ()
Posted on May 31, 2008
I'm ok :D
#94. by Ardus ()
Posted on Jun 1, 2008
[quote]Urgh... humans are just rotten.[/quote]
#95. by Succubus ()
Posted on Jun 1, 2008
just lock it down *facepalm*
#96. by freaky2 ()
Posted on Jun 1, 2008
Great! I'm glad Franky House is back^^
#97. by fluke32 ()
Posted on Jun 2, 2008
HAHAHA, too much drama to bear from Name1.:XD @Name1 Look, I'd tone down things a little if I were you. Coz, what your doing is what most would call an abuse of the anonymity of the net. We don't know you, you have no posts from this forum for us to see your credibility and character, and even less ways of knowing if you are to be taken seriously. Don't go mouthing off franky-house. Try building your own group from scratch and keep it intact for 2-3 years. It's a lot of work, and sometimes, there's too much work for some members that they would resort to some drastic measures at times. But that just means those members are just incompetent, and can't handle the job. So if those individuals no longer associated with the group, what's the point of pinning a crime to the innocent?
#98. by  ()
Posted on Jun 2, 2008
As for the attack. Yeah, I don't like thieves I figured that was obvious. As for abusing the anonymity of the internet, who doesn't do that. Also, I am not really anonymous, mods and staff have my ip's they can track my location and with some court orders find out my real name. Since you know nothing about me. How do you know I am not njt, or the leader of M7 or maybe japflap. Bad talking another group is just a PR nightmare. So please. If you don't know who i am. Stop making assumptions on who I am not. So until you can prove that I have not started my own group worked up from the bottom for years then I'll keep bad talking them. As for blaming the innocent, they let it happen. Therefore they are not innocent. If the police hire a bad cop and he beats someone to death. Yes it's the officers fault but it's also the department's fault. They let it happen. Also. Please point to the heart felt "We are sorry and we fired the people who did that" post. As I have not seen it. I saw a post where they played the sympathy card three times, and quoted the bible. So unless that makes them ohh so sorry and I some how missed the sincerity of the whole event then I am sorry. Otherwise they still have failed to learn from their mistakes and half their staff don't even know why they where banned. I am sure they can learn from past mistakes when they don't even know what they are.
#99. by Nimloth (よろず屋 / Yorozuya)
Posted on Jun 2, 2008
[quote]Also, I am not really anonymous, mods and staff have my ip's they can track my location and with some court orders find out my real name.[/quote] Hah. Don't really care about your real name, but I'm Christopher - surname listed in the footer if you care to know. I know who your other alias is, so no need for formal (re)introductions. I do suggest, however, that if you have to hide behind an alternate name to say what you think, then what you think is not really suited for this comments listing. This is, after all, a friendly community website. If you have feedback in regards to the administration of this website, I'm sure bax, njt, or any of the other administrators will indulge you privately. Ciao :]
#100. by OEE ()
Posted on Jun 4, 2008
Welcome back Franky House!
#101. by fluke32 ()
Posted on Jun 4, 2008
@Name1 Well, for certain, I have no means of knowing who you are, and the same goes for anyone else have no means of knowing exactly who everyone else here. But there's always one thing that would make each persons voice matter more to the rest, and that's credibility, which is something you lack. Anonymity is something unaccountable over the internet, but credibility is something each person can build upon and makes him/her distinct through posting messages in that community. While credibility can be seen for most of the posters of comments for this article, you sir don't have enough credibility. That said, I can be certain that you are not anyone prominent in this community since your attitude embedded in your comments doesn't even come near to any other person here with a level of authority. As for not being really anonymous, your dead wrong there. Even if people know your IP, and can gain access to information about you through power of attorney, you are still anonymous since everyone here who have seen you posts can say that they don't know who you are until someone reveals personal information for us. As for the sympathatetic interpretation of my "what's the point of pinning a crime to the innocent?" comment, I sincerely hope that you're not going to say that you're really right when you said that "it's also their fault for letting it happen". It's like saying the people of US is also responsible for Bush's "inadvertent invasion of Iraq due to intelligence reports of Weapons of Mass Destruction that are yet to be found" because as you say "they let it happen". Besides, you have no idea as well just like the rest of us on exactly what F-H has done after the infraction was dealt, and how they strive to correct the situation. I will believe in bax, njt, zindryr, and the rest of the authoritative figures of this community on their decision on this because they are the ones who directly knows what has transpired, what measures were taken, and what is the best for the community. PS. I seriously advise you to avoid using an argument like "it's their fault for letting it happen" because it has a redundant and completely flawed logic behind it.
