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Undercurrent 11

Chapter 11

+ posted by Laika as translation on Feb 24, 2009 14:03 | Go to Undercurrent

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I wanted to know the ending, but I also wanted to keep on reading it. Thank you for your continual support.

Heading towards the truth, passing through the days with the people most important to us, we reach the conclusion.

The Last Chapter

The husband who had disappeared has been found. What is the truth behind his web of lies. Kanae heads towards what could perhaps become her final meeting with him.

Kanae: ... Where was he?
はっきりとしたことはこたえられないんですが。。。 島です
Yamazaki: I can't really answer that clearly but... an island
Kanae: An island?

そう しかも 一応東京都なんですよね
Yamazaki: Yup, and what more he was even once in the Tokyo metro area
Kanae: ... How do you know all this?

これいっちゃっていいのかなあ。。。 まあいいや
Yamazaki: I wonder if it's okay to tell you this but... Whatever
あのね 彼も探偵を雇ってたんですようちの社じゃないけど
Yamazaki: Well, he hired a detective too. But it wasn't from my agency

Kanae: Huh!?
まあ 彼も消えたもの のあとのことがきがかりだったんでしょうなあ
Yamazaki: He must have been worried about what would happen after he disappeared
Yamazaki: Didn't you notice a guy sneaking about around you?

Kanae: No, not at all...

前に遊園地で待ち合わせしたでしょう あの時変な奴にきがついたんですよ それであちこち歩いてもらったんです
Yamazaki: We met at an amusement park before, right? I noticed someone weird then, so I had you walk around a bit
そしたら案の定 あなたを尾行していたわけです あなたと別れたあと そいつをとっ捕まえたらやっぱり同業でした
Yamazaki: And just as I expected, he was tailing you. After we parted I caught up to him and sure enough he was in the same business

まあ雇い主 訊いたって フツー教えちゃくれませんけど そこはまあ いろいろとナニしてですね。。。 なんとか つきとめたわけです
Yamazaki: I asked him who hired him and, normally you wouldn't give it out, but, well... I have my ways and worked my magic and was able to find out anyhow.
Yamazaki: When I reveal all my secrets, it's really not that impressive is it?

Yamazaki: ... Are you angry?

Yamazaki: ... I sympathize with you

僕の知り合いのやってる店でしてね 定休日なのをちょっと借りたんです
Yamazaki: This is a shop that an acquaintance of mine runs. They're on holiday so I'm just borrowing it for a bit.

Yamazaki: Wait here please
Yamazaki: Would you like some coffee?
Kanae: Please...

Kanae: Your hair grew out
Satoru: Yeah
Kanae: Your beard too

Kanae: Somehow it seems like recently all the men have been growing beards.

Satoru: You've been alright?

まあね 元気よ
Kanae: Yeah, I've been okay.
Satoru: And Auntie?
変わりないよ クラも元気
Kanae: Same as ever, Kura's fine too
でもそんなこと全部しってるんじゃないの? 報告書で
Kanae: But you know all that already didn't you? From the reports

Satoru: Ah-

えー お待たせしました 当店特製のブレンドです
Yamazaki: Ah, sorry for the wait, this is our special house blend.

Yamazaki: Please enjoy

Satoru: ...Is that weird detective the one you hired?
うん まあ なりゆきでね 菅野の薦めなの
Kanae: Yup, well, that's what ended up happening, Kanno recommended him
ああ。。。 よう子ちゃん元気?
Satoru: Ah... and is Youko-chan well?
元気よ 1歳になる子供がいるの
Kanae: She's well, she's got a kid who's about to turn 1

Kanae: I wonder if this sort of thing wouldn't have happened If we had kids

Kanae: Why did you leave without saying anything?

おや お出かけかな?
Sabu: Oh, are you going out?

Sabu: Or are you setting off on a journey...

どれ ひとつ 見送るとするか
Sabu: Whichever it is, shall I see you off once?

Satoru: I'm a liar.

小さいころ両親が死んだというのも嘘なんだ 2年前まで生きてたずっと会ってなかったけど
Satoru: I lied about my parents dying when I was young. They were alive until 2 years ago, though I hadn't met them in a while.

そのことは知ってる 山崎さんが調べてくれたの
Kanae: I knew that. Yamazaki-san looked into it for me.

