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Code:Breaker 115

+ posted by Ju-da-su as translation on Dec 12, 2010 04:26 | Go to Code:Breaker

-> RTS Page for Code:Breaker 115

Reserved for Shinra Tensei Scanlation.

Not proofed... Proofed...

code:115 "Speciality above Speciality"

Pg. 1
Heike - Toki-kun, you were initially born with a very powerful "Magnetism".

Your magnetism is so strong that you destroyed all the devices in the hospital right after being born...

Seeing how dangerous it can be, most of that "Magnetism" was sealed inside the "Pandora's Box",
causing you to become powerless...

If you pour the blood of the rare kind on the "Pandora's Box", it will open and release your true power.
** Will Toki give in to the whispers of the demon of temptation!? **
Now, let's open it.

Pg. 2
Toki - Huh!? Isn't that a bit too shady, senpai? Why would you want me to do that? Just what are you planning...

Nenene - It'll be all right.
I, Nenene, the ally of justice, will protect you.

Toki - Fu...Fujiwara-san, listen up, okay? This is no time for jokes...

Saechika - No one is joking around here though...
not even her,

since she has joined you mongrels, the "Code:Breakers".

Toki - Saechika...sama, what're you...

Saechika - Fujiwara Nenene is the only survivor of the former "Code:Breakers".
She's better than any amateur, and the best person to fill in for 03, 05 and 06.
Bringing her back immediately is a direct command from her father.

Pg. 3
Toki - What...did

He's...He's making her go back to the battlefield again!? That fucker, what's he thinking...?

Heike - Otherwise, go get the "Emperor" right now.

Toki - Heike... Then the one who called sis here wasn't you but dad?
And you knew...

Heike - ...If

you fail to bring back the "Emperor", I'll have Nenene go after him.

Pg. 4
Saechika - Your father passed such a wonderful order. I'm sure he let this little pup live up until now just for this purpose.
Nenene - My dad is great?

Heike - Now...the power you'll need to defeat the "Emperor" is here.
It's time for you to reobtain it all...

Am I right, the Joker of "Eden"?

Pg. 5
C:E - This isn't funny!!

This great "Emperor" was saved by "that" bitch...!?
It already pisses me off just thinking about it...!!

Cloak - [Kill the Emperor.]

C:E - You're the one who'll die, bitch!!
Just because the doll shares the same emotions as you doesn't mean you can use that "Hanoichi" doll to get to me!! [Plus, what's with that "Kurako"!? Isn't it just a misreading of "Sakurako"!?]
C'mon out yourself...

Ogami - She helped you, so don't go around ranting.
[And don't thrash about by yourself too.]

Pg. 6
I repaid you for your Mammon.

C:E - Huh!? You're just an amateur, so don't overexert yourself.

Ogami - Doesn't seem all that persuasive coming from a kid though...
C:E - Shut up!!

I've to say,
good job with it.

Kurako-san's real name is "Hanoichi"...and her maker is the one who shares the same emotions as "Hanoichi", Sakurako-san...

[Then what I felt during that hug was her...]

Pg. 7
A mail!? Who is it from?

Ogami - I asked Prince to do some shopping. Please head back first.
Sakurakouji - Eh!? But it'll be dangerous if you're...

Ogami - Don't worry. I won't do anything dangerous.

Pg. 8-9
Toki - Nice job figuring out that it's here.

Ogami - ...I knew that you'll be here.

Toki - Are you saying that you knew I have something to do in this pile of rubble?

Look, it's the "Nyanmaru suit".
And you even wore it for your training without feeling anything.

And the "fan" from that festival.
And your "plastic model".

Come to think of it, even though we were here to train, those days we had spent here were just horrible.

Pg. 10

Ogami – Seeing that you still reek of cigarette smoke makes me want to show you how healthy and active you were back then.

Toki - Same here... Ex-Mr.Wanna-die...?

Pg. 11
But, all those stupid games, everything, had ended.
So, let's forget all about it.

I blew up this "old mansion", just so I don't have to see it again.

Pg. 12
Ogami - ...Fuck that.
I'll never forget it,
not a single

Toki - ...Just throw that away

Pg. 13
This mansion doesn't mean anything to you, now that you had gone and befriended that trash!!

Ogami - Wha...

Toki - I'm going to make you throw it away.
Don't get all high and mighty just because that Emperor of yours is so special...
Get this now.

You're not the only one
who's special!!

Pg. 14
Rui - I didn't send any mail to Rei!

Sakurakouji - I'm sorry...!!
Rui - It's not your fault. It's Rei's, since he's acting on his own again.

Yukihina - I understand him though.
There's always someone we men would want to deal with without any intruders. Isn't it good enough if he's to throw his life away for that?

Sakurakouji - But...
Rui - ...It must be Toki if he was trying to hide it from you... Then the place must be...

Pg. 15
"Magnetism"...!! It really is Toki!!

Kouji - Also, he might not be the same Toki anymore. He's the Joker.
With the "Emperor" in that reduced state, Ogami won't stand a chance...

Sakurakouji - No...No way.
Rui - Sakurakouji!!

Sakurakouji - You can't die, Ogami...
[Toki-kun and Ogami are killing each other...!!]
[You can't...]


Pg. 16-17

Pg. 18
Sakurakouji - To...Toki-kun...

Ogami - Is that it?
...Special, you said? Don't make me laugh.
You destroyed the "Shibuya Mansion" just to pick this petty fight...?

And you even hurt Sakurakouji-san and President who have nothing to do with this!?

Pg. 19
Kouji - "Pandora's Box"...
According to Heike, inside it contains the immense power of "Magnetism", far stronger than what you currently have.

Even so Toki,
why did you choose not to open it?

Ogami - ...What!?

Toki - Huh...

...That isn't worth anything to me...
Very powerful "Magnetism"!? ...What the hell is that?

Nenene - [I'll give half of my power to you.]

Toki - ...The "Magnetism" I have right now,
is the life my sister gave to me, one who doesn't have any power.
Nenene - [So, please don't quit being my brother.]
Toki - No matter how small or weak this power is...

Pg. 20
this "Magnetism" is my sister's very own life...!!
Nenene - [Thank you]
[for being my brother.]

Toki - Do you even know how heavy...how special this is...!?

Nenene - Ma-kun...?
** The speciality that never wavers!! However, the words of the harsh demon faintly creeps into the human's brittle heart!! **
next: The offering to the spirits of the wilderness!!
to be continued

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Level [C] Translator

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