#102. by  ()
Posted on Jun 4, 2008
While I don't want to get into US politics. It is the American people's fault that Bush got elected... twice. You have a democracy. That means, who ever gets voted in, is your responsibility.
#103. by Anon ()
Posted on Jun 4, 2008
mehh, I'll edit my post since I didn't mean only Bink but everyone that knows about scripting, and the thing everyone says is that it's a trade secret...Well I want to improve my cleaning since I hit a wall, but that's not gonna happen as I said. Anyways I don't wanna pull anyone into this so I'm editing it ^^ WB Franky-House
#104. by zidane ()
Posted on Jun 4, 2008
"well I have to add that if we had a way to learn scripting and not make it a secret like Bink and MS do it....it would help out a lot as well, not only FH but every other SS group out there...it's stupid that Bink and MS keep that as a secret and no release a tutorial for that, or anyone else that knows how to script for that matter as well....coz that would be a step quuality and standard wise for the whole manga community ^^ " HAHA...just...HAHA :D really, that was a nice joke, now i can sleep peacefully... well, maybe i can't... please don't bring in MS in this whole thing, we ain't contacted in anyway... and don't blame other people for your unability... maybe i'll regret this last sentence, and bluds may slap me around for that again, but it's simply the thruth... (didn't mean you directly though) i just...can't believe that you just posted that... *i'm getting a headache from thinking about that, good n8... i'll need to rest... edit: nearly forgot, didn't came to say that yet... Welcome Back Franky-House... though you ain't the same anymore...
#105. by bludshock ()
Posted on Jun 4, 2008
[quote]well I have to add that if we had a way to learn scripting and not make it a secret like Bink and MS do it....it would help out a lot as well, not only FH but every other SS group out there...it's stupid that Bink and MS keep that as a secret and no release a tutorial for that, or anyone else that knows how to script for that matter as well....coz that would be a step quuality and standard wise for the whole manga community ^^[/quote] Anon, since you insist I will humor you with a reply. Maybe you forgot but I actually did have a tutorial up for how I used to clean when MangaShare was releasing. I've had several FrankyHouse members thank me for it over time and it was obvious that a lot of you guys used it as a starting point. I even donated to FrankyHouse when you guys needed it. I became less charitable in sharing with you guys when you stabbed me in the back by picking up -everything- my group was doing and then trying to force us out of speed JUMP by getting in bed with [large site that I won't pull into this], convincing them that WE we the ones with underhanded tactics and needed to be stopped; gaining raws 10 hours before Kylara could even buy them (subsequently ending her consistent raws and screwing every other speed group). There's a whole story there that doesn't need to be public but I knew everything that went on... Naturally people assume that this whole china mess is our fault since only a week later we responded by getting an earlier provider, but the truth is actually pretty shady on your end isn't it. Maybe you have this impression that we have some magical script that does everything for us and that's why we release so fast. Another notch on the long list of FH paranoias. A lot of work went into developing our precleans; thatbabo is always improving on his and mine and kylara's is the result of trial and error dating back to December. Even with that it only supplements our cleaning, it doesn't do the job for us. There's no script in existence that will ever fully clean the blacks, make the grays look nice and redraw borders all at once. Call us whatever you will but you've given me no reason to take the time out of my day to teach you guys how to clean.
#106. by  ()
Posted on Jun 5, 2008
Oh snap...
#107. by MadDog ()
Posted on Jun 5, 2008
How yah feeling? Suppah~~~~~~!!!! Welcome back FH.
#108. by bax ()
Posted on Jun 5, 2008
People, keep your internal disputes off this news post. This news post is never meant for you guys to attack each other. Anon, if you have problems with Bink, the best way to do it is to contact them directly. MH is not a place for discussions between disputing parties, unless it happened on MH and merit an open discussion on it (this never been done anyway). Thanks.
