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Digimon XRos Wars 1


+ posted by duskmon10 as translation on Sep 11, 2010 21:36 | Go to Digimon XRos Wars

-> RTS Page for Digimon XRos Wars 1

This translation is for the use of Trinity BAKumA. If you'd like to use it for your scan then you must ask me first in a PM.

Something that isn't Arago!? Shocking, isn't it? =P

Page 1:
Top Text: Children and Digimon, working together, the two will pave the way to the future!!
Text Above Title: A new series!!
Digimon Xros Wars
Bottom Right Text:
Original Story
Hongo Akiyoshi
Nakashima Yuuki
Bottom middle Text: Chapter 1: Crossroad!!
The path’s of these children will cross

Page 2:
Bottom Text: *Star* This is a work of fiction. Any similarities with real life persons, organizations, or events is purely coincidental.
Pumpkinmon: The…the Corridor Zone is done for…!
Wizardmon: The Bagura Army…do they intend to engulf the entire Digital World in war…!?
Taiki: Don’t give up!!

Page 3 & 4:

*Scribbled out text*mon!!
*Scribbled out text*mon!!
*Scribbled out text*mon!!
*Scribbled out text*!!

Page 5:
That’s the legendary hero…!!

Page 6:
General Taiki!!
Hey! Taikiii!!

Page 7:
Wake up already Taikiii!!!
Taiki: Huh!!?
Akari: Akari Strike!!
Taiki: Gahhhh!!
Akari: How in the world can you sleep in with such a serious look on your face!?
Don’t you remember that you have an important double header today!!?
Taiki: Th…the way things look, this might end up being my eternal resting spot…!!
Oh no!

Page 8:
Box: Year 20XX, June 21st
Tokyo, Koutouku Ward
Akari: I’m borrowing Taiki for a while,
Bye Auntie!
Box: Hinomoto Akari (12 Years Old)
(Shinonome Elementary School 6th Year)
Taiki’s Mom: Stay out of trouble! Akari-chan!
Box: Kudou Taiki (13 Years Old)
(East Shinonome Middle School 1st Year)
Akari: You’re always so hard to wake up!
Taiki: I was tired from practicing so much…
And there was that weird dream…

Page 9:
Akari: Oh yeah! You had that serious look on your face and you were talking in your sleep. Something about ~~mon and Digi….
What kind of dream were you having?
Taiki: Yeah…you elbowing me made me forget half of it…
What was with that weird dream…
It felt so real…
All that fighting was kind of scary…
…But there was something…exciting about it…
Akari: Hey!
Hold on a second Taiki!
Taiki: ?

Page 10:
Akari: Oh, what a bold shot…
Doesn’t the Sky Tree make it look cool!
Taiki: What the heck? Aren’t we in a hurry~~~
Akari: Hehe!!
Let’s go!
Taiki: Hey!

Page 11:
Announcer: And the three defenders have moved in!!
They’ve successfully stopped number 8…
Akari: Hang in there Taikiiiiii!!
Taiki: Shinta!!
Shinta: Nice Taikii!!
Announcer: Gameeee!!

Page 12:
Boy: Thank you…Thank you so much Taiki!
It’s all because you made that pass…!
Taiki: Well I knew that you had been practicing your shots every morning…
Boy: Why don’t you join the soccer team for real!?
Boy: You’re amazing Taiki! Even when you were surrounded by three people…
Taiki: Sorry! We’ll have to talk about it some other time!
Akari: He’s helping out the basketball team this afternoon~~!
Boys: Huh?
Akari: Here, drink this!!
I also made some onigiri* to eat on the way! (TN: Rice cakes)
Taiki: Thanks!
Akari: I borrowed some basketball shoes from Seki-kun, you guys are about the same size, right?
And I’ll sew on your number while you change in the bathroom!
Boy: Uhh….
So that’s the rumored Manager Akari…!

