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History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi 234

HSD Kenichi Chapter 234


-> RTS Page for History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi 234

This is my first try at translating an entire chapter. Reposted it in this forum after the MHA translation branch because the guide said I should if I wanted attention, or something. Sorry if it's the wrong thing to do.

Please help/correct my mistakes!

Page 2 is pictures only, page 1 is title page.

Battle 234: Result of the Sparring...

Page 3
Kisara: Ah! That Shirahama boy... did that to Cow-Tits...(ああ!白浜の坊や・・・うしぢちごと・・・)

Ukita: He slammed her into Garyuu X!(我流Xをぶん殴っちまったーっ!!)

Shiratori:Uh...(なぅ・・・[Not sure what to put here...])

Flag Guy(Dunno his name): You... You did it, Captain Shirahama!(や・・・やちまった白浜隊長~っ!!)

Niijima:Hmph...Not bad...(ふ・・・やるじゃないか・・・)/Did the evil within him finally awaken as well?(ついにヤツも悪に目覚めたか?)


Page 4

Koetsuji: Look closely!(よく見たまえ!)

Announcer: Ah, he didn't hit her!! The place where Competitor Fuurinji was changed!(あ、当たってない!!すんでのところでふうりんじせんしゅ、かわしたーっ!)

Kenichi: Aahh! Again...(あああっ!!また・・・・・・)

Announcer: W-what, it seems that Garyuu X dodged, leaving only an after image...(な、なんと、我流Xまでも残像を残してかわしていた・・・)

Kisara: What a let down! To have dodged that...(惜しい!あれをかわすとは・・・)

Ukita: Get hit already! Are you a demon or something, gramps!?(もう当ててやれよ!!鬼か、じいさん!)

Announcer: Ah, wait! (あっ、いや!?)

Page 5

Garyuu X: Oops.(おっと。)

Announcer: Oh!! Just now, it looked like there was the face of an old man under Garyuu X's mask...(おんや~っ!!今一瞬、我流Xの仮面の下から老人の顔かのそいたいような・・・

Sakaki: Heheh. Even if it was just against 0.0002% of his power,/to even graze that old man's face with an attack is pretty impressive. (へへっ。たとえ0.0002%の力しか使ってねーっても、/あのじじいのお面に攻撃がかすったなんて大したもんだぜ。)

Shigure: Even though they double-teamed him, let's make red beans and rice when we get... back to Ryozanpaku. (二人がかりとはいえ、梁山泊に戻ったら赤飯炊かん・・・きゃ。)[Not sure]

Page 6

Garyuu X: Oh! It's a transmission from Garyuu Pink. I must leave quickly!! It's a shame for World Protector Garyuu X, but I must forfeit this match... (おっと!我流ピンクからの通信だ。いますぐ向かわねば!!世界の平和を守る我流Xとしては残念じゃがこの試合、棄権せねばらんのう・・・)

Flag guy: What~?! I thought you were a space detective, but you're a member of a Sentai Team Garyuu X!!?(なにぃ~っ!宇宙刑事モノか思ったら、戦隊モノの設定だったのか我流X!!?)

Niijima: That's not important right now.(今驚くべきはそこじゃない。)

Miu: When did he buy that toy?(あんなオモチャ、いつ買ったのかしら?)[TL Note: This is a good question... was he planning for this before they even got to Despair Island? Or did he just hop back over to Tokyo and back before the fight?]

Garyuu X: My youthful twenty year old self must end the test of skills here. I can not delay any longer. Farewell!(弱冠二十歳のわしとしては、ちょいと腕試しに立ち寄ったまで。もうゆかねばならん。さらばじゃ!)[This text bubble beat the crap out of me, not sure if I got the first one right]

Announcer: Well, we don't know one thing about him, but anyway, there's a loud cheer from the stands!(まったくもって何一つ納得できませんが、とにかく場内割れんばかりの大歓声です!!)

Flag guy: But, if the cut off age for participants is before 20...(つーかさ、出場できんのが二十歳未満ってことは・・・)

Page 7

Flag guy: ...Then weren't you inelgible from the start? (もともと二十歳じゃ出場できねえんじゃねーか?)

Kisara: Ah.(あっ。)

Ukita: Y-yeah, that's right! (そ、そうだよ!!)

Shiratori: Indeed...(たしかに・・・)

spikey hair guy(sorry...): Idiot! Don't say unnecessary stuff right now!(バカ!余計なこと今頃言うな。)

Flag guy: Ehh! Did I say something bad again!!? (ええっ!俺、また何かまずいこと言ったか!!?)

