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Katekyo Hitman Reborn! 186

Katekyo Hitman REBORN! 186

+ posted by kirimi as translation on Mar 22, 2008 10:02 | Go to Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

-> RTS Page for Katekyo Hitman Reborn! 186

(WJ 2008 #17)

Target 186 VS Baishana

Note: I made a change in translation from ch 185 to use monster bear instead of demon bear for 'onikuma'. An onikuma is a Japanese mystical creature, like tengu and kappa. So, when spoken by the Japanese characters, I may leave it untranslated.

Secondly, Baishana's speech pattern is very weird. I'm still trying to get used to is, so let me know what you think. I'd appreciate any feedback! :D Also, thanks to zindryr for help with obscure Millefiore sayings. XD



[overlay text: A man who kills his own comrades – Baishana!!]

Katekyo Hitman REBORN!
Amano Akira

標的186 vs.バイシャナ
Target 186 VS Baishana

何だ あいつは!?」
Hayato: What the hell!?
Baishana: We…

Baishana: request…
thy flesh and blood.

Yamamoto: H-his carpet is floating!
Hayato: Who cares?! Why is one of the Millefiore guys killed here!!

了平「こいつは鬼熊使いのニゲラ・ベアバングル 熊の匣兵器を使う相当な猛者だときく・・・」
Ryouhei: He's the onikuma user, Nigella Beabunkul.
He fights with a bear Box weapon, and I heard he's quite a tough guy…

[* Onikuma is a monster bear.]


Hayato: !?

Boys: (There's something else there…!!)

Hayato: (What's that…
creepy sound…)

Yamamoto: Something dropped out!!
Ryouhei: …!!

「なっ まさかあの爪は・・・
Hayato: Wha-
Is that claw from… !!

Hayato: It-it's…
a bear's claw!!


Yamamoto: What the hell's in there!?
Hayato: It's huge!!

Everyone: !!

「ぐっ !!」
Yamamoto: Guh!!

Everyone: !!


SFX: BIG F-ING LOOMING SNAKE [* ignore this >_>]

Yamamoto: A giant snake!!
Ryouhei: Those flames… It's a Box weapon!!
Hayato: ……!!

バイシャナ「ほほう そうか嵐蛇(セルペ・テンペスタ)
その満足気な顔付き ニゲラの鬼熊はなかなか食いでがあったと見える」
Baishana: Hoho. That's right. Meet Serpente Tempesta.
From the look of satisfaction on his face, he must have enjoyed the taste of Nigella's monster bear.

[* Italian for Storm Snake.]

Yamamoto: !!
Ryouhei: Im-impossible… That thing ate Nieglla's Box weapon…!


バイシャナ「さよう 我が匣 嵐蛇は匣職人ケーニッヒの新作なり
Baishana: That is so.
My Box, the Serpente Tempesta, is the newest creation of the Box-maker, Koenig.

他の匣兵器を捕食することで成長し 戦闘力を高める能力を持っておる」
Baishana: It has the ability to grow by feeding on other Box weapons.
And its fighting power will also grow accordingly.

了平「ありうる話だ タコ頭のネコ助も食うしな ?どうしたのだタコ頭」
Yamamoto: !
A Box can eat things?
Ryouhei: It's not unheard of.
Octopus Head's kittykins was eating too.
What's the matter, Octopus Head!?

Hayato: Wh-what do you mean, what's the matter…!?
Haven't you two realized!? Look at its form! That thing is not just a giant snake!!
It's one of the top 8 living things I hope to encounter in my life!! It's a mystical beast that can only be found in Japan!!

Hayato: The Tsuchinoko!!!

[* Hayato just explained what a tsuchinoko is much better than I can. LOL.]

Ryouhei: Ah, yeah. A real tsuchinoko was discovered 3 years ago though.
Hayato: Are you serious!!!

Ryouhei: So, it is a very new Box.

バイシャナ「我 汝らの血と肉を所望す」
Baishana: We request…
thy flesh and blood.


Hayato: Kuh!

山本「理屈はわかったが なぜ仲間の匣兵器を食わせる」
Yamamoto: I understand your reasons for it, but why consume a comrade's Box?
Hayato: Dissension within, maybe?

Baishana: Fuahahahaha!!
Comrade? What an absurd idea!!

我らホワイトスペルと ブラックスペルを同等と見るべからず
我らは未来を掴む優れた選ばれし光 あれらは腐った過去の愚かな遺物よ!!
Baishana: We of the White Spell do not consider the Black Spell on equal standing.
We are the light, the chosen ones, that shall seize the future. They are obsolete relics of the decaying past!!

劣る者が優るる者に搾取されるは世の理 古く黴臭い貴様らボンゴレもまたしかり」
Baishana: In our world order, the inferior exist only to be exploited by the elite.
And the same applies to you Vongola, antiquated and stale.

Yamamoto: …..
Hayato: Fuck you!!


了平「どうやらミルフィオーレ内部も 相当イザコザってるらしいな・・・
Ryouhei: There appears to be some bickering within the Millefiore too…

だが いかなる理由があろうと 共に戦う者を食いものにしようなど許されることではない」
Ryouhei: But, whatever the reason may be,
to consume someone who's fought beside you is absolutely unforgivable.

獄「なっ お前戦う気かよ!!ここはオレにやらせろ!!」
Hayato: Hey! You want to fight!?
Let me handle this!!
Ryouhei: Sorry, Octopus Head.

Ryouhei: You're too late.


[ no text ]


Yamamoto: O…oi…
Hayato: Ah…

Yamamoto: That's… senpai's…
Hayato: Animal type Box weapon…

了平「そうだ こいつこそが我が道を貫く漢の匣兵器
Ryouhei: That's right.
He has lived up to my path to become a worthy Box weapon of honour.

