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Gintama 70

A Life without Gambling is like Sushi without Wasabi

+ posted by Amzy as translation on Mar 27, 2009 01:52 | Go to Gintama

-> RTS Page for Gintama 70

Note: For Maximum7.

Gintama chapter 70

Page 47

Text: 第七十訓
Chapter 70

- どちら様も
are you ready?

- ちょうか、はんかァ!!
Even or odd!?

- ちょう!

- はん!

- はん!

- はん!

Gintoki/Hasegawa: ちょおォォォォ!!

Page 48

Title: 第七十訓
Chapter 70
A Life without Gambling is like Sushi without Wasabi

page 49

Gintoki: いやぁ~ 冬じゃなくて良かったな。凍えるところだったぜ。
Aahh~ It’s a good thing that it’s not winter. We’d be frozen.

Hasegawa: そーだな。財布の方は一足早く冬を迎えちまったがな。
You’re right, but it’s an early winter in our wallets.

Gintoki: いやぁ~ ホントついてるぜ。
Aahh~ We’re really lucky.

Hasegawa: そーだな。ついてるな。貧乏神的なモンが絶対ついてるな。
You’re right. We’re lucky. We’re absolutely lucky with the God of Poverty or something like that.

Hasegawa: そーいや。最近、左肩が重いんだよね。意味もなく。
You know, my left shoulder feels heavy recently. I don’t get what it means.
It feels like the God of Poverty or something is riding on it.

Small text: 曲がってない?左肩なんか曲がってない?
Isn’t it crooked? Isn’t my left shoulder crooked?

Gintoki: 気にしすぎなんだよ。陰気なツラしてたら、ツキも逃げまちまうぜ。
You’re worrying too much about it. If you put on a gloomy face, your luck will run away from you, you know.

It’s the same with me too. Recently, I’ve been seeing an ominous old man holding a huge scythe, but I stopped worrying about it.

Hasegawa: それは気にしたほうがいいと思う!!
I think that’s something you should be worried about!!

Gintoki: ホラ。言ってるそばから
Look. As soon as I said that…

Gintoki: アンタのうしろに…
Behind you…

Page 50

Hasegawa: ギャアアアアアアア!!
Evil spirit, disperse! Ghost, surrender! Elohim Essaim! Tekumaku Mayako-san!

Hasegawa: ぬお!!

Kanbei: …ついてるだ。ついてるねーだ。
“I’m lucky. I’m not lucky.”
To think like that, are you guys really gamblers?

Gintoki: ?こいつァ、俺達がひっぺがされた着物。
? These are the clothes that were taken from us.

Kanbei: ババアの炊き出しじゃねーんだ。持ってるだけじゃツキは回ってこねーよ。
This isn’t like your grandmother’s cooking. Your luck won’t change if you just wait.
You have to win the heart of the Goddess of Gambling yourself.

Page 51

- おおおおおおお!!

- スゲーよ、あの男!!さっきから勝ちまっくてるぞ!!何者だ!!
That man is amazing! He’s been winning all this time! Who is he!?

- オイ、アレ。あの顔の傷…もしかして
Hey, look at that. That wound on his face... Perhaps…
That’s Kanbei, the fortune teller.

- ツキヨミ?
A fortune teller?

- 恐るべき強運をもつ伝説の博徒。
He’s a gambler who has terrifyingly good luck.
Like his name implies, he can read the flow of luck, they say.
No matter the odds against him, he completely changes it by reading the flow. It’s the charisma of a gambler.

- 確か、しばらく江戸から姿消してたはずだが
If I remember correctly, he disappeared from Edo for a while.
I can’t believe I’m seeing him with my own eyes.

Page 52

Hasegawa: …伝説の博徒だかなんだかしらんだが、ギャンブルの女神がこんな尻軽だったとはよ。
I don’t know if he’s a legendary gambler or whatever, but to think the Goddess of Gambling was this loose.
No matter how desperately I wooed her, she wouldn’t even look at me.

Gintoki: 妻帯者には興味ねーんだろ。
She’s probably not interested in married men.

Hasegawa: ハツなんて実家に帰ったきり全然帰ってこねーよ。
Hatsu hasn’t come home since she left for her parents’ home.
It’s probably alright to be reckless for just one night.

Gintoki: ああいうワイルドなカンジが好きなのかね?女神様は。
Maybe the Goddess likes that sort of wild thing?

Hasegawa: ああそーだ。きっとそーだ。ワイルドでいってみよう。
Ah, you’re right. You’re certainly right. Let’s try things the wild way.

- ちょうか、はんか!
Even or odd!?