Page 13:
Taiki: We did it…!!
Akari: Geez, even if it is only amateur soccer and basketball…
A double header of helping people like that is just too much…
Taiki: Hehe…
But Kengo from the basketball club is changing school’s today and this was his last game…
And Shinta’s dad has been really sick lately, and they were short one person right when he was finally well enough to come watch his match…
What else was I supposed to do when the two of them came to me in tears asking for help?
That’s why…
I just couldn’t ignore them…

Page 14:
Akari: Good grief, every single time,
You just can’t leave someone who needs help alone…
And while you’re busy looking after everyone who has a problem,
I’m the one who ends up having to look after you!
Taiki: Ah…!
I’m forever in your debt…
Zenjirou: Ah!
I’ve finally found you Kudou Taiki!!
Taiki: Huh?
Eh...Have I seen him somewhere before…
Akari: Don’t you remember, he’s that guy you beat when you were helping out at the kendo tournament.
What was his name again…um…
Taiki: Zenjdou, or something like that…
Zenjirou: It’s Zenjirou!!
Tsurugi Zenjirou!!
Box: Tsurugi Zenjirou (12 Years Old)
(East Shinonome Middle School 1st Year)
Zenjirou: Kudou Taiki!! I challenge you to a rematch!!

Page 15:
I was the greatest middle school swordsman in all of Koutouku until I suffered defeat at your hands!!
Akari: Do people still talk like this…
Zenjirou: But today, I shall strike you down and once again reclaim my honor…
Taiki: No…that was just luck…
An amateur like me wouldn’t be any match against you…
Zenjirou: Even if you are an amateur!!
When you cut me down I could see that you had the eyes of a warrior!!
Now Kudou! The greatest in Koudouku, Zenjirou, shall defeat you and retake his rightful spot…
Akari: Excuse me!!
Taiki just finished playing a soccer and basketball game on the same day, he’s exhausted! I’m not going to let him have a kendo match with you!
Zenjirou: What!? Fine, then we’ll set it for another day!! Tomorrow morning at the river bed…
Akari: You’re being a pest!!
Zenjirou: You’re the one being a pest!! This is between men…
Text Next To Taiki’s Head: Oh…
Akari: Taiki wouldn’t waste his time with a weird guy like you!!
Text Underneath Bubble: The evening sun by the Sumida River is really nice today…

Page 16:
Shoutmon: Is this the end…
Taiki: What…?
Shoutmon: Am I…going to die here…
Hehe…can’t believe I thought someone like me of all people could be king someday…
Taiki: You…You’re going to die…!!?
Hey! Who are you!!
Are you hurt!? Do you need help!!?
Akari: Taikii!?
Shoutmon: You…you can hear my voice!?
Taiki: Of course I can! Where are you talking to me from!?
I’ll be right there!!
Shoutmon: You idiot!! Don’t come here!!
Taiki: !!

Page 17:
The Bagura Empire has already taken this area too!! I’ll be fine without you!!
Taiki: Just now…what was that I just saw…?
Was that red lizard covered in wounds human?
Shoutmon: Just leave me alone! I’d be a horrible king if I got you involved in this…
Taiki: Don’t be stupid!!
Even if I don’t know your name, I’m going to help you!!
Shoutmon: Wh…what the heck? Saying something like that all of the sudden…
Just what kind of world are you from…
Look out!
Above youuuuu!!

Page 18:
Taiki: Uwahhhh!!?
Akari: Taiki!
Di…did that car just fall out of the sky…!!?
Zenjirou: Wh…what amazing reflexes! Just what I’d expect from my fated rival…
Taiki: Th…that wasn’t it!! Just now…
Shoutmon: Yo…looks like you’re alive…
SFX: Cough!!
Geez, worrying about a human when I’m about to disappear myself…
Taiki: Wh…what about you!? Yelling out like that when I was about to die…You’re just like me!!
Zenjirou: Kudou…?
Shoutmon: Haha…Maybe you’re right…
SFX: Cough!!
Taiki: Hey! Just hold on!!
Akari: Ta…Taiki!!

Page 19:
Zenjirou: Wh…what’s going on! The buildings are…!!
Akari: So…something’s wrong with the sky too…!!
SFX: *Ringggggggg*
Akari: !
The screen’s broken…

Page 20:
SFX: *Flash*
Zenjirou: Wh….why are all of the machines acting like this…!?
Taiki: Over there!!
Akari: Taiki!!
Hold on!! Where are you going!!
Taiki: There!!