Ryouhei: His name is incomparable to the extreme!!


Ryouhei: Kangaryuu!!!!

[* Literally means My Way of Honour.]

Yamamoto: I knew it! It's a kangaroo!!
Very cool!!
Hayato: (The naming is more normal than I expected.)

Ryouhei: I, Sasagawa Ryouhei, will be your opponent!!


バイシャナ「ほほう 汝がボンゴレの晴の守護者 そしてそれが匣兵器か・・・
Baishana: Hoho.
Thou are the Vongola Sun Guardian. Is that your Box weapon…?

限りなくあわれなり 汝の匣兵器で嵐蛇を倒そうなどと千年早し」
Baishana: How infinitely pathetic.
Thy Box weapon will not defeat my Serpente Tempesta--not even in a thousand years.

Ryouhei: What!?

バイシャナ「わからぬか?嵐蛇は技をくらったのではなく受けたのだ 見るがよい」
Baishana: Do you comprehend? The Serpente Tempesta was not the one who received your attack. Rather, it has already struck back.
Take a good look.

Ryouhei: !!


Ryouhei: 'Garyuu!!

バイシャナ「我が嵐蛇のウロコからは嵐属性の炎が吹き出しておる 汝らも知っておろう?嵐属性の特徴は」
Baishana: The Storm flames are emitted from the scales of my Serpente Tempesta.
Thou should also be aware of the characteristics of the Storm attribute?

Hayato: Degeneration!!!

バイシャナ「さよう ウロコに触れただけでその物質は砕け破壊されるのだ 汝の匣兵器はもう動けまい
Baishana: That is so. Any material that comes into contact with his scales will start to break down and be destroyed.
Thy Box weapon is finished.


晴の匣は 活性などというおよそ攻撃的でない能力のために 先頭に立って戦うなという意味よ 晴では嵐には勝てぬ」
Baishana: We, the Millefiore, have a saying, "To shine through an overcast is a virtue."
A Sun Box's activation practically means it has a non-combat ability. In other words, it will never stand in the front line to fight. Your Sun attribute can never defeat Storm.

Yamamoto: That's not good.
Hayato: Lawn head!! Stand back!!
Your Box's attribute is at a disadvantage!!

Ryouhei: There appears to be some misunderstanding here.
How many years have I been a boxer?

トレーナーをリングに送り出すボクサーが どこにいる」
Ryouhei: Have you ever seen…
a boxer pushed out of the ring by his own trainer?

Baishana: !?

Hayato & Yamamoto: !!?


了平「第一 ミルフィオーレの格言などオレには無駄な説法だ」
Ryouhei: In the first place, the Millefiore's sayings and whatever are pointless to me.

Baishana: What?

Ryouhei: We, Vongola, have our own mission.
The mission of the Vongola Guardians!!

獄寺・・・山本・・・いつ何時も忘れるなよ リング争奪戦で体現し初代ファミリーより脈々と受け継がれてきた オレ達のその使命を
Ryouhei: Gokudera… Yamamoto… You must never forget that.
Since the Ring battles, we have embodied the missions that were inherited through every generation since the First Boss' Family.

行くぞ 我流」
Ryouhei: Let's go, 'Garyuu.


Garyuu: Gaaaaaaa!!

Hayato: Light is shining out from his pouch!!

Ryouhei: Shoot them!!


了平「我が匣 漢我流は 二段式の支援型匣
Ryouhei: My Box, Kangaryuu, is…
a backup-type support Box.

そして ボンゴレ晴の守護者 笹川了平・・・その使命は・・・
Ryouhei: As for me, I am the Vongola Sun Guardian, Sasagawa Ryouhei…
My mission is…

ファミリーを襲う逆境を自らの肉体で砕き 明るく照らす日輪!!!!」
Ryouhei: To crush any adversities that assault the Family with my own body!!
I am the Sun that shines bright!!!!

[overlay text: His burning will hasn't changed in 10 years!! Always ready for battle!!



1. Please don't change anything in the translation without going through me first.
2. Please credit the translator. Also, if you use this translation, it'd be nice of you to announce your release on MH. Thanks!
3. Ryouhei on the last page is all kinds of SEXY.

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#1. by Slashout ()
Posted on Mar 22, 2008
Thanks a lot for the translation Kirimi-chan !
Such a great chapter...
Ryohei was really cool at the end.
He only said EXTREME once though. But it was so cool... Go for it Ryohei ! :D
#2. by RyuSensei ()
Posted on Mar 22, 2008
Great job as always, thanks Kirimi-chiiiii~n xD
Edit: lil mistake on the 2nd "Yamamato" 9th page.
#3. by thegreatest08 ()
Posted on Mar 22, 2008
thnx Kirimi, quick trans as usual
#4. by kirimi ()
Posted on Mar 22, 2008
Quote by RyuSensei;780402:

Edit: lil mistake on the 2nd "Yamamato" 9th page.

Oops! I either miss out the 'm' or add an extra. >_> Thanks for spotting!

<3 to everyone too~
#5. by RyuSensei ()
Posted on Mar 22, 2008
No prob :P, french translation done \o/.
#6. by 526663 ()
Posted on Mar 22, 2008
Thanks kirimi! N yeah Ryohei looks cool! =P
#7. by Emy ()
Posted on Mar 22, 2008
thx Kirimi ^^
#8. by noonethere ()
Posted on Mar 22, 2008
Thx a lot!!!
#9. by jjmase03 ()
Posted on Mar 22, 2008
thanks for the trans!
#10. by black_crow ()
Posted on Mar 22, 2008
Thanks Kirimi!!~
Ryouhei sounds so cool~
#11. by jaimacando ()
Posted on Mar 24, 2008

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