Garyuu X: Er...I heard that it was twenty and down!(むむ。二十歳以下と聞いとるぞ!!)

Fortuna: Insurance for important moments like this? You're as attentive as always to these trivial things, Laughing Fist Diego.(いざという時の保険じゃな?あいかわらず芸が細かいのう、笑う鋼拳どのは。) [not sure here]

Page 8

Garyuu X: Actually... I'm 19!!!(実は・・・19さいじゃあああ!!!)

Miu: It's way too late for that!(遅いですわ、何もかもすべて!!)

Page 9

Elder: You pass!!(合格じゃ!!)/You two have grown!(二人とも成長したのう!)

Miu: Kya!(キャ!!)

Mask:"I'll remember your trickery! By gramps"(だましたなおぼえておれbyじじい)

Diego: He's the type to hold a grudge?(けっこう根に持つタイプ?)

Page 10

Announcer: A, anyway, because of Mysterious Young Man? Garyuu X's departure, the Ryouzanpaku Team advances to the finals of the "Earth" League!(と、とにかくこの試合、謎の青年?我流Xの退場により、梁山泊チームが『地』リーグ最終戦、進出決定だーっ!!)

Castor: We, Gemini, will immediately monopolize the cheering crowds...(会場の歓声を独り占めしていられるのもいまのうちよ・・・)/by cleaning up after that last performance!(私たちジェミニがせいぜい無様さを強調した演出で始末してあ・げ・る)/ Who's there? (誰?)

Tsutomu: Uhyaa!(うひゃァ!)

Page 11

Castor: Hm? You're...(ん?あなたは・・・)/Tenchi Mushin Style's Tsutomu Tanaka! (天地無心の田中勤!)

Tsutomu: W-wait a second! I..I, I, I mistook this for the waiting room!(ちょ、ちょっと待ってくださーい!!ひ・・ひ、ひ、控え室を間違えちゃったんです~っ!!)

Castor: You mistakenly enter the room of your next opponents, of all places?(よりによって次の対戦相手の部屋に?) That's one amazing mistake.(壮絶な間違え方ね。)

Tsutomu: Not really, all the rooms here look the same, don't they? I got lost...(いや、この会場、造りがみんな同じじゃないですか。迷っちゃって・・・) /But just now, that was a good kick wasn't it?(しかし今の、いい蹴りですね?)/The older sister's mentor is the Lucha Libre master, Diego Carlo.(そちらのお姉さんの師匠は、るルチャリブレの達人、ディエゴ・カーロ。)

Page 12

Tsutomu: The younger brother's master's name...(弟さんの師の名は・・・)/What was it?(なんていうんですかねぇ―)

Pollux: Sero...(セロ・・・)

Castor: Don't say it, Pollux!!(言うなボルックス!!)

Tsutomu: ...Hmm...A diferent person...(・・・ふぅ・・・人違いか・・・)/I
thought they'd come to this tournament, but...(この大会なら来てると思ったのですが・・・)

Caster: Wait!! (待ちなさい!!)

Tsutomu: ......As members of Yomi, you guys know the one called "Kensei", Ogata Isshinsai right?(・・・・・・あなた達もYOMIなら”拳聖”こと、緒方一神斎は知っているでしょう?)/If you meet him, I want you to pass this on to him...(もし彼に会うことがあったら伝えてもれませんかねぇ・・・)

Page 13

Tsutomu: "You will be punished for your heinous crime...(貴様の犯した大罪の報い・・・)/ No matter what happens!!"......(必ず受けさせる・・・・・・と!!)

Castor: Who the hell are you? (お前、何者だ?)

Tsutomu: Just a regular salaryman.(ただのサラリーマンですよ。)/Who was originally to be your opponent.(元・貴方達の対戦相手のね。)

Page 14

Castor: Originally? (・・・元?)

Tsutomu: I'm forfeiting the next match.(次の試合棄権します。)/ I have no business on some random island if he's not here.(彼のいない島に用はない。)

Phone: RingRing(ピリリ)

Castor: Wh, What!?(な、何ぃ!?)

Tsutomu: Ah, from my job!! (あ、会社からだ!!)/ Department Chief? Ah---- My deepest appologies. I'll... I'll return soon, yes!!(部長?あーー申し訳ありません。すぐ・・・すぐ戻りますので、はい!!)