Gintoki/Hasegawa: ちょオオオオ!!

Gintoki: …なんだ。何が悪いんだ。ワイルドさが足りねーのか。
What is this? What did we do wrong? Were we not wild enough?
Should we have given off more of a “I don’t care about myself” kind of impression? Hasegawa-san, take off your underwear.

Hasegawa:  オイオイ。いいけど、あんまワイルドじゃねーぞ。俺のはどっちかっつーとマイルドだ。
Hey, hey. It’s fine, but I’m not that wild, you know. I’m milder than that.

Kanbei: アンタら何してるんだァァ!!
What are you guys doing!?

Kanbei: 人がせっかく着物とりかえしてやったのに。バカかァァァ!!
A person went through a lot of trouble to get back your clothes! Are you idiots!?
Go home already! You guys aren’t cut out to be gamblers!

Hasegawa: アンタが勝手にやったことだろ。頼んだ覚えはねぇ。
You did that on your own, didn’t you? I don’t remember asking you to do it.

Gintoki: それともアレか。ワイルドさに垣間見える、その優しさが女神をおとすコツなのか。大層なもんだなコノヤロー。健康に気をつけてよ。
Or is it that? With kindness and a little bit of wildness, you make the goddess fall for you? How wonderful, you bastard. Watch out for your health.

Kanbei: 無理矢理優しさ、垣間見せてじゃねーよ!!
I’m not showing you forced kindness!!

Page 53

Kanbei: ギャンブルやってる奴にはなァ、二種類の人間がいる。
When it comes to gamblers, there are two types.

Kanbei: 一つは単純に博打が好きな奴。
The first type is the person who simply likes to gamble.
The second type is the person who likes the part of himself that gambles.

Kanbei: 後者がタチが悪い。無茶な賭けをする自分に陶酔してやがて持ち崩す。
The nature of the latter is bad. He destroys himself when he becomes obsessed with the part of himself that makes absurd gambles.
The skillful ones make safe gambles. They won’t cross a dangerous bridge until they know it’s safe.

Kanbei: 俺の見たところ、アンタらは二だ。
From what I saw, you guys are the second type.
I’m not saying anything bad about you. I’m just saying you guys should stop gambling.

Hasegawai: 二じゃねーよ。三だ。
We’re not the second type. We’re the third type.

Kanbei: ねーよ、そんなもん。
That type doesn’t exist.

Hasegawa: ある。切実に金がほしい奴だ。楽してな。
It does. It’s the person who desperately wants money easily.

Kanbei: 働けェェェ!!
Work for it!!

Gintoki: お前に労働者の気持ちがわかるか。ギャンブラーなんざ遊び人みてーなもんじゃねーか。
Do you even understand the feelings of a laborer? Gamblers are people who just play around, aren’t they?

Hasegawa: いや。違うな。
No, you’re wrong.
Life itself is like a gamble and everyone is a gambler.

Gintoki: うるせーよ。
Shut up.

Kanbei: とにかく、ギャンブラーとしては神聖な賭場でパンツ一丁は気分がよくねーェ。
Anyway, the atmosphere is unpleasant when there are gamblers wearing only their underwear in this sacred gambling den.
If you defile this place even more, I won’t forgive you.

Gintoki: ………妙な野郎だな。
…What a strange fellow.

Page 54

Kanbei: あれェェェェェェ!!
How did things end up like this!?

Kanbei: 何をどこで間違った?
Where did I go wrong?

Gintoki: オウオウ。神聖な賭場を???一丁で汚していいのかね?
Oh, oh. Is it really okay to defile this sacred gambling den by only wearing your underwear?

Kanbei: ぬっ。
It’s you guys.

Gintoki: おまけに、イカサマで自分の名前まで汚しちまって。どう思うよ、長谷川さん?
To make matters worse, you defile your own name by cheating. What do you think of this, Hasegawa-san?

Hasegawa: 手品でギャンブルの女神を口説くなんざ姑息だよ、姑息。
Wooing the Goddess of Gambling with dishonesty is unsophisticated, I tell you, unsophisticated.
I’m shocked by you legendary gamblers.

Page 55

Kanbei: ……フン。
I told you, didn’t I? You have to grab hold of your own luck.

Gintoki: オイ。もうダンデイー路線は無理だ。自分の格好を見る。
Hey. You can’t tell us what to do. Take a look at yourself.

Kanbei: しかしお前ら、本当に悪運が強いらしいな。
But you guys sure do have really bad luck.
My luck was also taken away somehow.