Page 21:
Zenjirou: Wh…what is that…
Akari: Light…?
A melody…!?
Taiki: He’s really weak…
He’ll die if he doesn’t get help soon!
But even though he’s…he still…
He still saved me before…!!
Zenjirou: Th…that’s what you’ve been talking to all this time Kudou!?
I have no idea what’s going on here…
Akari: This is why you’ve been acting so weird until now Taiki!!?
Voice: Did you save his melody*…? (TN: The kanji for “life” is written here but with the katakana for “melody” next to it.)

Page 22:
Zenjirou: Wh…who’s there!?
Is he talking out of the little microphone…?
Taiki: I…I have it!
How do I save him now…?
Voice: …In that case, take this Xros Loader…
Even if he were to die, by storing his code you’ll be able to reload him.
Akari: Don’t do it!

Page 23:
I know this is just the kind of kind-hearted person you are…
But this time…this is too dangerous!
Zenjirou: Sh…she’s right Taiki! You don’t know what you’re getting youself into…
Taiki: …! But…
What if right now is my only chance to save him…
If I don’t do this now…
Then I’ll have to live with that regret for the rest of my life!!
Akari: Nahhhhhh! It’s his obsession with helping people again~~~!
Zenjirou: …?

Page 24:
Voice: …I wish you luck on your journey, children…
Akari: Kyaaaaaa!!
Zenjirou: This is why we told you not to do it!!

Pages 25 & 26:
Taiki: Elephants…!!?
Zenjirou: No…they’re something else!!
What kind of animals are they…!?
Akari: The…the mountains are floating!!
Wh…where are we!!?
Pteramon: Fugee!!
Mammothmon: Gyann!!
Soldier: Dahhh!!

Pages 27 & 28:
Three human children…!!
Wh…what are they doing here…!?
Zenjirou: Wh…who are they?
Akari: Something about them gives me a bad feeling…
Shoutmon: Ahahahaha!! You fell right into the middle of the enemy army like rocks!!
Akari: Eh!?
Taiki: The voice from before…!?
Shoutmon: I just barely made it through and was reborn in the Xros Loader! Thanks a lot!
Soldiers: What if they’re from Kiriha’s Blue Flare!?
These are different children, but let’s eliminate of them before they start getting scary too!
You’re right!
Zenjirou: Eliminate…?
Akari: The….they’re shooting at usssss!!?
Shoutmon: They’re the Bagura Army!! Some scum who’ve been making a mess out of the Digital World!
I’ll deal with those small fry! I’m ready to go wild!!
Just hold the Xros Loader over your head and shout out my name! Then I’ll reload!!
Taiki: Bu…but I don’t know your….
Shoutmon: Of course you know it Taiki!!
From the moment you picked up the Xros Loader, you and I were Soul Brothers!!
Taiki: That’s right…!!
I was with him in that dream…

Pages 29 & 30:
Shoutmon: Oh Yeah!!
Lilymon: Elder!!
Jijimon-sama, that light…!!
Pickmon: Ohhhh…That rowdy guy!!
He’s still alive…!!
Shoutmon: Hey! Sorry to keep my audience waiting!!
Let’s Rock & Roll!!!
Soldier: H…He’s strong…!!
Fire! Fire!! At least we can deal with those children!!
Zenjirou: Wahhh!!
Akari: Mi…Missles~~~!!?

Page 31:
Another monster…? But is he…
Is this one protecting us…?
Shoutmon: You’re late partner!!
Ballistamon: …You had me worried.
Taiki: This one was in my dream too…
I think he was called….Ballistamon!!
Taking on rockets like that…just how strong is he!!?
Shoutmon: Let’s wrap this up partner!!
Ballistamon: …Right!!

Page 32:
Shoutmon: Soul Crusher!!!
Ballistamon: Heavy Speaker!!!
Soldiers: What!?
Akari: W…woah…
Zenjirou: He blew those big guys away in one shot…!!
Madleomon: I heard some human children were causing some trouble…

Page 33:
Shoutmon! So it was you!!
Taiki: !?
Madleomon: How in the world did you come back from the grave…what a stubborn pest!!
Zenjirou: Wh..who is that arrogant guy!?
Shoutmon: Che!
It didn’t take very long for the tough ones to show up…
This isn’t good!
That’s the guy who almost killed me before.
Akari: Eeh!?
Madleomon: I guess it doesn’t matter…you can keep coming back as many times as you want…
And Madleomon, commander of the Bagura Army’s Green Zone division,

Page 34:
Will send you back to your grave each and every time!!
Sonic Thrust!!!
Ballistamon: Guahh…!
Madleomon: Hahaha
Your only strength is your power and strong body, but what good are they if you can’t keep up with my movements!?
Now…as for you human children who have brought nothing but misfortune to the Bagura Army…
All of you can die!!
All: Wahh!!

