Chapter incomplete
1) will put in original text this or next week
2) no need to try to fix my grammar such as this page will be constantly edited
Page 11
그 앤 절대로 그런 말 못해.
Girl 1: That girl will never say such things.
... 어째서?
Ma-Ha: Why?
page 12
거슬리는 뭔가가 분밍히 라니. 제법 정확하잖아.
Bubble 1: Anything that is disliked is obvious. Very accurate.
애매하는 점이 딱이야.
Bubble 2: It is not well understood.
Page 13
Scene 7
Page 14
스케이트는 타봤지?
Maha: You skated before right?
Hye-min: That... (she is refering to skating)
그러면 쉬워. 금방 배울 거야.
Maha: It is easy. You will get the hang of it quick.
...꼴사납게 너머진 이후른 두 번 다시 안 타.
Hye-min: ... If I fall miserably, I am not going to skate again.
아이구, 아가씨.
Maha: Oh missy,
성미도 급하시지.
You are so short-tempered.
앉아봐 신겨줄게.
Maha: Please sit down, I will put on your skates.
Page 15:
... 그러면 내가 신울게.
Hye-min: I will do put them on.
처음 신을 땐 의외로 복잡해요. 이게 내가 활게.
Maha: First time putting on skates can be frustrating.
그냥 편하게 발만 내미세요...
Maha: Just stretch out your feet.
어차피 삼돌이 아냐.
Hye-min: He is not so bad after all.
page 16
page 17
그사람 버리고서 내게로 와요~
Maha: Ditch that guy and come to me. Sfx: singing
노래도 꼭 저같은 보를 부르네
Hye-min: Out of all the songs he sings
속눈솦이 길구나.
Hye-min: His eyelashes are so long.
제 입으로 떠들고 다니지 않아도 깔금하고 예브장한 얼굴에.
Hye-min: Even if I don't say anything he looks so pure(clean) and pretty.
좀 마른 듯하지만
Hye-min: Although he is quite skinny, he is sure tall.
걱정할 것은 아무 것도 없는 것 웃음.
He has a careless laugh.
당연하다는 듯한 친절.
He looks kind.
Page 18
다들 마하의 이런 점을 좋아한 걸까.
Hye-min: Is it because of this that everyone likes Maha?
그런 것으로 사람을 좋아하는 거리고 생각하진 않았는데.
Hye-min: I would have thought noone would have like him.
좀 더, 마음으로부터...
Hye-min: starting from my feelings...
Page 19
이거 너무 암 맞네? 남자 거라서?
Maha: It doesn't fit. Did I chose a male skate?
당연하지! 내 발이 곰발이라도 되는 줄 알아?
Hye-min:Of course you did! Did you think I had bearfeet or something?
티슈 갖고 있지?
Maha: You brought any tissue?
휴지 있냐?
Maha: You brought any kleenex?
Page 20
오빠, 이거 너무 커...
Hye-min: Oppa, this is too big...
그러네, 요즘 애를 표준이라면서 주먼데.
Shinbi: Girls seem to be around that size.
그여자 구라쳤어
*Shinbi thinking* It should be right.
내가 발이 좀 작은 편이긴 하지만.
Hye-min: It is too big that it is uncomfortable.
...휴지 있냐? 좀 쥐봐.
Shinbi: Think you can grab me some tissue?
여기 왜?
Hye-min: Here it is... Why?
왜긴 왜겠냐. 이렇게 집어넣으려고 그러지.
Shibi: Because if you put it in like so.
Shinbi: Here...
Page 21
됐지? 이제 안 크지?
Shinbi: It is all right now? It is not too big?
생각하는 게 다들 똑같아...
Hye-min: Thinking about it, you guys are the same...
... 누구?
Shinbi: With who?
Page 22
Hye-min: Huh?
하긴. 물어불 것도 없지.
Maha: Anyway, I have nothing to say.
every day...
뭐라고? 잘 안 들려.
Hye-min: What did you say, I didn't hear.
웃는 얼굴 뒤에는 그 사람이 있다.
Hye-min: Behind that smiling face, he is there.
Maha: Nothing.
Page 23
아마, 스스로도 모르는 사이에.
Hye-Min: Maybe he doesn't know himself.
Maha: Done.
자, 이쩨 얼어서봐. 스케이트랑 같은 느낌으로 그냥 쭉 밀면 돼.
Maha: Now try standing up. To get the feel of skating, just push off the skates a bit.
쭉 – 이라고?
Hye-min: Push off like this?
Hye-min: Ahhh!!
워야, 이게!! 발목을 전혀 움직일 수가 없잖아! 이런 걸 어떻게 타란 말이야!!
