As my English is imperfect, if possible, please proofread before using this for scanlation.
code:185 "The Angel's Judgment"Pg. 1
Sakura - This Kibou High is special to rare kinds and power users!?
Lunch - ...This is
where December 32 occurred.
** Looking back at where it all begun!! **
Sakura - Eh!?
In this school!?
Lunch - ...After that, the school is reconstructed here to cover up everything on that incident.
Sakura - R-...Really...?
Lunch - ...Ever since then, people fear negation, and power users and rare kinds are prohibited to live together.
President Shibuya was the one who let us into this school.
Sakura - President...
Ogami - As he's neutral, he couldn't refuse to your wish to stay here, huh.
Pg. 2
That's why I have the same uniform as Rei.
I'm glad.
** Is he serious, or is he just joking? No one can ever tell of that!! **
...If it wasn't because of December 32, we would've always remained friends and come to school together.
Sakura - [Come to think of it, they were wearing those uniforms back when we first met them at "Eden" HQ...]
Ogami - Ridiculous.
Pg. 3
Student - Hm!? Was something flashing just now!?
[Let's hurry. Lunch is almost over now.]
Ogami - You really think you can threaten me with this?
Enough with your stupid game...
Lunch - It just
barely started.
Sakura - ...Eh!?
Pg. 4-5
*You got a mail*
*One mail in*
Sakura - What!?
[What's this!?]
Students - [What's this thing?!]
[I thought my phone isn't working~]
Sakura - [Everyone in the school got a mail at the same time!?]
Me too...
Students - Eh!? What the? It just redirected us to some site...
..."Angel's Judgment"!?
What's this page?
Pg. 6
Four-eyes - Howdy~!! Welcome you all to the "Angel's Judgment".
Sakura - "Raggae Four-eyes"!!
Four-eyes - I'll tell you something awesome that you've never heard of before, so listen well.
This guy is the serial murderer who was sentenced for life imprisonment, Koudan Tarou, 21 years old.
He stabbed innocent passers by one after another, severely injured three and even killed one old woman.
Plu~s!! When in court, he declared that "killing just one person won't get him executed. The killer is the winner."
I even brought to~ns of people who're like him out from jail!!
Pg. 7
Students - Eh!? Really...?
Ah!! I know this guy!! He's that heartless guy who has no remorse at all.
Life imprisonment? That's way too light for them.
I feel bad for those that got killed.
Four-eyes - Whether these guys deserve public execution or not:
the choice is in
your hands now.
If you want them to live, click "Life". If you want them dead, click "Death".
Clicky!! Clicky!!
Justice is now in your hands!!
The Angels shall pass the judgment in your place...!!
Sakura - A-...Are you crazy? Wh-...Who would've been able to...
Not to mention, no one will ever participate in this...
Pg. 8
The "Death" gauge is filling up...?
How come!? Why is it...
Who is participating in this...?
Pg. 9
Students - [Ahaha. So stupid.]
[Is this guy nuts?]
[Let's report this!]
[This is crazy.]
[Let's go.]
Sakura - No...
[The-...There are people participating in this game!?]
[There are people who want...]
[these criminals "dead"!?]
Lunch - Whether they'll pass it out as a joke,
whether they'll participate or not,
whether they'll let them "live" or "die"
humans will be the one to decide. We just give them the space to do so.
Pg. 10
humans are all fools who don't know the value of life anyway.
So I know they'll definitely participate.
Sakura - Stop it!! Why are you...
Students - Eh!?
No, I didn't...
Sakura - Do you really wish these people dead!?
What'll you do if you really kill them...just by that one click!?
Pg. 11
Student - C'mon, it's just a bad joke, isn't it!? Like I'll join in this anyway.
I didn't even press it though.
This crazy game is just way too scary, eh?
By the way,
these guys are better off dead, yet you sympathize for them? You're so kind, Sakurakouji-san.
[Sakurakouji-san was talking to me!]
Sakur - Why...
How can you say something like that...?
There are people who, while they always say nice stuff...
can half-joke about letting other people die...?
If people die, it'll just be like back then.
[He's dead.]
turn cold,
and still...
Pg. 12
Ogami - Hahahaha!! Those garbage should just die!!
No matter who it is, they'll definitely have that feeling inside...That's what humans are.
...But that's what we,
the "Code:Breakers", are for.
Sakura - Wha...
[I thought you already changed...and got your human soul back,]
Ogami - [Say it then. Who is it do you want dead...?]
Sakura - [but he's still the same deep down...]
Ogami - Though,
Pg. 13
I don't care about those who was already judged by law,
but if you lay your hands on them,
then you really are trash.
Kanda - Ev-...Everyone, get to class already!! [Fifth period had already started.]
Lunch - So hot...
but you should already know that your flame won't work on me...
Pg. 14
Sakura - I see!! He burned that phone he used to send the commands...
Lunch - I have a spare though.
...Just be honest.
You're actually scared, aren't you? Of seeing the "death" gauge filling up.
...You actually don't want to see
the evil side of people.
Of people wishing for others' death.
Pg. 15
If you want to stop the "Angel's Judgment", then clear this survival game.
Since no matter what you do, you can't win me.
100,000 high schoolers in this area are the one who'll make that "judgment".
If the "Death" gauge counts up to 80,000, we'll execute those people.
...If you can clear the game before then, we won't execute them.
A wonderful deal if it can save people's lives, no?
Sakura - Wha...
Ogami - ...Why you.
Classmates - Bring it!!
Pg. 16
Fine!! May it be Yakisoba Bread or even steak set, we'll bring them to you!!
I don't know what's this all about, but even if you used to be Ogami's friend, I won't let you trouble him.
Ogami!! We're still on your side!!
I'll even make Maeshun get 100% on his test.
You crazy!!? That's not possible...
Ogami - Hey...erm!!
I do appreciate your help, but this isn't something to be joking around...
Classmate - ...Why do you have to follow what Lunch-kun said...?
This is our school!! Why can't we just compete in Kibou High's way!?
Nice one, Momiji!!
Hell yeah!!
Ogami - Wa-...
Classmate - Like they said, when in Rome, do as the Romans do!!
Ogami - Listen...
Classmate - With that said!!
Pg. 17
We'll settle this in Kibou High's "Sport Day", coming tomorrow!!
Pg. 18
Ogami - Are you stupid!!? What are you...
Sakura - That's indeed a perfect idea. [Good job, Momiji.]
Ogami - Huh...!?
Sakura - What'll you say then, Lunch-dono? Let's play that game in our Sports Day.
Lunch - "Sport Day"
...what's that? [Is it "Sapote Day"?]
== For those who don't know, sapote is a kind of fruit...though it's just my attempt to get the pun over. In Japanese, "Sport Day" is "taiikusai". Lunch was saying "Is it a friend of 'chinkeisai" (some green vegetable which I already forgot the English name of)?"
Sakura - There's a race, a mock chivalry battle, a ball-toss game...
It's a day where everyone can enjoy playing sports together...
Lunch - And?
Sakura - And cheerleading competition.
Lunch - And?
Sakura - And we all...
We all can eat lunch together...
[We all]
[can eat]
Pg. 19
Lunch - Alright.
Ogami - N-...
This is the matter of people's lives. I can't let you get involved in this.
Plus, the rare-...that guy's strength is beyond that of normal people. There's no way you can defeat him...
Toki - Now that's interesting!!
We already heard everything from Kanda.
Pg. 20
** The heated Sport Day to stop the fiends is about to begin...!! **
We'll enjoy that "Sport Day"
to stop the "Angel's Judgment" too.
next: Give a boy three days, and he'll turn into another person.
to be continued
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