As my English is imperfect, if possible, please proofread before using this for scanlation.
code:191 "When the Fox and the Raccoon Switch"Pg. 1
The beach with the bliss of eyes
is definitely the best!!
Pg. 2
Sakurakouji - Ogami!! Guys!!
Did you notice that!? Just now, when Cool Yankee-dono fell down, he was trying to protect his right knee...!!
** Already hit on the vital spot, the weakness of rarekind!? **
Could that mean Cool Yankee-dono's vital spot is on his right knee!?
Rui - ...I think we'll have to test it out once more...
Toki - ...If that so,
Pg. 3
just leave it to me then!!
Sakura - Toki-kun!!
Ogami-kun can't possibly do this by himself, can't he?
Pg. 4
Oh, still sitting there, Yankee-chan~?
Announcer - Oh!! The red team suddenly got back on the lead...!!
But he'll have to face many more obstacles in this race!!
The hurdle!!
The vaulting horse!!
The monkey bars!!
Pg. 5
Girls - [Kyaa~]
Rui - He's incredible!! He's really racing on par with the rarekind.
Just how did he...
Classmate - Even the girls on the white team are cheering for him...
Th-...The girls...
Heike - It's his "Magnetism".
While he's also physically fit, but all those sport equipments are composed of metal fixtures. With that, he can adjust his power to aid in his race.
Rui - Gosh!! That "Magnetism" is way too user-friendly.
Heike - ...Don't be ridiculous. Even with the easiest tool to use, the main key is in
Pg. 6
how creative and skillful you are in utilizing it...
That quality of him is the best out of all of us.
Rui - Can't possibly argue to that.
Yuuki - He makes the worst enemy ever, after all.
Sakura - He's really awesome.
Ogami - Not only that
Announcer - Oh! Next up is the "net"!!
It's a simple obstacle, but can be really troublesome too!!
Yuuki - "Magnetism" won't work on that.
Announcer - White team quickly gets on the lead!!
Cool - First in.
Pg. 8
Toki - Got your knee now!!
Sakura - H-...
[His vital point!!]
He collapsed!!
Haha~!! So that's really your vital point, eh!?
Too bad for you!! You couldn't hide it from us...
Pg. 9
Sakura - Toki-kun!!
[H-...His right knee!? He kicked Toki-kun using the knee that was supposed to be his weak point!?]
[What is going on...?]
Cool - That's a fake.
Toki - Ugh...
Cool - I pretended to protect my knee as I fell to see if you'll take the bite.
...I never thought you'll learn about the vital spots, but
like hell I'll show your my weak point that easily.
Sakura - Wha-...!?
[That was fake...!!]
Pg. 9
You must've worked so hard, thinking that that can bring me down, but tough luck, blond guy.
Toki - Bullshit!!
Pg. 10
Sakura - Toki-kun!!
Toki - Ugh...
Rui - He got punched hard by the rarekind...!!
Did he break his rib!?
Cool - Fool.
You should know since our last fight that your speed and power are no match for...
Pg. 11
Classmate - Wha...
What happened...
Iron the school field, huh?
You think your vain struggle can defeat me...
Toki - Found~ it <3
Pg. 12
That right wrist...So that's your vital point, huh?
Toki - It's just sand, but I knew you'll protect your spot from this unforeseen attack right away...
that should be enough to disclose your vital spot...right?
Sakura - Toki-kun!!
Rui - You didn't break your...
Pg. 13
Toki - Ain't work on me~
Sakura - Wha...?
[Iron plate armor!!]
Cool - ...An act, huh!!?
Toki - I already know how powerful and speedy you guys are.
Like I'll let that punch touches my naughty body again.
...Rest assured though. I'm not going to rely on that weak point to gain my victory.
...Since what you did was totally unforgivable.
Pg. 14
You fiends are going down by my iron hammer...
Just watch.
Sakura - Toki-kun!! He knew that that knee isn't his weak point and planned his attack from the very start!?
Ogami - ...I knew he'll do that.
Sakura - Eh!?
Ogami - He isn't any genius,
but still,
he can always find his gold in all crisis, just like a weed.
Pg. 15
Toki - Another 10,000 votes off the "Death" gauge!!
Good that you have me in, right!? Cap'n Ogami.
Ogami - ...I'm not depending on anyone.
Sakura - Ogami, you were praising Toki-kun so much just now, but why did you change to sound so hateful!? You're weird.
Toki - Eeh~!? What!? Ogami-kun praised me? You fell for me?
Ogami - Go away, you weed. [Want me to reap all those corny hair off you?]
Toki - ['DA HELL!? I don't want that from you, algae head!]
Ogami - [Piss off, corn bastard.]
Sakura - They really get along well.
Pg. 16
Cat - Now they know your weak point, clumsy!! Just what were you doing!!?
Cool - Head, it's just as we thought.
They've definitely learned about the vital spot...
They must've got those top secret data, probably from Saechika,
including all the super top secret of "Eden" we wanted...
Cat - Wh-...
[You mean, you show them your weakness to make sure of that?]
Cool - Weakness!? They can't defeat me anyway, whether they know my weakness or not.
But well, at least I get a little more thrill for fun.
Cat - Huh...
Franken - This makes our participation in the Sport Days worth while.
God must've wished for this.
Pg. 17-18
Lunch - Sports Day...
It'd be good if we can eat lunch together, it's
about to start.
Four-eyes - Well then, all of you criminals are now as free as birds~?
Criminal - Wh-...Why are you freeing us!?
Weren't you going to execute us!?
Four eye - You'll
know why soon.
Pg. 19
Pg. 20
Classmate - Go-...Gosh!! We're getting good, but trying for straight first places is really harsh.
A minority vs...the rest of the student body...The difference is just too...
The White team has all the "replacements" they want, after all...
Sakura - [It's no surprise that they'll be completely exhausted after competing in team competititon over and over...]
[...If we can't win this fast,]
[we'll lost our only way to decrease the "Death" gauge...!!]
[What'll we do...]
...It's still too fast to give up. We still can do it.]
Pg. 21
We'll turn the table in our last fight...the "cavalry battle"!!
Announcer - Our last event, "cavalry battle", will start in the afternoon.
Sakura - Eh...!?
Uesugi - Right.
** The rarekinds commence their dubious plan in the shadow!! The race between cavalry battle and time hints of the upcoming storm!! **
next: Give an inch to get a mile!!
to be continued
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