Hye-min: What is wrong with these skates? My ankle can't move! How are you suppose to ride in these?
후들 후들
sfx: shivering
아 - 머리는 좀 놓고.
Maha: Ah, let of my hair.
Page 24
그래, 그렇게- 무릎으로 움직여야지.
Maha: Yes, that is right. Move with your knees.
불안해... 넘어질 것 같아.
Hye-min: I am a bit nervous. I think I am going to fall.
걱정은 내가 잡고 있는데 왜 넘어지냐?
Maha: Don't worry, I am holding you. You won't fall.
무서워! 무섭다고!! 그만 탈 거야!!
Hye-min: I am scared. Really scared. I want to stop skating.
스케이트는 타봤다면서?
Maha: Even if you skated before?
아... 중 3때 신비 오빠랑 딱 한 번.
Hye-min: Ah... When I was three, I went with Shinbi oppa once.
Page 25
요령 따원 전혀 가르쳐주기 않았어...
Hye-min: He didn't teach me the basics.
항상 그런 식이었으니까.
Hye-min: It was because of this.
발등 찍히기 싫으면 도끼를 믿지 마라
Hye-min: If you don’t like your top of your foot to be marked, don’t trust the axe. (It means to not trust anyone/axe).
처움부터 믿고 안심했다가 뒤통수 맞으면 돌이킬 수가 없으니까.
Hye-min: At first, I believed it. When I was hit in the back of my head I did not turn around
누구가의 도움을 받을 때 고맙다고 생각하는 건 좋지만 의지해버리면 일어서기 힘들다고.
Hye-min: Whenever I get help I was thankful but I knew that once I lean on somebody, it will be hard to get back one my own feet.
하지만 더 이상 버틸 수가 없다고 생각할 때는
Hye-min: When I couldn't endure it any longer
결국엔 오빠가 옆에 있어준다는 걸 얼고 있으니까.
Hye-min: Oppa would be there for me in the end.
Page 26
그렇게까지 강한 사람은 되기 힘들겠지만.
Maha: Although it is hard to take your path.
... 그렇게까지 할 필요 없잖아.
Maha: It was all for naught.
Page 27
이제 내가 있어준다니까 그래.
Maha: Because now you have me.
지금껏 뭘 하 거냐 황혜민
Hye-min: What are you doing Hwang-Heh-Min!!!
Page 28
저도 모르게 하자는 대로 질질 끌려다니고. 시키지도 않은 소릴 슬슬 지껄여대고 있었잖아!!
Hye-min: I didn’t know it but I was getting dragged into your smooth talk!
이것이 바로 선수의 초능력인 것인가?!
Hye-min: Is this the power of a player?
그만 탈 거야. 이제.
Hye-min: I am going to stop skating.
sfk: turning around
왜? 이제 슬슬 익숙해질 전데.
Maha: Why? You are slowly getting better.
한 시간이랬지? 한 시간 됐잖아!! 그럼 된 거잖아!
Hye-min: One hour has passed? One hour has passed! Then time is up!
매사에 확실하시군.
Maha: We don't really have to leave on the dot.
Page 29
그래, 그럼 오늘 여기까지만 하자.
Maha: Fine, lets finish skating for today.
뭐가 '오늘' 이야! 이걸로 끝이야! 두 번 다시 안 해!
Hye-min: What is this today? I am never going skating again!
다른 사람에게 이렇게 떠들어댄 적이 없는데.
I don't recall ever making her mad.
갑자기 왜 그래?
Maha: Why are you like this all of a sudden?
젠장. 어떻게 무는 거야 이거...
Hye-min: Drats, how do you untie these...
내가 해줄게.
Maha: I'll do it for you.
됐어!! 내가 할 거야!!
Hye-min: It's all right. I can do it myself!!
Page 30
이씨, 어떻게 생???운 거야
Hye-min: So how do I do this?
아 됐다.
Hye-min: Ah, got it.
Sfx: laughter
뭐... 뮈야? 왜 실실 쪼게? 기분 나쁘게?
Hye-min: What what? What is that chuckle. You make people feel bad.
귀여워 죽겠네...
Maha: You are too cute.
Page 31
야- 이건 진짜 위험하다, 너!!!
Maha: Hey - That is really dangerous!
나니까 안국는 거야
It is because it was me that I am not dead.
사람을 갖고 놀고 있다. 저 놈!!
Hye-min: That guy is just playing with me!!
아. 그렇지.
Hye-min: Ah that is right.
너 앞으로 우리 학교 앞에 오지 마.
Hye-min: Don’t come close to my school.
Maha: Why?
아무튼!!! 그냥!! 내가 싫어!
Hye-min: Because!! I hate that!