僕は子供の頃から大嘘つきでね なんの罪悪感もなく スラララと 口からでまかせばかりでるんだ
Satoru: Every since I was a child I've been a huge liar. Nonsense would just come spouting out of my mouth with even the slightest feeling of guilt.
外面がいいから はじめのうちは皆 信じるでもそのうち おかしいと思う奴が一人二人 出てくる
Satoru: I carried myself well so in the beginning everyone trusted me, but sooner or later, there would be 1 or 2 guys who would start to suspect

でもそういう奴は僕より 口が立たないことが多いから早めにつぶしておくんだ
Satoru: But there would be many things those guys wouldn't be as eloquent as I would be about so I would be able to deal with them early on
でもそんなことは いつまでも 続かない 一つの嘘をつき通すのに さらに10も20も嘘をつき続けなきゃならないからね
Satoru: But I couldn't continue doing that sort of thing forever, because to sustain one lie, I would have to continue telling 20 or 30 lies

。。。やがて 破綻が来るそしてその場から逃げていく
Satoru: ... Eventually the bubble would burst, and I would run away from wherever I was

Satoru: That's what's repeated for a long time.

会社を辞めて銭湯の仕事に就いたのも 本当は会社にいられなくなったからなんだ
Satoru: Quitting the company and working at the bath house was one too. The truth was that I couldn't remain in the company.
会社の子の不祥事を僕が 肩代わりしたように見せかけたけど 本当は僕が全部やったんだ
Satoru: I made it look like I was taking the fall for my co-worker's scandal but actually I was responsible for all of it

ひどい男だろう? なんでこんなひどい男のいうことを皆信じるのかって思うよね でも人を信じさせることなんて簡単なんだ
Satoru: I'm a cruel man, aren't I? You must be wondering why everyone would trust such a cruel person, but it's easy to make people trust you
僕はその人が何を信じたがっているか 何を言ってもらいたいかが 手に取るようにわかる そしてそれを与えることができる
I understand what those people want to believe in and what they want to be told as if they were in the palm of my hand. And I was able to give those things to them.

Satoru: People prefer pleasant lies rather than the truth
皆 本当のことなんか知りたくないんだ 騙されたがっているんだよ
Satoru: Nobody wants to know something like truth. They all want to be deceived.
Kanae: Did you think that way about me too?

Kanae: Was getting married to me just so you could deceive people about the lies you told at the company.

あたしにいったことや二人で話し合ったことも 何から何まで全部嘘だったの
Kanae: Were the things you told me and the things we talked about together -from the beginning to the end- all lies?

この間の連れ去り事件 無事 子供が戻ってよかったのう
Sabu: It's a good thing that the kid came back unharmed from that kidnapping case that happened a bit ago.
Sabu: It truly has become, in the past years, a tough time to be alive for kids.

Sabu: Around here, an incident that dangerous has never occurred before but

。。。そういえば 昔似たようないやもっとひどい結末の事件が起こったことがあったなあ
Sabu: ... now that I mention it, there was a similar- no, an incident with an even worse outcome that happened. It was 25 years ago.

このあたりに住んどった 小さな女の子が連れさらわれた事件があったんじゃよ
Sabu: There was an incident where a little girl who lived around here was kidnapped

いたましいことにここから 離れた場所にあった池で 首を絞められた溺死体で発見されたんじゃ
もう その池は 埋め立てられて団地になっとるが。。。
Sabu: It was a real tragedy. She was strangled and her drowned body was discovered in a pond at a location away from here. The pond's been filled up and it's become multi-unit apartment complex but...

結局犯人は捕まらず その女の子の家族はどこかへ 引っ越して行方もわからなくなった
Sabu: The criminal was never apprehended and the girl's family moved somewhere unknown. It's all a story of the bygone past.

あの女の子には五つ年上の兄がいて 当時小学生だったな
Sabu: That girl had a brother who was five years older. At the time he was an elementary school student.
Sabu: If he were alive he'd be around 35 or 36

Sabu: So, what could he have come to do now, eh? "Brother"?

嘘つきが 「それは嘘だよ」っていったらそれは本当かな?
Satoru: If a liar said, "That is a lie" would it be true?
Satoru: Or would it be a lie?

もう僕には何が嘘で何が本当なのか よくわからない
Satoru: I don't really know what was a lie and what was the truth anymore
。。。でも 君には本当のことを打ち明けたかった
Satoru: ... But I wanted to confide everything in you

何もかも本当のことを打ち明けて君にわかってもらいたかった 君と一緒に本当のことをわかちあいたかった
Satoru: To confess anything and everything to you, and to have you know everything- I wanted to figure out everything together with you
きみに。。。 助けてもらいたかった
Satoru: I wanted you... to save me.