Hasegawa: だからよ~ 一つお願いしますよ。
Anyway, just do us a favor~
Can’t you please blow away our bad luck with your tricks and make us some money?
We’ll stay quiet about it~

- お客様~

- ちょっとこちらに来ていただかますか?
Will you please come with us?

- いや~ ホント憑いてるな~ 僕たちって。
Aah~ We really are lucky, aren’t we?

Princess: ほう。
Are these the men who tried to swindle my gambling den?

Page 56

Princess: たいした度胸じゃのう。
How bold of you.

Princess: このかぶき町四天王が一人孔雀姫、華陀を出し抜こうとは…
Trying to get away with deceiving the one and only Peacock Princess of Kabuki Town’s Four Gods…
Are you prepared to die?

Hasegawa: 待て待て!俺達はイカサマなんて…
Wait, wait! We didn’t cheat—

Princess: 言い訳がましい男は嫌いじゃ。
I hate men who make excuses.
And you call yourself a gambler?

Gintoki: オイオイ。随分とおっかねー女神様だな。
Hey, hey. What a frightening Goddess.

Kanbei: かぶき町のほとんどの賭場をしきる女豹よ。
She’s a tigress who controls most of the gambling dens in Kabuki Town.

Kanbei: アレの縄張りでトラブった奴で生きて帰ってきた奴はいねェ。
Those who cause trouble in her territory never make it back alive.
At this rate, we’ll be at the bottom of the ocean too.

Page 57

Princess: ん?どこかで見た顔だと思うたら。
Hmm? I thought I had seen your face before.
You are Kanbei… Kanbei the Fortune Teller, are you not?

Princess: ほォ。あの江戸で最強をうたわれた伝説のギャンブラーがただのイカサマ師だったとは。
Hou. Edo’s well-respected legendary gambler is merely a professional swindler.
Your name has reached even my planet…
telling of a man who overcame every challenge by reading luck.

Kanbei: 昔の話さ。
That’s a thing of the past.
My eye is already closed and I can’t see anything anymore.
I’m just a swindler now.

Princess: ほォ。
So you were able to see luck with your closed right eye… How interesting.

Princess: 風の噂できいた。おぬし、五年前にある大博打に負け、右眼を失ったと。
Rumors told me that you lost your right eye because you lost a big gamble five years ago.
However, your left eye can’t see what your right eye could.

Princess: ぬしらに最後のチャンスをやろう。
I will give you men one last chance.

- レディース アンド ジェントルメーン!
Ladies and gentlemen!
Tonight, we present the best gamblers to you once again! Let’s watch the show!

Page 58

- 今宵のショーはギャンブラー達が命を賭して行う。
For tonight’s show, the gamblers will be wagering their lives…
On “The Bearded Man’s Predicament”!!

- ルールは簡単!アゴヒゲの樽にギャンブラー達が一本ずつ剣を刺していきます!
The rules are simple! The gamblers will stab one sword at a time into the bearded man’s barrel!
However, out of all of these holes, one hole is connected to a detonator! If they stab the wrong hole, then boom it goes!

- 見事、その穴だけ残し、全ての穴に剣を刺せばギャンブラー達の勝ち!
If they win by avoiding that one hole and stabbing the rest, it’d be amazing!
Will the gamblers be able to save the bearded man’s life!?

Gintoki: ……とんだ茶番だぜ。
…What a mockery this is.

Kanbei: やるしかあるまい。成功すれば俺達を解放してくれるらしいしな。
We have no choice but to do it. If we succeed, she’ll probably release us.

Kanbei: 勿論、失敗すればアゴヒゲもろとも俺達の命も海の藻屑と消えるだろうが。
Of course, if we fail, both ours and the bearded guy’s lives will vanish into the sea.

Gintoki: 一体 何 考えてんだ,あの女?
Just what in the world is that woman thinking?

Kanbei: アレも相当な博打好きだときいた。
I heard she also likes a good gamble.
She probably plans to enjoy watching us struggle.

Page 59

Hasegawa: オイ。なんでよりによって俺がこの役回りなんだ?
Hey. Why of all people did I end up being the victim?

Kanbei: アゴヒゲ危機一髪だからだ。
Because it’s called “The Bearded Man’s Predicament”.

Hasegawa: アゴヒゲならアンタも生えてるだろう。
If we’re talking about bearded men, shouldn’t you be in here too?

Kanbei: お前らが剣を刺してみろ一発でドカンだ。
If you guys were the ones stabbing the swords in, we’d go boom in one try.