Page 32
왜 그러는데-
Maha: Why are you like that-
Hye-min: Anyway, just don't follow me I just hate it!
어느 사이엔가 방심하게 된다
Whatever the relationship between the two, it is relaxing.
알았어. 너 싫다는 건 하지 말이야지.
Maha: Alright, if you don’t like it, then I won’t go.
대신에 매일 수업 끝나면 파이퍼로 오기. 이 조건은 어때?
Maha: But one condition, every day after class come see the Piper.
조건은 무슨 조건이야!!
Hye-min: Condition? Nonsense!
어, 집으로 갈 거야? 데려다중게.
Maha: Are you going home? I can drop you off.
됐어. 일이나 하러 가!
Hye-min: It’s okay. Just go!
--------------Will work on it later----------------------------------
Page 33
따라도지 마!
Hye-min: Don't follow me!
예. 예.
Ma-ha: Okay Okay.
알아들었어? 착교 앞에 오지 말라고!
Hye-mine: You got that? No coming in front of my school!
Ma-ha: I hear you.
이런 기분...
Ma-ha: This feeling...
Page 34
뭐라고 하면 좋을까.
Bubble 1: What would be the best?
보이지 않는 손이 태엽을 감아서.
Bubble 2: An invisible hand winded up the spring
야-- 매점 가면 내 것 도 사다줘 --
Bubble 3: If you going to the vender, go and buy me something too --
비누 있어? 손에 뭔가 물어서...
Bubble 4: Do you have soap? I got something on my hands…
그 게임 엔딩 봤냐? 그럼 내 거랑 교환해서...
Bubble 5: Did you see the ending to the game? Then switch me.
아니 아직...
Bubble 6: Nah, not just yet…
나도 모르는 사이 슬여시 다가와 있다는 식의 느낌이랄까.
Bubble 7: The person I who don't know Sool-Eyesi but I think she keeps coming to me.
이거 어디서 샀니?
Bubble 8: Where did you buy this?
거울 좀 머리기...
Bubble 9: I got the mirror far from...
그 정체 모를 존재감이 선수의 표식인가?
Is not knowing his true self part of being a player?
생각보다 우서운 ?????
It is laughable the more I think about it
Page 35
소류 언니 숙제는 까다로워.
Hye-min: So-yu's homework is quite complicated.
마셔라. 너 주려고 일부러 사왔다.
Gwan-Dugo: Drink this, I bought is especially for you.
필요 없어.
Hye-Min: I don’t need it.
Page 36
내가 특별히 너 생각해서 사운 거라니까?
Gwan-Dugo: Is it because I thought of you when I bought it?
상각해다라고 한 적 없잖아?
Hye-Min: I didn’t tell you to think of me.
오히려 관심 좀 꺼다라고 부탁하고 싶다고 이쪽은.
Hye-Min: Could you please move somewhere else?
받아둬라, 응? 내가...
Gwan-Dugo: Please take it?
야- 관두고 그냥 이리 와라.
Hey Gwan-Dugo, ignore here and come chill.
Bubble 1: annoying…
그래가지고 어느 세워레...
I will get her some day…
...라, 내가 한다고 해서 못한 게 있었냐?
Gwan-Dugo: Is there anything I say I can do, but I can't actually do?
Page 37
Bubble 1: yesterday
정말 날씨가 좋았어.
Bubble 2: Was really nice out.
해빛이 강하고 바람은 건조해서
Bubble 3: It was sunny and there was no wind.
신선하다는 느낌에
Bubble 4: A fresh feeling
아마도 그래서
Bubble 5: Even all that
사실은 조금 더...
Bubble 6: Truthfully, a little bit...
...지 마라 내가 보기엔...
Bubble 7: I think she looks...
... 나? 오늘이라도 방만 먹으면...
Bubble 8: Me? If I eat bread today...
오늘노 날씨는 어제 못지 않은데
Bubble 9:
Today's weather was nothing like yesterdays.
웃기네, 못한다에 2만원 건다.
Bubble 10: Impossible, 20 bucks say you can't do it.
Bubble 11: Same.
이것들이? 그럼 어디 보자고.
Bubble 12: These two? Alright, lets find out.
Page 38:
야 - 황혜민
Gwan-Dugo: Hey Hye-min
기분은 절라 더럽다!!!
Hye-Min: I feel something dirty
어이, 이봐...
Gwan-Dugo: Hey, look here…
대체 왜 자꾸....
Hye-Min: Why are you always…
Page 39
또라이 새끼…
Bubble 1: crazy bastard
굿샷 -
Gwan-Dugo: Good Shot (he said it in English)
Bubble 2: wha?