でもどうしても駄目だった、 何度も君に伝えようとしたのに
Satoru: But no matter what, I couldn't do it. No matter how many times I tried to tell you
Satoru: Whenever it got close to the truth I got scared and couldn't say anything

Kanae: ... I knew that you were suffering

いや あなたがいなくなってからだんだんとわかってきたんだけどね
Kanae: Rather, I slowly realized it after you had disappeared

Kanae: You were desperately giving me a sign
Kanae: Now, I realize that.

Kanae: But perhaps I didn't notice it because I wasn't trying to see your actual 'self'
。。。 私は自分の本当の姿だってよくわからないもの
Kanae: ... I mean, I don't even really know my own actual 'self'

Satoru: You aren't a liar
Satoru: You aren't that much of a weakling

ううん 私は強くなんかないよ 弱い人間だよ
Kanae: No, I'm not strong or anything. I'm a weak person.

私たちお互いのこと 何にもわかってなかったのかもしれないね
We both might have never understood anything about each other at all

... Yeah

Hori: ... I didn't really come for any particular reason
たまたま。。。 本当にたまたまなんです
Hori: It was by chance... And I mean, really by chance.

あの事件のあと親父の田舎の九州のほうに引っ越して そこで事件のことを忘れて新しくやり直すはずだったんですが。。。
Hori: After the incident, we moved out to the country side of Kyushu where my old man was from. We were supposed to forget about the event and start over but...
Hori: My mother always blamed herself and it took a toll on her mentally

親父が いくら母親のせいではないといってもだめでした
Hori: No matter how many times my old man told my mother it wasn't her fault it didn't matter
結局 家庭内はグチャグチャになって父親とおふくろは離婚しました
Hori: In the end, it was just too much for the family, and my father and mother divorced

Sabu: An incident always casts a shadow over those who are left behind
Sabu: And what about you?

ぼくは。。。 ぼくも自分を責めました 責めるというより。。。
Hori: I... I also blamed myself. More than just blamed...
Hori: I was haunted by the sense of powerlessness of not being able to protect my sister

ぼくは妹が好きでした 小さい頃はよく一緒に遊んだんです
Hori: I loved my sister. When we were young we played together all the time.
でも小学校の学年が上がるにつれ ぼくは同い年の友だちとばかり遊ぶようになりました
Hori: But as I got to the elementary school age, I started to only play with my friends that were the same age

五つ下の妹と遊んでいるのを友だちにからかわれて 距離をおくようになったのかもしれません
Hori: It might have been that I was teased for playing with my sister who was 5 years younger and distanced myself
とにかく ぼくは妹とは別の世界をつくって 妹は家の離れた同い年の女の子と遊ぶようになったんです
Hori: Anyways, I created a separate world from my sister, and my sister began to play with a girl around her age away from our home

Sabu: And that was Kana-bou...
。。。母親が離婚してから僕は母親について あちこちを転々としました
Hori: ... After my mother got divorced, I went with my mother and moved around from here to there.
。。。新しい場所に移れば移るほどいろんなことが悪くなっていくようでした。。。 その頃の記憶はあまりないです
Hori: ... The more we moved to new places the worse things got... I don't have very many memories from around that time

このあたりにはあれ以来 ずっと近寄ってなんかったんです でもある時仕事で近くを通りかかって。。。
Hori: After what had happened, I hadn't approached the area for a long time, but one time for work I was passing close by.

Hori: Without thinking I walked aimlessly around here

Hori: And then I saw a single woman taking a dog out for a stroll walking towards me
Hori: With one look I knew that was the girl

いや その時ぼくは彼女がまるで妹に見えたんです
Hori: No, at that time I saw her completely as my sister
妹が大きくなったら こうなっていたんじゃないか。。。 そういう想像にぴったりのすがただったんです
Hori: If my sister grew up, wouldn't she look like that...? Her appearance was exactly how I imagined it

Hori: I passed by her feeling like I thought my heart would stop but
もちろん 彼女はぼくに気がつきはしませんでした
Hori: Of course, she didn't notice me

その後 何度かここに来て遠くから彼女のことを見ようとしました
Hori: After that, I came by often trying to watch her from afar
一回だけ 客として銭湯に入ったこともあります
Hori: Just once, I even entered the bath house as a customer.