Page 35:
Shoutmon: Don’t take your eyes off me!!
Madleomon: Hmph…
You really do have strong eyes…
But you’re still weak!!
Shoutmon: Guahh!!
Che…That hurt!
Why’d something like this have to happen before I got my strength back…
Madleomon: Fuhahahahaha! You’re nothing but a good-for-nothing fool,
Hurry up and return to the sea of data!!

Page 36:
Zenjirou: It’s useless…they’re weaker than him!!
Taiki: No…
I’m sure…
That this isn’t all of the power they have!!
Then why…why are they still…
! That’s it!!
In that dream…didn’t I do something…?
Shoutmon!! Ballistamon!!
Will you follow my orders without question…!!?
Ballistamon: …!
Shoutmon: Hehe! Order away!!
I already told you that we’re Soul Brothers!!

Pages 37 & 38:
Taiki: …Yeah…!
You’re right…!!
Ballistman: Huh!?
Shoutmon: What is this!? My body’s!!?
Madleomon: Im…impossible!!? Digi-Xros !!?
The Combination Digivolving power that Emperor Baguramon is afraid of…!!!
Zenjirou: Wah…!
Akari: Ah…?

Page 39:
ShoutmonX2: Shoutmon X2!!!
Zenjirou: Wo…
Woahhh! That’ so coollllll!!
Taiki: Huh…?
Akari: Eh!?
Eh…!? You don’t think that looks weird…!?
Taiki: It’s different from the one in the dream…!?
There’s….there’s something missing!?

Page 40:
Madleomon: Wa…Wahahahahaha!! You put on some weight Shoutmon!!
It looks like the rumors were exaggerated…the legendary Digi-Xros is nothing but a joke…
Che…You had me scared for a second there!!
Sonic Thrust!!
ShoutmonX2: Oh yeaaah…
I’ve got you now!!

Pages 41 & 42:
Madleomon: Gahh!!?
What is this…? His movements changed…!!
Akari: H…he’s strong!!
Even though he looks weird he’s really strong!!
ShoutmonX2: Quit calling me weird!!
Madleomon: This isn’t good!
I have to retreat for now and report this to the Emperor…!!
ShoutmonX2: Whoops!
Madleomon: !?
ShoutmonX2: Here’s what you’ve all been waiting for!!
You ready for the song hook!?
Madleomon: Th…this can’t be!!
How could a weakling like you have such hidden power…
Shoutmon: I’ll carve my shout!!
Right down to your soul!!!!

Pages 43 & 44:
Buddy Blaster!!!!!
Madleomon: Ba…
Digimon: O….
Text on screen: Did you see that Nene-sama!?
A Digi-Xros user in a remote place like this…!?
Nene: That boy with the red Xros-Loader…

Page 45:
He’s kind of cute… ♥
Kiriha: Another person other than me who has a Xros-Loader…?
Shoutmon: Gahahaha, you’re awesome!
You’re the greatest Taiki!!!
It’s the return of the legendary hero general!!

Page 46:
It’s decided!!
With you I can become king Taiki!!
With you we’ll definitely become the champions of the Digital World!!
Akari: Now wait just a…You can’t just decide that on your own!!
We’re just kids who want to go home!!! Do you just expect us to just go along with you!!?
Shoutmon: The thing is you scrawny little girl…
You guys just got dragged here along with me, so I don’t know how to get you back to wherever it is you came from…
Akari: It’s Tokyo! ! Isn’t there anyway for you to get us back to Tokyo in Japan!!?
Ballistamon: ….What zone is that in?
Is it here in the Digital World’s Green Zone?
Akari: Where in the world are weeeee!!?
Side Text: Crossing Fates!! Taiki and Shoutmon’s adventure in the Digital World has only just begun!!

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