I'm publishing this since somehow, I got a really bad feeling about this.
Have to say, I'm half a speed translator (I do check over the script at least once after I'm done translating though). I might not like it when people whine for faster release, but I don't like it if we have to make people wait 3 whole months just for one chapter of a weekly manga either. Don't favor the idea of surprising people with 20 chapters batch as well, honestly speaking, since tbh, that's a little too much, plus meaningless. Scanlators still have to take their time doing each chapter, so what's the use of publishing 20 chapters of translations? Means nothing to me, really. More like an opportunity for more translators to jump in as well, which is totally not something I want.
Rena already proofread it, and I only edited a couple of words in each translation (two whole lines in 123, but meh...-_-"). Mean no offense, but I personally don't favor waiting another month just to get those tiny edits proofread. Not to mention, I can't depend on Rena all the time as well. Since they're only tiny edits, I think I can work it out myself. I'm publishing this thing now. ._."
You're free to use this translation for scanlation providing that you give proper credit to me for the translation and Rena Chan for proofreading.
code:124 "The Unreceived Echo"Pg. 1
Picture - Nyanmaru.
** For Toki's sake, he's going to stop him!! Yuuki rushes in with everything he has!! **
Toki - Ngh...
[How did this happen...?]
[Yuuki's feeble "Sound" is exploding out?]
Picture - Nyanmaru.
Yuuki - ...You get it now...?
Pg. 2
I'm stronger than you. The Fourth can never win the Third.
Picture - Nyanmaru.
** What caused Yuuki's power to explode all out!? **
Pg. 3
Now that you know it,
stop thinking about hunting Ogami's left arm!!
Picture - Nyanmaru.
Toki - Shut up!!
How much longer are you going sing your stupid song...?
Pg. 4
Echo - Your stupid...
Toki - That's it... Now I get it...
So this is why he brought me down into this tunnel...
But, what's all these drawings...
Pg. 5
Picture - Tiny
The best.
Toki - You mean
all these are...
Pg. 6
Yuuki - ...I told you, didn't I?
Back then...
Toki - Owwww.
I know it's all for me to become stronger, but that shitty cat just ain't gonna hold back, huh?
Pg. 7
Oh well. Room No.4 is my haven. Let's get one good night's sleep... [I'm sleepy right now that I barely feel the pain...]
Yuuki - I'll help you!!
Yuuki-kun, I'm about to go to bed though...
Yuuki - No worries. I'm here for you, Fourth.
Toki - Um...you got it wrong...
Yuuki - See? The pain is too much that you're in tears. No need to act tough.
Toki - Tha...That's not it... It's the bandage you put around my eyes...
Yuuki - Yeah, but you train so hard you can't even sleep. Aren't you bored?
Toki - Huh?
Not at all... The more I train, the closer I get to the topmost point. I just can't wait.
Soon, I'm going to catch up with you and become Code:03...
Yuuki - You can't. I'm much more capable than you are.
Pg. 8
Toki - You...You sure are saying something real rude just now though...
Yuuki - ...I was born a genius. I don't know what it is like to sweat yourself out.
That's why I never want to lose to you, who lack capability
but can get stronger through effort.
Toki - Yuuki...
Don't know if you want to praise me or put me down.
...Oh well,
that just makes me want to catch up to you even more.
I put my effort into every second, so I'll eventually surpass you for sure.
Just wait and see.
Pg. 9
So this
is your "effort"...
Opening that "Pandora's Box" even while you don't know what it is!! Just following the words of others to get stronger without a single drop of sweat!!
Is this the "effort" you were talking about!!
[Fourth... I must make you forget about that "Joker" thing]
[and get you back to your senses.]
[My Fourth...]
Pg. 10-11
[is always rebellious, always a liar,]
[always so proud, always so buoyant,]
[always earnest to become stronger than anyone,]
[always think highly of hard work.]
[No matter how hopeless you are,]
[no matter how bad the situation is,]
[you'll never ever give up.]
[You're always a very, very strong man, right...?]
get back to your sense already!!
Pg. 12-13
[I've already attacked him that many times,]
[yet not a single scratch!?]
Toki - ...Nothing works on me, Yuuki...
It doesn't work.
None of your fists...reach me.
Pg. 14
Yuuki - How's that possible!?
Toki - Well...
you used "echo", didn't you...?
In this underground tunnel, it's easy to create an echo using just a single "sound".
The "echo" multiplies and bounce back to you, as you absorb them to amplify your power.
How your drawings sing along is due to echoes coming from several directions...like on the mountains.
...Indeed, that's one flawless ability.
I would've been done for without my current power.
Pg. 15
right now...
it doesn't even budge me.
Yuuki - That can't be!!
No matter how powerful your power is, you can't possibly...
[Crap...it's my own power, but the "strain" it places on my body is...]
Pg. 16
Toki - ...Your body is screaming though? That is just too much for you, huh?
You went way over yourself, your "Sound" is weakening even further now. Let's call it quits...
Yuuki - ...Never!!
I'll never let you go!!
Toki - ...I'm
the Joker.
Pg. 17
Your Fourth
is long gone.
Pg. 18
President - Wha...What's all this about!?
Ho-...How's Sakurakouji-san doing...!?
Rui - Shibuya!!
..They're still unsure about it.
Calm down. They lack blood for Sakurakouji!!
You're the only one who can donate it to her.
President - ...Aah...If...If I knew it'll end up like this,
I would never have let her get involved with us at all,
no matter how much she wanted to...
Pg. 19
Doctor - Her blood pressure is 60, now...
Sakurakouji - ...Where am I...?
...It's so dark and cold...
Ah, wait, Chibigami-kun!!
There are things I want to ask you...
Pg. 20
[Could this be...the memory]
[I lost back then!?]
** The mark "He" placed behind Sakura's neck comes to light!! To what and where will it lead...!? **
next: Speculate the Beginning of the End!!
to be continued
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Keep up the good work Ju-da~
If the new group taking this up doesn't do a well job or drop it later on I'll look at it after mid June when I get time to work again and release as long as there's tls^^
In the meantime...*goes back to programming his project*..RAWRRR