そうしているうちに いつからか銭湯がずっと休業していて
Hori: While that was happening, at some point the bath house started always being closed
Hori: When I asked the people around, they said it was because her husband had disappeared

Sabu: And so you slipped in as the boiler manager

僕は昔旅館で働いてたこともあるし いろいろ資格も持っていましたから
Hori: I had worked at an inn before so I had the various qualifications
Hori: When I asked the association they introduced me right away

Hori: ... I'm not really sure why I came here myself

Hori: It's not like I think of her as my sister
Hori: And it's not that I think I want her to notice me
だいたい 彼女はそんな昔の事件のことは忘れているように見えました
Hori: For the most part, I viewed her as having forgotten about that incident that had happened so long in the past

。。。でも違う 忘れてなんかいない
Hori: ... But I was wrong. She hadn't forgotten at all.
Hori: I think she had been bearing the wounds and suffering the whole time

なぜ そのことをあの子にいわない?
Sabu: Why didn't you say that to her?

どうしてそのことを伝えない? とうして己のことをあの子に打ち明けないんだ?
Sabu: Why weren't you able to tell her? Why didn't you reveal who you were to her?

それは。。。 いったところでなんにもならないし 彼女も苦しむだけです
Hori: That's... Nothing would come of it if I told her. It would only make her suffer.

そんなことわからんだろう! それに今のままでも苦しんだから ひとつ ふたつ 増えたって どってことあるかい!
Sabu: You don't know that! And she's suffering as it is now so what's one or two more things?

一人の女の子を間にはさんで つながっとる二人だろう
Sabu: If you put yourself in between what that woman's going through, then you'll be connected as two people
お互いに苦しみをぶつけ合えばいい! 傷ついたら泣いてそのことを伝え合えばよい!
Sabu: You should deal with your suffering together! If you're injured then you should cry and talk with each other about it

それでお互いにわかりあえるとは限らんが 苦しみなんてのは内に秘めとくと身を腐らせるだけじゃぞ
Sabu: Though you might not be able to understand each other though it, keeping something like your suffering to yourself will just rot you from the inside out

Hori: ... I don't think there's anything I can do for Kanae-san.

Hori: I should not have come here.

。。。今さら こんあんこというのも偽善だけどいきなり仕事を投げだしたのは本当に悪かったと思ってる
Satoru: ... For me to say this now is also really hypocritical but, I think it was really awful of me to suddenly abandon my job
Satoru: But someone who seemed diligent stepped in afterward so I was a bit relieved.

まじめな人だよ でもいついなくなるかわからないんだ 
Kanae: He is diligent, but I don't know when he'll be leaving
でもいいんだ あたしはもう男なんか 頼らないからね
Kanae: But it's fine, I'm not going to rely on men anymore

Kanae: I'm getting the oil burner ready and Auntie and I will be able to do it by ourselves.

Satoru: I'm going to get going

Satoru: The divorce papers are buried at my place so I'll send it to you later

僕の物は全部処分してほしい また勝手なこといってすまないけど
Satoru: I'd like you to get rid of all my things. Sorry for saying something so selfish again

Kanae: I still haven't heard why you left.

あたしの所では何がだめになったの? どういう嘘でいられなくなったの?
Kanae: Was there something you couldn't stand about me? Some lie that made it so you couldn't stay anymore?

Satoru: ... I'm a liar so...

君のことが本当にすきでだから 一緒にいるのがつらくなった。。。っていうのでどう?
Satoru: I really loved you, and so, it became painful being together with you... How about that?

Kanae: Can I slap you as hard as I can one last time?
Satoru: Go ahead...

カゼひかないでね 食事ちゃんと摂らなきゃだめだよ
Kanae: Don't catch a cold, and don't skip your meals
Satoru: ... Yeah

離婚届送るときちゃんと住所書いてね あとで保険証とか送るから
Kanae: When you send the divorce papers make sure you write your address, I'll send you your insurance card later
Satoru: You don't have to...
Satoru: ... Okay.

あたしたち もっと前にこんあふうに話せたらよかったのにね
Kanae: It would've been good for us if we were able to talk like this before

Satoru: Yeah...


... Goodbye
... Goodbye

Sabu: You're going to go no matter what?

Hori: ... Yes

Sabu: ... That so
ま それもまた人生
Sabu: Well, that's life too.

Sabu: Oh, looks like the bus is here

Sabu: Well, stay healthy

Hori: Goodbye

アンダーカレント 完
Undercurrent End


Stop and pause. Walk and venture forth. Towards the place where you were before. Towards the future.

Probably a lot of grammar mistakes since I'm tired and words dropped here and there.

In retrospect, should probably go back to chapter 5 and change Sabu calling Hori back to "bro" so it foreshadows more.

here's the 'self' issue again that i repeated here for consistency the same way i translated it in umm... 8 or 7?

I should probably find a better word for when Kanae asks if Hori is going to stay. But "I'm not going to stay forever" just sounds so much better... I forget what chapter that's in!

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