그게 뭐냐? 누가 그런 거 말한 거냐? 어디다 사기를 치려고...
Bubble 3: What was that? Who said that? Everyone is going to die...
모로 가도 서울만 가면 되지.
Bubble 4: Even if I go get destroyed, all I have to do is go to Seoul.
Page 40
자, 빨리 2만원씩 밸어라, 빨리.
Gwan-Dugo: Guys, lend me 20 dollars quick.
아- 이거 열라 치사한 새끼네. 자.
Boy 1: Open this. You shameful bastard. Here.
병 뜰어서 병이치는 것보다 훨씬 편하네-
Gwan-Dugo: I got a disease. More than getting the disease, I am relieved-
sfx: Wahaha
고맙다. 혜민아. 덕분에 오늘 담배값...
Gwan-Dugo: Thank you Hye-Min. Thanks to you I have enough money for a smoke...
Page 41
Hye-Min: Gyaak-!!!
sfx: Koo dang dang (Banging of desks)
뭐... 뭐야?!
Gwan-Dugo: What is this?
싸우는 거야? 어떻게?
Gwan-Dugo: You are fighting? Why?
갑자기 뭐야? 왜...
Gwan-Dugo: Why are you fighting all of a sudden…
이런. 씹...
Gwan-Dugo: That bit… (Bitch)
Page 42
Page 43
혜민이 -!!
Bubble 1: Hye-Minah-!!
그만해, 혜민아, 하지 마. 하면 안돼.
Bubble 2: Hye-Minah. Hye-Minah. Please don’t do this. You can’t do this.
Page 44
She said to apologize you son of a bitch!
What? What are you going to do? You want to die?
사과는 내가 받아야지 I should be getting apologized to.
If you don’t apologize, you are going to die!!!
I have no reason to.
You think you can’t do it? You are going to die if you don’t!
Alright, alright.
Page 40
Here. Eat with this.
Please don’t come.
Even if I don’t have that much pride left. Don’t come.
This much is all right? The price is right. You made money from this.
Page 41
But oppa.
Why are you like this? What is all happening?
I cannot control it any longer.
Hate and shame
Hate to the extent of dying.
Page 42
Until today in this second.
What is this?
I never hated myself.
Page 43
Somebody stop the fight!!
Jong Yeon Ah, stop it.
Call the teachers!
I can never be as strong as you.
Page 44
Oh this?
Ever since morning these losers are up to no good.
When you are finished classes wait for me outside.
Opening up a new road is quite tiresome.
Shouldn’t they give up because they can’t get you?
I guess it is because they are so stubborn.
These people are so blind that they do not plan ahead
All the neighbouring gangsters are gone.
What are you doing giving a fist like that in school.
Why did you fight?
You are not answering?
Day in and day out you are stupid.
Why did you fight?
HwangMini and SuhJungEun, what is this?
JungEun, you are the class leader…
You deserved to get hit.
Wha? What is this?
You are not sitting?
You really deserved to get hit.
Why am I here again?
I can’t think of anything.
I can’t talk.
I didn’t do anything. All of a sudden, class leader just came at me…
I just want to go to oppa quickly.
Just shut your mouth!!
He is always there in the same place waiting for me.
And I will be all right.
I miss oppa.
All right!
3 points and stop!
Fine. Godori. 4 kwang (bright) cards and when I am finished with that, total up my bright cards and my junk cards.
With this, I should get 5 dollars and 60 cents ♥
You also have pooktan.
Ah? Of course. I get double the money?
Page 45
If your conscious didn’t make you spot it I wouldn’t have noticed.
양심의 대가는 51200원 입니다: The price for a conscious is 51 dollars 21 cents
Page 46
Ah, I see, so while I am at the previous stage, I am in the clear?
The previous stage’s scope different answer is suitably wrong
It goes!
Big! Give me one dollar.
Today I really have nothing to do. I calculated it all wrong and I know it clearly that I can’t sell the food. After I drink the black tea I will club the entire teaset. Now that is money spent on no purpose.
Like a song without words, I miss each other on the road all day.
I will certainly find that person.
Page 47
She won’t be able to wait on her own while holding on to a pain.
It would be falsely coincidence.
Heyung, is that not the phone?
What is this, a hussle?
Page 48
Really? It has been a long time. That sembai… It is all right. Today is the same for me.
Because I hate it. I am tired of it. I’ll wait at home.
What is this? You did? If I came would be tired? I have nothing to do at home!
Today I can’t drink. The conditions are not right!
Don’t drink it. How do you know!! Come out this minute!!
He is not going, so why is he like that? He is sometimes quite annoying.
Ah… Okay.
Almost 80 percent different personality.
Aren’t you the hiding calm you?