Hasegawa: いや。それもそうだが。
Well, that may be true…

Hasegawa: オイぃぃぃぃ!!何、予告もナシにぶっ刺し…って、オメー、五本も刺してんじゃねーかァァァ!!
Oiiiiiii!! Don’t start stabbing the swords in without telling me fir—Eh!? You’ve already stabbed in five!?

Gintoki: こんなもん悩んだってじゃーねーんだから、パッパといけばいいんだよ。
Don't worry about this kind of thing and let's just get it over with quickly.

Hasegawa: ふざけんじゃねェェ!!五本刺したってことは少なくとも俺は五回デッドオアアライブをさまよったということだぜ!!
Don’t give me that crap! Stabbing five swords in is like throwing me between life and death five times!!

Kanbei: ごめんなさい。ごめんなさい。ごめんなさい。
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.
I’m really very sorry.

Hasegawa: って、お前もかァァァァァァ!!
Eh!? You too!?
Don't stab swords in while you're mumbling some ominous words!!!

- おおお!!立て続けに剣を刺していく!さすが勝負師!お前たちは恐れをしらないのかァ!?
Ohhh!! They’re starting to stab the swords in one after another! As expected of gamblers! Don’t you guys have any fear!?
These guys don't understand someone else's pain!

Princess: クク。ギャンブラーに必要な要素は一に度胸…それは満たしているな。
Kuku. The first thing a gambler needs is courage and they have that.
However, if that’s all they have, they won’t be able to escape this situation. This gamble is not that simple.

Sfx: カチッ

Page 60

Gintoki: うおわああああ!!

Sfx: しーん

Gintoki: あり?

Hasegawa: てめェェェェェ!ビックリさせんじゃねーよ。口から十二指腸が飛び出るかと思ったぞ!
Bastard! Don’t scare me like that! I thought my insides were going to pop out of my mouth!

Gintoki: うるせェェ!今なんか カチッていったんだよ!戻せ!十二指腸を元の位置に!
Shut up! Just now, I heard a click! And put them back! Put your insides back to where they were!

Kanbei: おちつけ、てめーら。博打において冷静さを失うことは絶対の禁忌だ。
Calm down, men. It’s absolutely bad luck to lose your composure while gambling.
Even if your surroundings were in flames, you have to keep your mind as cool as ice.

Sfx: プシュウウ

Kanbei: あたぱァァァ!!

Gintoki: ぎゃあああ!!

Hasegawa: てめェェェェ、何が冷静だァ?あたぱーなんて叫び声なかなか出てこねーぞ!!
Bastard, what composure!? Don’t ever scream like that again!

Hasegawa: だってプシューはないだろう!プシューが出るとは思わないだろ!口からあたぱーも出るだろ!
There wasn’t a click just now, right!? I don’t think there was a click! It was just your scream!

- おーっと!次々にギャンブラー達をトラップが襲う!
Ohhh! The gamblers are being attacked by traps one after another!

Sfx: ブシャアア

- さすが百戦錬魔のギャンブラー達も戦々恐々だァ!!
Even these veteran gamblers are trembling with fear!!

Gintoki: くそだらァァァ。もうだまされねーぞ!!
Damn it! Stop fooling us already!

Sfx: カチッ

Gintoki: 何がカチッだ!しるかァァ、ボケェ。爆発するならしてみろ!!
What click!? As if I care, idiot! If you’re going to explode, just try it!

Page 61

- 時限スイッチが作動しました。
The time bomb switch has been activated.
Within one minute, you must close up all of the holes except the detonator’s hole or else this barrel will explode.

Hasegawa: ええええええ!!
What have you done!? I’m going to die in one minute!!

Gintoki: 1分だろうーが50年だろーがよォ。
It doesn't matter if it's one minute or 50 years...
一生懸命生きた奴の人生に価値の違いなんてないと思う。オケラだってアメンボだってThere's no difference in the value of life if you lived yours to its fullest. Even for crickets and water striders.

Hasegawa: こんな樽ん中で何を一生懸命やるの!?
How can I be living life to the fullest in this barrel!?

Princess: クク…焦りは冷静な判断を奪う。
Kuku… Impatience makes one lose his calm judgment.
Using your strength and intelligence, what will you do?

Kanbei: 二択だ。
We have an alternative.

Gintoki: このたくさんの穴から安全な穴を探そうなんて考えるな。
So you’ve been thinking about how to find the safe holes from the rest, huh?

Kanbei: 今、自分が向かいあっている穴が
Right now, we don’t know if the holes in front of us are the ones that will send us to Hell or not.
Just think about that while you stab the swords in.

Page 62

- おおおお、なんと勇ましい!時間制限にもおくすることなく次々と刺していくぅ!!
Oohhh! How brave of them! They’re not fazed by the time limit and continue to stab the swords in one after another!
This is a gambler! This is what a gambler is!!

