For JAC only
Chapter 66
Hibiki: I love you more than anything in the world!
Top: Volume 7 is on sale now!
SFX: Bang
Text: The two warriors clash once more!!
Title: File 66 Return and Withdrawal
Credit: Ryuumon Ryou x Megumi Kouji
Hansel: Run, Peter Pan!
Peter: Cover me!
SFX: Energetic action
SFX: Bang
SFX: Gunfire
SFX: Dash
SFX: Gunfire
SFX: Slide
Hansel: Tch!
SFX: Gunfire
Hansel: It's that woman!
SFX: Pull
SFX: Throw
SFX: Smoke
Hibiki: If I don't hurry, that other man will get away with Prime Minister Kujou making it pointless even if I do defeat this man.
SFX: Grab
Hibiki: It comes down to this instant!!
SFX: Gunfire
SFX: Beep
SFX: Turn on
TV: Huh? Why are you here?
SFX: Gunfire
SFX: Bang
Hansel: Ahh!!
Hibiki: Where is your comrade?
Hansel: He already went outside.
Hibiki: Where was he headed?
Hansel: I don't know.
Hibiki: If you really don't know, I can just kill you here.
Hibiki: I'll ask again: where is your-
Peter: Here.
SFX: Bang
Hibiki: Kh!
Hansel: Thanks, Peter Pan.
Hansel: Go down first and make a run for it with Kujou!
Peter: Ok.
Hansel: Our situations have reversed.
SFX: Chk...
Hansel: If you answer my question, I'll only shoot your arms and legs letting you live.
SFX: Pant pant
Hansel: You don't seem to be from Third-i or another Japanese military organization.
Hansel: Who are you?
Hibiki: I am Mizusawa Hibiki, a Japanese citizen.
Hansel: I see.
Hansel: Then you can die.
SFX: Bang
Fujimaru: Kanou-san! Minami-san! Hibiki's transmission ended along with a gunshot! The enemy said she was going to die! Shit!
SFX: Running
Minami: Calm down, Fujimaru! That girl wouldn't be taken out so easily. We're headed there too!
Fujimaru: Please hurry!
Fujimaru: Hibiki...please don't die!
Fujimaru: Please be alive!
SFX: Run run
Fujimaru: Hibikiiiii!
SFX: Rush in
Fujimaru: H-Hibiki...?
Hibiki: Fujimaru...?
SFX: Smile
Fujimaru: Hibiki!
SFX: Hug
Hibiki: I-I'm fine...
Hibiki: But the enemy...
Fujimaru: O-oh, right.
Fujimaru: What happened to the enemy?
Hibiki: I killed him with small gun I had hidden.
Hibiki: But the other one, the one called Peter Pan, got away. I'm sorry...I was of no help.
Fujimaru: Don't say that!
Fujimaru: You did great! You're a true Japanese hero!
Hibiki: Fujimaru...
Kanou: If the enemy is carrying Prime Minister Kujou, he can't get far. It's only a matter of time before we capture them. Don't worry.
Hibiki: ...Yeah.
Minami: You need to get to the medical room. Makimura and I will escort you.
Hibiki: Okay.
Minami: Kusunoki, you and Iida go with us. Make sure the enemy doesn't get near Fujimaru.
Minami: If the enemy possessing Pandora's Box gets a hold of him, they'll have control of the world.
Kusunoki: Understood!
Peter: Pant pant pant... Dammit. Some unaccounted for power must be at work here for us to be cornered this badly.
SFX: Run
Peter: Has "that person" really betrayed us?
SFX: Vvvv
SFX: Vvvv
Peter: Cinderella?
Cinderella: I'm at the rendezvous point. Where are you?
Peter: About 50 meters away! We'll be there in less than a minute. Hansel is most likely dead. It's just me and the prime minister.
Peter: Once we're onboard, head to Point G3 so we can switch cars. Got it?
Cinderella: Roger that.
Peter: Pant pant
SFX: Appear
Peter: Pant
Peter: This is Peter Pan! Open up!
SFX: Open
SFX: Bang
SFX: Bang
SFX: Chk...
Maya: I've been waiting for you, "Baikal".
Peter: O-Orihara...Maya? Snow White...!!
SFX: Pant pant
SFX: Bang
SFX: Splatter
Maya: Ah ha ha
SFX: Chk
Maya: That's what you get! You're just...
SFX: Bang bang
Maya: an expendable pawn being used by "that person', the Storyteller!!
Doctor: ..It's not as serious as it looked.
Doctor: You were lucky.
SFX: Sit
Hibiki: Good.
SFX: Fidget fidget
Fujimaru: Thank goodness.
Hibiki: Hey, Minami-san.
Hibiki: Now that my wound's been treated, I'd like some time alone with him.
SFX: Fidget fidget
Minami: Hah? How can you say that at a time like this?
Fujimaru: Sorry, Minami-san.
Minami: ...Fine, fine. I understand.
Minami: At least keep an eye on the window. But I guess with her I don't need to worry about that. She could escape from a demon.
Hibiki: Thanks!
Hibiki: Once you're done, could you leave for a bit too, doctor?
SFX: Flirtatious
Doctor: S-sure...
Text: What's with this girl?
SFX: Close
Fujimaru: I'm so glad.
SFX: Rummage
Fujimaru: When I heard that gunshot and the transmission ended, I thought you were gone for sure.
Hibiki: I can't die yet.
Hibiki: After all..
Hibiki: My mission isn't over yet.
Fujimaru: ...Eh?
Text: A difficult to believe truth. Has she betrayed him!?
Bottom: To be continued in Issue 20.
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