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Code:Breaker 123

+ posted by Ju-da-su as translation on Apr 12, 2011 10:42 | Go to Code:Breaker

-> RTS Page for Code:Breaker 123

I'm publishing this since somehow, I got a really bad feeling about this.

Have to say, I'm half a speed translator (I do check over the script at least once after I'm done translating though). I might not like it when people whine for faster release, but I don't like it if we have to make people wait 3 whole months just for one chapter of a weekly manga either. Don't favor the idea of surprising people with 20 chapters batch as well, honestly speaking, since tbh, that's a little too much, plus meaningless. Scanlators still have to take their time doing each chapter, so what's the use of publishing 20 chapters of translations? Means nothing to me, really. More like an opportunity for more translators to jump in as well, which is totally not something I want.

Rena already proofread it, and I only edited a couple of words in each translation (two whole lines in 123, but meh...-_-"). Mean no offense, but I personally don't favor waiting another month just to get those tiny edits proofread. Not to mention, I can't depend on Rena all the time as well. Since they're only tiny edits, I think I can work it out myself. I'm publishing this thing now. ._."

You're free to use this translation for scanlation providing that you give proper credit to me for the translation and Rena Chan for proofreading.

code:123 "The Hymn of Nyanmaru"

Pg. 1
Rui - Sakurakouji!!
** To protect Ogami, Sakura threw herself in the line of fire! As no special power works on her, what will become of Sakura!? **
Hang in there!!


Yukihina!! Go get your car!!
We're heading to the hospital...

Maeda - A...

Maeda - Wha...What're you doing!!
Bring back your arm with your "Time Change in Object"!!
Uesugi - ...She can't.

Pg. 3
"Time Change in Object" can only be activated with her right hand.
If her arm is beyond what surgery can fix, she won't be able to use "Time Change in Object".

Maeda - Oh...Oh yeah? She really only uses that hand...
But...But does that mean

Ogami saw through it when they're fighting...!!?

Aoba - Like I'll drop just because I lost my arm...

Ogami - ...I was the one who killed the sister.

Pg. 4
I can never forget...
the moment my very own flame burned her down.

Maeda - Wha...!? Thi...This can't be true! Sister could never have done anything evil!
Ogami!! Why did you...

Rui - Sa...Sakurakouji!!

This isn't good... She's losing too much blood!!

Pg. 5
Get grip on yourself, Sakurakouji!!
Sakurakouji - A...
Rui - Don't speak...anymore!!

Aoba - Saku...

Ogami - You want to get back at me? ...That's fine. Come at me at anytime,

if you're going to hurt anyone else anymore than this under your grand name of "Revenge of Justice",

you're no more than one big EVIL yourself.

Sakurakouji - A...

Pg. 6
Aoba - ...Take her to the hospital right now!

...Sakura is an ordinary girl.
She goes to school, make friends, do her part-time job like a normal girl... That's how her happy life was,

before you dirtied her in blood, and pulled her into the world of darkness...!!

Don't bother with me anymore.

Maeda - A...


Pg. 7
Announcement - Because our meter is currently out of order, the buses...
People - Hello.
The signal sucks real bad today~
Huh? My watch just stopped...

Is there some real bad electric wave around here?
Maybe there's some magnetic force?
No way that could happen.
If there really was something leaking that kind of magnetic force,

people around it would be dead.

Toki - ...Do you
get it now?

Pg. 8-9
You can't beat me...Yuuki.

No one can stop me...ain't ever going to stop me.
I'll get Ogami and the Emperor.

Pg. 10
Yuuki - Noise Crash!

Pg. 11

Not a single...opening, huh?
[So this is]

Pg. 12
[Toki's original magnetism power...]
Toki - So, you lured me down into the underground tunnel...
just to let me see your doodling? [All Nyanmaru, I see.]
Yuuki - [I can even blow away his smoke...let alone getting near him or even hurting him]

Toki - Just think of how much power you've lost in your battle with Ogami. How you're still able to control "sound" is already a miracle.
That's not something you can get back with some training, for sure.
Even so, you're just too reckless with this...You might die, you know?

...Is Ogami that important to you.

...You're going
to protect him even if it costs you your life?

Pg. 13
...Sorry, I can see that you're really considerate of your friends, but I can't...

Yuuki - Are you
FREAKIN' nuts?

...You still don't get it yet?
Yeah, my "sound" is extremely weak. So what?

I'm doing all these because I want to help you, DUMBASS.

Pg. 14
...Ogami risked his life in order to teach me
how foolish it is to hurt other people for Makoto's sake.

Fourth, you're just like me. You're also being an idiot by doing this for Nenene's sake.

my turn now...

to make you see it and help you
with this life Ogami has given me...!!

Pg. 15
Toki - Yuu...

...You can bark all you want.
[I'll protect Nenene by myself!!]

Nothing will change just by having determination.
You ain't going to stop me...

Yuuki - Nyanmaru.

Toki - Shut up!! I'm fed up with your stupid-...

Pg. 16
Picture - Nyanmaru.


Toki - Wha!?

Picture - Nyanmaru.

Pg. 17

Toki - What the...!?

[What's going on!? The drawings on the wall are all...]
Picture - Nyan-


singing out with Yuuki's voice...

Pg. 18
Toki - Hah!!
No matter what you do, your power ain't...

Pg. 19

Pg. 20
[He broke through my magnetism!?]
[Yuuki isn't supposed to have this much power! Then how...]
Yuuki - ...I'll stop you.

Even if it means I have to beat you black and blue,
Toki - [His power is exploding out!?]
[How did he...!?]
Yuuki - I'll stop you...!!
** He sets out to pass the values he received to his friend!! Yuuki presses in like never before!! **

next: The endless nightmare they each have
to be continued

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Level [C] Translator

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