Castor: You wait a second, stop fooling around!(ちょっとあんた、ふざけないでよ!)/ What about our situation? What about the audience's needs?(私たちの立場は?お客様のニーズは?)

Tsutomu: Eh? You can hear a woman's voice? It, it's just your imagination!(え?女の声が聞こえる?き、気のせいですよ)/Shhh!(しーっ!!)

Castor: Wait right there!(待ちなさい!!)

Tsutomu: Yes! Tonight, for sure!! (はい!今夜中には必ず!!)

Castor: Idiot... Thinking you can beat me with that explosive power!!?(バカめ・・・瞬発力で私に勝てると思ってるの!!?)

Page 15

Castor: What the hell is he?(何者だ?)

Page 16

Sign: Shirahama(白浜)

Honoka: Welcome back, big brother!!(お帰りお兄ちゃん!)

Dad: Kenichi--!!(兼一!!)

Page 17

Honoka: Uh...you aren't Kenichi...(う・・・ちっがーう・・・)/Who are you?(どちらさんで?)

Person at the door: Is... Kenichi in?(兼一君・・・いますか~?)

Dad: You damned suspicious looking person! (おのれくせ者!!)

Mom: Kenichi is on a trip right now. Are you his friend? (兼一は今旅行中ですよ。お友達ですか?)

PATD: Yes...(はい・・・)

Honoka: Big brother's friend? (お兄ちゃんの友達?)

PATD: Do you know where he went!?(どこへ行ったかわかりますか!?)

Honoka: Yup!!(うん!!)/ Honoka drew a copy of the map!!(ほのか、地図を描き写しといたの!!)/ Here!!(これ!!)

PATD: Oh~...Thank you, little girl... At last I will know the location...(おぉ~・・・ありがとうお嬢さん・・・やっと・・・やっと居場所がわかりました・・・)/......It's me. Please charter a Cessna* soon...(・・・・・・私だ。セスナをすぐにチャーターしてください・・・)/Yes, as soon as possible!(ええ、今すぐです!!)

Page 18

PATD, Siegfried: Lalaa~~~!! Soon I will fly, everyone!(ラッラ~ッ!!今すぐ飛んでいきますよ――皆さーん!)

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#1. by Slashout ()
Posted on Oct 24, 2008
Nice translation ^^.
Maybe as a little tip if you don't mind, it might be better to use the naming used in previous chapters.
Like "Cow-tits" was "Dairy cow" or "Mysterious young man Garyuu X" was "Mysterious teenager Garyuu x".It's ok if you want to separate from other translations, but it's easier on the reader if the naming is the same ^^.
Thanks for your hardwork btw ! :)
#2. by Author Roy ()
Posted on Oct 24, 2008
:spaz R-recognition...

Sorry, I just went with what I saw. I'll remember that in the future, thanks for the feedback!
#3. by Spooles ()
Posted on Oct 24, 2008
Great job!
Oh! I'm gonna go and ts that... and your name goes to the credits
thanks again :)
#4. by HikaruYami ()
Posted on Oct 24, 2008
Thanks very much for the translation!
#5. by Viredae ()
Posted on Oct 24, 2008
nice job, I proofread the translation and I have a few fixes and things that I thought would be more suited, but they're mostly trivial stuff:

page 3:
Ukita: he hit her along with Garyuu X!

Shiratori:naa/aa.. (I thought it would be more suited)

(Flag guy): He... He did it.. Captain Shirahama...

Niijima(second verse): Did he finally (turn/open his eyes) to evil as well?

page 4

announcer: AH! he didn't hit her! Competitor Miu barely dodged it!

Kisara: So Close! he dodged it...

page 5

Shigure actually says red rice, which is beans AND rice, and yup, the beans are red :P...

page 6

(for all who don't know, a sentai team is basically the japanese version of power rangers)

page 10

castor(second verse): by cleaning up after that last unsightly performance..

page 11

castor (second line, first verse): and into the room of your next opponents, of all things?

page 18

(just to clarify, Cessna is a plane manufacturing company that specializes in small/private planes and jets)

you missed the mother's line:

mother: most of Kenichi's friends are weird, huh?
#6. by Naihonn ()
Posted on Oct 24, 2008
Despite few mistakes seems like very good translation. I hope I will know Japanese so much as you. Well, about that teenager/young man thing, yes, teenager was used first, but young man is still more correct, because Garyuu X claims he is 20 years old. So close, but not teenager anymore, if you look at this word composition, it should be from 13 to 19. :0) But because in last chapter he is now 19, it doesnt matter. :D

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