Princess: ここへ来て冷静に…
To have calmly made it this far…
As I thought, he’s not just a swindler.

Princess: だが、本番はこれからじゃ。
However, the real game begins now.

- いよいよだァァ!!
It’s the final moment!
At last, there are only two holes left! This is the last choice they have to make!
- しかし、時間もない。あと20…19…
But there’s no time. 20 seconds left…19 seconds…

Princess: さあ、どうする?
Now, what will you do?

Gintoki: アンタに一つききたかったんだけだよ。
There’s something I wanted to ask you.
Were you really able to read luck with that right eye of yours?

Page 63

Kanbei: ツキが見えれば片眼などにはなっちゃいねーさ。
If I could read luck, I wouldn’t have lost an eye.

- 勘兵衛。
Your companion did an unbelievable thing. How are you going to make up for it?

Kanbei: ただ一つ言えることはよ。
But I’ll tell you one thing.

- そういや、勘兵衛。てめー、大層面白ェ右眼をもってるらしじゃねーか?
Oh yeah, Kanbei. I hear you have a very interesting right eye.
One that could read any kind of luck…

Kanbei: 俺は、いつだって
I’ve never made a choice that I regret.

- 潰せよ。
Crush it.
If you want to save your companion’s life, crush your right eye.

Kanbei: いつだって自分がしたいようにやってきただけだよ。
I’ve always done whatever I wanted to…
…in gambling and in life.

Kanbei: いってこい。
Now come.

Page 64

Kanbei: 右か左二つに一つ。
Right or left? The second or first?

Gintoki: 失敗すりゃ俺もオダブツか。
If I fail, I’ll die too.
Hasegawa-san, if that happens, let’s have a drink together on the other side.

Hasegawa: 安酒はやだぞ。
Just to let you know, I don’t like cheap sake.

Gintoki: 見えた!
I see it!

Gintoki: 右だアアアアアア!!
It’s the right hole!!

Page 65

Gintoki: いっ?

Hasegawa: ええええええ!!左じゃねーかァァァァ!!
Eeehhhhhh!? Isn’t that the left hole!?

Gintoki: ウソ?あり?
No way. Huh?

- お見事ォォォ!ミラクル!まさにミラクルです!!
Splendid! It’s a miracle! It’s certainly a miracle!!

Princess: なんじゃそら。
What was that?

Kanbei: クク…そんなもんさ人生。
Kuku… That’s life.

Page 66

連載―周年突破記念企画 第一回
Serialization Yearly Breakthrough Commemoration Project First Part
Character Popularity Poll Results Presentation
週刊少年ジャンプ2005年 第2号で募集しました。
We are taking applications in Weekly Shounen Jump’s 2005 2nd edition.

第1位 坂田銀時 2,632票
1st place Sakata Gintoki 2,632 votes
第2位 沖田総梧 1,515票
2nd place Okita Sougo 1,515 votes
第3位 土方十四郎 1,512票
3rd place Hijikata Toushirou 1,512 votes
第4位 高杉晋助 1,500票
4th place Takasugi Shinsuke 1,500 votes
第5位 山崎退 1,458票
5th place Yamazaki Sagaru 1,458 votes

Katsura Kotarou
Shimura Shinpachi
Sakamoto Tatsuma
Kondou Isao
Shimura Otae
Hasegawa Taizou
Sorachi Hideaki
Terada Ayano (Otose)
Prince Hata
Sarutobi Ayame
Kimiko (Hamko)
Matsudaira Katakuriko
Tanto - Oonishi
Zurako, Paako
Hiraga Saburou

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Alias: Amzy
Rank: Level [B] Translator
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Translations: 43
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Latest Translations

Date Manga Ch Lang Translator
Dec 8, 2023 Hitoribocchi no... 130 tr McMaster68
Dec 8, 2023 Hitoribocchi no... 129 tr McMaster68
Dec 8, 2023 Hitoribocchi no... 128 tr McMaster68
Dec 8, 2023 Hitoribocchi no... 127 tr McMaster68
Dec 8, 2023 Hitoribocchi no... 126 tr McMaster68
Dec 8, 2023 Hitoribocchi no... 125 tr McMaster68
Dec 8, 2023 Hitoribocchi no... 124 tr McMaster68
Dec 8, 2023 Hitoribocchi no... 123 tr McMaster68
Dec 8, 2023 Hitoribocchi no... 122 tr McMaster68
Dec 3, 2023 D.Gray-Man 249 fr Erinyes