#109. by Tias ()
Posted on Jun 5, 2008
They can simply just not steal things in the future then, what happend to them is somethign they deserved : / and lets hope they learnd something out of this
#110. by nezzziel ()
Posted on Jun 5, 2008
I am so glad this conflict is over. There really wasnt anything good that would come from a bitter relationship.
#111. by C4animax ()
Posted on Jun 6, 2008
At first i didn't remember that team, neither did i remember they were banned from this...Since it seems BIG enough i start reading a link someone posted and learn that it's in fact a matter of scanlation/cleans... I get used to see people claiming that the cleaned scanlation is their property even if in fact it doesnt and belong to the only creator of the serie...and that sanction would be taken if someone break the rule... so well, i can only support the decision even if that only applies to this case... ^_^ ...more scanlations means more choices, that's always good. Still, the art of making something insignificant to something huge...
#112. by Crayola ()
Posted on Jun 6, 2008
[quote]Call us whatever you will but you've given me no reason to take the time out of my day to teach you guys how to clean.[/quote] Oooh, ooh, I don't want to ask you to teach me to clean. But you can do it for me, so i don't gotta.
#113. by bludshock ()
Posted on Jun 6, 2008
Tempting. That comment was @ his comment though, unless I missed something.
#114. by yoniekai ()
Posted on Jun 6, 2008
Wow, I am so glad I'm not active in the field anymore. *kaching* Anyway like blud said there is no godlike script, honestly I have gripes with all the cleaning scripts with all groups, that's why I just prefer to just clean using tankos where the alterations to the original page is near 0%
#115. by fxu ()
Posted on Jun 7, 2008
Oh? And that's called cleaning?! LOL
#116. by huntermrb ()
Posted on Jun 7, 2008
welcome back !!! FH
#117. by slimpickins ()
Posted on Jun 7, 2008
I don't see much difference between stealing cleans vs. the fact that we all use stolen material. in fact using the works of other people is probably worse. If someone wants my cleans, go for it. I'd be a hypocrit if I got mad about it, since I don't pay the mangaka or publication companies, I am a thief for stealing and altering their work. At least franky house was punished. So welcome back franky house, use my cleans all you want, credit would be nice, but if not, who cares. =)
#118. by C4animax ()
Posted on Jun 8, 2008
[quote]#117. by slimpickins (Scanlator) [Permalink] Posted on 2008-06-07 04:29:14 I don't see much difference between stealing cleans vs. the fact that we all use stolen material. in fact using the works of other people is probably worse. If someone wants my cleans, go for it. I'd be a hypocrit if I got mad about it, since I don't pay the mangaka or publication companies, I am a thief for stealing and altering their work. At least franky house was punished. So welcome back franky house, use my cleans all you want, credit would be nice, but if not, who cares. =) [/quote] Quoted for truth.
#119. by miyagiCE ()
Posted on Jun 8, 2008
Oh snap! Here I was thinking about adding a little oil to the fire by stating something I fittingly noticed two days ago. It was on the day FH put out their latest Fairy Tail chapter (89), which had been released by NS two days prior to that. Since Binktopia has ceased releasing the title I had been getting my fix from the various suppliers that exist, and since I still had to decide on whom to stick with (seeing how Whatever sadly only did a chapter or two), I decided to make a page-by-page comparison of the aforementioned chapter. And now for the big news: *drumrolls and trumpets* Six (6) of the pages used in both scanlations were based off the very same initial clean (cf. p. 9-11 & 16-18). Even the typesetting was exactly the same, except for italicizing some parts and changing the typeface to WildWords what was originally BadaBoom. ... Then I noticed that a certain individual was involved in the process of creating both scanlations, as stated on the respective credit pages. However I am almost certain there will be more than a few people who will start posting replies to this without even reading this last paragraph. So much for trying to troll around. :/
#120. by mab ()
Posted on Jun 11, 2008
^about ur oil in the fire NS are cleaners from FH and they start their own group but they still help FH in that area so there were nothing wrong their :D

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